The "Build Usage" section lists Wit's End, Liandry's Torment, and Nashor's Tooth as (questionably) viable items, while leaving proper support items such Sightstone, Locket of the Iron Solari, Face of the Mountain, Righteous Glory, and Talisman of Ascension unlisted. This might mislead newer players into thinking these offensive items are part of a conventional Braum's item build, potentially causing them to lose the game or cause them to get flamed by teammates. At least state that these are unconventional item choices/items for a non-support Braum and explain the risks and the fact that you need a certain level of skill to play it successfully. I have the same opinion about the "Jungling" section, it is NOT wrong to list these strategies, but you should state that they are unconventional and require a certain amount of skill and/or experience to play successfully, much like SivHD's gimmicky builds/unconventional pocket strats. I am only suggesting this with the best interests of the newer players (and players learning to pick up Braum) in mind. Eaglezero55 (talk) 18:13, September 15, 2015 (UTC)