- Bonus health can be obtained by any of Sion's damage sources (basic attacks, abilities, summoner spells, item actives).
- This does not include last hits transferred to Sion artificially, through effects such as .
- PENDING FOR TEST: Sion does not gain bonus health from units that enter resurrection on-death.
- Killing the following unit types grants Sion 15 bonus health:
- Killing the following unit types grants Sion 5 bonus health:
- Minions and small monsters
- PENDING FOR TEST: Wards and other champion summoned units (e.g. )
- All pets, with the exceptions of those listed above and below
- Clones
- Sion's death timer starts when he dies and not when Glory in Death ends. However, he will not revive until Glory in Death has ended. This may result in some odd interactions and bugs at times.
- The effect that restores Sion back to full health at the start of Glory in Death is not considered healing.
- Glory in Death has a capped 60 seconds duration. If the player manages to survive for so long, Sion dies instantly, regardless of his current health.
- The healing modifier during Glory in Death reduces all incoming healing, it does not matter if they are sourced from Sion himself or an ally. This does not affect life steal.
- This healing modifier does not stack with heal and shield power, but does stack additively with other sources of health regeneration.
- The fixed attack speed is achieved by lowering and increasing the maximum and minimum attack speed to 1.75, respectively.
- Some item passives do not persist through death and will be lost for the initial few seconds of Glory in Death.
- The reduction of damage against structures includes Sion's attacks as well as on-hit effects that can be applied, such as AP conversion based on adaptive force. and the magic damage based on
- Glory in Death's untargetability from the stasis does not destroy in-flight projectiles.
- Upon death, the current cooldowns of Sion's summoner spells are increased to 4 seconds. Afterwards, he is still unable to use them until he respawns.
- PENDING FOR TEST: Buffs from jungle monsters that Sion acquired during Glory in Death will not be lost when the duration ends. ( , )
- Zombie info
- Zombie states trigger upon taking lethal damage.
- Raw damage effects will not prevent zombie states from triggering.
- All resurrection effects will take precedence over effects that reanimate as a zombie.
- A champion that enters a zombie state will start their death timer upon triggering the effect.
- Most buffs and debuffs will be lost upon transitioning into a zombie state.
- Those that persist through death, such as , will remain.
- Undisplayed marker buffs, such as those imposed by (bug) and to prevent being affected multiple times by the same effect, will be lost.
- This does not apply when transitioning from one zombie state to another zombie state.(bug)
- Units within a zombie state cannot:
- Use or .
- Activate resurrection effects.
- Take Catapult, or gates. ,
- Pick up the .
- Be targeted by the following:
- .
- Be affected by the following:
- chain missile
- initial missile
- Fountain health restore
- Howling Abyss differences edit
- Life steal changed to 50%.
- Death Surge will grant the bonus movement speed after a brief delay.
- The buff is intended to grant 75% decaying movement speed, but instead grants 67% movement speed decaying with -8% per stat update.
- Precisely this leaves him at 0% − 0% (based on time passed) bonus movement speed.
- The buff is intended to grant 75% decaying movement speed, but instead grants 67% movement speed decaying with -8% per stat update.
- Death Surge has a shared cooldown across each ability key.
- PENDING FOR TEST: Death Surge's cooldown is affected by ability haste.
- Death Surge's cooldown is not reduced by .
- Howling Abyss differences edit
- Life steal changed to 50%.
- Sion himself remains locked out of all actions for 0.25 seconds when releasing Decimating Smash.
- can be cast during this time, but and cannot and neither will they be buffered.
- Displacement immunity will also resist the application of the stun.
- Since the stun duration is longer than the airborne duration, and both start at the same time, Tenacity is still fully effective against Decimating Smash up to a cap.
- A flash of the axe and change in brightness of the indicator on the ground indicates when the 1 second time frame is reached.
- The damage of Decimating Smash is calculated when it is released. Gaining AD or upgrading the ability during its channel will update the damage of the coming hit.
- The indicator is visible to the enemy only if they see Sion himself.
- If the channel is released before 1 second, enemies may see a particle at the far end of the hitbox, if it itself isn't outside of their vision.
- If the channel is released after 1 second, the only remaining indication is the visual effects and audio that plays on any units the spell strikes (these play on-target), provided the enemy does have vision on those.
- Forced movement without a stun component (or the stun being cleansed previously) will not stop Sion from starting or continuing to channel. Its direction will not change with Sion's travel, however the location will update with him.
- The location of the indicator updates at the beginning of the ability, at 1 second and at release.
- The following table refers for interactions while Sion is channeling:
Type | Charge channel | |
Attacking | Disabled | |
Abilities | and its are usable. and are disabled. This ability recasts to end channel. | |
Movement | Disabled | |
Items | Usable | N/A |
Disabled | All items are disabled | |
Interrupted by | N/A | |
Consumables | Disabled | |
Spells | Usable | |
Disabled | ||
Interrupted by | (Recasts) | |
Interrupted by |
- A buff icon in the HUD will show the current shield strength, so that the player can better calculate the timing of the second cast.
