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Electrocute ▪ Aery ▪ Phase Rush ▪ Conqueror ▪ Fleet Footwork ▪ Empowerment ▪ Grasp of the Undying ▪ Aftershock
Scorch ▪ Shield Bash ▪ Sudden Impact ▪ Empowered Attack ▪ Cheap Shot ▪ Mark of the Weak ▪ Eyeball Collector ▪ Ingenious Hunter ▪ Zombie Ward
Font of Life ▪ Courage of the Colossus ▪ Nullifying Orb ▪ Second Wind ▪ Loyalty ▪ Bone Plating ▪ Overgrowth ▪ Revitalize ▪ Perseverance
Sweet Tooth ▪ Hextech Flashtraption ▪ Item Crafting ▪ Transcendence ▪ Future's Market ▪ Pathfinder ▪ Nimbus Cloak ▪ Demolish ▪ Manaflow Band
Backbone ▪ Regeneration ▪ Spirit Walker ▪ Kleptomancy ▪ Ultimate Shield ▪ Kraken Slayer