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League of Legends Wiki
The Howling Abyss (League of Legends)The Howling Abyss (League of Legends)
The Howling Abyss (Legends of Runeterra)The Howling Abyss (Legends of Runeterra)
The Howling Abyss (Wild Rift)The Howling Abyss (Wild Rift)



"The bridge of the Howling Abyss can lay untouched for years, seemingly forgotten, buried in snow amidst other indistinguishable landscape in the north... But then something strange awakens in its frozen runic forms, calling out to those who yearn to prove themselves in battle."

"Where the summons originate, few can say, but those that dare to cross the treacherous bridges speak of strange shadows in the ice far below. It's difficult to discern their size and shape, but they loom impressively in the depths, as if eagerly anticipating a certain outcome..."[1]


  • Internally, this card is just called Howling Abyss.
  • This card is based on the Howling Abyss. Its effect of generating random champions is a reference to the ARAM game mode that the Howling Abyss is used for.

Change Log[]

The Howling Abyss
  • Mana cost reduced to 6 from 7.
  • Added.