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League of Legends Wiki
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The Ultimate Hat is a rune in League of Legends icon League of Legends.


  • On Shyvana Shyvana and Udyr Udyr, The Ultimate Hat was exchanged with Nullifying Orb Nullifying Orb.
  • The Ultimate Hat affected transformation ultimates such as Jayce's Jayce's Transform Mercury Cannon Transform Mercury Cannon and Nidalee's Nidalee's Aspect of the Cougar Aspect of the Cougar.
  • The Ultimate Hat affected both cooldowns and recharge timers on abilities such as Teemo's Teemo's Noxious Trap Noxious Trap.
  • The Ultimate Hat stacked multiplicatively with the cooldown reduction stat.
    • 40% cooldown reduction along with a fully stacked The Ultimate Hat resulted in 49% cooldown reduction on your ultimate.
    • With Cosmic Insight Cosmic Insight this could be further increased to 53.25%.
  • The Ultimate Hat did not decrease the ultimate's first cooldown.

Patch History[]

V8.11 - Removed
V7.22 Added
  • Sorcery icon Sorcery Slot 1 rune.
    • Passive: Grants 5% cooldown reduction for your ultimate ability, increased by 2% each time you cast your ultimate up to 15% after 5 casts.
    • This stacks multiplicatively with cooldown reduction.

