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League of Legends Wiki
For the main article, see Crowd control.
For all sources of crowd control effects, see Types of Crowd Control/Sources

This article lists and provides detailed information on all crowd control types in League of Legends.


Crowd Control Movement Attacking Abilities Interrupts Channels Disabled Summoner Spells Modified by Tenacity Removal
Airborne icon Airborne (status) Disabled Disabled Disabled Yes FlashTeleportMarkDashHexflash No Rengar Battle Roar 2Kalista Fate's CallOlaf RagnarokGangplank Remove ScurvyKled Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard 2Yone Soul Unbound 2Alistar Unbreakable WillSyndra Force of Will
Blind icon Blind Allowed Parried Allowed No None Yes CleanseQuicksilver Sash itemRengar Battle Roar 2Milio Breath of LifeKalista Fate's CallOlaf RagnarokGangplank Remove ScurvyKled Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard 2Yone Soul Unbound 2Alistar Unbreakable WillSyndra Force of Will
Cripple icon Cripple Allowed Reduced Allowed No None Yes CleanseQuicksilver Sash itemMikael's Blessing itemMaster Yi HighlanderRengar Battle Roar 2Milio Breath of LifeKalista Fate's CallOlaf RagnarokGangplank Remove ScurvyKled Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard 2Yone Soul Unbound 2Alistar Unbreakable WillSyndra Force of Will
Disarm icon Disarm Allowed Disabled Allowed No None Yes CleanseQuicksilver Sash itemRengar Battle Roar 2Milio Breath of LifeKalista Fate's CallOlaf RagnarokGangplank Remove ScurvyKled Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard 2Alistar Unbreakable WillSyndra Force of Will
Forced Action - Berserk icon Berserk, Charm icon Charm, Flee icon Flee, Taunt icon Taunt Uncontrollable Disabled / Uncontrollable Disabled Yes FlashTeleportMarkDashHexflash Yes CleanseQuicksilver Sash itemMikael's Blessing itemRengar Battle Roar 2Milio Breath of LifeKalista Fate's CallOlaf RagnarokGangplank Remove ScurvyKled Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard 2Yone Soul Unbound 2Alistar Unbreakable WillSyndra Force of WillMordekaiser Realm of Death
Grounded icon Ground Partial Allowed Partial See notes FlashTeleportMarkDashHexflash Yes CleanseQuicksilver Sash itemRengar Battle Roar 2Milio Breath of LifeKalista Fate's CallOlaf RagnarokGangplank Remove ScurvyKled Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard 2Alistar Unbreakable WillSyndra Force of Will
Kinematics icon Kinematics Partial Allowed Allowed No None No None
Nearsight icon Nearsight Allowed Partial Partial No None No Quicksilver Sash itemRengar Battle Roar 2Milio Breath of LifeKalista Fate's CallOlaf RagnarokGangplank Remove ScurvyKled Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard 2Alistar Unbreakable WillSyndra Force of Will
Root icon Root Disabled Allowed Partial See notes FlashTeleportMarkDashHexflash Yes CleanseQuicksilver Sash itemMikael's Blessing itemRengar Battle Roar 2Milio Breath of LifeKalista Fate's CallOlaf RagnarokGangplank Remove ScurvyKled Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard 2Yone Soul Unbound 2Alistar Unbreakable WillSyndra Force of Will
Silence icon Silence Allowed Allowed Disabled Yes FlashTeleportMarkDashHexflash Yes CleanseQuicksilver Sash itemMikael's Blessing itemRengar Battle Roar 2Milio Breath of LifeKalista Fate's CallOlaf RagnarokGangplank Remove ScurvyKled Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard 2Alistar Unbreakable WillSyndra Force of Will
Silence icon Polymorph Allowed Disabled Disabled Yes FlashTeleportMarkDashHexflash Yes CleanseQuicksilver Sash itemMikael's Blessing itemRengar Battle Roar 2Milio Breath of LifeKalista Fate's CallOlaf RagnarokGangplank Remove ScurvyKled Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard 2Yone Soul Unbound 2Alistar Unbreakable WillSyndra Force of Will
Drowsy icon Drowsy Reduced Allowed Allowed No None No CleanseQuicksilver Sash itemMikael's Blessing itemRengar Battle Roar 2Milio Breath of LifeKalista Fate's CallOlaf RagnarokGangplank Remove ScurvyKled Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard 2Yone Soul Unbound 2Alistar Unbreakable WillSyndra Force of Will
Sleep icon Sleep Disabled Disabled Disabled Yes FlashTeleportMarkDashHexflash Yes CleanseQuicksilver Sash itemMikael's Blessing itemRengar Battle Roar 2Milio Breath of LifeKalista Fate's CallOlaf RagnarokGangplank Remove ScurvyKled Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard 2Yone Soul Unbound 2Alistar Unbreakable WillSyndra Force of Will
Slow icon Slow Reduced Allowed Allowed No None Yes CleanseQuicksilver Sash itemMikael's Blessing itemNunu Biggest Snowball Ever!Garen Decisive StrikeMaster Yi HighlanderRengar Battle Roar 2Milio Breath of LifeKalista Fate's CallOlaf RagnarokGangplank Remove ScurvyKled Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard 2Alistar Unbreakable WillSyndra Force of Will
Stasis icon Stasis Disabled Disabled Disabled Yes All No None
Stun icon Stun and Stun iconAirborne icon Suspension Disabled Disabled Disabled Yes FlashTeleportMarkDashHexflash Yes CleanseQuicksilver Sash itemMikael's Blessing itemRengar Battle Roar 2Milio Breath of LifeKalista Fate's CallOlaf RagnarokGangplank Remove ScurvyKled Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard 2Yone Soul Unbound 2Alistar Unbreakable WillSyndra Force of Will
Suppression icon Suppression Disabled Disabled Disabled Yes All No Quicksilver Sash itemRengar Battle Roar 2Milio Breath of LifeKalista Fate's CallOlaf RagnarokGangplank Remove ScurvyKled Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard 2Yone Soul Unbound 2Alistar Unbreakable WillSyndra Force of Will


