New Skins in the Store
The following skins were released along with this patch.
The following skins were released along with this patch, but were not available for purchase until Monday, January 10.
- - (Available for purchase, since it was added to game files since Patch V1.0.0.102, on Tuesday, October 4.)
League of Legends v1.0.0.108
- Every 8 attacks (attacks while in brush count as 2), Caitlyn will fire a headshot, dealing either 150% damage to a champion or 250% damage to a minion.
- Caitlyn revs up her rifle for 1 second to unleash a penetrating shot which deals physical damage (deals less damage to subsequent targets).
- Caitlyn sets a trap to reveal sneaky yordles. When sprung, the trap immobilizes the champion and deals magic damage over 1.5 seconds.
- Caitlyn fires a heavy net to slow her target, the recoil knocks Caitlyn back.
- Caitlyn takes time to line up the perfect shot, dealing massive damage to a single target at a huge range. Enemy champions can intercept the bullet for their ally.
- Stats
- Base movement speed increased to 310 from 305.
- Movement speed buff duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.
- Ability power ratio increased to 0.55 from 0.45.
- Slow increased to 60% at all ranks from 40 / 50 / 60%.
- Cooldown changed to 130 / 120 / 110 seconds from 120 at all ranks.
- Base damage per second increased to 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180.
- General
- Title changed to 'The Will of the Blades' from 'the Will of the Blades'.
- Cast range increased to 650 from 600.
- Cast range increased to 425 from 375.
- Base damage increased to 90 / 140 / 190 per blade from 80 / 130 / 180.
- Now place Katarina on the other side of the target (relative to Katarina), rather than behind the target.
- Stats
- Base attack damage increased to 51 from 48.
- Attack damage per level increased to 3.1 from 2.9.
- Fixed a bug where the spell cast by opposing Malzahars behaved improperly.
- Fixed audio timing.
- Fixed a bug that caused the audio not to play at certain distances.
- Base damage reduced to 7 / 14 / 21 / 28 / 35 from 10 / 17 / 24 / 31 / 38.
- Health scaling increased to 1.0% from 0.5%.
- Now more visible to allies
- The green circle that allies see now appears since Pantheon starts channeling instead of being drawn until he leaps into the air.
- The red circle that enemies see still draws when he leaps into the air.
- Now more visible to allies
- Initial damage effect can now be triggered any time in Tiger Stance, or within 5 seconds of casting it even if you switch stances.
- Base damage changed to 30 / 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 from 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200.
- Attack damage scaling increased to 170% from 150%.
- Ability power scaling removed from a 0.6 ability power ratio.
- Persistent attack speed increased to 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% from 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35%.
- Restored the hit particle to Tiger Stance's basic attacks.
- Breath damage reduced to 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 from 50 / 95 / 140 / 185 / 230.
- Flame attack timer reduced to every 3 attacks from 4.
- Added
- Unique Passive: Reduces ability cooldowns by 15%.
- Unique Passive: Enhanced Movement 2.
- Attack speed increased to 55% from 50%.
- Added
- +155 ability power.
- Unique Passive: Increases ability power by 30%.
- Tooltip now displays current stats.
- Cost reduced to 75 from 90.
- Now has 3 health, is immune to healing effects, and takes only 1 damage from every attack.
- No longer continues to deal damage while dead.
- New recipe: 795. + +
- Total cost remains the same.
- Attack damage reduced to 55 from 75.
- Now adds 30% increased attack speed.
- Unique Passive
- Armor shred per stack increased to 15 from 12.
- Maximum of stacks reduced to 3 from 5.
- Tooltip now displays current stats.
- Now has 3 health, is immune to healing effects, and takes only 1 damage from every attack.
- Tooltip now displays current stats.
- Self ability power increased to 50 from 40.
- Now damages enemies that do not have mana.
- Fixed a bug where it did not interact correctly with clones.
- Ward health increased to 3 from 1.
- Ward is immune to healing effects and takes only 1 damage from every attack.
- Added
- Stats: +100 ability power, +50 armor
- Unique Active: Places your champion into stasis for 2 seconds, rendering you invulnerable and untargetable but unable to take any action. 90 second cooldown.
- Removed and split into and .
Summoner Spells
- now reduces attack damage by 70% and ability/item damage by 35% instead of the blinding for the duration.
- Base health increased to 8000 from 6500.
- Magic resistance increased to 70 from 35.
- Damage increased by approximately 15%.
- Global gold reward reduced to 190 from 240.
- Magic resistance increased to 30 from 0.
- The on-hit burning debuff now affects the target of his attack but nobody else (previously it afflicted enemies in a cone but ignored the attack target).
- The burning debuff now also reduces attack speed by 20%.
- Updated the tooltip to reflect that the Dragon no longer grants global experience.
- Neutral Monsters experience range reduced to 800 from 1250.
- Removed mana from all inhibitor minions.
- Shrine (spawn) turrets now ignore all resistances and immunities.
- The Options menu now has a 2nd slider that scales the chat box independent of the rest of the UI.
Undocumented Changes
- Holiday runes no longer appear larger than regular ones.
- Cyrillic fonts are now supported.
Patch Day Video Preview
This was the first time the Team gave their insight in a video.