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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki

Champion Select[]


Game Start[]

Music upon start of the game
  • ▶️  Rell StarGuardianCircle A stripped-down version of Star Guardian 2022's orchestral theme plays.


First Move[]

  • ▶️   "Fight like you mean it. Die for something that matters!"
  • ▶️   "This 'little girl' is about to crush some heads."
  • ▶️   "Run 'em all down! We're good, they're bad, and that's all you need to know."


15 seconds cooldown

Long Move[]

15 seconds cooldown, 2000 units
  • ▶️   "They'll pay for what happened to me. Noxus, The Black Rose... everyone."
  • ▶️   "The people who hurt me are dead. All but one. My mother."
  • ▶️   "The Rose ripped the magic out of my friends and put it into me. I hate them."
  • ▶️   "Those academy kids are still out there. I'll find them all. I'll save them."
  • ▶️   "When steel crashes against steel, it's so loud. I almost forget."

First Encounter[]

First Encounter with Cassiopeia Cassiopeia
First Encounter with Darius Darius
  • ▶️   "You know my dad, General. So you know what's about to happen."
First Encounter with Ekko Ekko
  • ▶️   "O...Oh. So your name's Ekko? That's... that's cool. I'm cool."
First Encounter with Elise Elise
First Encounter with Kled Kled
  • ▶️   "You know I can see you, right? Gross little gerbil man..."
First Encounter with LeBlanc LeBlanc
  • ▶️   "Hey, LeBlanc! Tell my mom I'm gonna rip her head off!"
First Encounter with Leona Leona
  • ▶️   "All right, Rell. Be cool. It's just a tall, super-strong armored lady."
First Encounter with Mordekaiser Mordekaiser
  • ▶️   "You're Mordekaiser, right? All metal. I can take you."
First Encounter with Samira Samira
First Encounter with Seraphine Seraphine
First Encounter with Sett Sett
  • ▶️   "More like the boss of having his shirt off. Oh, I think he heard that."
First Encounter with Swain Swain


Taunt Response


Rell rides her mount like a carousel.
Joke Response



Basic Attacking[]

30% chance


15 seconds cooldown

Ability Casting[]

Using Shattering Strike Shattering Strike[]

Using Ferromancy: Mount Up Ferromancy: Mount Up[]

Using Ferromancy: Crash Down Ferromancy: Crash Down[]

Using Attract and Repel Attract and Repel[]

Using Magnet Storm Magnet Storm[]

Kills and Objectives[]

Killing a Champion
Killing Cassiopeia Cassiopeia
Killing Darius Darius
  • ▶️   "You shoulda kept better tabs on your people, General."
Killing Ekko Ekko
  • ▶️   "Ugh. Just when I thought I knew him, he went back in time."
Killing Elise Elise
  • ▶️   "One evil spider lady down, several evil animal people to go."
Killing Kled Kled
  • ▶️   "Your lizard had the right idea. 'General-Admiral-Brigadier' Kled."
Killing LeBlanc LeBlanc
Killing Leona Leona
Killing Mordekaiser Mordekaiser
  • ▶️   "Noxus was afraid of that guy? This might be easier than I thought."
Killing Samira Samira
  • ▶️   "So long, Samira. Thought you'd be more stylish than that."
Killing Seraphine Seraphine
Killing Sett Sett
  • ▶️   "Does this mean I'm your boss now? I gotta walk away, this is too much."
Killing Swain Swain
Scoring a Pentakill
  • ▶️   "No one beats me, no one breaks me, and no one stand in my way!'"
Ally Scoring an Assist

Recall Recall[]

50% chance, 10 seconds cooldown


50% chance


Rell, the Iron Maiden Rell, the Iron Maiden
  • In the Brazillian localization, "These sigils are a reminder. Screw my sigils." is translated to "Estes símbolos são lembranças. Foda-se meus símbolos." ("These symbols are a reminder, fuck my symbols."), which would make her the first champion to have audible profanity.
    • Vex Vex is the second champion to do so, also in the Brazillian localization.

