Sheen is an epic item in League of Legends.
Builds Into
Cost Analysis
Gold Value
- 10 ability haste = 500
- Total Gold Value = 500
Gold efficiency
- 55.56% gold efficient. base stats are
- Spellblade deals proc damage, and thus will not trigger spell effects.
- Spellblade is not blocked by spell shield if applied by a basic attack.
- It is blocked if the effect is applied by an ability that triggers on-hit effects.
- Spellblade can be blocked (negates the damage, consumes the effect, and places it on cooldown) and dodged (prevents the effect from triggering altogether).
- Spellblade is not affected by critical strike modifiers.
- Spellblade's bonus damage benefits from life steal, omnivamp, and physical vamp (this one excludes ) but not spell vamp.
- Spellblade's cooldown starts after the enhanced attack is consumed and consecutive ability casts refresh the duration of the enhanced attack.
- Spellblade will trigger against structures.
- Spellblade cannot trigger and will not be consumed against jungle plants.
Old icons
- The search term 'jimmy neutron' being valid in the shop references Sheen Estevez from Jimmy Neutron.
- The proc effect of Sheen causes the champion's weapon or hands glow red, using the same visual effects as pre-rework Blood Boil.
Patch History
- No longer builds into .
- Bug Fix: Now is properly displayed in the Ability Haste section of the shop.
- Item type changed to Epic from Basic.
- New Recipe: + 750 = 1000.
- Ability haste increased to 10 from 0.
- No longer builds into .
- Now limits the user to 1 Spellblade item.
- Now builds into .
- Bug Fix: Spellblade no longer interferes with cooldown reduction.
- Tier changed to Basic from Epic.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where it was possible to reset the cooldown of another item if you swapped the location of it with a freshly activated Sheen in your inventory.
- Updated icon.
- Updated icon.
- New:
- Old:
- Undocumented: Sheen is now granted upon initiating a cast time, rather than upon completing it.
- V9.14 - July 22nd Hotfix
- Bug Fix: No longer grant an additional stack towards or .
- Bug Fix: has been added as an exception to consider the bonus damage part of his attack damage for his .
- Undocumented: and other abilities that convert the damage (i.e , ) have also been added as exceptions.
- Undocumented: Bonus damage is no longer considered part of the user's attack damage for abilities such as ( , , etc..).
- Spellblade VFX updated.
- New recipe: + 700 = 1050
- Ability power reduced to 0 from 25.
- Coooldown reduction increased to 10% from 0%.
- Mana increased to 250 from 200.
- Bug Fix: Now correctly lists the Spellblade passive as having a 1.5 second cooldown.
- Mana reduced to 200 from 250.
- Added to recipe for .
- New Effect: Now displays its cooldown on the item itself rather than with a buff.
- Base AD ratio increased to 100% base AD from 80% base AD.
- "Reservoir" system has been removed. will now strictly respect the cooldown time between procs. The cooldown has been reduced to 2 second delays between procs from 3 seconds.
- Base AD ratio reduced to 80% base AD from 100% base AD.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a visual bug.
- New Effect: Now has an internal cooldown of 3 seconds (but now works with all spells including and ).
- Ability power reduced to 25 from 30.
- Mana reduced to 250 from 275.
- Recoded to make it unable to crit.
- Alpha
List of Items
- Starter items
- Potions and Consumables
- Trinkets
- Distributed items
- Boots
- Basic items
- Epic items
- Legendary items
- Champion exclusive items
- Minion and Turret items
- Arena Prismatic items
- Arena Anvil items
- Arena exclusive items
- Removed items