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League of Legends Wiki

Targeting input refers to the information relevant to casting active abilities, summoner spells, and items in League of Legends, specified by the cursor's position. If an ability does not have any active components and only has passive components, it is considered a passive ability and requires no targeting input. Most innate abilities are passive abilities.

There are 5 major targeting inputs used on the wiki, based on the ones used in the game files: Auto, Direction, Location, Unit, and Vector.

Targeting inputs do not correspond with spell indicators.



Aphelios Aphelios and the auto-targeting of Onslaught Onslaught.

Auto-targeting is a targeting paradigm for abilities that do not require any targeting input from the user upon activation; instead, they automatically select one or more valid targets in range or a valid area of effect when they are activated.

Auto-targeted abilities include any self-buffing abilities, point blank area of effect abilities, and other abilities that are automatically targeted at the location of the caster.


Kai'Sa Kai'Sa and the proximity-targeting of Icathian Rain Icathian Rain.

A few auto-targeted active abilities, such as Death Lotus' Death Lotus', require at least one valid target to be nearby to be cast and can be referred to as proximity-targeted. Some of these abilities can be used to detect valid targets that may be nearby but not visible.

List of Abilities[]


Direction-targeted indicator

The indicator for a direction-targeted ability.


Zed Zed casting Razor Shuriken Razor Shuriken in the target direction.

Direction-targeting is a targeting input paradigm. Direction-targeted abilities require an input direction to be used.

Abilities with this targeting type have a fixed length and offset from a predetermined origin, regardless of whether the cursor is within maximum range or not, unlike location-targeted abilities. The origin point is not specified by the player when using the ability, in contrast to vector-targeted abilities.

Most direction-targeted abilities have effects that travel along a line from the origin toward the cursor (in the case of projectiles and dashes), often stopping at the maximum range of the ability. These abilities may interact with each applicable unit hit (pass-through effects) or with only the first unit hit (collision effects). However, some direction-targeted abilities will affect the entire area at once. The term skillshot is often used to refer to Projectile projectile-based direction-targeted abilities.

A direction-targeted ability does not need to originate from the caster, as with the case of Zed's Zed's Razor Shuriken's Razor Shuriken's used with Living Shadow Living Shadow. Whether or not a direction-targeted ability has an area of effect (such as Lissandra's Lissandra's Ice Shard's Ice Shard's) does not affect the targeting classification.

Direction-targeted abilities can have different shapes for their area of effect. Almost all direction-targeted abilities are of a linear (rectangular, the ones often referred to as skillshots) or a conic shape. A few abilities use combinations of both where two or more linear skillshots are combined to form a cone, such as Ashe's Ashe's Volley Volley.

Some direction-targeted abilities interact with terrain, including turrets' terrain.

List of Abilities[]


Ground-targeted indicator

The indicator for a location-targeted ability.


Brand Brand casting Pillar of Flame Pillar of Flame at the target location.

Location-targeting is a targeting paradigm which requires the player to specify a target location within range before being used, with the crux of the spell centering at this location.

If a location-targeted ability is cast while the cursor is out of range, the ability will either cast at the maximum range, wait for the champion to walk in range, or not cast at all, depending on the ability.

Overwhelmingly, abilities using this targeting type have a circular area of effect around the point, with the few exceptions being wall-type spells (such as Jinx's Jinx's Flame Chompers! Flame Chompers! and Karthus' Karthus' Wall of Pain Wall of Pain), vector-targeted spells, and certain blink abilities (which do not have an area of effect).

Dash abilities that have neither a fixed length nor a target unit fall under this targeting type.

List of Abilities[]


Unit-targeted indicator

The indicator for a unit-targeted ability. A circular indicator is the most common form.


Veigar Veigar casting Primordial Burst Primordial Burst onto the target unit.

Unit-targeting is the most basic targeting paradigm an ability can have. Abilities using this targeting type require a valid target unit to be selected within range, which means having Sight icon sight of the target is also necessary. What constitutes a 'valid' target varies from spell to spell.

Certain unit-targeted spells should not be confused as having the alternate targeting paradigm auto-targeting. Abilities listed here can have the caster as one of the potential valid targets, but not the only valid target. Casting unit-targeted spells on the caster requires the caster to be selected, unless cast using self-cast keybindings.

List of Abilities[]


Janna's Janna's Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm and Senna's Senna's Piercing Darkness Piercing Darkness are the only unit-targeted abilities that can target allied turrets.


Vector-targeted indicator

The indicator for a vector-targeted ability. Note the direction-targeting input is being cast from the targeted location and not the source.

Vector-targeted abilities have cast effects that occur in a direction from a specified location, using a combination of location-targeting and direction-targeting to be cast. Vector-targeted abilities use an arbitrary location as an origin point. This location is specified on the first cast similar to using location-targeting. The direction of the ability's effect is specified on the second cast similar to using direction-targeting.

Quick cast allows the location-targeted component to be specified on-press, and the direction-targeting component to be specified on-release.

List of Abilities[]

Passive Abilities[]

Passive abilities are abilities with no active components and can affect a target without requiring a targeting input.

Some passive abilities require a valid target other than the caster to be nearby in order to take effect, similar to proximity-targeting.

Targeting Types (Engine)[]

Targeting inputs are based on targeting types that are in the game's code, but additional scripts can greatly modify how an ability behaves and change how a player's inputs can trigger an ability. For example, Kai'Sa's Kai'Sa's Icathian Rain Icathian Rain targets herself to cast the ability, but scripts make the projectiles target units around her. As another example, in the game's files it is specified that Warwick's Warwick's Infinite Duress Infinite Duress uses the Location targeting type with 25 000 cast range. However, the player only has to specify which direction they want to leap in while the range is based on Warwick's movement speed.

Since abilities' targeting types used by the game engine may not always match the targeting input required of a player, the League of Legends Wiki only uses the engine's targeting types as a guideline for categorizing abilities' required targeting inputs.

Engine Name Examples Note
Invalid N/A This targeting type is not used at all.
Self Abilities with this targeting type always target the caster, usually granting a buff.
Target This targeting type is the default targeting type.
Area This targeting type is rarely used anymore because a majority of abilities have been rescripted to use the Location targeting type with an added radius.
SelfAOE Abilities with this targeting type check for valid targets within range up to a maximum of 64 targets.
TargetOrLocation Abilities with this targeting type can be cast on units or at a location, usually only having minor differences between the two.
Direction Abilities with this targeting type can also store the input location at the time of the cast. This is used for some interactions, such as with Flash Flash, where an ability may change its direction toward the original location if the caster flashed during the cast time. These interactions may be added or removed on a case-by-case basis depending on champion balance.
DragDirection This targeting type is also known as "vector-casting".
LineTargetToCaster This targeting type was exclusively used by Quinn for a short period of time.
AreaClamped This targeting type is related to the Area targeting type with the only difference being that clamped abilities will cast at their max range if the user inputs a location farther than max range.
LocationClamped Similar to AreaClamped, this targeting type is related to the Location targeting type with the only difference being that clamped abilities will cast at their max range if the user inputs a location farther than max range.
TerrainLocation This targeting type is exclusively used by Bard. It shows similarities to the Direction targeting type with the added restriction that it can only cast on walls.
TerrainType This targeting type is exclusively used by Qiyana. It shows similarities to the Location targeting type with an added terrain type check.