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Strategy is highly subjective and may become outdated without any notice. Because of this, the League of Legends Wiki has decided to retire strategy pages and would recommend using other platforms (such as YouTube) to find guides. For more information visit this thread.

  • This page continues to exist for archive purposes.

Champion Spotlight[]

Recommended Items[]

Summoner's Rift
Starting Long Sword item Health Potion item3 Warding Totem item
Early Boots of Speed item Caulfield's Warhammer item Phage item
Essential Ionian Boots of Lucidity item The Black Cleaver item Ravenous Hydra item
Offensive Youmuu's Ghostblade item Death's Dance item Lord Dominik's Regards item
Defensive Maw of Malmortius item Mercurial Scimitar item Guardian Angel item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Wrath item
Summoner's Rift (Jungler)
Starting Hunter's Machete item Health Potion item3 Warding Totem item
Early Stalker's Blade item Caulfield's Warhammer item Boots of Speed item
Essential Stalker's Blade (Warrior) item Ionian Boots of Lucidity item The Black Cleaver item
Offensive Youmuu's Ghostblade item Death's Dance item Lord Dominik's Regards item
Defensive Maw of Malmortius item Mercurial Scimitar item Guardian Angel item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Wrath item
Twisted Treeline
Starting Boots of Speed item Doran's Blade item Health Potion item2
Essential Ionian Boots of Lucidity item The Black Cleaver item Ravenous Hydra item
Offensive Youmuu's Ghostblade item Lord Dominik's Regards item Death's Dance item
Defensive Maw of Malmortius item Randuin's Omen item Banshee's Veil item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Wrath item
Howling Abyss
Starting Guardian's Hammer item Boots of Speed item Health Potion item3
Essential Ionian Boots of Lucidity item The Black Cleaver item Ravenous Hydra item
Offensive Youmuu's Ghostblade item Death's Dance item Lord Dominik's Regards item
Defensive Maw of Malmortius item Mercurial Scimitar item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Wrath item


Playing As Riven Riven
  • Try to chain the key parts of your abilities to cover your vulnerabilities and capitalize on the opponent's mistakes, such as the downtime of their escapes.
  • Riven's Broken Wings Broken Wings locks onto the champion your cursor hovers over at the time of cast. If you want to move past your opponent, make sure that your cursor is past your opponent as well.
  • Riven lacks a source of healing or strong defense and must compensate with burst combos. Lead into fights with Broken Wings Broken Wings and Ki Burst Ki Burst, while using Valor Valor to escape and absorb counter-harass.
  • Riven is great for Twisted Treeline. Her strong early game and mobility with abilities help her to dominate top lane, as well as give her great ganking ability. She also performs very well in the jungle. After netting a couple of kills early, you should be able to snowball pretty hard.
Playing Against Riven Riven
  • Don't forget about Riven's Riven's mobility should you overextend, her Broken Wings Broken Wings allows her to dash up to 3 times, and her Valor Valor allows her to dash and grants her a shield. This can create a very long gap between you and Riven Riven.
    • Riven has a great deal of mobility but she cannot move very far with any one skill. Rooting or silencing her during her combo will greatly reduce her effectiveness.
  • All of Riven's damage is physical, prioritize Attack damage icon Healing from Spirit of Dread (W)armor if an opposing Riven gets out of control.
  • Riven excels at dueling multiple melee attackers at once, as she will be on an almost equal footing damage-wise. If pairing up against Riven, don't go in as double melee until she has expended her full combo.
  • In lane, when Riven Riven uses her abilities against your minions rather than yourself, she becomes vulnerable. She'll lack the damage and escape mechanisms that they provide while on cooldown, enabling you to briefly play aggressive. This is usually only advisable when she uses Broken Wings Broken Wings against minions, since it's her main damage source and escape ability. Of course, the more abilities she has on cooldown, the better. Take advantage of these situations as much as possible before she gets any cooldown reduction items, as her abilities have high cooldowns at low ranks.
  • Wait for Riven Riven to use Wind Slash Wind Slash or until after Blade of the Exile Blade of the Exile has worn off before striking her. Riven Riven has no innate sustain and the shield is her only source of damage mitigation.
    • Do not face Riven Riven as her Wind Slash Wind Slash deals more damage the Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)lower your health is. If you're still squishy and you know she has acquired her ultimate, do not linger around with Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)below 25% health even to turret hug, as she can, and will, flank around to kill you with Wind Slash Wind Slash.
  • Do not underestimate Riven's Riven's defensive stats, even if she is building straight damage. Valor Valor scales off her Champions hit with Bandage Toss (Q) at greater than 75% of max rangebonus attack damage and has a considerably low cooldown late game.
  • Save your high-damaging channeled spell (e.g.Nunu's Nunu's Absolute Zero Absolute Zero) as Riven's Riven's 3rd Broken Wings Broken Wings and Ki Burst Ki Burst can interrupt channeled spells.
  • Avoid towerdiving a Riven Riven, as her kit and mobility excels at countering any attempts to kill her under tower. For example, with Ki Burst Ki Burst she can Stun icon stun you, under her tower


