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League of Legends Wiki

Quickplay is a PvP queue for Red Nexus icon Classic 5v5 Summoner's Rift icon Summoner's Rift in which players can enter a game without the existence of champion select. In this mode, players pre-select their roles, champions, and loadouts. Quickplay is exclusively a Normal game queue.

In addition to the weekly free champion rotation, new players have free access to a special champion rotation that consists of: Amumu, Caitlyn, Diana, Jinx, Kai'Sa, Leona, Malphite, Mordekaiser, Pantheon, Rammus, Sett, Sona, Syndra, Talon, Teemo, Tristana, Vi, Viktor, Yuumi, Ziggs. The player must be at least summoner level 3 in order to play in the Quickplay queue.


Quickplay replaces the Blind Pick queue and additionally removes champion select entirely. Blind Pick was the sole original queue for League of Legends, was the only PvP queue available by default, and up until the start of Season Six, its drafting mode was utilized as official in some esports leagues.[1] Contrary to queues utilizing the 10-Blind-Ban Draft mode (such as ranked) which greatly benefited from the introduction of position assignment and auto-fill, Blind Pick's position assignment through role-calling in chat as well as instant champion locking ("instalocking") remained major pain points and were reminiscent of old Draft Pick queues. The environment for testing strategies or champions, especially newly-released ones which are difficult to obtain through the ban and pick phases of Draft Pick's champion select, evidently proved to be extremely poor.

The game mode remained available without interruption for mainly accessibility reasons, but over the years it had lost almost all of its popularity. Quickplay was publicly introduced as a replacement for Blind Pick on March 17th, 2023 with an update video by Riot,[2] along with information on regional testing. Riot also announced its full release concept on October 12th, 2023 with an official blog post.[3] Blind Pick was indefinitely removed and Quickplay was officially introduced over the patch 13.22 cycle into each regional live server.


Making the Party[]

In the lobby, players view their preferred champion and role combination.

Each player must select their primary and secondary roles on the team, and their preferred champions for each.

  • For parties of one, the player selects two roles with one of them strictly being a Priority role, and one unique champion per role.
  • For parties of two to four players, the previous restrictions apply, but players must also select a mutually exclusive Primary role and at least 1 mutually exclusive champion (on either role).
  • For parties of five, there is no secondary role selection; each player must select a unique role and champion.

Priority roles are determined based on queue demand at the time of queueing. In Quickplay, there are always two roles assigned Priority.

The party is ready to queue up after selecting positions and champions. The Rune Recommender is available and may be used upon the game starting in place of no valid rune page selected by the player.

Loadout Selection[]

Clicking on the champion or position squares in the lobby opens the Quickplay selection menu.

From the right part of the menu:

  • In the Champion tab, the player assigns the champion for their selected role, as well as their rune page.
  • In the Cosmetics tab, the player chooses the selected champion's skin and chromas.

From the left part of the menu, the player chooses their Primary (I) and Secondary (II) role and each of their champions' summoner spell sets, and can view their champion's art and selected rune paths. Clicking on the champion's art or their respective buttons in this area selects that role, in order to configure them from the right part of the menu. The Swap button between them swaps all Primary and Secondary selections; choosing an already selected champion in another role also has the same functionality. Finally, the queuing rules for the current party size are displayed by hovering the mouse over the Lobby Rules button.

Upon joining a Quickplay lobby for the first time, the game automatically assigns the player to their two highest mastery champions and their respective roles, along with the most common rune page from the Rune Recommender.

Game Start[]

When all 10 players successfully pass the 'Ready' check, the game will immediately begin with the loading screen.

Surrender Rules[]

In Quickplay, surrendering requirements are less strict.

  • The first surrender is available from minute 15, and may succeed as normal with 4 out of 5 or 70% Yes votes.
  • From 25 minutes onward, surrendering may succeed with 3 out of 5 or 50% Yes votes.
  • Players that started a surrender vote can start another after 3 minutes, instead of 6.