- The initial shown value does not interact with shield strength modifiers. Whenever the shield takes damage, it updates to the proper current shield amount, however.
- PENDING FOR TEST: Gaining or losing AP or health, or upgrading the ability while the shield is active will not change its shield value but it will change the damage of the shield's detonation.
- Gaining or losing ability haste between the first cast and breaking of the shield will affect the cooldown.
- Soul Furnace also automatically detonates if Sion is killed without the shield being destroyed, e.g. by dying to the Nexus Obelisk, even if Sion could not have detonated it manually yet.
- Minions or monsters that are flung away are immune to minion damage and take their damage once they are stopped if they would die to Roar of the Slayer's damage, by either colliding with terrain, reaching the end of their trajectory, or having their displacement interrupted.
- PENDING FOR TEST: Gaining or losing AP, or upgrading the ability while its projectile is traveling will change its damage for every future hit. This applies to both the intial single-target projectile, as well as the minion-projectile.
- This ability will cast from wherever the caster is at the end of the cast time.
- Activation sounds off a global warning.
- Unstoppable Onslaught does not apply the knock up nor stun to enemies from slamming on collision with terrain.
- PENDING FOR TEST: Unstoppable Onslaught does not knock up non-champions hit by the charge.(bug)
- An enemy can be affected by Unstoppable Onslaught only once every 1 second.
- After reaching maximum damage and stun duration (at 3 seconds) Sion will transition from using his haste animation to his unique charging one.
- The turning angle is not based on time and can easily be seen in practice when a Sion charges in-place due to bugs.
- Sion's movement speed gains during the charge are unaffected by movement speed caps. Effects that would increase or decrease his movement speed do not affect him as well.
- movement speed during the charge and that can place him above the normal MS value. However, without further multipliers, surpassing the 950 movement speed cap will require to have over 2150 ability power. is the only known effect that can affect Sion's
- Sion does not always crash with terrain immediately upon touching it, enabling the player to turn beyond his maximum turning angle.
- Casting the ability at point blank of a terrain will most often automatically change the charge's direction.
- This is not usually possible with player-generated terrain.
- Unstoppable Onslaught cannot charge through but can leap over player-generated terrain.
- Sion loses the crowd control immunity after finishing the leap.
- PENDING FOR TEST: Sion is not immune to crowd control applied by his allies during Unstoppable Onslaught. For example, a triggered by an ally will cause the channel to be interrupted.
- Unstoppable Onslaught cannot strike the same non-champion twice in less than 1 second.
- PENDING FOR TEST: Gaining or losing ability haste, or upgrading the ability during the effect, will not change the resuming cooldown.
- Removing the airborne before 0.5 seconds will not prevent the stun from being applied.
- Template:Wrtip will also resist the application of the stun.
- PENDING FOR TEST: The leap appears to always have the same speed regardless of Sion's, at roughly 750.
- The following table refers for interactions while Sion is channeling:
Type | Channel | |
Attacking | Disabled | |
Abilities | and its are usable. and are disabled. This ability recasts to end channel. | |
Movement | Allowed, but cannot input movement commands. | |
Items | Usable | N/A |
Disabled | All items are disabled | |
Interrupted by | N/A | |
Consumables | Disabled | |
Spells | Usable | N/A |
Disabled | ||
Interrupted by | N/A | |
Interrupted by |
Patch history[]
- For the expanded patch notes, see here.
- Base damage increased from 65 / 110 / 155 / 200 to 75 / 120 / 165 / 210.
- Mana cost reduced from 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 to 35 / 40 / 45 / 50.
- Stats
- Base movement speed increased from 345 to 355.
- Cooldown reduced from 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 seconds to 15 / 14 / 13 / 12.
- Recast time reduced from 3 seconds to 2.
- Maximum base damage increased from 65 / 155 / 245 / 335 to 80 / 165 / 250 / 335.
- Stun duration reduced from 1.25 − 2.25 (based on channel time) to 1 − 2 (based on channel time).
- Base shield increased from 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 to 75 / 100 / 125 / 150.
- Stun duration reduced from 0.75 − 1.75 (based on channel time) to 0.5 − 1.5 (based on channel time).
- Bonus health per large unit kill increased from 15 to 20.
- Minimum base damage increased from 25 / 55 / 85 / 115 to 40 / 65 / 90 / 115.
- Slow increased from 40 / 43.75 / 47.5 / 51.25 / 55% to 50 to 65%.
- Bonus health on enemy kill reduced from 6 to 5.
- Bonus health on large-enemies and champion takedowns reduced from 20 to 15.
- Damage against monsters reduced from 150% to 120%.
- New effect: Movement speed capped at 800 for the duration.
- Released August 26, 2022 (00:01 UTC).