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Surrounded around the Shuriman Continent are several clans of Brackern, including clans in the Shuriman desert.


The Dormun are gigantic, slow-moving creatures protected with large chitinous plates covering their body. In the harsh conditions of Shurima they have evolved to survive the perpetual drought by utilizing an unknown sense to locate hidden reservoirs of water. Incidentally, certain nomadic tribes have built themselves a permanent home upon the backs of these beasts where they clean the creature and hunt any airborne pests who venture near.


Desert goats that travel in herds.


Mwatis are goatlike creatures with large plated casques on their heads. Mwati wool and plate are prised for felting and insulation.


Gigantic scarabs that roam in swarms, looking for unfortunate travelers to feed on. They seem to be common prey for Rammus Rammus.


Beside the Xer'Sai, other creatures from the Void, referred to as 'outerbeasts', can be found in the desert.

  • Xer'Sai: Creatures from the Void that plague the southern deserts. They are the size of big dogs on average, but can be smaller or much bigger. Rek'Sai Rek'Sai, as the queen, is by far the largest and most dangerous of her species. Xer'sai burst from their small burrows and ravage anything nearby, to the detriment of desert caravans. Once dead, the Xer'sai decompose at an abnormally rapid rate and become inedible.


Large and aggressive minotaur-like creatures. They are humpbacked quadrupeds with long limbs and thick horns.

Shuriman Camel[]

A breed of camels native to the deserts of Shurima and are used by caravans as well as common folk as primary mode of transportation. Despite being well-suited for lengthy travels in the desert landscape, they are still prey to a many predator such as the Xer'Sai.


Shurima Sandswimmers


Sandswimmers are massive quadrupedal creatures that traverse the Shuriman desert in cyclical patterns. They got their name due to their preferred method of travel. Their narrow bodies and webbed feet are perfectly design for swimming under the sand. They feed on bugs and other small creatures most desert beasts ignore. Scavengers will often memorize the predictable paths these creatures take, and jump onto their backs to ride as far as they wish.


The Skallashi are large quadrupedal herbivores. These hardy beasts of burden are common across Shurima, ideally suited to the harsh desert environment. Their key body feature is their long legs. Notoriously bad-tempered, they are nevertheless treated with great reverence. Their brown hides are often painted with sacred symbols of protection, and their horns hung with totems and charms. While these creatures are mostly used for travel and carrying heavy loads, on some larger skallashi people are able to built miniature rooms for more comfortable travel. To own one is often considered a sign of considerable prosperity.

Sion OriginalCentered
Sion (Universe)Sion (Universe)
Sion (League of Legends)Sion (League of Legends)
Sion (Esports)Sion (Esports)
Sion (Teamfight Tactics)Sion (Teamfight Tactics)
Sion (Legends of Runeterra)Sion (Legends of Runeterra)
Sion (Wild Rift)Sion (Wild Rift)
Sion (Development)Sion (Development)
Sion (Trivia)Sion (Trivia)


Glory in Death

Innate: Sion gains Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)Health icon 5 bonus health whenever he kills an enemy, increased to inherit15 for large enemies and Damage rating takedowns against enemy Champion icon champions.

Glory in Death

Innate: Upon taking Death fatal damage, Sion enters Stasis icon stasis for 1.5 seconds to Zombie icon reanimate into a frenzy, Fear icon WR fearing nearby enemies for 1 second and Slow icon slowing them by 90%. He then restores Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)100% of his maximum health but loses Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)2 − 19 (based on level) health every 0.264 seconds, increasing by「 70% of the base value 」「 Damage mitigated by Master-At-Arms (R)1.4 − 13.3 (based on level) 」per subsequent tick. Sion's Health regeneration icon health regeneration and any incoming Heal power icon healing (except physical vamp) during this time is 0% effective.

