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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki
For the client store, see Riot Store.

Clockwise From Top Left: Order side Summoner's Rift stall, Chaos side Summoner's Rift stall, Lyte, Gregor, Finn, Bubbs, the Crystal Scar store cart, and the Twisted Treeline shop.

The shop is a vendor where the player can purchase items by spending gold Gold gold. Items empower the player's champion on the battlefield and augment their gameplay, providing powerful effects and improving their statistics. Purchasing an item is equivalent to equipping it, and selling an item also unequips it.


The shop can be viewed from anywhere on the map.

Players can access the shop interface by clicking on the gold Gold gold counter on the HUD or by using the associated hotkey (default P). The shop can also be opened by clicking directly on the map's shopkeeper stall (the cursor lights up with a gold coin icon, when the stall is highlighted).

The champion must be in proximity of the shop in order to obtain and sell items. On Red Nexus icon Classic-styled maps, the fountain always has a dedicated shop, which is exclusively accessible by each team according to the side of the map they start from.



Purchasing items is done by double-clicking or right-clicking on an item's icon in the shop, or highlighting the item and clicking on the Purchase button at the bottom right.

Some items are exclusive to one another, and the player will be locked out of purchasing them. Certain items may have item group limitations, which prohibit the purchase of duplicates and other items with similar effects (note: this excludes purchases that consume the item via upgrading).

For example, the player is only allowed to own one Boots item at a time, and cannot purchase other Boots items without selling it first.

The current remaining gold cost of an item will be displayed under their icon at all times, whether they are available or unavailable, and across all panels.

Items that the player does not have enough gold for, are greyed out. Items that the player is not allowed to purchase due to item group limitations, are greyed out and also display a lock. Available items will be lit up.


Items can be sold to the shop, with diminished value. Higher-tier items may return 70% of their total gold Gold gold value upon selling, while lower-tier ones return only 40%.

The player can sell items by first highlighting them in their inventory, or in the bottom Quickbuy panel; then either clicking on the Sell button at the bottom left, or right-clicking on them directly.


The Undo button at the bottom left can be used to revoke purchased items and recall sold ones, in order of the player's actions.

Undoing can be done so long as the champion has not left the vicinity of the shop, has not entered combat, and/or the item in question has not activated. If these conditions are not met, undoing will be unavailable and the button will be greyed out.


The shop has three main pages: Recommended, All Items, and Item Sets. These pages can be navigated through by clicking or by using the associated hotkey (default Ctrl + Tab) while the shop is open.

Item shop interface

The item shop interface.

Search bar

The search bar is another important important accessibility feature of the shop, available at all times. The search bar is able to recognize item names, but also their descriptions, offered statistics, and (for certain items) any internal nicknames they may have: for example, typing in 'bt' will result in Bloodthirster Bloodthirster; typing 'tons of damage' will result in Trinity Force Trinity Force (these "nicknames" or "keywords" may be documented on an item's article on this wiki.).

The search bar can be highlighted by clicking on it or by using the associated hotkey (default Ctrl + L).

Highlighted Item area

At the right-hand side of the shop, the selected item is shown; this area is permanently visible in the shop. The area will be empty at the beginning of a game, until the player selects their first item. Highlighting an item is preserved between shopping sessions, so it can be used to 'bookmark' an item for future purchase. Experienced players may also use it as a means of navigating to or between higher-tier items.

All information for the highlighted item is shown, including its recipe (at the middle), other items that it itself may build into (at the top), and the item's attributes (at the bottom)—such as stats, named item effects, and its total gold Gold gold cost.

The Purchase button is also located in this area at the far bottom, although double-clicking or right-clicking on an item's icon in the shop may be used as shortcuts (as also noted higher in this article).


This page displays suggested purchases for the player's champion, based on the champion's role/gameplay, the champion's matchups, and the enemy champions' statistics in the current game. It is meant to provide the player with a shortcut as well as to ease the player into learning the champion's currently viable itemization. Items that are recommended are data-driven and update each patch, based on the most useful and popular build for the champion.

As a player gains experience and knowledge of their champion, the suggestions that the Recommended tab displays may no longer be needed. The All Items tab exists for this purpose, allowing the player to look through all available items and parse them by applying filters.

All Items[]

This page displays a sortable grid of all the available items in the shop, categorized through filters that the player may select.

Items that are not available on the current map or game mode will not appear in the shop. However, not all items shown in the shop are available to be bought. Various examples include:

  • Champions without the Smite Smite summoner spell cannot buy jungling items
  • Champions who own Jungling items cannot buy Support/gold income items.
  • There also exist items that can only be bought by a group of champions, like Runaan's Hurricane Runaan's Hurricane which may only be bought by champions whose attacks are ranged-type.
And others.

