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League of Legends Wiki

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"Some things must remain buried."

Strategy is highly subjective and may become outdated without any notice. Because of this, the League of Legends Wiki has decided to retire strategy pages and would recommend using other platforms (such as YouTube) to find guides. For more information visit this thread.

  • This page continues to exist for archive purposes.

Champion Spotlight[]

Recommended Items[]

Summoner's Rift
Starting Spellthief's Edge item Health Potion item3 Warding Totem item
Essential Remnant of the Watchers item Ardent Censer item Sorcerer's Shoes item
Offensive Athene's Unholy Grail item Luden's Echo item Lich Bane item
Defensive Mikael's Crucible item Iceborn Gauntlet item Locket of the Iron Solari item
Consumables Health Potion item Control Ward item Elixir of Sorcery item
Twisted Treeline
Starting Boots of Speed item Doran's Ring item Health Potion item3
Essential Athene's Unholy Grail item Sorcerer's Shoes item Wooglet's Witchcap item
Offensive Lich Bane item Void Staff item Luden's Echo item
Defensive Rylai's Crystal Scepter item Banshee's Veil item Banner of Command item
Consumables Health Potion item Refillable Potion item Elixir of Sorcery item
Howling Abyss
Starting Guardian's Orb item Health Potion item2
Essential Rabadon's Deathcap item Ionian Boots of Lucidity item
Offensive Morellonomicon item Luden's Echo item Void Staff item
Defensive Zeke's Convergence item Mikael's Crucible item Locket of the Iron Solari item Banshee's Veil item Zhonya's Hourglass item
Consumables Oracle's Extract item Health Potion item Elixir of Sorcery item


Playing As Sona Sona
  • Make sure to tag your allies while Sona's Sona's auras are active, but avoid getting caught out by enemies.
  • Save Crescendo Crescendo for the game-altering moment.
  • Well-timed uses of Aria of Perseverance Aria of Perseverance will grant you maximum survivability.
Playing Against Sona Sona
  • Spread out when you see Sona Sona so she can't make your entire team dance.
  • Kill Sona Sona first, as she will heal up her team if left alone for too long.