Interactions with Crowd Control[]

The following mobility spells are interrupted / prevented by Stun icon immobilizations, Grounded icon ground, Silence icon polymorph and/or Silence icon silence:

The following interact with Stun icon immobilizations and/or Slow icon slows:

Airborne icon Airborne[]

EditA unit that is knocked airborne undergoes a forced displacement in a specified direction, to a specific point, or for a set duration at its current location, during which it is also unable to control its movement, declare attacks, cast abilities, activate items or use the summoner spells summoner spells Flash Flash, Teleport Teleport, Hexflash Hexflash, and Mark Mark / Dash Dash.
Airborne is an Stun icon immobilizing effect.

Interrupts: Interrupts attack windups (excluding Relentless Force 2 uncancellable windups), and all Channeling icon channeled and charged abilities. The accompanying displacement overrides all other previous displacements, including Dash dashes and other airborne effects.
Reduction: The duration of airborne and its forced movement execution time is unaffected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity, Unstoppable icon displacement immunity, and Dr Dr. Mundo's Goes Where He Pleases Goes Where He Pleases.
Removal: The forced movement that is applied alongside airborne effects cannot be removed by cleanses, which innately disables attacking and moving and can be overridden by Dash dashing or Flash blinking. Remove Scurvy Cleansing effects, with the exceptions of Milio's Milio's Breath of Life Breath of Life, Cleanse Cleanse, Mikael's Blessing Mikael's Blessing, and Quicksilver Sash item Quicksilver, remove the airborne status effect.
  • A forced displacement is also referred to as the following:
    • Knock aside (knocked in a direction perpendicular to the source)
    • Knock back (knocked in a direction directly away from the point of cast)
    • Knock up (knocked a very small distance in a random direction on the spot)
    • Pull (knocked in a direction toward the point of cast, and in some cases over the point of cast)
  • To expand upon the countering of airborne, consider that the effect is made up of two components: a movement modifier (called a "move block" by Riot, referring to a chunk of code) and the airborne status itself (which is responsible for disabling the unit's actions). As a general rule, the most recent move block will overrule any previous move blocks, which is how Alistar's Alistar's Pulverize Pulverize and Headbutt Headbutt combo functions. This rule also extends to all beneficial movement modifiers, such as Dash dashes and Flash blinks, which is why Rocket Grab Rocket Grab and Rocket Jump Rocket Jump will overrule each other depending on their order of activation. Most beneficial movement modifiers do not prevent the activation of abilities, allowing Tristana Tristana to still activate abilities during Rocket Jump Rocket Jump but not during Rocket Grab Rocket Grab.
    • In some instances, the airborne status duration is longer than the move block (e.g. Sion's Sion's Unstoppable Onslaught Unstoppable Onslaught), but in most cases they are the same duration. There have been cases in the past where the airborne status duration was shorter, but this usually lead to bug-like interactions and was later "fixed" (e.g. Azir's Azir's Emperor's Divide Emperor's Divide did not apply any airborne status at all in the initial charge on the ability, which allowed his enemies to use an instant movement ability to supersede the charge's knockback and get over the wall).
    • Poppy's Poppy's Keeper's Verdict Keeper's Verdict is the only airborne effect that can't have its status removed by cleanses.

