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  • Some Chapter Quests are missing
This article was last edited by Bladenite on 08-Oct-2024 16:30.

Completing campaigns rewards resources that upgrades both champions and players. Finishing a campaign always rewards champion experience to the champion you completed the campaign with. Champion experience increases an individual champion's levels: unlocking deck upgrades, relic slots, items, and more. The amount of champion experience awarded is based off of campaign difficulty and the number of defeated foes. Beating a campaign for the first time on a champion required from a certain region will reward reliquaries, vaults, and legend points. Vaults contain champion fragments, which can be used to unlock new champions or upgrade a champion's hero powers. The amount of champion fragments is based off of a vault's rarity. Excess champion fragments are converted into Stardust Stardust, at a rate of 1 to 10, which can be used in the Emporium.

Reliquaries contain relic items and getting duplicate relics also awards Stardust Stardust. Bronze reliquaries contain common relics, with a chance of upgrading to a rare relic, while silver reliquaries contain a guaranteed rare relic. Legend points are used to increase one's Legend level, increasing Legend level rewards global buffs such as increased gold gain, additional reroll tokens, and more.

Legend Levels[]

Level EXP
1 0 0
2 1000 1000 Chapter Quests unlocked
3 2000 3000 Daily and Weekly Quests unlocked
4 2500 5500 Rare rarity Rare Drops in Adventure unlocked
5 3500 9000 R0024 Guinsoo's Rageblade. Can now use Relics.
6 4000 13000 Shop upgrade - Now offer 6 cards for sale.
Weekly Adventure Starlight Portal unlocked.
7 4500 17500 PoC Silver Vault icon Silver Cosmic Vault
Epic rarity Epic Drops in adventure unlocked.
8 5000 22500 Begin adventures with +1 extra Reroll. 2 Rerolls total.
9 5500 28000 +10% Gold earned
10 6000 34000 Healer upgrade - Cut all copies of a card (among 3 choices) from your deck.
Weekly Adventure Shadow Portal unlocked.
11 7000 41000 100 Starting Gold
12 8000 49000 PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
13 9000 58000 Shop upgrade - Can now purchase a power from the shop
14 10000 68000 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
15 11000 79000 Healer upgrade - Cut all copies of any non-champion card from your deck.
Weekly Adventure Dark Star Portal unlocked.
Monthly Challenges unlocked.
16 12000 91000 +10% Gold earned. +20% total.
17 13000 104000 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
18 15000 119000 Begin adventures with +1 extra Reroll. 3 Rerolls total.
19 17000 136000 PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Cosmic Vault
20 19000 155000 Healer upgrade - Purchase a full heal at Healers in adventures
21 21000 176000 6 Wild Fragments Fragments 6 Wild Fragments
22 23000 199000 Champion Rewards in Adventures - Champions can appear in reward picks
Shop Upgrade - Can offer champions.
PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
23 25000 224000 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
24 27000 251000 +10% Gold earned. +30% total.
8 Wild Fragments Fragments 8 Wild Fragments
25 29000 280000 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
26 31000 311000 Begin adventures with +1 extra Reroll. 4 Rerolls total.
PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
27 33000 344000 12 Wild Fragments Fragments 12 Wild Fragments
28 35000 379000 +200 Starting Gold
PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
29 37000 416000 16 Wild Fragments Fragments 16 Wild Fragments
30 39000 455000 PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Cosmic Vault
31 30000 485000 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
32 30000 515000 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
33 30000 545000 PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Cosmic Vault
34 30000 575000 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
35 30000 605000 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
36 30000 635000 PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Cosmic Vault
37 30000 665000 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
38 30000 695000 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
39 30000 725000 PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Cosmic Vault
40 30000 755000 PoC Gold Reliquary icon Gold Reliquary
41 30000 785000 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
42 30000 815000 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
43 30000 845000 PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Cosmic Vault
44 30000 875000 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
45 30000 905000 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
46 30000 935000 PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Cosmic Vault
47 30000 965000 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
48 30000 995000 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
49 30000 1025000 PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Cosmic Vault
50 30000 1055000 PoC Gold Reliquary icon Gold Reliquary


  • When looking at your Legend Level progression, if you scroll past level 50, you will be greeted by a Hello There LoR Emote'Hello There' emote waving back at you.