Ability Usage
  • Power Chord Power Chord has three distinct effects based on the last basic ability Sona Sona used. All of these effects scale with AP.
  • Before leaving base, prepare Power Chord Power Chord. By the time you get to lane, go near the enemy carry, and chain Hymn of Valor Hymn of Valor and a basic attack IMMEDIATELY. Doing so will chunk them for a substantial amount of health.
  • Sona's Sona's Hymn of Valor Hymn of Valor is very strong if leveled up quickly. This is especially good if planning on going as a poking support.
  • In a passive support lane, encourage your carry to trade blows with the opponent, as using both your Hymn of Valor Hymn of Valor and Aria of Perseverance Aria of Perseverance lets the both of you make easy and effective winning trades. However, do not spam the heal too much, as it is very costly during the early-game.
  • Use Aria of Perseverance Aria of Perseverance when an ally is being focused in order to take advantage of the aura's shield.
  • Stay with your team. Sona's Sona's auras are most effective when the team groups up. Sona Sona makes an excellent healer, Crescendo Crescendo is best used when the whole team can take advantage of it, and Song of Celerity Song of Celerity lets the entire team kite. Without a teammate around, Sona Sona is little more than an easy gank.
  • Early game, be wary of constant spell rotation, as it will quickly drain her mana. However, this can also be a large problem mid to late game without proper itemization.
  • Crescendo Crescendo is a powerful CC that can stun an entire team. Strive not to waste it, use it to counter-engage for the highest chance of success.
    • Flash Flash can be used to quickly reposition for a maximum target Crescendo Crescendo.
Runes Usage
Item Usage
  • Being a support, Sona Sona should focus on supporting her AD carry early game by warding and keeping them safe. This means getting by with less gold and building so as to benefit your team.
    • Your ideal support item is Spellthief's Edge Spellthief's Edge. Your natural playstyle focuses on harass, and this greatly complements the damage output with an easy method of gold generation.
    • Ancient Coin Ancient Coin is also quite beneficial, as you can safely sustain and create a passive laning environment that zones out the enemy.
  • Getting a Chalice of Harmony Chalice of Harmony in the early game is beneficial as it provides some magic resist as well as enough mana regeneration to spam abilities in lane.
  • Sheen Sheen is a situational item. It works really well with all of Sona's abilities, and it becomes more of a threat once it is converted into a Lich Bane Lich Bane.
  • Aura items are available that benefit Sona's Sona's playstyle.
    • Frozen Heart's Frozen Heart's debuff to enemies' attack speed decreases the DPS of auto attacks from the enemy team while giving you more CDR and armor.
    • Abyssal Mask's Abyssal Mask's debuff to enemies' magic resist increases the magic damage output of your team while giving you more magic resist and health.
  • Mikael's Crucible Mikael's Crucible is a powerful item because it's capable of saving an important teammate, letting them continue fighting by removing CC. The massive mana regeneration is also useful.
  • All of Sona's Sona's abilities (including her passive) scale with AP, but support Sona Sona should prioritize CDR over AP as to maximize the utility of her abilities and passive.
  • Sona Sona is extremely valuable in teamfights and group pushes, but sustained aura rotation can deplete her mana pool quickly if not equipped properly. Use any available mana sources to extend the duration of your presence on the battle field.
  • Sona's Sona's Aria of Perseverance Aria of Perseverance can shield multiple allies at once. This makes Ardent Censer Ardent Censer a very good item on her, providing a slew of useful stats alongside an attack speed and magic damage buff for allies which, no matter the composition, will improve her team's objective taking. Also, you can further extend the duration of Ardent Censer's Ardent Censer's buff on a single most wounded nearby ally by approaching them no more than 3 seconds after activating Aria of Perseverance Aria of Perseverance, thus refreshing Ardent Censer's Ardent Censer's buff's duration for up to 9 seconds total.
  • Sona Sona is fairly squishy throughout the game, especially at level 1. Work with your allies to kill her fast.
    • Just be careful not to give her the upper hand through your aggressiveness. Being a support, her allies are her main survivability, and making the mistake in ignoring them can prove to be more fatal than ignoring Sona Sona.
  • Constantly try to harass Sona Sona and her lane partner. Doing so forces her to use Aria of Perseverance Aria of Perseverance, and it takes up a lot of mana in the early game.
  • When laning against Sona Sona, remember how she can boost her partner with her supporting spells. When focusing either of them, you're really going to be fighting both of them, so account for it by removing either from the equation with CC or zoning.
  • Sona's Sona's harass is targeted, which means that to avoid her damage, you need to either block the damage or not be there to take it in the first place.
    • Hymn of Valor Hymn of Valor cannot auto-target enemies not in vision, so take advantage of brush and control vision.
  • Magic Resist in general can counter a Sona Sona focusing on damage. Locket of the Iron Solari Locket of the Iron Solari and Spectre's Cowl Spectre's Cowl are the recommended items for this.
  • Do not overextend when chasing an enemy that is accompanied with Sona Sona. Her Song of Celerity Song of Celerity allows her to outrun you very quickly.
  • Sona Sona is a rewarding target to remove quickly from the fight. If the opportunity presents itself, remove her from the equation.
    • Avoid grouping against a Sona Sona. She can end up hitting all members of your team with Crescendo Crescendo.
  • Sona Sona is best countered by using an aggressive support with heavy CC, such as Blitzcrank Blitzcrank, Thresh Thresh, or Leona Leona. Keep in mind that you must play very aggressively against Sona Sona and not give her time to recover her spells; otherwise she will just end up harassing and out sustaining your aggressor of choice.
    • Alternatively, using a support with similar healing and harass, such as Nami Nami or Soraka Soraka, can be a good choice for stalling the lane and at least not letting the enemy snowball.