Upon choosing the All Items page, the shop will by default display the tab that corresponds to the class of the player's champion. Each tab groups items as the most viable purchases for their class in a given game, and is updated by the developers. This categorization could also prove especially useful for players that are generally aware of how items meant for their class may benefit their champion in the current game.


Item perusal is categorized by:

There are other specific filters that sort items based on the stat or other passive effect they grant, visible at the left-hand side of the shop window. Clicking on a filter enables it, and clicking on it again disables it. Filters can also be combined (note: so long as at least one item that includes that combination is available on the current mode and map).


A rigid categorization sorts items based on quality tiers.

This item is designed as an ideal starting item, and usually provides some form of sustain. At game start, champions are usually provided with enough gold to buy a starter item and a few one-time use items (most often potions and Control Wards Control Wards).
This item provides some meager benefit.
This item provides mediocre passive benefits; some items of this tier also provide a special effect. Many Epic-tier items determine the general attributes and/or effects of Legendary- and Mythic-tier items that they may build into.
This item provides substantial passive benefits, along with a special effect.
This item provides substantial passive benefits along with a powerful special effect. In addition to other item purchase limitations, the player is only allowed to own one Mythic-tier item at a time.

Item Sets[]

Custom Item sets may be utilized by experienced players who have a tailored set of items that they wish to readily access for their played champions. Item sets are created and edited through the Collection tab in the League client.

Item sets also allow players to bind a preferred slot that a purchased item will be automatically placed in. This automatic sorting only applies for purchasing items while the given item set is selected and visible, and also applies to Quickbuy panels.

Custom sets can have as many categories, items per category, and combinations of items as the player wishes. They can also be set up to be usable by all or specific champions, and on all or specific maps.

Quickbuy Panels[]

The Quickbuy Panels are located at the far left of the shop screen and are permanently visible in the shop. They are meant for accessibility and are used to display general-purpose items such as potions, elixirs, wards, trinkets, and boots. Quickbuy panels can be pinned and unpinned, and allow the player to quickly access common and important items. There currently exist three Quickbuy panels: the Consumables tab, the Boots tab and the Inventory tab.

The Consumables tab contains one-time use items such as elixirs, potions, wards and trinkets.
The Boots tab contains Boots Boots and its upgrades.
The Inventory tab is equivalent to the player's inventory.


League of Legends has had numerous different shopkeepers throughout its history. Most shopkeepers were primarily used for Summoner's Rift, while the remaining ones are seen on Howling Abyss, Twisted Treeline, and other maps.


Bubbs Shopkeeper Render

Blue Shopkeeper of Butcher's Bridge, Bubbs

Upon Entering the Store
Upon Browsing the Store
  • ▶️   "Everything I say is waterproof! Or if not, water-absorbent!"
  • ▶️   "Perhaps I could tell you about my impending odyssey!"
  • ▶️   "Frugality is not a virtue, I assure you."
  • ▶️   "Purchase thoroughly! You'll never know when I shove off!"
  • ▶️   "You look like an aspiring patron of scientific research!"
Upon Buying an Item
Upon Leaving the Store
While Idling Near the Store
  • ▶️   "The sea is the final frontier!"
  • ▶️   "I've been designing some new fins!"
  • ▶️   "Did you know - clams can smell colours!"
  • ▶️   "Once, people could breathe in water! Then we forgot how."
  • ▶️   "So many mysteries to explore."
  • ▶️   "I can't wait to see what lies beneath!"
  • ▶️   "Whale crabs. Octo-salmon. Barnacle sharks. Who knows what I'll find?"
  • ▶️   "The helmet never comes off! Well, except when I get hungry."
  • ▶️   "I theorize that beneath this ocean, there is another, wetter, ocean!"
  • ▶️   "Undersea exploration isn't a job, it's a privilege!"
  • ▶️   "I've done several trial runs in local puddles. I'm ready for the big show!"
  • ▶️   "The real sunken treasure is aquatic knowledge."
  • ▶️   "Just as soon as I perfect my submersible, I'll be off!"
  • ▶️   "I can't wait to school some fish."
  • ▶️   "Sea monsters are no more than misunderstood ambassadors of the deep."
  • ▶️   "Exploring the sea in a boat is like eating a melon by the rind!"
  • ▶️   "Bilgewater is a lovely place - principally when facing out to sea."
  • ▶️   "My research indicates that if you hold your breath long enough, you can kick the habit! You just need to stay awake."
  • ▶️   "One day, the ocean will be my oyster - and the ocean's oysters will be my breakfast!"
  • ▶️   "Oh, don't get me started on buoyancy."
  • ▶️   "Gadgetry in Piltover, extinct overlords in Freljord? Hmph! I'll show them!"
  • ▶️   "There's evidence to suggest that manatees once ruled the land and sea!"
Upon Entering the Store as...
Corki Corki
  • ▶️   "A flying ship? I happen to be building a sinking ship myself."
Diana Diana
  • ▶️   "Diana? I believe I can finally prove that the tide attracts the moon!"
Draven Draven
  • ▶️   "Draven? With your celebrity endorsement, I believe I could reach my funding goal."
Ezreal Ezreal
Fizz Fizz
  • ▶️   "I'm sorry, Fizz, but your appraisal of the deep ocean seems suspect to me."
Gangplank Gangplank
  • ▶️   "Oh, hello! You must be a fellow captain! We should trade notes."
Heimerdinger Heimerdinger
  • ▶️   "Hello, Heimerdinger! I trust you will find my research most illuminating - just as soon as I've begun it."
Nami Nami
Nautilus Nautilus
  • ▶️   "A fine attempt - but I'm quite certain you'll never reach the bottom of the ocean in that suit."
  • ▶️   "Well, you just look ridiculous!"
Rumble Rumble
Sivir Sivir
  • ▶️   "I hear you have, uh, quite a lot of gold and an entrepreneurial spirit. We should talk."
Tahm Kench Tahm Kench
  • ▶️   "Tahm Kench? What sort of protracted ruination would buy me a trip to the ocean floor?"
Udyr Udyr
  • ▶️   "Have you considered incorporating 'beluga' into your stances, Udyr?"

