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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki

New Cosmetics[]

The following Champion skins have been added to the store:

Releasing July 28 (00:01 UTC):

Releasing July 30 (00:01 UTC):

The following Summoner icons have been added to the store:

The following Emotes have been added to the store:

New accessories
  • Baubles: Condolences, Crown of Mourns, Fistbump, Heads Will Roll, Light in the Darkness, Non-Stick, Raw or Roasted, Spill That Tea, Stay Cool.
  • Icon Borders: Autumnal Nimbus, Knight's Gallantry, Steadfast Dedication, Teamwork Dreamwork.
  • Recalls: The Mist.

Wild Rift V2.4[]


  • Sentinels of Light
    • The Black Mist creeps ever closer, consuming Runeterra even as the Sentinels' ranks grow. In their search for allies, Senna and Lucian encounter a lost Sentinel of the past. Is this reckless rogue's light enough to turn the tide? Join the Sentinels in their final battle, and stand as one against Ruination.
    • The Sentinels of Light event continues July 28, 2021 (00:01 UTC).
AFK, ban, and reporting
  • Initial AFK punishments for certain modes such as Co-Op vs AI have been made more lenient, since AFK behavior in these modes are less impactful to teammates. Repeat or frequent AFK punishments will still be treated normally.
  • Ranked Fortitude loss for AFKing frequently in a ranked game has increased from 10 to 20 points. These points are evenly distributed to the AFK player's allies who were not in the same party as the AFK player.
  • Accounts that have been permabanned will now display a permaban mark on their profile and friends list name card.
  • The Report screen now has a higher character count limit, allowing players to be more detailed in their reports.
Champion Select
  • Bans are coming to Ranked. The last three players on both teams simultaneously ban one champion each. We hope starting with three bans will offer more meaningful, competitive, and healthy drafting experiences for players without negatively impacting champion diversity in the game.
  • Our long-term goal is to increase the ban slots to five per team. We will monitor the performance of three bans closely as we plan for five bans in a future patch.
  • Bans will be available in Ranked on July 29, 2021 (6:00 AM UTC).
End of Game
  • We're adding progression systems to the end-of-game screen so players can have a better understanding of their progress after each game, and know when they have rewards to claim. For 2.4, we'll be featuring progress towards Wild Pass, daily, and challenge missions. We're planning on adding more systems to this page over time, like event progression.
  • The updated EoG screen will be available on July 27, 2021 (00:01 UTC).
New Highlights
  • Highlights are coming in Patch 2.4. If you turn on Highlights recording in your settings, we'll record your best moments—from multi-kills to dragon steals. These will record your screen as you play, so it will capture your inputs in the high moments as well. You can review and save them to your phone on the end-of-game stats screen. Turning on Highlights Recording may impact your battery usage and performance.
  • Highlights will be available on July 27, 2021 (00:01 UTC).
In-app patch notes
  • You can now access Wild Rift's patch notes via a button in the app. Head to the top left of the home screen to get access to all the recent patch notes on the Wild Rift website.
Language Support
  • Added in-game text localization support for Simplified Chinese (Malaysia).
  • Ranked Season 3 begins on July 26, 2021 (3:00 PM PDT).
    • If you reach Gold (and win 10 games) this season, Glorious Lulu Glorious Lulu will be added to your collection. Friendly reminder that there will be a few display issues during the season's start. If you just want to play when things have settled down, we recommend waiting one day after the season has begun to play Ranked.
  • We are removing Promotion Matches from Ranked play. We believe the interruption to Wild Rift's ranking experience caused by Promotion Matches currently outweighs the benefits they were meant to provide.
  • Instead of transitioning to a Promotion Match after winning the last match of their current rank, players will immediately move up into the next rank. We will continue to monitor Ranked after their removal to confirm.
  • Promotion Matches will be removed on July 27, 2021 (00:01 UTC).
  • Ranked borders will no longer be displayed in non-ranked queues.
Share Screen
  • We've added the ability to share your Wild Rift achievements to your phone's OS share drawer for easier access to all your favorite apps and social networks. Tapping the icon will open up the OS share drawer from which you can select any app that you want to post to.
  • The share screen update will be available on July 27, 2021.
Spectator and Replay
  • We've added some new ways to spectate matches or replay your own. You can now toggle between Fog of War for the red and/or blue side to understand both teams' vision on the map. In addition, we've created a new HUD that allows for better viewing of teamfights as they are happening. There is now a teamfight HUD, as well as a minimalistic "no HUD" point of view that can be accessed in spectator mode.
  • The new spectator and replay features will be available on July 27, 2021 (00:01 UTC).
Wild Pass
  • The Wild Pass returns for its second outing. We've made a few upgrades from the previous version:
    • Overall, we're increasing the amount of Blue Motes, Poro Coins and Poro Energy you get from purchasing the pass. For example, this time around, you can earn enough Blue Motes for a full champion.
    • We're increasing the amount of free rewards you'll get while leveling up.
    • We're enabling you to gift the pass to other players on your friends list.
    • And despite these buffs, the price isn't changing.
  • From now on, the Wild Pass will be a permanent feature in the game, with no more downtime between each new pass. So get out there and Hexplore the Rift with Hexplorer Teemo Hexplorer Teemo.
  • Wild Pass S2 will be available on July 30, 2021 (00:01 UTC).