Riven Riven is an aggressive combo fighter that can weave into the fray to decimate and disrupt weak opponents. Her sustained damage and frequent uptime give her dangerous momentum and excellent mobility.

  • Riven's abilities have a ton of combinations to chain together depending on the situation. Combined with her animation canceling, she becomes a fighter that can deliver a large burst of damage in very fast motions. Starting practice is the only surefire way to get better at using her kit.

Ability Usage[]

  • Autoattacking in between each Broken Wings Broken Wings allows for the most sustained damage as you consume Runic Blade Runic Blade stacks to deal extra damage
    • Since Broken Wings Broken Wings produces three Runic Blade Runic Blade charges, which is exactly the number that it can store, you may wish to complete it to initiate a fight with her Airborne icon knockup, following up with autoattacks and her other skills.
    • It is a good idea to learn how to autoattack cancel with Riven Riven. This can be done by using any of her abilities immediately as the damage is applied during an autoattack. Because Riven's Riven's autoattack animation is longer than the time it takes for the damage to actually register, doing this can cut off more than a second with a combo such as Q Q > AA AA > Q Q >AA AA > Q Q > AA AA.
    • You must apply a new attack command in between each Broken Wings Broken Wings to obtain the quickest damage possible.
      • The best way to go about this is by autoattacking, immediately pressing Q Q when the damage of the autoattack is dealt, while hovering over the target. As the animation of the Q Q is playing, order Riven Riven to move anywhere beside the target and immediately right click the target again. Both of these clicks should happen before the animation of Q Q is finished. This will allow both the animation of the Q Q and of the autoattack to be cancelled and will significantly increase your burst speed once mastered.
  • Some combinations of abilities allow for better speed. For example, any cast of Broken Wings Broken Wings can be used while the animation of Wind Slash Wind Slash is still running. The fastest way to burst down a squishy target, if you can do it without additional autoattacks, is E E > R R > Crescent Crescent > W W > Q Q > R R > Q Q > Q Q. Every ability in this combo will cancel the animation of the ability before it, except for the 2nd R R and the 3rd Q Q.
  • Blade of the Exile Blade of the Exile lasts for 15 seconds so use it at the start of the fight instead of at the end.
  • Using Broken Wings Broken Wings in conjunction with Valor Valor will give you small boosts of mobility as they move you forwards a bit. This is a very efficient way to move around the map, as your moves cost nothing. Broken Wings Broken Wings, however, allows you to click on the mini-map and use it to continue moving, while Valor Valor will cancel your move actions.
    • Beware using abilities right before a skirmish, as your abilities will be on cooldown and thus be unavailable for the fight.
  • Broken Wings Broken Wings can also allow you to chase an enemy so that you can Airborne icon knock them up.
  • Remember that Broken Wings Broken Wings and Valor Valor give you some mobility boosts for fleeing, but only the 3rd strike of Broken Wings Broken Wings can pass map terrain. You can, however, dash with all of them through terrain generated by abilities like Crystallize Crystallize, Cataclysm Cataclysm, or Pillar of Ice Pillar of Ice.
    • Make sure you test what map terrain is jumpable over, an example being: the walls separating the river and the jungle in Summoner's Rift.
  • Be aware that Wind Slash Wind Slash has a cast time and a travel time as well, so you shouldn't waste it on enemies who are just about to leave its range. Try using smartcast to save precious seconds in aiming the ability.
  • Wind Slash Wind Slash deals maximum damage to multiple opponents at or Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)below 25% maximum health, therefore use Wind Slash Wind Slash to finish off enemies who are fleeing or deciding to stay despite Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)low health.
  • Riven Riven is an all-around strong champion in top solo lane due to her ability to avoid ganks with her mobility, her manaless costs, and her instant cast shield shield. Play aggressively and use Valor Valor to shield your way through harass.
  • Broken Wings Broken Wings resets her autoattacks on each cast and it is useful to cut off its animations (tested under attack speed slows).
  • Broken Wings Broken Wings' dash speed is roughly equivalent to 475 movement speed. At 550 movement speed, however, simply moving is faster than using Broken Wings Broken Wings as a method of faster travel.
  • Ki Burst Ki Burst can be used to cancel the animations of both Riven's Riven's autoattacks and Ravenous Hydra's Ravenous Hydra's Crescent active, however Ki Burst's Ki Burst's own animation cannot be cancelled. If you like playing risky though, you can use Ki Burst Ki Burst during your Valor Valor animation, as it removes Ki Burst's Ki Burst's animation. Because of the movement however (and that's the risky part), you may not use your stun in the area you would like. Make sure you don't waste the crowd control just because you wanted to spare out one animation.
  • Riven may cancel the animation of Wind Slash Wind Slash with Broken Wings' Broken Wings' 3rd cast. Use this to speed up your combo. 
  • Don't use Wind Slash Wind Slash right away if the target is no longer Stun icon stunned or Airborne icon knocked up, because you risk missing them if they Flash Flash away or simply dodge it. As the range is quite long and shaped like a cone, it's easiest to hit when the enemy is not right next to you, so it may be wise to hold on to it until they try to escape.