Finn Shopkeeper Render

Red Shopkeeper of Butcher's Bridge, Finn

Upon Entering the Store
Upon Browsing the Store
Upon Buying an Item
Upon Leaving the Store
While Idling Near the Store
  • ▶️   "The fish just aren't nibblin' like they used to."
  • ▶️   "Surprising what you'll find in the gullet of a guppy."
  • ▶️   "There's nothing quite like the thrill of battle... with a fish... that you hooked."
  • ▶️   "The sea's no place for people."
  • ▶️   "Have you ever seen a storm at sea? Forget it!"
  • ▶️   "Got my fill of the briny deep, thank ye very much."
  • ▶️   "I'll take bug bites over shark bites any day."
  • ▶️   "The ocean's basically one giant watery graveyard."
  • ▶️   "For every sunken treasure promised, you find about ninety-nine old boots."
  • ▶️   "If you ever see her, you'll know why land's the place for you."
  • ▶️   "My grandfolks used to live up north. Glad I'm not stuck up there."
  • ▶️   "The sea's full of secrets."
  • ▶️   "I wonder when those watchers are gonna return... the whale watchers, I mean."
  • ▶️   "My sailing days are done. It's an angler's life for me, now!"
  • ▶️   "The sea'll take ye in a blink!"
  • ▶️   "Uh oh, where's that octopus gotten to?"
  • ▶️   "I remember the worst monster... oh, it had a dark and mysterious past."
  • ▶️   "Catching a whale seems like a good idea... until you try taking it home."
  • ▶️   "Sometimes I feel like I was supposed to be a warrior... or at least some sort of trumped-up guardian."
Upon Entering the Store as...
Ashe Ashe
Fizz Fizz
Gangplank Gangplank
  • ▶️   "Captain, I'll be all paid-up by the end of the week! I promise!"
Gragas Gragas
Graves Graves
  • ▶️   "Didn't expect to see you on this side of town, Graves."
Karthus Karthus
Maokai Maokai
  • ▶️   "Huh. You don't see too many fellas with two wooden legs."
Miss Fortune Miss Fortune
Nami Nami
  • ▶️   "Hi, Nami. Still sorry about that whole 'net' incident."
Nautilus Nautilus
Rek'Sai Rek'Sai
Twisted Fate Twisted Fate
  • ▶️   "Twisted Fate. Pretty much everyone's been looking for you."
Twitch Twitch

Gregor Shopkeeper Render

Blue Shopkeeper of Howling Abyss, Gregor

Upon Entering the Store
Upon Entering the Store with a Lot of Gold
Upon Browsing the Store
Upon Buying an Item
Upon Buying Frost Queen's Claim Frost Queen's Claim
Upon Buying Frozen Mallet Frozen Mallet
Upon Buying Seeker's Armguard Seeker's Armguard
Upon Leaving the Store
Upon Leaving the Store Without Buying an Item
Upon Repeatedly Leaving and Reentering the Store

