League of Legends Wiki

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League of Legends Wiki

New Skins in the Store[]

The following skin was added along with V1.0.0.130, but it was not made available for purchase until Friday, October 19, 2012.

League of Legends V1.0.0.149[]


Fiddlesticks Fiddlesticks
  • Dark Wind Dark Wind
    • Fixed a bug where Fiddlesticks' autoattack could be interrupted by it.
Hecarim Hecarim
  • Devastating Charge Devastating Charge
    • Fixed a bug where using on an enemy tower causes it to redirect aggro onto Hecarim.
Katarina Katarina
  • General
    • Updated lore.
Lulu Lulu
  • General
    • Fixed a bug where Lulu's autoattack could be interrupted by Pix.
Malzahar Malzahar
  • General
    • Fixed a bug where voidlings could get stuck in walls when using abilities in impassible terrain.
Rengar Rengar
  • General
    • Fixed a bug where Rengar could double jump.
Ryze Ryze
  • Spell Flux Spell Flux
    • Fixed a bug where Ryze's autoattack could be interrupted by it.
Syndra Syndra
  • General
    • Fixed a bug where Syndra could force monsters to attack each other.
    • Fixed a bug where stunning an opponent on Dominion could cause a graphical error with the scoreboard.
  • Force of Will Force of Will
    • Fixed a tooltip error.
Twisted Fate Twisted Fate

Co-op vs. AI[]

  • Intermediate bots now have a chance to use a random skin.


  • Attack speed buffs and debuffs will now immediately take effect instead of having to wait for the next autoattack.
  • Fears will no longer reset jungle minions.
  • Fixed a bug where Baron Nashor Baron Nashor remained "out of combat" when an enemy stealth unit is nearby.
  • Fixed a bug where in rare instances Champions would not be able to autoattack.