Champion Levels[]

Level EXP needed Total EXP Reward
Deck Health Others
1 0 0 First PoC Common Relic iconRelic slot unlocked. 20 Health 20
2 50 50 Deck Upgrade 1 25 Health 25
3 100 150 Deck Upgrade 2
4 150 300 Non-Deck Card Upgrade
30 Health 30
5 200 500 Support champions have a random Common rarityCommon Item.
6 300 800 Deck Upgrade 3 +5% to find Rare rarityRare Items and Powers.
7 450 1250 Begin every Adventure with 1 Revive Token Revive 1 Revive Token.
8 500 1750 First Relic slot upgraded to PoC Rare Relic iconRare. +2.5% to find Epic rarityEpic Items and Powers.
9 560 2310 Deck Upgrade 4
10 670 2980 +2 PoC Regen icon Nexus Health Regen.
1% to find Champion rarityLegendary Powers.
11 800 3780 Support champions have a random Rare rarityRare Item.
12 930 4710 Deck Upgrade 5
13 1070 5780 Second PoC Common Relic iconRelic slot unlocked.
14 1210 6990 First combat reward includes Common rarityCommon Items.
+10% to find Rare rarityRare Items and Powers.
15 1360 8350 Deck Upgrade 6
16 1520 9870 35 Health 35 +5% to find Epic rarityEpic Items and Powers.
17 1690 11560 Support cards have Common rarityCommon Items.
18 1860 13420 Deck Upgrade 7 2% to find Champion rarityLegendary Powers.
19 2040 15460 Second Relic slot upgraded to PoC Rare Relic iconRare.
20 2220 17680 New Power: 01FR029-fullPoC Common Power Border Heroes' Welcome
21 2410 20090 Deck Upgrade 8
22 2610 22700 +2 PoC Regen icon Nexus Health Regen.
+15% to find Rare rarityRare Items and Powers.
23 2810 25510 Support cards have Rare rarityRare Items.
24 3020 28530 Deck Upgrade 9 +7.5% to find Epic rarityEpic Items and Powers.
25 3230 31760 Third PoC Common Relic iconRelic slot unlocked.
26 3450 35210 First combat reward includes Rare rarityRare Items.
3% to find Champion rarityLegendary Powers.
27 3670 38880 Deck Upgrade 10
28 3900 42780 40 Health 40
29 4140 46920 Support champs have a random Epic rarityEpic Item.
30 4370 51290 Third Relic slot upgraded to PoC Rare Relic iconRare.

Champion Stars[]


Upgrade Fragments Fragments Fragments Star Crystals Star Crystals Star Crystals Nova Crystals Nova Crystals Nova Crystals Gemstones Gemstones Gemstones
Unlock 30 Fragments 30
1 Star 10 Fragments 10
2 Stars 20 Fragments 20
3 Stars 40 Fragments 40
4 Stars 60 Fragments 60 10 Star Crystals 10
5 Stars 80 Fragments 80 40 Star Crystals 40
6 Stars 100 Fragments 100 1 Nova Crystals 1
Star of Blessings 40 Fragments 40
Star of Bounty 40 Fragments 40
Star of Discovery 40 Fragments 40
Star of Legends 40 Fragments 40
Star of Wonder 40 Fragments 40
Celestial Legends 150 Gemstones 150 or 100 Gemstones 100
Celestial Fortune 250 Gemstones 250 or 200 Gemstones 200
Celestial Bounty 250 Gemstones 250 or 300 Gemstones 300
Celestial Insight 350 Gemstones 350 or 400 Gemstones 400
TOTAL 540 Fragments 540 50 Star Crystals 50 1 Nova Crystals 1 1000 Gemstones 1000


Quests are one of the main sources of progression in The Path of Champions and players are encouraged to do them in return for a good amount of in game resources.

Daily and Weekly Quests[]

These quests can be done once a day or week before they reappear after they expire.

Name Quest Type Reward Unlocked by
Victory! Win 5 battles in The Path of Champions Daily 1000 Legend Points Legend Points 1000 Legend Points
5 Wild Fragments Fragments 5 Wild Fragments
Call of Adventure Win 2 adventures in The Path of Champions Weekly 1000 Legend Points Legend Points 1000 Legend Points
PoC Silver Vault icon Silver Cosmic Vault
Chasing the Horizon Win 3 adventures in The Path of Champions Weekly 5000 Legend Points Legend Points 5000 Legend Points
PoC Bronze Reliquary icon Bronze Reliquary
Complete weekly quest Call of Adventure
Portal Warrior Win 3 Weekly Adventures in The Path of Champions Weekly 5000 Legend Points Legend Points 5000 Legend Points
PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault

Achievement Quests[]

Achievement quests are a series of quests with no time limit illustrating the player's progression through The Path of Champions. They are divided into 3: Defeating the different Foes in their respective World Adventures and winning different increasing amounts of Adventures and defeating varying difficulties of Weekly Adventures.