While Idling Near the Store[]

  • ▶️   "I am Gregor, the eternal guardian of the Howling Abyss! Avarosa herself killed me; it was a great honor. She bound my spirit here, so I can sound the horn if the Watchers return."
  • ▶️   "So you want to hear the story of this place? Of my glorious death? Stay a while, and listen! I might tell you that... and more."
  • ▶️   "We were human once, then the Watchers came. They changed us, forged us into weapons, made us Iceborn."
  • ▶️   "We served the Watchers willingly; the Seeker was their voice. She told us their desires, what to build, and who to kill."
  • ▶️   "We took Freljord! We took Valoran! Everywhere we went men trembled and the ice followed us. We forged a mighty empire, but it wasn't truly ours... so long as we served the Watchers."
  • ▶️   "Avarosa united us. She showed us that freedom was worth dying for. So we turned on the Watchers. We knew we were stronger than they were; they had given us too much power."
  • ▶️   "This is where the final stand took place, this bridge. They held out for days, so many Iceborn died, but we kept on fighting. We climbed over the bodies of our fallen to press the attack, but the Watchers still wouldn't die."
  • ▶️   "In a mighty, final surge, we overran them! We lifted them from the ground! We tossed them, howling, into the abyss! That must've killed them, nothing could survive that fall... "
  • ▶️   "We needed a guardian in case the Watchers came back. We needed someone who couldn't be killed, someone who could never leave. Hundreds volunteered, but Avarosa chose me... "
  • ▶️   "If you hear me sound the horn horn, the Watchers have returned! If that happens you must come at once! Bring an army, bring ten armies! Throw those damned Watchers back into the Abyss!"
  • ▶️   "An Iceborn never truly dies. Except... well, there are some exceptions... "
  • ▶️   "I reckon the whole world must be ruled by the Iceborn now, right?"
  • ▶️   "I should have asked Avarosa to kill my boar and bind her spirit here! I miss you, Boarhilda!"
  • ▶️   "Sometimes I wish there were two eternal guardians of the Howling Abyss. Gets lonely here."
  • ▶️   "I remember one time I was fighting this pack of trolls, and broke my sword on one of their skulls. So, I grabbed one by the ears and used him like a club to bludgeon his friends to death. That was a glorious day!"
  • ▶️   "If you want these weapons, you'll have to earn them. Get into battle!"
  • ▶️   "You lure them here, I'll kill them. That's the plan."
  • ▶️   "If you see a little man with a flying pot, bash his head in for me!"
  • ▶️   "That old man across the bridge is a damned fool! His flying pot seems nice though."
Upon Entering the Store as...
Anivia Anivia
Ashe Ashe
Brand Brand
Gragas Gragas
Lissandra Lissandra
Nami Nami
Nunu Nunu
Olaf Olaf
Brolaf Brolaf
Sejuani Sejuani
Trundle Trundle
Tryndamere Tryndamere
Udyr Udyr
Volibear Volibear
A Yordle

Hermit Shopkeeper Render

Red Shopkeeper of Howling Abyss, Hermit

Entering the Store
Entering the Store with a Lot of Gold
  • ▶️   "Oh, you've done very well for yourself. I'll bring out the good stuff."
  • ▶️   "Such riches! Perhaps I'll finally be able to afford a better robot."
While Browsing the Store
  • ▶️   "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, but, uh, there is a war going on out there."
  • ▶️   "Take your time! There is so much to learn."
  • ▶️   "I can tell you appreciate detail and craftsmanship."
After Buying an Item
Upon Leaving the Store
Upon Leaving the Store Without Buying an Item
  • ▶️   "The only weapon a true scientist needs is his wits!"
  • ▶️   "No time to shop? But I just put on a fresh pot of tea!"
Upon Repeatedly Leaving and Reentering the Store