Sion can only move and use his basic attacks and item actives, and empowers himself with the following effects:

  • Attack speed icon Champions hit with Martial Cadence (P)1.75 attack speed minimum and maximum
  • Life steal icon 100% physical vamp
  • Deals Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)bonus magic damage On-hit icon on-hit equal to Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)8% of the target's maximum health, capped at 75 against Monster icon monsters.
  • 50% reduced damage against structures.
  • One cast of Death Surge Death Surge, which replaces all of his abilities

  • Bonus health can be obtained by any of Sion's damage sources (basic attacks, abilities, summoner spells, item actives).
    • This does not include last hits transferred to Sion artificially, through effects such as Spoils of War Spoils of War.
  • PENDING FOR TEST: Sion does not gain bonus health from units that enter Revival icon resurrection on-death.
  • Killing the following unit types grants Sion Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)15 bonus health:
  • Killing the following unit types grants Sion Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)5 bonus health:
  • Sion's death timer starts when he dies and not when Glory in Death ends. However, he will not revive until Glory in Death has ended. This may result in some odd interactions and bugs at times.
  • The effect that restores Sion back to full health at the start of Glory in Death is not considered Heal power icon healing.
  • Glory in Death has a capped 60 seconds duration. If the player manages to survive for so long, Sion dies instantly, regardless of his current health.
  • The healing modifier during Glory in Death reduces all incoming healing, it does not matter if they are sourced from Sion himself or an ally. This does not affect life steal.
    • This healing modifier does not stack with heal and shield power, but does stack additively with other sources of health regeneration.
  • The fixed attack speed is achieved by lowering and increasing the maximum and minimum attack speed to Attack speed icon inherit1.75, respectively.
    • This also means that it's unaffected by other attack speed modifiers for the duration, such as bonus attack speed or Cripple icon cripples.
  • Some item passives do not persist through death and will be lost for the initial few seconds of Glory in Death.
  • The reduction of damage against structures includes Sion's attacks as well as on-hit effects that can be applied, such as Demolish Demolish and the magic damage based on Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP conversion based on Adaptive Force icon adaptive force.
  • Glory in Death's Untargetable icon untargetability from the Stasis icon stasis does not Bullet strikethrough destroy in-flight projectiles.
  • Upon death, the current cooldowns of Sion's summoner spells are increased to 4 seconds. Afterwards, he is still unable to use them until he respawns.
    • However, it is possible for another lock-out effect to unlock them when their duration ends (excluding Stun icon crowd control with the exception of Stasis icon stasis).
  • PENDING FOR TEST: Buffs from jungle monsters that Sion acquired during Glory in Death will not be lost when the duration ends. (Crest of Cinders Crest of Cinders, Crest of Insight Crest of Insight)
Zombie info

Map-Specific Differences
Howling Abyss icon Howling Abyss differences edit
  • Life steal changed to 50%.

Death Surge

Death Surge

Active: Sion gains Movement speed icon Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)67% bonus movement speed(bug) that decays over 2.376 seconds.

Once at least one ability has been learned, Death Surge can be cast using any ability key, even for the abilities that haven't been learned yet.

  • Death Surge will grant the bonus movement speed after a brief delay.
    • The buff is intended to grant 75% decaying movement speed, but instead grants 67% movement speed decaying with -8% per stat update.
      • Precisely this leaves him at 0% − 0% (based on time passed) bonus movement speed.
  • Death Surge has a shared cooldown across each ability key.
  • PENDING FOR TEST: Death Surge's cooldown is affected by Cooldown reduction icon ability haste.

Map-Specific Differences
Howling Abyss icon Howling Abyss differences edit
  • Life steal changed to 50%.

Decimating Smash

Decimating Smash

Active: Sion Channeling icon charges for up to 1.75 seconds to increase Decimating Smash's Range icon range over an area, Airborne icon WR knock up duration, Stun icon WR stun duration, and damage every 0.25 seconds, which has up to a maximum bonus for the base damage and up to a 200% bonus for the scaling damage.

Maximum Base Damage Increase:
160 / 178.9 / 185.7 / 189.2 / 191.3%
Minimum Physical Damage:
25 / 55 / 85 / 115 Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 45 / 55 / 65 / 75% AD)
Maximum Physical Damage:
65 / 155 / 245 / 335 Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 135 / 165 / 195 / 225% AD)

Decimating Smash can be recast within the duration, and automatically does so afterwards. If the charge is Silence icon interrupted, Decimating Smash is placed on a Cooldown icon 2-second cooldown.