  • Cooldowns for ultimates, summoner spells, and items can now be pinged from the scoreboard.
  • Targeting Priority - Closest: We've re-added this setting with a few tweaks so that it only applies to champions. Choosing this setting will make tapping an ability target the closest champion within range.
  • Target Lock Filtering: This new setting makes target-lock selection ignore minions and towers. Players no longer have to worry about accidentally switching targets from enemy champions to minions or towers mid-fight.
  • Tap Targeting system Upgrade: When tapping an ability during a dash, the ability will now try to search for targets centering from the destination point of the dash as opposed to mid-dash.
  • Tuning Changes: We've decreased the likelihood that a lifting off of the screen will result in an extra input read and alter the original intent of the player.
  • Ultimates now only target champions when tap-casted. This is intended to reduce misfires where the player misjudges the range and the spell ends up firing towards a random minion.
    • Exceptions: Corki Corki and Xayah Xayah. Corki because his ultimate is a low cooldown spell commonly used for farming, and Xayah because the reactive untargetability is a big portion of the spell.
  • Visual touch feedback has been added for Android phones.
Death Recap
  • Death Recap now shows the source of damage that killed you.
  • Passive gold
    • Gold generated per second changed to 3 3.5 for the entire match, instead of from 4 Gold 4 to 3 Gold 3 after 8:oo elapse.
    • New Effect - Graceful Charity: Starting from 5:00 elapse, the teammate with the lowest gold amount will receive an additional 1 gold Gold 1 gold per second.
  • Bounty gold (Solo kill / Shared kill / Total assist bonus)
    • Level 8 bounty gold changed from (1120 (+120 per level beyond) / 980 (+105 per level beyond) / 700 (+75 per level beyond)) to (1200 (+100 per level beyond) / 1200 (+100 per level beyond) / 450 (+50 per level beyond)).
    • Level 7 bounty gold changed from (1000 / 875 / 625) to (1100 / 1100 / 400).
    • Level 6 bounty gold changed from (880 / 770 / 550) to (975 / 975 / 350).
    • Level 5 bounty gold changed from (760 / 665 / 475) to (850 / 850 / 300).
    • Level 4 bounty gold changed from (640 / 560 / 400) to (725 / 725 / 250).
    • Level 3 bounty gold changed from (520 / 455 / 325) to (600 / 600 / 225).
    • Level 2 bounty gold changed from (440 / 385 / 275) to (475 / 475 / 200).
    • Level 1 bounty gold changed from (360 / 315 / 225) to (350 / 350 / 175).
    • Level 0 bounty gold changed from (360 / 315 / 225) to (350 / 350 / 175).
    • Level -1 bounty gold changed from (320 / 280 / 200) to (300 / 300 / 150).
    • Level -2 bounty gold changed from (280 / 245 / 175) to (250 / 250 / 125).
    • Level -3 bounty gold changed from (240 / 210 / 150) to (200 / 200 / 100).
    • Level -4 bounty gold changed from (200 / 175 / 125) to (150 / 150 / 80).
    • Level -5 bounty gold changed from (120 / 105 / 75) to (125 / 125 / 65).
    • Level -6 bounty gold changed from (80 / 70 / 50) to (100 / 100 / 50).
  • Improved and optimized champion and skin 3D model performance and enabled more graphics settings.
Health bars
  • Health bars now have an added effect that better displays when an ability consumes your health or heals you.
  • The time allowance between quadra and pentakills has been increased.
  • Improved the experience for players with weak network conditions.
  • Announcement voiceover can now be disabled through the in-game Settings menu.
  • An early surrender period at 5:00 requiring all 5 players to vote "yes" has been added.


