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League of Legends Wiki

Slightly Magical Boots is a distributed item in League of Legends icon League of Legends.

Cost Analysis

Gold Value

Gold efficiency

  • Slightly Magical Boots Slightly Magical Boots are worth 420 Gold 420 but cost 0 Gold 0, making them infinitely gold efficient.

Similar items

Boots Boots


  • With Slightly Quicker, Slightly Magical Boots grants a total of 35 bonus movement speed.
  • Slightly Magical Boots counts as a component item for all Tier-2 Boots item.
    • Upgrading to a Tier-2 Boots items will retain Slightly Quicker's effect.
      • Selling Slightly Magical Boots will not cause its effect to be lost; once the item is gained, Slightly Quicker's passive bonus will apply to any Boots items that are purchased.
  • If Slightly Magical Boots is sold, it can be obtained again by purchasing Boots Boots.

Old icons

Patch History

  • Sellback value reduced to 90 Gold 90 from 210 Gold 210.
  • Removed: Upgrades to tiers 2 boots costing 50 Gold 50 less.
  • New Effect: Is now limited to one pair of boots.
  • Bug Fix: Tooltip has been fixed.
V7.22 Added


List of Items
