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League of Legends Wiki

Removed upgrades[]

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Patch History[]

  • Passive - Jungle Expertise
    • Minion penalty duration increased from 7:00 to 7:30.
  • Execute Smite Execute Smite - New spell?
    • Passive: If you would damage an epic monster within Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)800 health, or a large monster within Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)400 health, you deal Skillshots dodged with Void Surge (Q) true damage equal to that amount and Champions hit with Powder Kegs (E) detonated by chain reactionHeal power icon heal for Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)8% maximum health. This will not trigger from Blaze persistent damage.
    • Passive - Jungle Expertise:
      • Earn 20% bonus Champions killed with Trueshot Barrage (R)experience and Damage mitigated with Riposte (W)gold from monsters. Earn 60% reduced Champions killed with Trueshot Barrage (R)experience and Damage mitigated with Riposte (W)gold from minions until 07:00 elapse.
      • Deal 10% bonus damage and 15% bonus ability damage to monsters. Attacking monsters restores Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)40 health over 5 seconds.
      • Restore Champions hit by Piltover Peacemakers (Q) at greater than 75% of max range4 mana per second while in jungle or river.
    • Passive - Conservation: Generate 6 stacks per 5 seconds. When you kill a large or epic monster, consume all stacks to gain 1 Gold 1 per stack. Generation increases to 12 stacks per 5 seconds if your team's total gold is lower than the enemy by at least 10%, and your total gold is lower than your allies' average total gold by at least 5%.
    • Availability: Wild Rift (Ultra Rapid Fire).
  • Smite Smite
    • Passive - Jungle Expertise Undocumented
      • Renamed from Hunting License, Tooth and Nail, and Recoup.
      • Editor's Note: This now follows the style of Chilling Smite Chilling Smite changes in V3.5.
  • New:
    • Active: Deal Skillshots dodged with Void Surge (Q) 600 true damage to a large or epic monster or minion (10 second cooldown). Smiting monsters restores Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)70 (+ 10% maximum health) health. Gain one charge every 45 seconds, up to 2 charges. Using Smite 3 times upgrades into Chilling Smite.
    • Passive - Hunting License: Earn 20% bonus Champions killed with Trueshot Barrage (R)experience and Damage mitigated with Riposte (W)gold from monsters. Earn 60% reduced Champions killed with Trueshot Barrage (R)experience and Damage mitigated with Riposte (W)gold from minions until 07:00 elapse.
    • Passive - Tooth and Nail: Deal 10% bonus damage and 15% bonus ability damage to monsters. Attacking monsters restores Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)40 health over 5 seconds.
    • Passive - Recoup: Restore Champions hit by Piltover Peacemakers (Q) at greater than 75% of max range4 mana per second while in jungle or river.
    • Passive - Conservation: Generate 6 stacks per 5 seconds. When you kill a large or epic monster, consume all stacks to gain 1 Gold 1 per stack. Generation increases to 12 stacks per 5 seconds if your team's total gold is lower than the enemy by at least 10%, and your total gold is lower than your allies' average total gold by at least 5%.
  • Old:
    • Active: Deal Skillshots dodged with Void Surge (Q) 440 − 1000 (based on level) true damage to a large or epic monster or minion (10 second cooldown). Smiting monsters restores Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)70 (+ 10% maximum health) health. Gain one charge every 45 seconds, up to 2 charges. Slaying 4 large monsters upgrades Smite to Chilling Smite or Challenging Smite.
    • Passive - Hunting License: Earn 20% bonus Champions killed with Trueshot Barrage (R)experience and Damage mitigated with Riposte (W)gold from monsters. Earn 25% reduced Champions killed with Trueshot Barrage (R)experience and Damage mitigated with Riposte (W)gold from minions until 06:00 elapse.
    • Passive - Tooth and Nail: Deal 15% bonus ability damage to monsters. Attacking monsters deals Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)30 magic damage and restores Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)30 health over 5 seconds.
    • Passive - Recoup: Restore Champions hit by Piltover Peacemakers (Q) at greater than 75% of max range4 mana per second while in jungle or river.
  • Challenging Smite Challenging Smite - Removed
    • Removed from the game.
  • Chilling Smite Chilling Smite
    • Damage changed from Damage mitigated by Master-At-Arms (R)440 − 1000 (based on level) to 800.
    • Champion damage increased from 28 − 174 (based on level) to 38 − 184 (based on level).
    • Slow increased from 20% to 25%.
    • Passive - Jungle Expertise
      • Undocumented: Renamed from Hunting License, Tooth and Nail, and Recoup.
      • See Smite Smite notes for further changes.
  • New effect: Quick cast will prioritize epic monsters.
  • Passive - Tooth and Nail
    • Damage increased from 30 to 50.
  • Passive - Tooth and Nail
    • Health restoration increased from 30 to 40.
  • Unique passive - Tooth and Nail
    • Bonus ability damage against monsters increased from 10% to 15%.
  • Passive - Tooth and Nail
    • New Effect: Against monsters, now only increases ability damage by 10% instead of all damage by 10%.
  • Passive - Hunting License
    • Minion penalty duration increased from 5:00 to 6:00.
  • Passive - Hunting License
    • New Effect: Now grants Damage mitigated with Riposte (W)20% bonus gold from monsters.
    • Minion gold and experience rate reduced from 80% to 75%.
      • Penalty increased from 20% to 25%.
  • Passive - Hunting License
    • Updated Hunter's Duty buff text.
  • Bug Fix: Tooltip now correctly reflects its mana regeneration property.
  • New Passive - Recoup: Restore Champions hit by Piltover Peacemakers (Q) at greater than 75% of max range4 mana per second while in jungle or river.
  • Passive - Hunting License
    • Added the Hunter's Duty buff indicator to indicate Hunting License minion penalty.
  • New effect: Smite is put on a 10 second cooldown at game start.
Regional Closed Beta
  • Challenging Smite Challenging Smite
    • Cast range reduced from 600 to 500.
    • Passive - Tooth and Nail
      • Burn damage increased from 30 to 100.
      • Removed: The damage amplification no longer increases its own burn damage.
  • Chilling Smite Chilling Smite
    • Cast range reduced from 600 to 500.
    • Passive - Tooth and Nail
      • Burn damage increased from 30 to 100.
      • Removed: The damage amplification no longer increases its own burn damage.
  • Smite Smite
    • Cast range reduced from 600 to 500.
    • Passive - Tooth and Nail
      • Removed: The damage amplification no longer increases its own burn damage.