Blind icon Blind[]

EditA unit that is blinded will miss their basic attacks for the duration, comparable to attacking a target that is able to Jax Counter Strike old dodge or Spirit's Refuge block, but not mechanically similar. Missed basic attacks will fail to deal damage and apply On-hit icon on-hit effects, with the exception of some empowered basic attacks. Blind does not prevent the unit from declaring attacks, unlike Disarm icon Disarm.

Interrupts: Does not interrupt any actions, but will prevent On-hit icon on-hit effects from being triggered by basic attacks.
Reduction: The duration is affected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity.
Removal: Removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses with the exception of Mikael's Blessing Mikael's Blessing.
  • Blind has no effect on abilities that trigger On-hit icon on-hit effects (e.g. Mystic Shot Mystic Shot, Parrrley Parrrley, and Steel Tempest Steel Tempest).
  • Blinded enemies will only miss if the attack is declared while blinded; Ranged role ranged units still hit if the Projectile projectile fires before the blind, and vice versa.
  • Blind takes priority if the attack would be Jax Counter Strike old dodged or Spirit's Refuge blocked.
  • Blind causes both Graves' Graves' shotgun shotgun and Zeri's Zeri's Burst Fire Burst Fire to fire their projectiles in a random direction, excluding the target direction. These attacks do deal damage.

Cripple icon Cripple[]

EditA unit that is crippled has reduced Attack speed icon attack speed for the duration.

Interrupts: Does not interrupt any actions.
Reduction: The duration is affected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity and Cripple immune cripple immunity.
Removal: Removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses and specifically Master Yi's Master Yi's Highlander Highlander.

Disarm icon Disarm[]

EditA unit that is disarmed is unable to declare basic attack commands for the duration.

Interrupts: Interrupts basic attack windups (excluding Relentless Force 2 uncancellable windups) and Samira's Samira's Inferno Trigger Inferno Trigger.
Reduction: The duration is affected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity.
Removal: Removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses with the exceptions of Yone's Yone's Soul Unbound Soul Unbound (recast) and Mikael's Blessing Mikael's Blessing.

Silence icon Disrupt[]

EditWhen a unit is disrupted, it has their Channeling icon channeled and charged abilities interrupted. Unlike Silence icon Silence, the unit can still cast abilities.

Disrupt is not, and does not apply, a status effect.

Interrupts: Interrupts all Channeling icon channeled and charged abilities.
Reduction: The effect is instantaneous. There is nothing to reduce.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity.
Removal: The effect is instantaneous. There is nothing to remove.

Forced action[]

Berserk icon Berserk[]

EditA unit that is berserk will attempt to perform basic attacks on a nearby unit for the duration, during which they're unable to perform issued movement or attack commands, cast abilities, activate items or use the summoner spells summoner spells Flash Flash, Teleport Teleport, Hexflash Hexflash, and Mark Mark / Dash Dash. Any associated effects included with basic attacks can persist beyond the Berserk duration.
Berserk is an Stun icon immobilizing effect. Forced action effects cannot force the unit to perform an action that is disabled.

Units that are berserk search for targets within a Range center 1000 radius of them. Sources of berserk have their own targeting priority system, including the berserked unit's allies. The target does not need to be visible for the berserked unit to attack them.

