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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki

Pirates represent champions who hail from Bilgewater Bilgewater. Pirates allow the player to get ahead in economy early on in the game. Economy is an easy way to get an early advantage, and since three of the five pirates are 2 cost or less, it's rather easy to get this synergy going.


  • Pirates have no effect on individual rounds, but will let you buy more champions or level up faster than other compositions.
  • Three of the five pirates are also Gunslingers Gunslingers, making the transition into a late game gunslinger build easier than most.
  • The chest spawns in the player's arena. This means the player can collect the gold before the planning phase of the next round if defending, but can not do this if invading another player's arena. Collecting the gold before the planning phase means the player has a chance to increase the interest they gain for that planning phase.
  • Towards the end of the game, Pirates synergy becomes more and more useless. It might be wise to replace the lower tier pirates with better champions.


  • It's possible for the chest to give 0 gold, in those cases a fish skeleton or an old boot pops out of the chest.

Patch History[]

V9.22 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 2.
  • Average gold per chest increased to 1 1.75 from 1 1.6.
  • Average gold per chest reduced to 1 1.6 from 2 Gold 2.
  • New Pirate: Twisted Fate Twisted Fate.
V9.13 - Added
  • Synergy: While 3 Pirates are in play, you begin each PvP round with a chest that grants between 0 and 4 Gold 0 and 4, with an average value of 2 Gold 2 per chest.
  • Champions: Gangplank Gangplank, Graves Graves, Miss Fortune Miss Fortune, Pyke Pyke.