Recast: Sion flails his axe in the target direction, dealing Champions killed from outside standard Attack rangephysical damage to enemies hit and Slow icon slowing them by 50% for 0.25 seconds. Decimating Smash deals 120% damage against Monster icon monsters and 60% damage against Minion icon minions.

Minimum Monster Damage:
30 / 66 / 102 / 138 Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 54 / 66 / 78 / 90% AD)
Maximum Monster Damage:
78 / 186 / 294 / 402 Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 162 / 198 / 234 / 270% AD)
Minimum Minion Damage:
15 / 33 / 51 / 69 Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 27 / 33 / 39 / 45% AD)
Maximum Minion Damage:
39 / 93 / 147 / 201 Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 81 / 99 / 117 / 135% AD)

If Decimating Smash was charged for at least 0.75 seconds, Sion instead slams his axe down in the target direction, dealing Champions killed from outside standard Attack rangephysical damage to enemies hit, Airborne icon WR knocking them up for 0.5 − 1 (based on channel time) seconds, and Stun icon WR stunning them for 1.25 − 2.25 (based on channel time) seconds.

Sion hitbox area

For the target to be hit, their center needs to be inside the red or blue areas (based on charge time), and their edge must hit the yellow part of the cone. If their edge also hits the white part of the cone they will be excluded from being hit. Cone is at 16 degrees and starts 800 range behind Sion's center. White cone has a radius of 720, while yellow cone has a radius of 1550.

  • Sion himself remains Lockout icon 2 locked out of all actions for 0.25 seconds when releasing Decimating Smash.
  • Unstoppable icon Displacement immunity will also resist the application of the Stun icon WR stun.
  • Since the Stun icon WR stun duration is longer than the Airborne icon WR airborne duration, and both start at the same time, Tenacity icon Tenacity is still fully effective against Decimating Smash up to a cap.
    • This virtual cap is 60%-55.5% Tenacity icon Tenacity based on channel time beyond 1 second. Every value below this cap will lower the CC duration with no diminished returns.
  • A flash of the axe and change in brightness of the indicator on the ground indicates when the 1 second time frame is reached.
  • The damage of Decimating Smash is calculated when it is released. Gaining Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)AD or upgrading the ability during its channel will update the damage of the coming hit.
    • Even though the cooldown starts when the ability is released, it will not be changed by gaining or losing AH, or upgrading the ability, during the cast time.
  • The indicator is visible to the enemy only if they Sight icon see Sion himself.
    • If the channel is released before 1 second, enemies may see a particle at the far end of the hitbox, if it itself isn't outside of their Sight icon vision.
    • If the channel is released after 1 second, the only remaining indication is the visual effects and audio that plays on any units the spell strikes (these play on-target), provided the enemy does have Sight icon vision on those.
  • Forced movement without a Stun icon WR stun component (or the stun being Remove Scurvy cleansed previously) will not stop Sion from starting or continuing to channel. Its direction will not change with Sion's travel, however the location will update with him.
    • The location of the indicator updates at the beginning of the ability, at 1 second and at release.
  • The following table refers for interactions while Sion is Channeling icon channeling:
Type Charge channel
Attacking Disabled
Abilities Soul Furnace Soul Furnace and its recast recast are usable. Roar of the Slayer Roar of the Slayer and Unstoppable Onslaught Unstoppable Onslaught are disabled. This ability recasts to end channel.
Movement Disabled
Items Usable N/A
Disabled All items are disabled
Interrupted by N/A
Consumables Disabled
Spells Usable Barrier Barrier Clarity Clarity Cleanse Cleanse Exhaust Exhaust Ghost Ghost Heal Heal Ignite Ignite Smite Smite
Disabled Flash Flash Teleport Teleport Recall Recall
Interrupted by Hexflash Hexflash (Recasts)
Interrupted by
  • Death
  • Silence icon Cast-inhibiting effects
  • Soul Furnace

    Soul Furnace

    Active: Sion grants himself a Hybrid resistances icon shield that lasts for up to 6 seconds. Soul Furnace can be recast after 3 seconds while the shield holds, and does so automatically at the end of the duration.