Interrupts: Interrupts attack windups (excluding Relentless Force 2 uncancellable windups and windups against the acquired target) and all Channeling icon channeled and charged abilities, as well as overrides previous Forced action icons Forced Action effects.
Reduction: The duration is affected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity and Dr Dr. Mundo's Goes Where He Pleases Goes Where He Pleases.
Removal: Removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses.
  • Debuffs applied by berserked units through their basic attacks will still be sourced from them.
  • While Berserked, basic attacks with effects that target nearby enemies will also be able to target allied units (excluding self).
  • Berserked units consider allies hostile only within the logic of basic attack targeting. Other attacks such as those sourced from spells and abilities are unaffected.
  • Berserked units can target nearby units regardless of visibility, but will not be able to attack Guerrilla Warfare stealthed units.

Charm icon Charm[]

For the item, see Faerie Charm Faerie Charm

EditA unit that is charmed is forced to move directly toward the Source (the unit that casted the Charm spell) for the duration, during which they're unable to perform issued movement commands, declare attacks, cast abilities, activate items or use the summoner spells summoner spells Flash Flash, Teleport Teleport, Hexflash Hexflash, and Mark Mark / Dash Dash. All charms also apply a Slow icon slow.
Charm is an Stun icon immobilizing effect. Forced action effects cannot force the unit to perform an action that is disabled.

Interrupts: Interrupts attack windups (excluding Relentless Force 2 uncancellable windups) and all Channeling icon channeled and charged abilities, as well as overrides previous Forced action icons Forced Action effects.
Reduction: The duration is affected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity and Dr Dr. Mundo's Goes Where He Pleases Goes Where He Pleases.
Removal: Removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses or when the Source dies.

Flee icon Fear / Flee[]

EditA unit that is fleeing or feared is forced to move directly away from the Source (the unit that casted the Fear spell) for the duration, during which they're unable to perform issued movement commands, declare attacks, cast abilities, activate items or use the summoner spells summoner spells Flash Flash, Teleport Teleport, Hexflash Hexflash, and Mark Mark / Dash Dash. All fears also apply a Slow icon slow.
Flee is an Stun icon immobilizing effect. Forced action effects cannot force the unit to perform an action that is disabled.

Interrupts: Interrupts attack windups (excluding Relentless Force 2 uncancellable windups) and all Channeling icon channeled and charged abilities, as well as overrides previous Forced action icons Forced Action effects.
Reduction: The duration is affected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity and Dr Dr. Mundo's Goes Where He Pleases Goes Where He Pleases.
Removal: Removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses or when the Source dies.

Note that, while Fear is now synonymous with Flee, it is technically still the name of a now-deprecated form of Crowd Control that had the target move around aimlessly.

Taunt icon Taunt[]

EditA unit that is taunted will attempt to perform basic attacks on the Source (the unit that casted the Taunt spell) for the duration, during which they're unable to perform issued movement or attack commands, cast abilities, activate items or use the summoner spells summoner spells Flash Flash, Teleport Teleport, Hexflash Hexflash, and Mark Mark / Dash Dash.
Taunt is an Stun icon immobilizing effect. Forced action effects cannot force the unit to perform an action that is disabled.

Interrupts: Interrupts attack windups (excluding Relentless Force 2 uncancellable windups and windups against the Source) and all Channeling icon channeled and charged abilities, as well as overrides previous Forced action icons Forced Action effects.
Reduction: The duration is affected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity and Dr Dr. Mundo's Goes Where He Pleases Goes Where He Pleases.
Removal: Removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses or when the Source dies.

Grounded icon Ground[]

EditA unit that is grounded is unable to activate movement spells for the duration. This effect does not innately Knockdown icon knockdown a target that is already performing a dash. Grounded units can still be displaced.

Movement spells include all Dash dash and Flash blink abilities - including Recall Recall / Empowered Recall Empowered Recall and the summoner spells summoner spells Flash Flash, Teleport Teleport, Hexflash Hexflash, and Dash Dash, plus a number of additional cases.
Ground is the only type of Stun icon crowd control that is most commonly found in persistent area of effects, which will reapply the status effect continuously.

