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Each player is given a certain amount of time per turn denoted by the round timer. The timer is generally hidden until the last 30 seconds of a player's turn, in which it will appear as a highlighted bar next to the action button on the right. It slowly decreases to indicate how much time is left for the player. It is red for the player and blue for their opponent. The total amount of time a player has per turn is determined by how much time they've spent on previous turns, and ends once they've committed an action or passed. By default, the player has 35 seconds per turn. Players get 50 seconds to mulligan their hand at the beginning of the match, and will receive 45 seconds each on their first turn no matter how much time they spent on their mulligan.
There is no round timer in Vs. AI matches.
Unspent Time Bonus[]
Players can "bank" unspent time by committing an action or passing while they've still had more than the standard 35 seconds left for their turn. The player can then use this banked time on later turns. A player can bank up to 30 seconds of extra time. Banking time is indicated by a blue clock icon on the right next to the action button, and the bar next to it will fill based on how much time they've banked.
The banked mana will decrease based on how much time the player spends on their turn, as indicated by a red bar and clock icon once they've committed an action or passed. Allowing the timer to drop to zero cost the player all of their bonus time.
Roping Time Penalty[]
Players who rope (use all of the time allotted for their turn without committing an action) will gain less time for subsequent turns. The turn after the first instance of roping will only have 30 seconds, with the timer appearing for the last 20 seconds. Every turn roped after that will only have 15 seconds, and the timer will appear for the last 8 seconds. A player can remove this penalty and gain the standard amount of time by simply committing an action or passing before the timer runs out.
In Vs. Player matches, if the player ropes for 3 consecutive turns, they automatically surrender.
Burst Actions[]
Since burst-speed spells don't pass the turn back to the other player for the turn order, the timer will continue to countdown as they're being played. It will even countdown during the animation of a burst spell or if other actions, such as drawing, happen during it. The timer is however reset to 8 seconds whenever a burst spell is played if it was lower.