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League of Legends Wiki
Untargetability example

Fizz Fizz being untargetable while using Playful Playful.

Untargetable Health Bar

The health bar usually has a translucent appearance to indicate the untargetable status. Otherwise, it is invisible.

Untargetability refers to units in a state where they are no longer valid targets for Aria of Perseverance aura, Leap Strike unit-targeted, Electrical Surge auto-targeted, Sear direction-targeted and Eye of Destruction location-targeted effects, including those sourced by basic attacks, abilities, summoner spells, item effects, item actives, and runes. All units become untargetable at the end of a match.

Effects that have already been applied, such as buffs or debuffs, are not invalidated by untargetability. Notable examples include Blaze damage over time, Focused Resolve tethers, and delayed abilities such as Death Mark Death Mark, Sleepy Trouble Bubble Sleepy Trouble Bubble, and Time Bomb Time Bomb.

The act of becoming untargetable will also interrupt any effects that have already acquired the unit as a target, such as target commands, and most untargetabilities will additionally Bullet strikethrough destroy all incoming targeted Projectile projectiles (e.g. Ace in the Hole Ace in the Hole, Bouncing Blade Bouncing Blade, Frostbite Frostbite, turret shots). Non-champion units (e.g. Turret icon turrets, Minion icon minions, Monster icon monsters) will lose aggro if their target becomes untargetable.


The following are sources of untargetability:

Champion abilities
Summoner Spells

The following wards are untargetable to allies only:

Champion summoned units
  • All turrets are untargetable while a lower tier turret in that lane remains standing.
    • Destroying any inhibitor makes the nexus turrets targetable while one remains destroyed.
  • An inhibitor is untargetable while a turret remains standing in front.
  • The Nexus is only targetable while both its turrets as well as at least one inhibitor are destroyed.
  • The Nexus Obelisk is always untargetable.

Azir's Azir's Sun Disc Sun Disc do not affect the above untargetability parameters.

Stasis icon Stasis[]

A unit that enters stasis becomes Cosmic Radiance invulnerable and Untargetable icon untargetable, but also unable to control its movement, declare basic attacks, cast abilities, use summoner spells, or activate items.

Champion abilities

Hallucinate Vanish[]

Vanish applies all the effects of becoming untargetable, but also makes the target unable to act and completely undetectable. All units are briefly vanished (but not untargetable) at the start of a match on Summoner's Rift icon Summoner's Rift.

Portraits of vanished champions cannot be seen on the mini map.

Vanish before example

Elise's Elise's model and health bar are visible.

Vanish after example

Elise Elise becoming vanished after casting Rappel Rappel, rendering her model and health bar hidden.

Champion abilities