PAX is a series of alternate future/universe skins in League of Legends. Set in an alternate digital and gaming world, each skin is made to celebrate the Penny Arcade Expo.
To those about to game, we salute you.
- PAX: the intersection of all things gaming, where play is celebrated and immortal bonds are formed.
- PAX Skins
A special event skin given away at PAX 2009.
A special event skin given away at PAX East 2010, PAX Prime 2010, and PAX East 2011.
A special event Skin celebrating PAX and Jax's 2023 visual update.
A special event skin given away PAX Prime 2011.
A special event skin given away PAX West 2017.
The Pax Sivir loading screen was given to players who owned the original skin prior to 7.17.
- These skins were made specifically for Riot Games Inc. presence at the Penny Arcade Expo.