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League of Legends Wiki

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Strategy is highly subjective and may become outdated without any notice. Because of this, the League of Legends Wiki has decided to retire strategy pages and would recommend using other platforms (such as YouTube) to find guides. For more information visit this thread.

  • This page continues to exist for archive purposes.

Recommended Items[]

Summoner's Rift
Starting Doran's Shield item Health Potion item Warding Totem item
Early Glacial Shroud item Sheen item Boots of Speed item
Essential Mercury's Treads item Frozen Heart item Trinity Force item
Defensive Spirit Visage item Dead Man's Plate item Thornmail item
Situational Iceborn Gauntlet item Titanic Hydra item The Bloodthirster item
Consumables Health Potion item Control Ward item Elixir of Iron item
Summoner's Rift (Jungler)
Starting Hunter's Machete item Refillable Potion item Warding Totem item
Early Stalker's Blade (Cinderhulk) item Glacial Shroud item Boots of Speed item
Essential Mercury's Treads item Frozen Heart item Trinity Force item
Defensive Spirit Visage item Dead Man's Plate item Thornmail item
Situational Iceborn Gauntlet item Titanic Hydra item The Bloodthirster item
Consumables Health Potion item Control Ward item Elixir of Iron item
Twisted Treeline
Starting Doran's Shield item Boots of Speed item Health Potion item2
Essential Dead Man's Plate item Trinity Force item Mercury's Treads item
Offensive Ravenous Hydra item Sterak's Gage item The Bloodthirster item
Defensive Banshee's Veil item Spirit Visage item Frozen Heart item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Iron item
Twisted Treeline (Jungler)
Starting Hunter's Machete item Hunter's Talisman item Refillable Potion item
Essential Dead Man's Plate item Trinity Force item Mercury's Treads item
Offensive Ravenous Hydra item Sterak's Gage item The Bloodthirster item
Defensive Banshee's Veil item Spirit Visage item Frozen Heart item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Iron item
Howling Abyss
Starting Lost Chapter item Health Potion item2
Essential Mercury's Treads item Luden's Echo item Trinity Force item
Offensive Righteous Glory item Sterak's Gage item Maw of Malmortius item
Defensive Spirit Visage item Frozen Heart item Thornmail item
Situational Rod of Ages (Quick Charge) item Rabadon's Deathcap item Liandry's Torment item
Consumables Oracle's Extract item Corrupting Potion item Elixir of Sorcery item


Playing As Nasus Nasus
  • Paying attention to last hitting with Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike will have a large impact at the end of a game.
  • If you're solo, Spirit Fire Spirit Fire is a great way to farm a lane. It can be bad if you're in a lane with 2 and you push too far. Find the right balance between Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike last hits and AoE AoE farming.
  • If you have low defenses, people will focus you down even during your ultimate ultimate. Try buying some survivability items even in your DPS builds.
Playing Against Nasus Nasus
  • While transformed by his ultimate ultimate, Nasus is stronger than most champions in the League. Engage him only if you have a clear advantage.
  • Max rank Wither Wither is a very effective counter to attack damage champions, so try to avoid getting caught alone by it.
  • Nasus is prone to being kited. Try not to engage him at full health.
  • Try to all in him at lvl 2-3,he is weaker than most bruisers at that level and poking him is not enough. All in him once to take him to half hp, wait for your cooldowns, then all in again for the kill. Ignite is useful for this strategy. Don't pick champions with weak early game if playing against Nasus, it won't end up well. If you manage to kill him once earlygame, you would gain a significant advantage for the rest of the laning phase.
  • Don't push against Nasus, his infinitely stacking Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike makes it easier for him to farm under his own tower. Let him push and ask for your team's jungler to gank. He doesn't have a strong escape mechanism aside from the Flash Flash summoner spell.