Interrupts: Interrupts Channeling icon movement channels unless otherwise stated.
Reduction: The duration is affected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity.
Removal: Removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses with the exceptions of Yone's Yone's Soul Unbound Soul Unbound (recast).

Kinematics icon Kinematics[]

EditA unit that is under the effect of kinematics will be continually dragged to a specific unit or location until they reach it. Kinematics has no effect on units that are performing any form of movement other than basic movement and other kinematic effects.

Kinematics should not be confused as an Airborne icon airborne effect nor displacement effect. It does not disable any of the unit's actions.

Interrupts: Does not interrupt any actions, but will prevent the unit from effectively Pathing radius pathing to their intended location through basic movement.
Reduction: The effect is instantaneous. There is nothing to reduce.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity and Unstoppable icon displacement immunity.
Removal: Removed by leaving the source of the area of effect. The effect is instantaneous. There is nothing to cleanse.

Knockdown icon Knockdown[]

EditKnockdown only affects units that are performing a Dash dash or being displaced by an Airborne icon airborne effect. A unit that is knocked down has its dash or displacement interrupted and is placed on the ground instantly.

Knockdown is not a status effect.

Interrupts: Interrupts all Dash dashes and Airborne icon airborne effects (displacement and status effects). Knock ups will not have their airborne status removed if there is no sourced debuff, but their displacement still ends.
Reduction: The effect is instantaneous. There is nothing to reduce.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity and Unstoppable icon displacement immunity.
Removal: The effect is instantaneous. There is nothing to remove.

Nearsight icon Nearsight[]

EditA unit that is nearsighted has their Sight icon sight radius reduced and cannot see beyond their sight radius.

While nearsighted, units cannot reveal stealthed Ward icon wards or Noxious Trap traps. Nearsighted units lose vision of all their allies as well as all external sources of vision (including from wards or abilities). This prevents Leap Strike unit-targeted effects, including basic attacks, from being used outside of the unit's reduced sight radius.
True Sight icon True sight and Stealth Ward icon unobstructed vision do not bypass the vision blocked by nearsight.

Interrupts: Interrupts target commands if the nearsighted unit's target is outside of their new vision area and prevents Acquisition range automated target acquisition.
Reduction: The duration is unaffected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity with the exceptions of Fiora's Fiora's Riposte Riposte and Morgana's Morgana's Black Shield Black Shield.
Removal: Removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses with the exceptions of Yone's Yone's Soul Unbound Soul Unbound (recast), Cleanse Cleanse, and Mikael's Blessing Mikael's Blessing.
  • The following abilities from said champions apply nearsight:
    • Quinn's Quinn's Blinding Assault Blinding Assault reduces sight radius of the enemy target to 350 units.
    • Nocturne's Nocturne's Paranoia Paranoia reduces sight radius of enemy champions「 to 1,050 units. 」「 by 300 units. 」
    • Graves' Graves' Smoke Screen Smoke Screen reduces sight radius of enemies inside the bubble to 250 units oriented to the center, but grants them vision of the entire smoke bubble.
      • Resisting and removal effects will only apply to the loss of shared vision from this ability. Enemies outside Smoke Screen cannot see through its area of effect and vice versa by any means. This is not a status effect.
  • The allied portrait icons do not update while nearsighted unless an ally Death dies; the health, resource, level, and ultimate indicators do not change from at the time of being nearsighted initially. This also applies to the tab view for seeing the item inventory for all champions in a match.
  • Multiple applications of nearsight debuffs will only consider the one with the greatest sight reduction.
  • Since Sight icon sight is shared, allies will also not be able to see further than their nearsighted ally's sight radius. This vision can still be effectively granted by other allies near the affected ally, in which case some, or all, of the lost vision is recovered.
  • Some abilities that reveal the caster will reveal through nearsight.
  • True Sight icon True sight cannot reveal through nearsight.

Silence icon Silence[]

EditA unit that is silenced is unable to cast abilities, activate items or use the summoner spells summoner spells Flash Flash, Teleport Teleport, Hexflash Hexflash, and Mark Mark / Dash Dash for the duration.