Akshan Akshan - New champion
  • Released July 28, 2021 (0:01 UTC).
Amumu Amumu
  • Tantrum Tantrum
    • Bug Fix: Passive now triggers multiple times against abilities with multiple damage instances, rather than triggering just once per such ability.
Ashe Ashe
Fizz Fizz
  • Rending Wave Rending Wave
    • New Effect: Now applies its initial bonus magic damage from the first attack in a 175 radius splash area around the target hit and applies Seastone Trident to targets hit by this splash.
  • Playful Playful / Trickster Trickster
    • New Effect: Protobelt Enchant Protobelt Enchant now buffers during Playful instead of cancelling it.
    • New Effect: Protobelt Enchant Protobelt Enchant no longer cancels Trickster's fall down splash if he did not re-cast Trickster.
Graves Graves
  • Stats
    • Base health reduced from 650 to 610.
    • Base attack damage reduced from 70 to 64.
    • Attack damage growth increased from 3.6 to 4.55.
  • End of the Line End of the Line
    • Cooldown reduced from 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 seconds to 11 / 10 / 9 / 8.
    • Powder Shell bonus AD ratio increased from Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)40% bonus AD to inherit70%.
    • Powder Explosion base damage changed from 85 / 125 / 165 / 205 to 80 / 130 / 180 / 230.
    • Powder Explosion bonus AD ratio changed from Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)100% bonus AD at all ranks to inherit70 / 100 / 130 / 160%.
  • Quickdraw Quickdraw
    • Armor per stack increased from 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 to 6 / 10 / 14 / 18.
Katarina Katarina
  • Death Lotus Death Lotus
    • Grievous Wounds increased from 50% to 60%.
Lucian Lucian
  • Stats
    • Base health reduced from 610 to 570.
    • Base armor reduced from 40 to 35.
    • Base magic resistance reduced from 34 to 30.
    • Magic resistance growth reduced from 1.2 to 0.8.
    • Base mana regeneration reduced from 18 to 15.
    • Base movement speed reduced from 340 to 335.
Rengar Rengar
Varus Varus
Ziggs Ziggs
  • Satchel Charge Satchel Charge
    • Turret execute threshold reduced from Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)20 / 25 / 30 / 35% health to inherit15 / 20 / 25 / 30%.


