Profane Hydra is a legendary item in League of Legends.
Cost Analysis
Gold Value
- 60 attack damage = 2100
- 10 ability haste = 500
- 18 lethality = 540
- Total Gold Value = 3140
Gold efficiency
- 98.13% gold efficient. base stats are
Similar items
- Cleave deals default damage, and thus will not trigger spell effects.
- Cleave is not blocked by spell shield.
- Cleave does not trigger on attacks against structures.
- Cleave will not trigger if the basic attack does not deal damage, such as if the target was invulnerable.(bug)
- This is unlike Cleave even if the basic attack had dealt no damage. , , , and , which will trigger
- Heretical Cleave deals area damage and thus will trigger spell effects.
- Heretical Cleave is blocked by spell shield.
- Heretical Cleave is an auto-targeted effect.
- Heretical Cleave's radius is centered offset from the user in the direction they are facing.
- Heretical Cleave's cast breaks stealth.
- Heretical Cleave has a cast time equal to the user's attack windup.
- If Profane Hydra's item slot is changed during this cast time, the area of effect spell will not occur.(bug)
- Heretical Cleave goes on cooldown upon being used, at the start of its cast.
Map-Specific Differences
- Ability haste changed to 15.
- Attack damage changed to 50.
- Along with Hydra, a many-headed beast.
- They also build from five headed dragon goddess in the Dungeons & Dragons tabletop RPG. , which shares its name with the
and , Profane Hydra borrows its namesake from the
Sound Effects
- Cleave Triggered
- Heretical Cleave Active
- Heretical Cleave Hit
- ▶️ Active SFX
Patch History
- Total cost reduced to 3200 from 3300.
- Ability haste reduced to 10 from 20.
- Cleave radius reduced to 350 units from 450.
- Cleave AD ratio reduced to ( 40% / 20%) AD from ( 50% / 25%) AD.
- Heretical Cleave AD ratio reduced to 80% AD from 100% AD.
- Removed: Heretical Cleave's damage is no longer increased to 130% AD against those below 50% maximum health.
- V14.9 - May 6th Hotfix
- Bug Fix: Item grants innate lethality once again.
- Bug Fix: Active damage no longer benefits from life steal.
- Bug Fix: Heretical Cleave range indicator is now properly offset from the center by 100 units, matching the hitbox.
- Cleave damage increased to ( 50% / 25%) AD from ( 40% / 20%) AD.
- Heretical Cleave damage on low-health target reduced to 130% AD from 150% AD.
- V14.1 - January 12th Hotfix
- Total cost reduced to 3300 from 3400.
- Heretical Cleave AD ratio increased to 100% AD from 80% AD.
- Heretical Cleave enhanced AD ratio increased to 150% AD from 120% AD.
- Heretical Cleave health threshold increased to 50% maximum health from 30%.
- V14.1 - Added
- Recipe: + + 863 = 3400.
- Stats: 60 attack damage, 20 ability haste, 18 lethality.
- Unique Passive - Cleave: Damaging basic attacks deal ( 40% AD / 20% AD) physical damage to other enemies within 450 units of the target.
- Unique Active - Heretical Cleave: Deal 80% AD physical damage to enemies in a 450 radius, increased to 120% AD against those below 30% maximum health (10 second cooldown).
- Limited to 1 Cleave item.
- Caption: "The depths demand sacrifice."
List of Items
- Starter items
- Potions and Consumables
- Trinkets
- Distributed items
- Boots
- Basic items
- Epic items
- Legendary items
- Champion exclusive items
- Minion and Turret items
- Arena Prismatic items
- Arena Anvil items
- Arena exclusive items
- Removed items