Terbisia is a riverside settlement located in Lower Demacia of southern Demacia, south of the Greenfang Mountains. It was badly destroyed after an earthquake, then rebuilt under leadership as a safe haven for mages.
An earthquake struck Terbisia at dawn, the earth bucking like an unbroken colt and splitting apart in gaping fissures.
The scale of the devastation was immense. Terbisia's buildings were crafted from hard mountain granite and Demacian oak, raised high by communal strength. And almost all of them had been completely destroyed. Dust-covered men and women dug through the shattered ruins with picks and shovels, hoping to find survivors, but instead, dragged corpses from the debris. Entire streets had simply vanished into the many smoking chasms now dividing the town's districts.
Illuminators such as came to give aid to the city, whether as additional medical staff or as moral support for the injured and dying.
The city had been left in ruins until Lux returned years later during the Great Mage Rebellion, where she led a group of mage refugees to rebuild the city as a safe haven for mages to live in peace. It was besieged in a large-scale Mageseeker incursion, defended by , , and . After the battle, allowed Lux to govern over Terbisia.
Related Champions[]
- Illuminators came to give aid to the city after an earthquake. and the
- , , and defended the city against the Mageseekers.