Being a combo fighter with no resources to manage, the Domination Domination tree grants the most synergy.

Inspiration Inspiration has some interesting choices:

  • Kleptomancy Kleptomancy will reap a lot of benefit since Riven can proc it frequently, rewarding her playstyle with additional gold to help her snowball faster.
  • Since Riven seeks frequent ability usage yet has no energy or mana limit, she benefits from the Cosmic Insight Cosmic Insight more effectively than most other champions.
  • Conqueror Conqueror from the Precision Precision tree might be a better choice with a build more focused at trading extensively, especially against tankier opponents.


As a frequent fighter, Riven Riven benefits from items that grant Attack damage icon Attack Damage, Health icon Health, Cooldown icon Cooldown Reduction, and Armor penetration icon Lethality.

  • Having a way to Slow icon slow the enemy or speed yourself up is mandatory on Riven Riven.
    • A Frozen Mallet Frozen Mallet is good for this, since you will be using auto attacks in between abilities to maximize Runic Blade Runic Blade (none of your abilities will otherwise proc the slow). It also gives you health, which is a must, since Riven Riven is squishy when Stun icon stunned, Root icon rooted, Blind icon blinded, or otherwise prevented from auto attacking or using her E E or her Q Q to escape and/or shield.
    • Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen works very well on Riven Riven as while she may have four ways to dash, they are all short-ranged and Broken Wings Broken Wings loses damage if used fairly far-away from the enemy, and she is still a melee champion that can be damaged by ranged champions without reprisal until she gets close enough. Valor Valor can move Riven Riven close enough to a target to slow them with Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen and then walk close enough to have casting Broken Wings Broken Wings move her into melee-range while damaging the target.
    • Duskblade of Draktharr's Duskblade of Draktharr's Nightstaler passive also gives a very effective slow provided that Riven Riven utilizes a bush or Fog of War to charge the passive. In addition, Duskblade of Draktharr Duskblade of Draktharr improves cooldown reduction, Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)AD and lethality, allowing her to scale faster and deliver more damage to squishies and tanks alike. And, the out of combat movement speed rewards flanks/ganks onto the backline, but Riven Riven must be more careful about their positioning if they want to make full use of the movement speed.
  • Riven Riven can make good use of the second life from Guardian Angel Guardian Angel since she can fight her way out of tough situations.


  • Riven Riven relies on her abilities and quick combos more than her basic attacks, anything that can disrupt her combo (such as a Silence icon silence, a Stun icon stun, or even a Blind icon blind) can drastically reduce her damage output.
    • Champions with multiple interruptions, such as Alistar Alistar, can work well as effective counters for her in a 1v1 lane.
  • Malphite Malphite is a very painful matchup for Riven, as he gains massive amounts of armor with his passive his passive, can continue to stack armor items, can slow Riven's attack speed with his Ground Slam Ground Slam which disrupts Riven's combo, and can lock her down with his ultimate Unstoppable Force Unstoppable Force.
  • Cho'Gath Cho'Gath can also be an effective counter, as he can silence silence Riven and disrupt her combo with that. He is also one of the few champions capable of winning extended trades against Riven. While difficult to hit considering Riven's insane mobility, a Rupture Rupture will ruin Riven's day, making her vulnerable to the rest of Cho's combo. He can also stack health stack health, making him unburstable and making him last a long time against Riven since she has no means of dealing damage based on Cho's max health.