    Soul Furnace 2

    Recast: Sion consumes the shield to deal Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to nearby enemies, capped at 400 against Minion icon minions and Monster icon monsters.

    Magic Damage:
    40 / 75 / 110 / 145 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 40% AP) Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)(+ 10 / 11 / 12 / 13% of target's maximum health)

    Both of Soul Furnace's casts can be activated during Sion's other abilities.

    • A buff icon in the HUD will show the current shield strength, so that the player can better calculate the timing of the second cast.
      • The initial shown value does not interact with Heal and shield power icon shield strength modifiers. Whenever the shield takes damage, it updates to the proper current shield amount, however.
    • PENDING FOR TEST: Gaining or losing AP or health, or upgrading the ability while the shield is active will not change its shield value but it will change the damage of the shield's detonation.
    • Gaining or losing Cooldown reduction icon ability haste between the first cast and breaking of the shield will affect the cooldown.
    • Soul Furnace also automatically detonates if Sion is killed without the shield being destroyed, e.g. by dying to the Nexus Obelisk Nexus Obelisk, even if Sion could not have detonated it manually yet.

    Roar of the Slayer

    Roar of the Slayer

    Active: Sion bellows a shockwave in the target direction that deals Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to the first enemy hit, Slow icon slows them for 2.5 seconds and inflicts Champion skillshot and targetted missiles evaded with Hallowed Mist (W)Armor penetration icon 20% armor reduction for 4 seconds.

    Magic Damage:
    65 / 110 / 155 / 200 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 55% AP)
    40 / 45 / 50 / 55%

    If the target is a Minion icon minion or non-epic Monster icon monster, they are also Stun icon WR stunned for 0.75 seconds and Airborne icon WR knocked back for up to 1350 units further, though not through terrain, applying Roar of the Slayer's effects to enemies they pass through as well as briefly granting Sight icon sight of the area around their trajectory.

    • Minions or monsters that are flung away are immune to minion damage and take their damage once they are stopped if they would die to Roar of the Slayer's damage, by either colliding with terrain, reaching the end of their trajectory, or having their displacement interrupted.
    • PENDING FOR TEST: Gaining or losing Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP, or upgrading the ability while its projectile is traveling will change its damage for every future hit. This applies to both the intial single-target projectile, as well as the minion-projectile.
    • This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.

    Unstoppable Onslaught

    Unstoppable Onslaught

    Active: Sion becomes Cc-immune icon immune to crowd control and Ghost ghosted and, after a brief delay, Channeling icon charges forward for up to 8 seconds, during which he is able to steer at a slow turn rate while automatically navigating his movement. Unstoppable Onslaught can be recast after 0.4 seconds during the channel.

    The charge ramps up Sion's Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)movement speed at the time of cast by Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)40 movement speed every 0.1 seconds, up to Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)950 total movement speed.

    Unstoppable Onslaught 2

    At the end of the charge's duration, Sion Bear Stance leaps forward 300 units, landing after 0.55 seconds and slamming the ground beneath him. Sion will stop upon colliding with an enemy champion or terrain during the charge, ending Unstoppable Onslaught with a slam. Crashing into terrain Stun icon WR stuns Sion for 0.5 seconds.

    Enemies hit by Sion's charge are dealt Champions killed from outside standard Attack rangephysical damage. The base damage increases by 0% − 166.67% (based on channel time) and the scaling increases by 0% − 100% (based on channel time).

    Minimum Physical Damage:
    150 / 300 / 450 Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 40% bonus AD)
    Maximum Physical Damage:
    400 / 800 / 1200 Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 80% bonus AD)

    Enemies hit by the slam are dealt the same damage, structures hit are dealt 50% damage. Enemies in a smaller radius are also Airborne icon WR pulled towards Sion over 0.5 seconds and become Stun icon WR stunned after a brief delay for 0.75 − 1.75 (based on channel time) seconds.

