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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki

The Shadow trait contains champions that have shadow magic.




  • Piece of trivia.

Patch History[]

V10.6 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 3.
V10.4 - February 26th Hotfix
  • Increased damage reduced to 65 / 150% (based on the number of Shadows) from 65 / 165%.
  • Increased damage reduced to 65 / 165% (based on the number of Shadows) from 65 / 175%.
  • Increased damage duration increased to 6 seconds from 5.
  • Increased damage increased to 65 / 175% (based on the number of Shadows) from 65 / 150%.
  • Increased damage increased to 65 / 150% (based on the number of Shadows) from 60 / 140%.
  • Increased damage reduced to 60 / 140% (based on the number of Shadows) from 70 / 140%.
  • Undocumented: Increased damage duration increased to 5 seconds from 4.
  • Increased damage duration reduced to 4 seconds from 5.
  • Increased damage changed to 70 / 140% (based on the number of Shadows) from 45 / 85%.
  • New Shadow: Senna Senna.
  • Increased damage reduced to 45 / 85% (based on the number of Shadows) from 50 / 100%.
V9.22 - Added
  • Synergy: Shadow units deal increased damage for 5 seconds at combat start, refreshed on takedown.
    • 2 Shadow units: +50% increased damage. On self takedown.
    • 4 Shadow units: +100% increased damage. On any Shadow takedown.
  • Champions: Lux Lux, Malzahar Malzahar, Master Yi Master Yi, Kindred Kindred, Sion Sion, Veigar Veigar.