Name Quest Reward Requirement to Unlock
Defeat Garen & Lulu Defeat Garen in Demacia LoR RegionThe Might of Demacia.
Defeat Lulu in Ionia LoR RegionThe Fae Sorceress.
20 Jinx Fragments 20 Jinx Fragments -
Defeat Gangplank & Ezreal Defeat Gangplank in Bilgewater LoR RegionThe Saltwater Scourge.
Defeat Ezreal in Piltover Zaun LoR RegionThe Prodigal Explorer.
R0102 Greater Cosmic Blessing Complete quest Defeat Garen & Lulu
Defeat Nautilus & Zed Defeat Nautilus in Bilgewater LoR RegionThe Titan of the Depths.
Defeat Zed in Ionia LoR RegionThe Master of Shadows.
PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Vault Complete quest Defeat Gangplank & Ezreal
Defeat Draven & Viktor Defeat Draven in Noxus LoR RegionThe Glorious Executioner.
Defeat Viktor in Piltover Zaun LoR RegionThe Machine Herald.
60 Wild Fragments Fragments 60 Wild Fragments Complete quest Defeat Nautilus & Zed
Defeat Thresh & Kai'Sa Defeat Thresh in Shadow Isles LoR RegionThe Collector of Souls.
Defeat Kai'sa in Shurima LoR RegionDaughter of the Void.
PoC Diamond Vault icon Diamond Vault Complete quest Defeat Draven & Viktor
Defeat Galio Defeat Galio in Demacia LoR RegionThe Colossus. PoC Gold Star Vessel icon Gold Star Vessel Complete quest Defeat Thresh & Kai'Sa
Defeat Aurelion Sol Defeat Aurelion Sol in Targon LoR RegionThe Star Forger. R0089 Full Build
(Or 300 Stardust Stardust 300 Stardust if already owned)
Complete quest Defeat Galio
Defeat Lissandra Defeat Lissandra in Freljord LoR RegionThe Frost Witch. PoC Platinum Star Vessel icon Platinum Star Vessel Complete quest Defeat Aurelion Sol

Name Quest Reward Requirement to Unlock
Well Travelled I Win 10 Adventures in The Path of Champions PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Vault -
Well Travelled II Win 100 Adventures in The Path of Champions PoC Gold Reliquary icon Gold Reliquary Complete quest Well Travelled I
Well Travelled III Win 1000 Adventures in The Path of Champions PoC Diamond Vault icon Diamond Vault Complete quest Well Travelled II

Name Quest Reward Requirement to Unlock
Afraid of Nothing I Win a 3+ Star Weekly Adventure to unlock the "Fear Portal" Weekly Adventure. PoC Silver Star Vessel icon Silver Star Vessel Legend Level 15
Afraid of Nothing II Win a 4.5+ Star Weekly Adventure to unlock the "Terror Portal" Weekly Adventure. PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Vault Complete quest Afraid of Nothing I
Afraid of Nothing III Win a 5.5+ Star weekly adventure to unlock the "Nightmare Portal" Weekly Adventure. PoC Gold Star Vessel icon Gold Star Vessel Complete quest Afraid of Nothing II
Afraid of Nothing IV Win a 6.5+ Star Weekly Adventure. PoC Platinum Star Vessel icon Platinum Star Vessel Complete quest Afraid of Nothing III

Chapter Quests[]

Chapter quests are a series of introductory quests that are divided in 6 Chapters. All quests in a Chapter must be completed before moving into the quests of the next Chapter.

Name Quest Reward
Shooting Star Star up LoR Champion Indicator4Jinx 500 Legend Points Legend Points 500 Legend Points
Puffcap Perils Defeat LoR Champion Indicator1Teemo with any champion in his World Adventure 1000 Legend Points Legend Points 1000 Legend Points
A Worthy Endeavor Try an adventure at 1-Star Difficulty 5 Jinx Fragments 5 Jinx Fragments
The Power of Legends Reach Legend Level 3 500 Legend Points Legend Points 500 Legend Points
Chapter I: Complete All Complete all Chapter I Quests 30 Yasuo Fragments 30 Yasuo Fragments

Name Quest Reward
Equipped & Ready Reach Legend Level 5 and equip a relic to a champion 1000 Legend Points Legend Points 1000 Legend Points
Shooting Star Win any adventure with an Ionia LoR Region Ionian champion 1000 Legend Points Legend Points 1000 Legend Points
Venturing Forth Reach Level 7 with any champion 5 Yasuo Fragments 5 Yasuo Fragments
Realms Apart Reach Level 4 with 2 champions 30 Lux Fragments 30 Lux Fragments
The Road to Glory Win 2 adventures at 1.5-Star Difficulty 1000 Legend Points Legend Points 1000 Legend Points
Chapter II: Complete All Complete all Chapter II Quests 30 Wild Fragments Fragments 30 Wild Fragments

Name Quest Reward
Raring to Go Equip a Rare Relic 5 Lux Fragments 5 Lux Fragments
Seizing Victory Win 3 adventures at 2-Star Difficulty PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
A Test of Strength Reach Level 6 with 3 champions PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
Up For The Challenge Reach Level 10 with 2 champions 8 Wild Fragments Fragments 8 Wild Fragments
The Way of Legends Reach Legend Level 9 2000 Legend Points Legend Points 2000 Legend Points
Chapter III: Complete All Complete all Chapter III Quests Bilgewater LoR Region Bilgewater Champion Vault

Note: There is an extra quest in this chapter not shown here.

Name Quest Reward
Feats of Courage Win 4 adventures at 2.5-Star Difficulty 8 Wild Fragments Fragments 8 Wild Fragments
The Journey Continues Reach Level 15 with any champion 8 Wild Fragments Fragments 8 Wild Fragments
Stronger Together Reach Level 8 with 5 champions PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
The Might of Legends Reach Legend Level 12 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
Chapter IV: Complete All Complete all Chapter IV Quests Noxus LoR Region Noxus Champion Vault

Note: There is an extra quest in this chapter not shown here.

Name Quest Reward
Total Mastery Win 6 adventures at 2.5-Star Difficulty 2000 Legend Points Legend Points 2000 Legend Points
The More The Merrier Reach Level 5 with 7 champions PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
A United Front Reach Level 15 with 3 champions 3000 Legend Points Legend Points 3000 Legend Points
Forging Ahead Reach Level 20 with any champion 4000 Legend Points Legend Points 4000 Legend Points
The Hero of Legends Reach Legend Level 15 PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
Pathway of Stars Reach 3 Stars with any champion 4000 Legend Points Legend Points 4000 Legend Points
Chapter V: Complete All Complete all Chapter V Quests PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Cosmic Vault

Quest Reward
Win a 3-Star or higher adventure with a Bilgewater LoR Region Bilgewater champion PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
Win a 3-Star or higher adventure with a Noxus LoR Region Noxus champion 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments
Win a 3-Star or higher adventure with a Piltover Zaun LoR Region Piltover & Zaun champion 6000 Legend Points Legend Points 6000 Legend Points
Win a 3-Star or higher adventure with a Demacia LoR Region Demacia champion PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
Win a 3-Star or higher adventure with a Ionia LoR Region Ionia champion PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
Win a 3-Star or higher adventure with a Runeterra LoR Region Runeterra champion 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments
Win a 3-Star or higher adventure with a Shurima LoR Region Shurima champion 6000 Legend Points Legend Points 6000 Legend Points
Win a 3-Star or higher adventure with a Targon LoR Region Targon champion PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
Win a 3-Star or higher adventure with a Shadow Isles LoR Region Shadow Isles champion 6000 Legend Points Legend Points 6000 Legend Points
Win a 3-Star or higher adventure with a Freljord LoR Region Freljord champion PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Cosmic Vault
Complete all Chapter VI Quests PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Cosmic Vault

Event Quests[]

These quests are only available during in game events and often require using the new champions introduced to The Path of Champions during that event to obtain their rewards.

Event from October 9, 2024 to ???

Player Celebration[]

From October 9, 2024 to December 31, 2024

Name Quest Reward
That's why I'm the Captain Deal 250 damage with spells or skills
(counts double while attacking)
60 Miss Fortune Fragments 60 Miss Fortune Fragments
Miss Fortune Icon
Special quest released as part of Riot Games logo icon Riot Games' celebration of CaptSarahRed, a well-known community leader and Legends of Runeterra player.[1][2]

Event from September 12, 2024 to October 9, 2024.

Name Quest Reward Requirement to Unlock
Ahead of the Curve Win a 5+ star adventure with LoR Champion Indicator5Heimerdinger or LoR Champion Indicator2Ahri PoC Diamond Vault icon Diamond Vault
30 Battle Pass Tokens

PoC Heimer's Lab Battle Pass

Event from August 14, 2024 to September 11, 2024.

Name Quest Reward Requirement to Unlock
A New Sheriff In Town Win a 5+ star adventure with LoR Champion Indicator3Caitlyn PoC Diamond Vault icon Diamond Vault -

For Glory Start 5 attacks 40 Caitlyn Fragments 40 Caitlyn Fragments -
United As One Attack with 5+ units 2 times R0101 Cosmic Blessing Complete quest For Glory
Balanced Stats Play 5 units with equal power and health PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Vault Complete quest United As One
Frugal Summon 4 units that cost 2 mana or less 250 Stardust Stardust 250 Stardust Complete quest Balanced Stats
Filled With Resolve Deal 50+ damage in a round with champions

PoC Gold Star Vessel iconPiltover & Zaun Piltover & Zaun Gold Star Vessel

Complete quest Frugal

Runeterran Legends Play 3+ champions in a game 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments Unlocks on August 21
Death & Decay See 4+ units die in a round 4 times PoC Bronze Reliquary icon Bronze Reliquary Complete quest Runeterran Legends
Preemptive Blast Strike the enemy Nexus 8 times

PoC Silver Star Vessel iconPiltover & Zaun Piltover & Zaun Silver Star Vessel

Complete quest Death & Decay
Manaflow Master Spend 60 mana 250 Stardust Stardust 250 Stardust Complete quest Preemptive Blast
Power Overwhelming Attack with at least 2 units of 25+ power each PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Vault Complete quest Manaflow Master

Demacian Protection Raise the health of allies in play 4 times 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments Unlocks on August 28
Arcane Assault Deal 30 damage with spells R0101 Cosmic Blessing Complete quest Demacian Protection
Friendly Fire Target allies 10 times PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary Complete quest Arcane Assault
It's All In the Cards Draw 30 cards 250 Stardust Stardust 250 Stardust Complete quest Friendly Fire
Ultimate Opportunist Strike 10+ times in a round PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Vault Complete quest It's All In the Cards

Radiant Beams Play spells that cost 3 mana or less 15 times 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments Unlocks on September 4
Cull the Weak Target the weakest enemy 5 times

PoC Silver Star Vessel iconPiltover & Zaun Piltover & Zaun Silver Star Vessel

Complete quest Radiant Beams
Fighting Force Attack with 15 units that have 4+ Power PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary Complete quest Cull the Weak
Deploying Troops Summon 10 3-cost units 250 Stardust Stardust 250 Stardust Complete quest Fighting Force
Arise and Conquer Win a game after leveling up 5 different champions PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Vault Complete quest Deploying Troops

Event from July 17, 2024 to August 12, 2024.

Name Quest Reward Requirement to Unlock
Special Forces Attack with units that cost 4 or more 35 times 40 Pyke Fragments 40 Pyke Fragments -
Opportunist Strike 3+ times in a round 20 times R0101 Cosmic Blessing Complete quest Special Forces
Hard Hitter Strike for 5+ damage in a single strike 25 times PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Vault Complete quest Opportunist
Grand Moments Play 6+ cost spells 12 times 250 Stardust Stardust 250 Stardust Complete quest Hard Hitter
Quick Draw Draw 10+ cards in a round

PoC Gold Star Vessel iconBilgewater Bilgewater Gold Star Vessel

Complete quest Grand Moments

Filled With Resolve Deal 10+ damage in a round with champions 6 times 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments Unlocks on July 24
Inviolable Defense Block with 6 units that have 7+ power or health PoC Bronze Reliquary icon Bronze Reliquary Complete quest Filled With Resolve
Balanced Stats Play 20 units with equal power and health

PoC Silver Star Vessel iconBilgewater Bilgewater Silver Star Vessel

Complete quest Inviolable Defense
Big Bully Target the weakest enemy 10 times 250 Stardust Stardust 250 Stardust Complete quest Balanced Stats
Winter's Call Frostbite 10+ units in a match PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Vault Complete quest Big Bully

Team Effort Deal 200 damage with units 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments Unlocks on July 31
Spell Theory Play the same spell twice in a match 12 times (3+ times counts triple) R0101 Cosmic Blessing Complete quest Team Effort
Offensive Lineup Strike with 15 5-cost units PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary Complete quest Spell Theory
Team Player Play 45 followers 250 Stardust Stardust 250 Stardust Complete quest Offensive Lineup
Habitual Play the same card 10+ times in a match PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Vault Complete quest Team Player

Runeterran Legends Play 2+ champions in a game 5 times 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments Unlocks on August 7
The Collector of Souls Kill 2+ units in a round 20 times

PoC Silver Star Vessel iconBilgewater Bilgewater Silver Star Vessel

Complete quest Runeterran Legends
Expensive Taste Play 12 6+ cost units PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary Complete quest The Collector of Souls
Recruiter Summon 50 units 250 Stardust Stardust 250 Stardust Complete quest Expensive Taste
Divine Light Level up 3 champions in a match PoC Platinum Vault icon Platinum Vault Complete quest Recruiter

Event from May 22, 2024 to July 3, 2024.

Name Quest Reward Requirement to Unlock
Best Served Cold Defeat Freljord LoR RegionLissandra's World Adventure with LoR Champion Indicator6Viego. PoC Diamond Vault icon Diamond Vault -

Regenerative Heal your Nexus for a total of 25 HP. 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments -
Sumpworks Spells Spend a total of 75 mana on Spells. PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary Complete quest Regenerative
Inviolable Defense Block with units that have 5+ power or health 20 times. PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Vault Complete quest Sumpworks Spells
Deck Investment Play 15 5-cost cards. 500 Stardust Stardust 500 Stardust Complete quest Inviolable Defense
Courageous Heart Attack with 2 different champions in a round 10 times. R0102 Greater Cosmic Blessing Complete quest Deck Investment
All in Good Time Play 100 Rounds. PoC Silver Star Vessel icon Silver Star Vessel Complete quest Courageous Heart

Unleash Ruination Win one adventure in The Path of Champions 30 Viego Fragments 30 Viego Fragments -
The Ruined King Spend 100 mana on Shadow Isles LoR Region Shadow Isles cards in The Path of Champions 3 R0101 Cosmic Blessing Complete quest Unleash Ruination
No Price too Great Kill 30 allies in The Path of Champions PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary Complete quest The Ruined King
Harrowing Summon 20 LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Encroaching Mists in The Path of Champions 500 Stardust Stardust 500 Stardust Complete quest No Price too Great
For Isolde Kill 10 enemies with LoR Champion Indicator6Viego in the Path of Champions 10 Shadow Isles Star Crystals Star Crystals 10 Shadow Isles Star Crystals Complete quest Harrowing

Passive Aggressive Deal 50 damage with unit skills and activated effects 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments Unlocks on June 4
Death & Decay See 3+ units die in a round 25 times PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Vault Complete quest Passive Aggressive
Drawing Inspiration Draw 2+ cards in a round 25 times PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary Complete quest Death & Decay
Spellslinger Play spells for 2 consecutive rounds 20 times 500 Stardust Stardust 500 Stardust Complete quest Drawing Inspiration
Target Practice Deal 40 non-combat damage 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments Complete quest Spellslinger
Fighting Force Attack with units that have 5+ Power 40 times PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Vault Complete quest Target Practice

Gotcha! Target 25 enemies PoC Silver Star Vessel icon Silver Star Vessel Unlocks on June 18
Magical Prowess Play 15 Keyword Burst Burst spells 500 Stardust Stardust 500 Stardust Complete quest Gotcha!
Radiant Beams Play 25 spells that cost 3 mana or less 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments Complete quest Magical Prowess
Talent Coordinator Play 20 4+ cost units PoC Silver Star Vessel icon Silver Star Vessel Complete quest Radiant Beams
Favored Fighter Summon the same unit 2+ times in a match 25 times (3+ times counts triple) PoC Gold Vault icon Gold Vault Complete quest Talent Coordinator
Demacian Protection Raise the health of allies in play 40 times PoC Minor Gemstone Vessel icon Minor Gemstone Vessel Complete quest Favored Fighter

Event from April 24, 2024 to June 5, 2024.

Name Quest Reward
Path Professional Win 2 adventures in The Path of Champions 30 Lux: Illuminated Fragments 30 Lux: Illuminated Fragments
The Raging Storm Reach level 12 with LoR Champion Indicator3Lillia, LoR Champion Indicator4Vex or LoR Champion Indicator3Lux: Illuminated What is This? LoR Emote
Peak Performance Earn 2 A or S badges on adventures of 2.5-Star of higher The Bashful Bloom LoR Card Back
Acquired Skill Star up 1 of these champions to 2-Star: LoR Champion Indicator3Lillia, LoR Champion Indicator4Vex, or LoR Champion Indicator3Lux: Illuminated Illumination LoR Emote
Experienced Gain 20 champion levels with LoR Champion Indicator3Lillia, LoR Champion Indicator4Vex, or LoR Champion Indicator3Lux: Illuminated The Look LoR Emote
Monster Hunting Beat a 3+ Star adventure with LoR Champion Indicator3Lillia, LoR Champion Indicator4Vex, or LoR Champion Indicator3Lux: Illuminated The Gloomist LoR Card Back
Starry Night Star up 1 of these champions to 3-Star: LoR Champion Indicator3Lillia, LoR Champion Indicator4Vex, or LoR Champion Indicator3Lux: Illuminated Lady of Luminosity LoR Card Back

Event from December 6, 2023 to January 17, 2024.

Name Quest Reward
Path Professional Win 5 adventures in The Path of Champions 5 Elder Dragon Fragments 5 Elder Dragon Fragments
The Raging Storm Reach level 12 with 2 of these champions: LoR Champion Indicator7Mordekaiser, LoR Champion Indicator5Morgana, LoR Champion Indicator12Elder Dragon 10 Morgana Fragments 10 Morgana Fragments
Peak Performance Earn 3 A or S badges on adventures of 2.5-Star of higher 10 Elder Dragon Fragments 10 Elder Dragon Fragments
Acquired Skill Star up 2 of these champions to 2-Star: LoR Champion Indicator7Mordekaiser, LoR Champion Indicator5Morgana, LoR Champion Indicator12Elder Dragon 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments
Experienced Gain 30 champion levels with LoR Champion Indicator7Mordekaiser, LoR Champion Indicator5Morgana, or LoR Champion Indicator12Elder Dragon PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
Monster Hunting Beat a 3+ Star adventure with LoR Champion Indicator7Mordekaiser, LoR Champion Indicator5Morgana, or LoR Champion Indicator12Elder Dragon PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
Committed Claim node 74 of the event pass PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary

Event from September 13, 2023 to October 25, 2023.

Name Quest Reward
Path Professional Win 5 adventures in The Path of Champions 5 Volibear Fragments 5 Volibear Fragments
The Raging Storm Reach level 12 with 2 of these champions: LoR Champion Indicator2Nilah, LoR Champion Indicator4Janna, LoR Champion Indicator9Volibear 10 Janna Fragments 10 Janna Fragments
Peak Performance Earn 3 A or S badges on adventures of 2.5-Star of higher 10 Volibear Fragments 10 Volibear Fragments
Acquired Skill Star up 2 of these champions to 2-Star: LoR Champion Indicator2Nilah, LoR Champion Indicator4Janna, LoR Champion Indicator9Volibear 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments
Experienced Gain 30 champion levels with LoR Champion Indicator2Nilah, LoR Champion Indicator4Janna or LoR Champion Indicator9Volibear PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
Monster Hunting Beat a 3+ Star adventure with LoR Champion Indicator2Nilah, LoR Champion Indicator4Janna or LoR Champion Indicator9Volibear PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
Committed Claim node 74 of the event pass PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary

Event from June 28, 2023 to August 9, 2023.

Name Quest Reward
Triumphant Win 5 adventures in The Path of Champions 5 The Poro King Fragments 5 The Poro King Fragments
Experienced Reach level 12 with 2 of these champions: LoR Champion Indicator2Neeko, LoR Champion Indicator4Nidalee, LoR Champion Indicator5Poro King 10 Neeko Fragments 10 Neeko Fragments
Top Performer Earn 3 A or S badges on adventures of 2.5-Star of higher 10 The Poro King Fragments 10 The Poro King Fragments
Stellar Star up 2 of these champions to 2-Star: LoR Champion Indicator2Neeko, LoR Champion Indicator4Nidalee, LoR Champion Indicator5Poro King 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments
Investor Gain 30 champion levels with LoR Champion Indicator2Neeko, LoR Champion Indicator4Nidalee or LoR Champion Indicator5Poro King PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
Expert Beat a 3+ Star adventure with LoR Champion Indicator2Neeko, LoR Champion Indicator4Nidalee or LoR Champion Indicator5Poro King PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
Committed Claim node 74 of the event pass PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary

Event from March 29, 2023 to May 11, 2023.

Name Quest Reward
Prove Yourself Win 5 adventures in The Path of Champions 5 Jack Fragments 5 Jack Fragments
Top Contendor Reach level 12 with 2 of these champions: LoR Champion Indicator5Sett, LoR Champion Indicator2Samira, LoR Champion Indicator4Jack The Winner 10 Samira Fragments 10 Samira Fragments
Strength and Style Earn 3 A or S badges on adventures of 2.5-Star of higher 10 Jack Fragments 10 Jack Fragments
Experienced Fighter Star up 2 of these champions to 2-Star: LoR Champion Indicator5Sett, LoR Champion Indicator2Samira, LoR Champion Indicator4Jack The Winner 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments
Crowd-Pleaser Gain 30 champion levels with LoR Champion Indicator5Sett, LoR Champion Indicator2Samira or LoR Champion Indicator4Jack The Winner PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
Champion of Navori Beat a 3+ Star adventure with LoR Champion Indicator5Sett, LoR Champion Indicator2Samira or LoR Champion Indicator4Jack The Winner PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
Prize Winner Claim node 74 of the event pass PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary

Event from December 7, 2022 to January 18, 2023.

