The Reign Of The Iron Revenant is a historical period where Sahn-Uzal, and later as a Revenant named , reigned supreme over Eastern and Central Valoran.
- These snippets are from the Noxian Calendar from Realms of Runeterra. However, they may be incorrect or biased due to the Noxian point of view or the old age.
- 400 BN — Reign of the Iron Revenant
Deceiving the mages who had resurrected him, the warlord Sahn-Uzal was reborn as Immortal Bastion. Though it took almost three centuries, he was eventually defeated by an alliance of the Noxii tribes, who inherited the empire he had built. [1]
, and set about conquering the material realm from hisHistory[]
- 400 BN
Disappointed by the afterlife, Immortal Bastion in the center of his empire.
refused to fade away and began to call out across the veil between realms, promising his indomitable strength to any who dared listen. A coven of sorcerers resolved to bring Sahn-Uzal back from the dead. Lacking any flesh or bone, he spurred them to make him stronger than any mortal, binding his spirit-form in dark metal plates wrought in the likeness of his old armor. The sorcerers had hoped to use him as a weapon in their trivial wars. Instead, he slew them where they stood, their weapons and magic useless against him. They were unable to bind him as he was reborn as . With his soul restored in his armor, began his revenant crusade, creating an empire. Mordekaiser begins construction of the- 400 BN - 100 BN
During his conquest, Great Darkin War, but were unskilled in war, and thus useless to . But between the mages, Mordekaiser discovered an innocent Yordle named , who imagined himself a master in celestial magic, drawn to their curiosity. Recognizing the Yordle's crafty nature, imprisoned within the Immortal Bastion, preventing his escape to Bandle City by binding him to the physical plane - the worst possible torture for a Yordle. In captivity, was forced to devise grim enchantments to sustain dominion, many bringing only terror for terror's sake. spirit slowly corrupted over centuries of exposure to evil, though never entirely, despite his best efforts.
crushed and enslaved all who would oppose his rule, including an order of Noxii mages who had renewed their study of ancient celestial magic. The mages were drawn to the stars in their search for purpose and hope in their ruined land after theAt the height of Mordekaiser's dark reign, it was said that a mythic and bloodthirsty Black Rose, with the as its matron.
haunted the coastal cliffs of eastern Valoran, demanding young lives and savage worship from the local tribes. Few were welcome in his lair, until the day a approached this barbarian god with an offer. The two feasted together as equals, weaving magic so dark that the wine at their table soured, and the roses withered, vibrant red turning to black. This encounter would later serve as the basis for the formation of theMitna Rachnun where he continues to amass his power.
was finally defeated by an alliance of Noxii tribes, and by a from within his own inner circle. This hidden cabal managed to sever the anchors of his soul from his armor, and sealed the empty iron shell away in a secret place. His soul returned to the spirit realm ofTrivia[]
- 550 BN - 400 BN
- gets chosen by the Aspect of Twilight.
- ↑ Realms of Runeterra, Page 66/67