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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki
Rune (Universe)Rune (Universe)
Rune (League of Legends)Rune (League of Legends)
Rune (Legends of Runeterra)Rune (Legends of Runeterra)
Rune (Wild Rift)Rune (Wild Rift)
Wild Rift Rune Page

Wild Rift Rune Page

Runes are enhancements that add new abilities or buffs to the champion. The player can choose their loadout of runes before the match begins, during champion select or their Loadout tab.


Runes are divided into five paths:

  • Rune icon Keystone - The strongest effects
  • Precision icon Precision - Improved attacks and sustained damage
  • Domination icon Domination - Burst damage and target access
  • Resolve icon Resolve - Durability and crowd control
  • Inspiration icon Inspiration - Creative tools and rule bending

A complete rune build permits three paths to select: Keystone, Primary, and Secondary. The Primary and Secondary paths can be any two of the paths besides Keystone. Each path has a number of slots to select runes, some runes are mutually exclusive within the same slot.

The Keystone path has one slot, the Primary path has three slots, the Secondary path is limited to one slot that can select any rune option within the path.

Rune iconKeystones Edit
Electrocute Electrocute Aery Aery Phase Rush Phase Rush Conqueror Conqueror Fleet Footwork Fleet Footwork
Empowerment Empowerment Grasp of the Undying Grasp of the Undying Aftershock Aftershock Lethal Tempo Lethal Tempo First Strike First Strike
Glacial Augment Glacial Augment Arcane Comet Arcane Comet
Paths Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
Domination icon
Domination Edit
Hunt and Eliminate Prey
Scorch Scorch

Shield Bash Shield Bash
Sudden Impact Sudden Impact
Psychic Wave Psychic Wave

Empowered Attack Empowered Attack

Cheap Shot Cheap Shot
Mark of the Weak Mark of the Weak

Eyeball Collector Eyeball Collector

Ingenious Hunter Ingenious Hunter
Zombie Ward Zombie Ward

Precision icon
Precision Edit
Become a Legend
Brutal Brutal

Triumph Triumph
Gathering Storm Gathering Storm

Last Stand Last Stand

Giant Slayer Giant Slayer
Coup de Grace Coup de Grace

Legend: Alacrity Legend: Alacrity

Legend: Tenacity Legend: Tenacity
Legend: Bloodline Legend: Bloodline

Resolve icon
Resolve Edit
Live Forever
Font of Life Font of Life

Courage of the Colossus Courage of the Colossus
Nullifying Orb Nullifying Orb

Second Wind Second Wind

Loyalty Loyalty
Bone Plating Bone Plating

Overgrowth Overgrowth

Revitalize Revitalize
Perseverance Perseverance
Onslaught Onslaught

Inspiration icon
Inspiration Edit
Outwit Mere Mortals
Sweet Tooth Sweet Tooth

Hextech Flashtraption Hextech Flashtraption
Item Crafting Item Crafting

Transcendence Transcendence

Future's Market Future's Market
Pathfinder Pathfinder

Nimbus Cloak Nimbus Cloak

Demolish Demolish
Manaflow Band Manaflow Band


  • Adaptive Force in Wild Rift seems to be different from its League of Legends' variant: 1 point of Adaptive Force provides Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)0.5 bonus AD or Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)1 AP.

Artwork Differences[]