B. F B. F. Sword
Blasting Wand Blasting Wand
Bloodthirster Bloodthirster
Bramble Vest Bramble Vest
  • Unique passive - Thorns
    • Grievous Wounds reduced from 50% to 40%.
Caulfield's Warhammer Caulfield's Warhammer
Cloak of Agility Cloak of Agility
Crystalline Reflector Crystalline Reflector - New item
  • Recipe: Seeker's Armguard Seeker's Armguard + Fiendish Codex Fiendish Codex + 700 Gold 700 = 2900 Gold 2900.
  • Stats: 45 armor, 60 ability power, 15 ability haste.
  • Unique Passive - Mirrored Force: Ability casts generate a mirror shard, up to 3, that each block Champions killed from outside standard Attack range10 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 5% AP) physical damage from an enemy champion and deal Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)20 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 10% AP) magic damage to them.
Essence Reaver Essence Reaver - New item
  • Recipe: Caulfield's Warhammer Caulfield's Warhammer + Cloak of Agility Cloak of Agility + 900 Gold 900 = 3100 Gold 3100.
  • Stats: 40 attack damage, 25% critical strike chance, 25 ability haste.
  • Unique Passive - Essence Flare: Damaging active abilities and empowered attacks deal Champions killed from outside standard Attack range10 Time champions spent slowed by Miasma (W)(+ 70% critical strike chance) bonus physical damage. The same ability can only trigger this effect once per unique target per cast.
  • Unique Passive - Mana Siphon: Basic attacks restore Champions hit by Piltover Peacemakers (Q) at greater than 75% of max range2% missing mana on-hit.
Executioner's Calling Executioner's Calling
  • Unique passive - Sepsis
    • Unique passive renamed from Executioner's Calling to Sepsis.
    • Grievous Wounds reduced from 50% to 40%.
Fiendish Codex Fiendish Codex
Frozen Mallet Frozen Mallet - Removed
  • Removed from the game.
Giant's Belt Giant's Belt
Jaurim's Fist Jaurim's Fist
Infinity Orb Infinity Orb
Kircheis Shard Kircheis Shard
Last Whisper Last Whisper
Lost Chapter Lost Chapter
Morellonomicon Morellonomicon
  • New Recipe: Oblivion Orb Oblivion Orb + Prophet's Pendant Prophet's Pendant + 750 Gold 750 = 3000 Gold 3000.
  • Unique passive - Affliction
    • Undocumented Unique passive renamed to Affliction from Cursed.
    • Grievous Wounds reduced from 50% to 40%.
    • New Effect: Grievous Wounds is increased to 60% against enemies below 50% of their maximum health.
Mortal Reminder Mortal Reminder
  • Unique passive - Sepsis
    • Unique passive renamed from Executioner's Calling to Sepsis.
    • Grievous Wounds reduced from 50% to 40%.
    • New Effect: Grievous Wounds is increased to 60% against enemies below 50% of their maximum health.
      • Editor's note: Patch notes error writes "Dealing 3 consecutive attacks to an enemy champion enhances this effect to 60% Grievous Wounds against them until the effect is allowed to elapse." instead of "Grievous Wounds is increased to 60% against enemies below 50% of their maximum health."
Navori Quickblades Navori Quickblades - New item
  • Recipe: Caulfield's Warhammer Caulfield's Warhammer + Cloak of Agility Cloak of Agility + 900 Gold 900 = 3100 Gold 3100.
  • Stats: 45 attack damage, 25% critical strike chance, 15 ability haste.
  • Unique Passive - Deft Strikes: Critical strike icon WR Critical strikes with basic attacks reduce your non-ultimate ability cooldowns by 15% of their remaining cooldown.
Negatron Cloak Negatron Cloak
Oblivion Orb Oblivion Orb
  • Total cost reduced from 1250 Gold 1250 to 1000 Gold 1000.
    • Combine cost reduced from 750 Gold 750 to 500 Gold 500.
  • No longer builds into Infinity Orb Infinity Orb.
  • Health reduced from 125 to 0.
  • Ability power increased from 25 to 40.
  • Removed Unique Passive - Death Touch: Damage to champions with Signature of the Visionary (P)+15 magic penetration.