Ability Usage[]

Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike [Q]
    • Nasus' Nasus' strength derives from his incredible late game damage when allowed to stack his Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike. With Wither Wither to catch out enemies along with Spirit Fire Spirit Fire and Fury of the Sands Fury of the Sands giving him great presence in teamfights, he is a formidable champion, though lacks mobility and hard CC, making him somewhat easy to kite.
    • Constantly last hitting with Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike will have an enormous impact by the end of a game, and will be your primary source of damage.
      • If you are having difficulty last hitting minions with Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike (against strong zoners), request a lane change or a gank.
    • The damage from Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike will proc on turrets, allowing Nasus Nasus to be a very effective and dangerous split pusher once he gets more stacks.
Wither Wither [W]
    • Using Wither Wither on your targets will make it easier to land Spirit Fire Spirit Fire before using Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike, as Spirit Fire Spirit Fire greatly reduces the target's armor and consequently increasing your physical damage.
    • Wither Wither is best used to shut down auto-attack dependent champions, slowing them to a crawl and reducing their attack speed dramatically.
      • Choose your target wisely (usually a carry) when casting, as the moderate cooldown is fairly unforgiving since you will only be able to affect one person with it and most casters can shrug off the effects.
      • With high amounts of cooldown reduction, Nasus Nasus can almost continuously maintain Wither Wither on the enemy team (5 seconds duration, 6.6 seconds cooldown). However, enemy Tenacity can counteract this.
      • Without any gap-closers or mobility, Nasus Nasus relies on his Wither Wither to keep himself from being kited.
Spirit Fire Spirit Fire [E]
    • Be careful when using Spirit Fire Spirit Fire near your tower, as it will push the lane and you will likely miss several minions.
    • During the laning phase, Spirit Fire Spirit Fire will discourage your enemies from farming, but it has a relatively high mana cost and will shove the lane if used too much. Do not spam Spirit Fire Spirit Fire during the laning phase. All this will do is waste your mana for when you truly need it. Maintain your Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike farm and save your mana pool for when your jungler is ready to gank. That way you can W W > E E > Q Q.
Fury of the Sands Fury of the Sands [R]



Nasus Nasus can be itemized in many ways, including a melee DPS, tank, or off-tank bruiser.