While Idling Near the Store
  • ▶️   "The problem with Piltover is they are always looking forward. Sometimes, there is much to be learned from the past."
  • ▶️   "I miss Piltover so much but... but these artifacts are fascinating. I just can't leave."
  • ▶️   "So many people have died here, I should call this place Murder Bridge... no, no, the Howling Abyss is definitely cooler!"
  • ▶️   "If I can only unlock the power of True Ice, I will transcend the limitations of techmaturgy!"
  • ▶️   "These runes say, 'Beware the Frozen Watchers'. Hmm... does that mean anything to you?'
  • ▶️   "Books, books, books, why haven't I dug up any books? Wait... of course! Barbarians can't read."
  • ▶️   "I was once an honored professor at the Academy of Science and Progress in Piltover. I gave it all up to pursue true knowledge."
  • ▶️   "My research will bring a golden age to Piltover!"
  • ▶️   "Have you seen my robot? He probably fell in the abyss. Again... "
  • ▶️   "I'm still putting the pieces together, but... something terrible happened here, long, long ago... "
  • ▶️   "Did the Iceborn rule this place or was it the Watchers? These runes are so unclear."
  • ▶️   "If a sword sword forged from True Ice is this powerful, just imagine what a True Ice Hextech device could do!"
  • ▶️   "These runes say, 'The Seeker Seeker betrayed the tribe'. Hmm... who was this seeker?"
  • ▶️   "Yes! Yes! I think I've got it...! Aw, I lost it... "
  • ▶️   "Sometimes, I think I see things down in the abyss. But I might just need new glasses."
  • ▶️   "I've been digging here for twenty years. Just getting down to the good stuff!"
  • ▶️   "Look at the size of this gauntlet gauntlet! I thought it was a hat! Hm, the Iceborn must've had massive hands!"
  • ▶️   "The magical power of True Ice seems unlimited! Oh, if only I could tap into it."
  • ▶️   "Tea... hm, what should I have with my tea today? Biscuits? No, too many crumbs! Can't have crumbs, might contaminate the site. Hm, yes, hm hm... yeah, this ice is strange. Could it be - True Ice? Nah! A piece of the Frozen Watchers? Hmm, yes... perhaps... hmm. Oh, tea's cold!"
  • ▶️   "It's a shame to sell these artifacts, but I need supplies badly."
  • ▶️   "Don't you see what this means? The whole history of this place, perhaps even all of Runeterra could be... er... wait, what was I talking about again?"
  • ▶️   "Robot stands for 'Rusty Old Broken Obsolete Trash'! See what I did there?"
  • ▶️   "Need more artifacts! If only that blasted ghost wasn't around."
  • ▶️   "Frozen mallet... "Frozen mallet... even their tools were frozen."
  • ▶️   "The strangest thing about True Ice is... it never melts! I put a piece in a furnace and it froze the darn thing solid!"
Upon Entering the Store as...
Ezreal Ezreal
Ashe Ashe
Sejuani Sejuani
Lissandra Lissandra
  • ▶️   "Are you the sand witch I have heard so much about? Hmm... now I'm hungry."
  • ▶️   "You want to be queen as well? Too many queens!"
  • ▶️   "Can you turn off that ice? I'm cold enough as it is!"
Blitzcrank Blitzcrank
  • ▶️   "Would you like a job, Blitzcrank? I have an opening for an assistant."
  • ▶️   "Er... 'beep'... uh, 'boop'. Is that how you say it?"
Caitlyn Caitlyn
Heimerdinger Heimerdinger
Jayce Jayce
  • ▶️   "I made a Mercury Hammer once, Jayce! It was much nicer. Bigger, too!"
  • ▶️   "Together, we could make a... a transforming robot!"
Orianna Orianna
Vi Vi
  • ▶️   "You look like your sister! Er, wait, I'm not supposed to talk about that... "
  • ▶️   "Do you and Caitlyn get along or not? Seems ambiguous."
  • ▶️   "Uh, Vi? Can you punch some sense into my robot?"
Zilean Zilean
  • ▶️   "In your past, did you know of the creatures who once lived here?"
  • ▶️   "Is there an alternate timeline where this robot functions correctly?"
  • ▶️   "Nice beard, Zilean! But mine is bigger!"

List of Shopkeepers[]

These are all the Shopkeepers used between Beta 1 and Beta 3.

These are all the Shopkeepers used between Beta 3 and the first Summoner's Rift map update.

These are all the Shopkeepers used between the first Summoner's Rift map update and its second update.

These are all the Shopkeepers used after the second Summoner's Rift map update.

The following section covers shopkeepers seen in Butcher's Bridge, Howling Abyss, Invasion, Twisted Treeline, Odyssey: Extraction and Nexus Blitz.

Both original Twisted Treeline and Murder Bridge used the Manbacon Shopkeeper from Beta 3 Summoner's Rift map until their respected map updates.

The Temple of Lily and Lotus uses Little Legend skins as the shopkeep, and part of Summoner's Rift shop model as the background.


  • Lyte (a.k.a. Hermit) and his robot Geeves are respectively named after Jeffrey 'Lyte' Lin and Kevin 'Geeves' O'Brien. Jeffrey Lin was removed from the company due to disgraceful behaviour and references to their name were removed from the game.[1]
  • On release, it was implied that the Hermit is Ezreal's Ezreal's uncle. The status of this implication is unknown.
    • As such, the Hermit's name may be Lymere.

