Summoner Spell: Barrier Buff?
Although late in its time due to the graudual fall and nerfs of the Summoner Spell: Heal (SS: Heal), barrier is still moderately outclassed by SS: Heal due to its ability to keep the effective HP obtained as well as giving a 1second movement speed buff (+ one other teammate), heal said teammate, and nearly grants as much effective survivability as SS: Barrier - barrier being around 27~30% more shielding than the heal.
Problems with barrier= the short protection time - 2seconds, and no persistent effect afterwards (ex: heal keeps you healed). -Solution: Barrier at the right time/ counter: wait for barrier to end.
Problems with heal = countered by grivious wounds. Less effective health(more if inlcuding teammate).
Proposal: Since the only thing …
Ravenous Hydra Rework
People may see this item as a "Gimmick" item, which means it is only bought for fun or when the person just so has enough money to buy it. Rarely it is used in competitive play. What I would like to introduce is a way to make it more viable while incorporate it with a never used algorithim to add stats, along with removing the very unessasary Hp Regen on this item.
Ravenous Hydra: Builds from-
- Tiamat: 2200G (525G)
- 55 ad
- ​Same Unique Passive+ Active
​Builds from- Pickaxe, 2x LongSword
- Life Scepter
New Ravenous Hydra stats: 3500G (500G)
- 65 AD
- 12% Lifesteal
- Same Passives and Actives.
- ​12% of the player's TOTAL CS is added as AD (Like 200 CS would have an extra 24 AD)
- 2% of the player's TOTAL CS is added as LIFESTEAL.