    40 / 45 / 50%

    Recast: Sion stops charging, causing him to leap forward and slam the ground beneath him as if Unstoppable Onslaught had reached the end of its duration.

    ▶️   Charge alert.

    • Activation sounds off a global warning.
    • Unstoppable Onslaught does not apply the knock up nor stun to enemies from slamming on collision with terrain.
    • PENDING FOR TEST: Unstoppable Onslaught does not knock up non-champions hit by the charge.(bug)
    • An enemy can be affected by Unstoppable Onslaught only once every 1 second.
    • After reaching maximum damage and stun duration (at 3 seconds) Sion will transition from using his haste animation to his unique charging one.
      • The turning angle is not based on time and can easily be seen in practice when a Sion charges in-place due to bugs.
    • Sion's movement speed gains during the charge are unaffected by movement speed caps. Effects that would increase or decrease his movement speed do not affect him as well.
      • Surging Tides Surging Tides is the only known effect that can affect Sion's Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)movement speed during the charge and that can place him above the normal MS value. However, without further multipliers, surpassing the Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)950 movement speed cap will require Nami Nami to have over Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)2150 ability power.
    • Sion does not always crash with terrain immediately upon touching it, enabling the player to turn beyond his maximum turning angle.
      • Casting the ability at point blank of a terrain will most often automatically change the charge's direction.
      • This is not usually possible with player-generated terrain.
    • Unstoppable Onslaught cannot charge through but can leap over player-generated terrain.
    • Sion loses the Cc-immune icon crowd control immunity after finishing the Bear Stance leap.
    • PENDING FOR TEST: Sion is not immune to Stun icon crowd control applied by his allies during Unstoppable Onslaught. For example, a Blast Cone Blast Cone triggered by an ally will cause the Channeling icon channel to be Silence icon interrupted.
    • Unstoppable Onslaught cannot strike the same non-champion twice in less than 1 second.
    • PENDING FOR TEST: Gaining or losing ability haste, or upgrading the ability during the effect, will not change the resuming cooldown.
    • Remove Scurvy Removing the Airborne icon WR airborne before 0.5 seconds will not prevent the Stun icon WR stun from being applied.
    • Template:Wrtip will also resist the application of the Stun icon WR stun.
    • PENDING FOR TEST: The leap appears to always have the same speed regardless of Sion's, at roughly 750.
    • The following table refers for interactions while Sion is Channeling icon channeling:
    Type Channel
    Attacking Disabled
    Abilities Soul Furnace Soul Furnace and its recast recast are usable. Decimating Smash Decimating Smash and Roar of the Slayer Roar of the Slayer are disabled. This ability recasts to end channel.
    Movement Allowed, but cannot input movement commands.
    Items Usable N/A
    Disabled All items are disabled
    Interrupted by N/A
    Consumables Disabled
    Spells Usable N/A
    Disabled Barrier Barrier Clarity Clarity Cleanse Cleanse Exhaust Exhaust Ghost Ghost Heal Heal Ignite Ignite Smite Smite Flash Flash Teleport Teleport Recall Recall Hexflash Hexflash Mark Mark Dash Dash
    Interrupted by N/A
    Interrupted by
  • Death
    • If Unstoppable Onslaught's channel is interrupted despite the immunity to crowd control or Decimating Smash Decimating Smash is cast within 0.25 seconds after starting the charge, it will also initiate the leap. If the channel ends due to collision or death, there is no Bear Stance leap and the effect occurs immediately.

    Patch history[]

    For the expanded patch notes, see here.
    • Stats
      • Base movement speed increased from 345 to 355.
    • Soul Furnace Soul Furnace
      • Cooldown reduced from 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 seconds to 15 / 14 / 13 / 12.
      • Recast time reduced from 3 seconds to 2.
    • Released August 26, 2022 (00:01 UTC).

    See also[]

