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League of Legends Wiki


Thresh PulsefireSkin WR
Pulsefire Thresh
990 WC 990 / 18-Aug-2021
Thresh HighNoonSkin WR
High Noon Thresh
990 WC 990 / 19-May-2022
Thresh SteelDragonSkin WR
Steel Dragon Thresh
990 WC 990 / 07-Jun-2024
Thresh BloodMoonSkin WR
Blood Moon Thresh
725 WC 725 / 06-Jan-2022
Thresh SpiritBlossomSkin WR
Spirit Blossom Thresh
1325 WC 1325 / 15-Dec-2022
Thresh OriginalSkin WR
Original Thresh View in 3D
725 WC 725 / 18-Aug-2021

Legacy Vault

Thresh DragonLanternSkin WR
Dragon Lantern Thresh
990 WC 990 / 08-Feb-2024

Rare & Limited

Thresh DreamRaiderSkin WR
Dream Raider Thresh
Special pricing / 19-Jul-2023
Dream Raider Thresh forms


Dark Star Thresh
1325 WC 1325 / N/A