Interrupts: Interrupts all Channeling icon channeled and charged abilities.
Reduction: The duration is affected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity.
Removal: Removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses with the exception of Yone's Yone's Soul Unbound Soul Unbound (recast).

Silence icon Polymorph[]

EditA unit that is polymorphed is Silence icon silenced and turned into a helpless critter.

A unit that is silenced is unable to cast abilities, activate items or use the summoner spells summoner spells Flash Flash, Teleport Teleport, Hexflash Hexflash, and Mark Mark / Dash Dash for the duration.

Polymorph combines Silence icon silence with additional effects; it is the signature effect of Lulu's Lulu's Whimsy Whimsy, which also Disarm icon disarms and reduces the target's movement speed for the duration.

Interrupts: Interrupts all attack windups (including Relentless Force 2 uncancellable windups) and all Channeling icon channeled and charged abilities.
Reduction: The duration is affected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity.
Removal: Removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses.

Drowsy icon Drowsy & Sleep icon Sleep[]

Drowsy icon Drowsy[]

EditA unit that is drowsy is Slow icon slowed, and afterwards will fall Sleep icon asleep.

Removing drowsy or being Unstoppable icon displacement immune or Cc-immune icon immune to crowd control at its end will prevent Sleep icon sleep from occurring.

Interrupts: Does not interrupt any actions.
Reduction: The duration is unaffected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity.
Removal: Removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses.

Sleep icon Sleep[]

EditA unit that is asleep is unable to control its movement, declare attacks, cast abilities, activate items or use the summoner spells summoner spells Flash Flash, Teleport Teleport, Hexflash Hexflash, and Mark Mark / Dash Dash for the duration. Sleep occurs after the duration of Drowsy icon drowsiness finishes.
Sleep is an Stun icon immobilizing effect.

Interrupts: Falling asleep interrupts attack windups (excluding Relentless Force 2 uncancellable basic attacks) and all Channeling icon channeled and charged abilities.
Reduction: The duration is affected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity, Unstoppable icon displacement immunity, and Dr Dr. Mundo's Goes Where He Pleases Goes Where He Pleases.
Removal: Removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses and taking damage (excluding damage from Blaze persistent damage, Minion icon minions, and small and medium Monster icon monsters, and any damage smaller than or equal to 10 post-mitigation).

Slow icon Slow[]

EditA unit that is slowed has reduced Movement speed icon movement speed for the duration. Slow percentages cannot reduce a target below Movement speed icon 110 movement speed. Some slows will instead modify the target's movement speed to a static value, which may not be further reduced nor increased.

Only the slow with the highest value is taken into movement speed calculations. All additional slows are ignored until the higher-valued slow wears off. The strength of slows may amplify or decay over their duration. Slows of the same debuff cannot stack and will instead refresh on each application unless otherwise stated.

Interrupts: Does not interrupt any actions.
Reduction: The duration is affected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.

The strength is reduced by Slow immune icon slow resist.

Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity and Slow immune 2 slow immunity.
Removal: Removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses (except Yone's Yone's Soul Unbound Soul Unbound recast), Garen's Garen's Decisive Strike Decisive Strike, Master Yi's Master Yi's Highlander Highlander and Nunu's Nunu's Biggest Snowball Ever! Biggest Snowball Ever!.
  • Galio's Galio's Shield of Durand Shield of Durand and Shaco's Shaco's Jack in the Box Jack in the Box and mini-boxes from Hallucinate Hallucinate are the only abilities that can reduce movement speed below 110, to 60 and 100 respectively. This movement speed is set and cannot be modified, but it can still be cleansed and mitigated by slow-immunity.
  • Lulu's Lulu's Whimsy Whimsy is the only ability that can reduce movement speed by a flat amount. The reduction is unaffected by slow resist, but can still be cleansed and mitigated by slow-immunity.

Root icon Snare / Root[]

EditA unit that is rooted is unable to control its movement or activate movement spells for the duration. This effect does not innately Knockdown icon knockdown a target that is already performing a dash. Rooted units can still be displaced.
Root is an Stun icon immobilizing effect.