  • Avoid going into a 1v1 battle against a late game Nasus Nasus. It's likely that he will have a lot of Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike stacks, and built lots of tank items. This combined with his passive, Wither Wither, and Fury of the Sands Fury of the Sands, means that he will be very difficult to take down alone.
    • Nasus Nasus is not particularly strong in teamfights as Fury of the Sands Fury of the Sands requires him to be in melee range to utilize its AoE damage and Spirit Fire Spirit Fire is not very strong by itself, and he lacks CC other than Wither Wither (which can only target a single enemy champion at once). Therefore, it is possible to ignore him and deal with the rest of his team.
    • Also, unlike some tanks, Nasus Nasus lacks damage reduction or defensive boosts other than the extra health from his ultimate, and the lifesteal from autos and Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike are not particularly effective against tanks without armor penetration. Bursting him down before he can utilize his high sustained damage can be viable if you can afford to.
  • Nasus' Nasus' strength comes from his ability to farm Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike. Try to zone him or deny his chance of last-hitting minions. Pushing him to his tower and making him farm there doesn't help your cause, your just giving him a safe place to farm. Best is to freeze your lane right before your tower, that way if he wants to farm he will have to farm out in the open and be open for easy ganks. Its really hard to shut down a good Nasus Nasus
  • Champions with strong early game such as Darius Darius, Renekton Renekton, and Pantheon Pantheon can be very effective in denying Nasus Nasus his farm, but keep in mind that such champions usually fall-off, and once he does get stacks, he will be able to fight you.
    • You can also ask your jungler to camp Nasus Nasus to deny him or even kill him due to his lack of mobility.
    • Since at times, Nasus Nasus will inevitably farm and get to his late game, it may not always be a good idea to use an early game champion to try to deny him. An alternative strategy is to use a tank with reliable CC and waveclear such as Cho'Gath Cho'Gath, Maokai Maokai, Tahm Kench Tahm Kench, or Zac Zac. While they cannot deny farm as easily during the early game, they can outscale him in terms of teamfights - just stack massive amounts of armor, and use their CC to peel him off a carry during the late game. Nasus Nasus may attempt to counter this by splitpushing, though. That's where waveclear comes in handy: they can clear waves quickly and delay his splitpushing, buying your team time to force the rest of the enemy to fight.
  • Avoid using auto-attack reliant champions, as all of them are very vulnerable to Wither Wither. Also, one of Nasus' Nasus' core items, Frozen Heart Frozen Heart, further reduces attack speed, and has armor, making any auto-attack champion a very poor choice unless they manage to kill him early, snowball, and deny his farm. The only exception is Master Yi Master Yi, due to his immunity to attack speed slows.
  • Thornmail Thornmail is a strange, yet effective option. This is because all the damage from Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike is reflected by its passive. Not only that, but Thornmail Thornmail has high armor, mitigating the damage taken from the strike itself, as Nasus Nasus rarely purchases armor penetration items.
    • This item can be effective if your champion has a lot of sustain. For example, Vladimir Vladimir and champions who can buy lifesteal items, such as Zed Zed, and the aforementioned Master Yi Master Yi (which can combine his build of crits and lifesteal, with a Last Whisper Last Whisper and Thornmail, to be able to fight a late game Nasus)
  • Building Tenacity will reduce the duration of Wither Wither. However, remember that its maximum slow will be applied quicker than usual due to the shortened duration.
  • Nasus Nasus is susceptible to crowd control. Ranged champions should invest in a Frozen Mallet Frozen Mallet or Rylai's Crystal Scepter Rylai's Crystal Scepter to prevent him from getting into melee range.
  • Stacking health will only make Fury of the Sands Fury of the Sands stronger. Build armor and magic resistance as well.
  • As mentioned above, Nasus Nasus has insane 1v1 potential, but poor teamfighting potential. Because of this, most Nasus Nasus players will splitpush. Not only will they have a lot of free farm, but his Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike can quickly destroy towers, and his dueling potential makes it difficult for enemies to stop them alone, making him a constant threat from across the map. Most champions will loose a 1v1 vs Nasus Nasus and will require 2 sometimes 3 other champs, depending how fed he is, in order to kill him.
    • This can backfire against his team, however. Because Nasus Nasus will splitpush most of time, he will have to leave his team with one less member for teamfights. Therefore, he will have to make sure his teammates can win teamfights without his presence, or at least stall and avoid losing towers to the opposing team. Your team can take advantage of this: if you force teamfights against his team and take their towers, and/or splitpush a different lane. This will force Nasus Nasus to either stop splitpushing and go help his team (therefore losing farm for his stacks) or risk losing the game without his presence in teamfights.
  • Nasus Nasus does not have strong wave clear aside from Spirit Fire Spirit Fire, has no gap closers (Except Ghost), and is a melee champion. As such, top lane champions with long range poke such as Jayce Jayce, Nidalee Nidalee, Ryze Ryze, Lulu Lulu, Vladimir Vladimir, Kayle Kayle, Lissandra Lissandra, Gnar Gnar, and Kennen Kennen can constantly poke him early game and zone. In addition, many of these champions have either some sort of crowd control or escape mechanism to limit Nasus' Nasus' mobility and make it difficult for Nasus to chase down enemies.
    • However, when playing a ranged top laner, it is important to note that most AP builds do not have any sustained damage (unless playing someone like Vladimir Vladimir) and Nasus' Nasus' late game strength comes from large amount of sustained damage with a single Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike. As such, it is important to constantly poke to punish him getting close to a minion to farm and one should be cautious if s/he enters basic attack range as Nasus Nasus can punish you using Wither Wither. It is recommended to go for AD sustained damage builds to counteract his lategame damage.
    • Teemo Teemo is considered to be a strong counter to Nasus Nasus. His Blinding Dart Blinding Dart mitigates Siphoning Strike's Siphoning Strike's damage and can also be used to constantly deny him farm and stacks. Wither's Wither's movement speed slow can be partially mitigated by Move Quick's Move Quick's movement speed buff. Teemo Teemo has better early game damage with his Toxic Shot Toxic Shot and can slowly whittle down Nasus' Nasus' health. Finally, should Nasus Nasus ever get close to Teemo Teemo, Teemo Teemo can respond by placing down a Noxious Trap Noxious Trap to further hamper his already limited mobility. If you are playing Teemo Teemo to counter Nasus Nasus, it is suggested to start Blinding Dart Blinding Dart, as to constantly shut down Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike. Ensure you always poke him with auto attacks to make his laning phase as much of a hassle as possible. Watch his play style to predict when he is going for a Siphoning Strike Siphoning Strike stack. Also, try to make sure you keep a Blinding Dart Blinding Dart ready for cannon minions, as these provide 6 stacks instead of 3 Ensure you rush magic penetration items to counter the almost insured magic resist he will build.