  • New Unique Passive - Cursed: Dealing Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to champions inflicts them 40% Grievous Wounds icon Grievous Wounds for 3 seconds.
Prophet's Pendant Prophet's Pendant - New item
  • Recipe: Amplifying Tome Amplifying Tome + 750 Gold 750 = 1250 Gold 1250.
  • Stats: 125 health, 25 ability power.
  • Unique Passive - Doomsayer: Damage to champions with Signature of the Visionary (P)+15 magic penetration.
  • Builds Into: Infinity Orb Infinity Orb and Morellonomicon Morellonomicon.
Recurve Bow Recurve Bow
Seeker's Armguard Seeker's Armguard - New item
Serylda's Grudge Serylda's Grudge - New item
  • Recipe: Caulfield's Warhammer Caulfield's Warhammer + Last Whisper Last Whisper + 500 Gold 500 = 3000 Gold 3000.
  • Stats: 40 attack damage, 15 ability haste.
  • Unique Passive - Last Whisper: Champion skillshot and targetted missiles evaded with Hallowed Mist (W)+30% armor penetration.
  • Unique Passive - Bitter Cold: Dealing ability damage Slow icon slows affected units by 30% for 1 second.
Solari Chargeblade Solari Chargeblade - New item
  • Recipe: Stinger Stinger + Cloak of Agility Cloak of Agility + 800 Gold 800 = 3000 Gold 3000.
  • Stats: 30% attack speed, 25% critical strike chance, 25 ability haste.
  • Unique Passive - Sunburst: Using an ability gathers Radiance, up to 3 charges, which grants Time champions spent slowed by Miasma (W)25% bonus critical strike chance for up to 10 seconds. Basic attacks that Critical strike icon WR critically strike expend a charge of Radiance to deal 26 − 40 (based on level) Skillshots dodged with Void Surge (Q) bonus true damage on-hit, increased by 0% − 150% (based on target's missing health). Each unique ability may only store a charge once every 2 seconds.
Staff of Flowing Waters Staff of Flowing Waters - New item
  • Recipe: Fiendish Codex Fiendish Codex + Lost Chapter Lost Chapter + 450 Gold 450 = 2500 Gold 2500.
  • Stats: 65 ability power, 350 mana, 20 ability haste.
  • Unique Passive - Rapids: Healing or shielding an ally grants you both Damage to champions with Judgment (E)20 ability haste and Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)20 − 40 (based on target's level) ability power for 4 seconds.
Stinger Stinger
Stormrazor Stormrazor - New item
  • Recipe: Cloak of Agility Cloak of Agility + Kircheis Shard Kircheis Shard + 1000 Gold 1000 = 2900 Gold 2900.
  • Stats: 25 attack damage, 20% attack speed, 25% critical strike chance.
  • Unique Passive - Paralyze: At maximum stacks your next basic attack deals Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)50 − 120 (based on level) bonus magic damage, Slow icon slows by 75% for 0.5 seconds and activates all Energized WR buff Energized effects.
Thornmail Thornmail
  • Unique passive - Thorns
    • Grievous Wounds reduced from 50% to 40%.
    • Immobilize Grievous Wounds increased from 50% to 60%.
Wit's End Wit's End - New item
  • Recipe: Recurve Bow Recurve Bow + Negatron Cloak Negatron Cloak + 900 Gold 900 = 2700 Gold 2700.
  • Stats: 45% attack speed, 50 magic resistance.
  • Unique Passive - At Wit's End: Basic attacks deal Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)15 − 80 (based on level) bonus magic damage on-hit. While Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)below 50% health, dealing damage to an enemy champion heals you for (Melee role 100% / Ranged role 33%) of this effect's post-mitigation damage.


Grasp of the Undying Grasp of the Undying
  • Damage health ratio reduced from Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)4% maximum health to inherit3%.

Summoner spells[]

Ignite Ignite
  • Grievous Wounds increased from 50% to 60%.
Smite Smite
  • Passive - Hunting License
    • Updated Hunter's Duty buff text.


Rift Herald Rift Herald
  • Initial spawn time reduced from 6:00 elapse to 4:00.


  • ARAM returns as a Featured Game Mode from August 11, 2021 to September 9, 2021.
  • Siege minions Siege minions can now detect Noxious Trap traps.