Moving includes movement commands. Movement spells include all Dash dash and Flash blink abilities - including Recall Recall / Empowered Recall Empowered Recall and the summoner spells summoner spells Flash Flash, Teleport Teleport, Hexflash Hexflash, and Dash Dash, plus a number of additional cases.

Interrupts: Interrupts Channeling icon movement channels unless otherwise stated.
Reduction: The duration is affected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity and Dr Dr. Mundo's Goes Where He Pleases Goes Where He Pleases.
Removal: Removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses.

Stasis icon Stasis[]

For the named item effect, see Stasis

EditA unit that is in stasis is unable to control its movement, declare attacks, cast abilities, activate items or use any summoner spell summoner spell for the duration, while also being Cosmic Radiance invulnerable and Untargetable icon untargetable.
Stasis is an Stun icon immobilizing effect.

Interrupts: Interrupts attack windups (excluding Relentless Force 2 uncancellable windups), all Channeling icon channeled and charged abilities and all Dash dashes and Airborne icon displacements. Units that are being Airborne icon knocked up will be placed on the ground, but aren't Knockdown icon knocked down (the airborne status is not removed in this case).
Reduction: The duration is unaffected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity, Unstoppable icon displacement immunity, and Dr Dr. Mundo's Goes Where He Pleases Goes Where He Pleases. Monster icon Epic monsters and Turret icon turrets are special cased to be affected by stasis despite them being Cc-immune icon crowd control immune.
Removal: Cannot be removed by any means (except through Death death), and will prevent the activation of abilities that would usually remove Stun icon crowd control effects. Quicksilver Sash item Quicksilver will either be placed on a short cooldown, remain usable, or become disabled.

Stun icon Stun[]

EditA unit that is stunned is unable to control its movement, declare attacks, cast abilities, activate items or use the summoner spells summoner spells Flash Flash, Teleport Teleport, Hexflash Hexflash, and Mark Mark / Dash Dash for the duration.
Stun is an Stun icon immobilizing effect.

Interrupts: Interrupts attack windups (excluding Relentless Force 2 uncancellable windups) and all Channeling icon channeled and charged abilities.
Reduction: The duration is affected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity and Dr Dr. Mundo's Goes Where He Pleases Goes Where He Pleases.
Removal: Removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses.

Stun icon Suspension[]

EditA unit that is suspended is Stun icon stunned for the duration. It also pretends to be Airborne icon airborne while the stun holds (Last Breath Last Breath can be cast on a suspended enemy). A unit that is stunned is unable to control its movement, declare attacks, cast abilities, activate items or use the summoner spells summoner spells Flash Flash, Teleport Teleport, Hexflash Hexflash, and Mark Mark / Dash Dash for the duration.
Suspension is an Stun icon immobilizing effect.

Unlike common Stun icon stuns, suspension is prevented by effects that prevent Airborne icon displacements and becoming suspended also interrupts the ongoing movement of Dash dashes and Airborne icon airborne effects. Like common stuns, it is affected by Tenacity icon Tenacity and can be fully removed by Remove Scurvy cleansing effects.

Interrupts: Interrupts attack windups (excluding Relentless Force 2 uncancellable windups) and all Channeling icon channeled and charged abilities and all Dash dashes and airborne effects (displacement and status effects). Knock ups will not have their airborne status removed if there is no sourced debuff, but their forced movement still ends.
Reduction: The duration is affected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity, Unstoppable icon displacement immunity, and Dr Dr. Mundo's Goes Where He Pleases Goes Where He Pleases.
Removal: Fully removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses.

Suppression icon Suppression[]

EditA unit that is suppressed is unable to control its movement, declare attacks, cast abilities, activate items or use any summoner spell summoner spell for the duration.
Suppression is an Stun icon immobilizing effect.

Interrupts: Interrupts attack windups (excluding Relentless Force 2 uncancellable windups) and all Channeling icon channeled and charged abilities.
Reduction: The duration is unaffected by Tenacity icon Tenacity.
Resist: Resisted by Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity and Dr Dr. Mundo's Goes Where He Pleases Goes Where He Pleases.
Removal: Removed by Remove Scurvy Cleanses with the exceptions of Cleanse Cleanse and Mikael's Blessing Mikael's Blessing.