Name Quest Reward
Aspiring Adventurer Win 5 adventures in The Path of Champions 5 Kindred Fragments 5 Kindred Fragments
Growing Potential Reach level 12 with 2 of these champions: LoR Champion Indicator6Aatrox, LoR Champion Indicator6Nasus, LoR Champion Indicator4Kindred, LoR Champion Indicator4Ekko, LoR Champion Indicator5Pyke, LoR Champion Indicator3LeBlanc 10 Pyke Fragments 10 Pyke Fragments
Flawless Performance Earn 3 A or S badges on adventures of 2.5-Star of higher 10 Ekko Fragments 10 Ekko Fragments
Thriving Fighter Star up 2 of these champions to 2-Star: LoR Champion Indicator6Aatrox, LoR Champion Indicator6Nasus, LoR Champion Indicator4Kindred, LoR Champion Indicator4Ekko, LoR Champion Indicator5Pyke, LoR Champion Indicator3LeBlanc 10 LeBlanc Fragments 10 LeBlanc Fragments
Heroic Ability Reach level 20 with LoR Champion Indicator6Aatrox, LoR Champion Indicator6Nasus, LoR Champion Indicator4Kindred, LoR Champion Indicator4Ekko, LoR Champion Indicator5Pyke or LoR Champion Indicator3LeBlanc PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
Accomplished Voyager Beat a 3+ Star adventure with LoR Champion Indicator6Aatrox, LoR Champion Indicator6Nasus, LoR Champion Indicator4Kindred, LoR Champion Indicator4Ekko, LoR Champion Indicator5Pyke or LoR Champion Indicator3LeBlanc R0011 The Deceiver's Crest
World Ender Claim node 59 of the event pass R0007 Guardian Angel

Event from October 12, 2022 to November 16, 2022.

Name Quest Reward
The Path Begins Win 5 adventures in The Path of Champions 5 Yuumi Fragments 5 Yuumi Fragments
Walk the Path Reach level 12 with 2 of these champions: LoR Champion Indicator3Vayne, LoR Champion Indicator4Varus, LoR Champion Indicator4Tahm Kench, LoR Champion Indicator3Yuumi, LoR Champion Indicator4Gnar, LoR Champion Indicator1Teemo 10 Vayne Fragments 10 Vayne Fragments
Demonstrate Your Skill Earn 3 A or S badge on adventures of 2.5-Star of higher 10 Teemo Fragments 10 Teemo Fragments
Thriving Fighter Star up LoR Champion Indicator3Vayne, LoR Champion Indicator4Varus, LoR Champion Indicator4Tahm Kench, LoR Champion Indicator3Yuumi, LoR Champion Indicator4Gnar or LoR Champion Indicator1Teemo to 2-Star 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments
Honored by the Fates Reach level 20 with LoR Champion Indicator3Vayne, LoR Champion Indicator4Varus, LoR Champion Indicator4Tahm Kench, LoR Champion Indicator3Yuumi, LoR Champion Indicator4Gnar or LoR Champion Indicator1Teemo PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
A Great Adventure Beat a 3+ Star adventure with LoR Champion Indicator3Vayne, LoR Champion Indicator4Varus, LoR Champion Indicator4Tahm Kench, LoR Champion Indicator3Yuumi, LoR Champion Indicator4Gnar or LoR Champion Indicator1Teemo R0015 Lost Chapter
Master of Runeterra Claim node 59 of the event pass R0019 The Berserker's Buckle

Event from August 31, 2022 to October 5, 2022.

Name Quest Reward
Budding Adventurer Win 5 adventures in The Path of Champions 5 Jax Fragments 5 Jax Fragments
Burgeoning Strength Reach level 12 with LoR Champion Indicator5Kayn, LoR Champion Indicator2Jax, LoR Champion Indicator7Ornn or LoR Champion Indicator2Master Yi 10 Ornn Fragments 10 Ornn Fragments
Impressive Skill Earn 3 A or S badges on adventures of 2.5-Star of higher 10 Master Yi Fragments 10 Master Yi Fragments
Realised Potential Star up LoR Champion Indicator5Kayn, LoR Champion Indicator2Jax, LoR Champion Indicator7Ornn or LoR Champion Indicator2Master Yi to 2-Star 10 Wild Fragments Fragments 10 Wild Fragments
Heroic Strength Reach level 20 with LoR Champion Indicator5Kayn, LoR Champion Indicator2Jax, LoR Champion Indicator7Ornn or LoR Champion Indicator2Master Yi PoC Silver Reliquary icon Silver Reliquary
Legendary Champion Beat a 3+ Star adventure with LoR Champion Indicator5Kayn, LoR Champion Indicator2Jax, LoR Champion Indicator7Ornn or LoR Champion Indicator2Master Yi R0054 Wriggle's Lantern
Mortal Despair Claim node 59 of the event pass R0050 Galeforce
