Large dark spiders with red highlights, they feast upon living the flesh of humans and other large prey. Living in groups, they gained a hive mind with each other as well as their Spider Queen Elise. It is unclear if they are the actual biological children of Elise. Despite this, Elise calls them as her children (as well as her pets).
They hatch from white gray eggs that have green yoke inside. While spiderlings start out as small spiders no different from any other common spider, they can quickly grow to the size of a larger dog if fed enough. A fully grown spiderling can spin a web the size of a man in less than a minute.
These species were only mentioned, but were never elaborated on.
Carnotaun ·
Cougar ·
Croxagor ·
Devilfish ·
Grelmorn ·
Lippertick Apple ·
Mewlark ·
Razorhide ·
Rhoksha ·
Salamander Dew ·Unnamed Species