Slightly Magical Boots is a distributed item in League of Legends.
Cost Analysis
Gold Value
- 25 movement speed = 300
- Total Gold Value = 300
- 10 flat movement speed (from passive) = 120
Gold efficiency
Similar items
- With Slightly Quicker, Slightly Magical Boots grants a total of 35 bonus movement speed.
- Slightly Magical Boots counts as a component item for all Tier-2 Boots item.
- Upgrading to a Tier-2 Boots items will retain Slightly Quicker's effect.
- Selling Slightly Magical Boots will not cause its effect to be lost; once the item is gained, Slightly Quicker's passive bonus will apply to any Boots items that are purchased.
- Upgrading to a Tier-2 Boots items will retain Slightly Quicker's effect.
- If Slightly Magical Boots is sold, it can be obtained again by purchasing .
Old icons
Patch History
- Updated icon.
- Unique passive renamed Slightly Quicker from Magical Footwear.
- Now disables instead of .
- Now builds into and .
- No longer builds into and .
- New Effect: Is now limited to one pair of boots.
- Bug Fix: Tooltip has been fixed.
- V7.22 Added
List of Items
- Starter items
- Potions and Consumables
- Trinkets
- Distributed items
- Boots
- Basic items
- Epic items
- Legendary items
- Champion exclusive items
- Minion and Turret items
- Arena Prismatic items
- Arena Anvil items
- Arena exclusive items
- Removed items