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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki

Champion Select[]



First Move[]


15 seconds cooldown

First Encounter[]

First Encounter with Aatrox Aatrox
  • ▶️   "Brother, you're as cultured as a crematorium selling barbecue."
  • ▶️   "War is a manly appetite, and your directness has my admiration."
First Encounter with Ahri Ahri
  • ▶️   "I am enthralled by your class and refinement. I must offer you a token of my admirations."
  • ▶️   "You're as modest as a freshly-paid courtesan."
First Encounter with Akali Akali
  • ▶️   "Hiding in smoke? Young lady, you're as sharp as a bag of slugs."
First Encounter with Alistar Alistar
  • ▶️   "I believe 'decorum' is the china shop."
  • ▶️   "Any pejorative of bullheadedness is pulverized by your magnificence."
First Encounter with Amumu Amumu
  • ▶️   "I say, you're as 'fun' as a leaky roof."
  • ▶️   "Coveting friendship is barely an appetite, but one I do so sympathize with."
First Encounter with Anivia Anivia
First Encounter with Annie Annie
First Encounter with Ashe Ashe
  • ▶️   "Girl, you got as much 'foresight' as a blindfolded mole."
  • ▶️   "If you wanna build an empire of peace, then your mortar will be blood."
First Encounter with Azir Azir
First Encounter with Blitzcrank Blitzcrank
  • ▶️   "If your heart is gold and your body is steel, why's tin between your ears?"
First Encounter with Braum Braum
First Encounter with Caitlyn Caitlyn
  • ▶️   "You're as elegant as an outhouse in a leper colony!"
  • ▶️   "If you want to clean up the city, don't you need to understand where that dirt comes from?"
First Encounter with Cho'Gath Cho'Gath
First Encounter with Darius Darius
  • ▶️   "Your strength is waning, General. 'Course, I can help you slow time's regress."
  • ▶️   "You're as subtle as a gold codpiece."
First Encounter with Diana Diana
First Encounter with Draven Draven
  • ▶️   "I wonder, how can you receive the attention you deserve... while your brother is in the way?"
  • ▶️   "Your hunger for attention deserves to be sated."
  • ▶️   "At least the rumor of your vanity isn't overrated."
First Encounter with Dr Dr. Mundo
First Encounter with Ekko Ekko
  • ▶️   "Time is but another river, and I care not what water I swim in."
  • ▶️   "Your youthful rebellion is as tedious as your hairstyle."
First Encounter with Ezreal Ezreal
First Encounter with Fiora Fiora
  • ▶️   "A duel is a fight between two imbeciles... and you are the greatest."
  • ▶️   "An appetite for a challenge is a craving without liability."
First Encounter with Fizz Fizz
  • ▶️   "Wouldn't you care to travel to your people's destination?"
First Encounter with Gangplank Gangplank
  • ▶️   "Your attempt to be monstrous is as successful as your dictatorship."
  • ▶️   "You're a man with troubles. I have solutions."
First Encounter with Garen Garen
  • ▶️   "You live by a code that'll never let you get what you want. Let me take you to her."
First Encounter with Gnar Gnar
  • ▶️   "Your conversation makes as much sense as a fish in lingerie!"
  • ▶️   "Time is just a river, boy. Let me take you back where you belong."
First Encounter with Gragas Gragas
  • ▶️   "Your tastes are as elegant as a broken latrine."
  • ▶️   "I admire a man of appetites. Let me help you find refreshment."
First Encounter with Janna Janna
  • ▶️   "Girl, you're as appealing as a cake in the rain."
  • ▶️   "There's a storm in your heart, girl. Tell me what you hunger for."
First Encounter with Jarvan IV Jarvan IV
  • ▶️   "Anything getting through that gold helmet of yours?"
  • ▶️   "Only a fool wouldn't hunger for the throne. Let me help you find that seat."
First Encounter with Jax Jax
First Encounter with Jayce Jayce
First Encounter with Jinx Jinx
First Encounter with Katarina Katarina
  • ▶️   "Don't starve your heart, child! Let me deliver you to him."
First Encounter with Lee Sin Lee Sin
First Encounter with Lissandra Lissandra
  • ▶️   "Good ideas fall from you like pudding from a harpy."
  • ▶️   "Could I offer you a bargain to replace your previous engagement?"
First Encounter with Lucian Lucian
First Encounter with Miss Fortune Miss Fortune
  • ▶️   "The enormity of the hat doesn't hide the vacancy beneath it!"
  • ▶️   "The road to vengeance requires a journey I would happily provide."
First Encounter with Nami Nami
First Encounter with Nasus Nasus
First Encounter with Renekton Renekton
  • ▶️   "I appreciate your mind is unsullied by the complications of reason."
  • ▶️   "Allow me to facilitate your rapaciousness."
First Encounter with Ryze Ryze
First Encounter with Sejuani Sejuani
First Encounter with Sivir Sivir
  • ▶️   "Why not travel to when you were free from these doubts?"
  • ▶️   "Your tastes are about as sophisticated as your wardrobe."
First Encounter with Teemo Teemo
First Encounter with Twisted Fate Twisted Fate
  • ▶️   "Bilgewater is a rough town to leave. I could make it easier for you."
  • ▶️   "A gambler's luck is only predictable... when he's a cheat."
First Encounter with Vi Vi
  • ▶️   "A boxer who thinks with her fists must inevitably punch with her face."
  • ▶️   "Child, why would you sublimate a hunger? Have you forgotten who you are?"
First Encounter with Wukong Wukong
  • ▶️   "Do you want to reach your potential? It's a journey I could provide."
First Encounter with Xerath Xerath
  • ▶️   "A slave's mind is never free, but I suspect you got yours on discount."
  • ▶️   "Ah, nothing whets my appetite like the flames of ambition gone awry."
First Encounter with Yasuo Yasuo
First Encounter with Zed Zed
  • ▶️   "So, shiny attire seem like the thing to wear? You are the most intelligent ninja in the world."
  • ▶️   "Child, a shadow must run from the light eventually."
First Encounter with a Debonair profileicon Debonair
First Encounter with a Gentleman Poro profileicon Gentleman





Basic Attacking[]

40% chance


15 seconds cooldown
Attacking Baron Nashor Baron Nashor
30 seconds cooldown

Ability Casting[]

Using Tongue Lash Tongue Lash[]

Using Abyssal Dive Abyssal Dive[]

Using Thick Skin Thick Skin[]

20% chance

Using Regurgitate Regurgitate[]

Regurgitating an Ally
Regurgitating an Enemy
Targeting an Out-of-Range Ally


Buying Frozen Heart Frozen Heart
Buying Locket of the Iron Solari Locket of the Iron Solari
Buying Mercury's Treads Mercury's Treads
Buying Mikael's Blessing Mikael's Blessing
  • ▶️   "I wonder who might like to bargain for a little freedom."
Buying Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen
Buying Ravenous Hydra Ravenous Hydra
Buying Spirit Visage Spirit Visage
Buying Sunfire Aegis Sunfire Aegis
Buying Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor

Other Gameplay[]

Using Elixir of Iron Elixir of Iron
Placing a Ward icon Ward
30% chance

Recall Recall[]

50% chance, 10 seconds cooldown



  • Tahm Kench has a unique interaction for 48 champions, the most out of any champion in the game.
    • The champions that Tahm Kench did not have a unique interaction for at the time of his release were:

