Unique Passive - Magic Fang: Gain Champions hit with Bandage Toss (Q) at greater than 75% of max range30 attack damage or Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)60 ability power (Adaptive).
Unique Passive - Gnaw: Basic attacks against champions deal Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)15 Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 25% bonus AD)Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 25% AP)bonus magic damage.
Unique Passive - Bite: Basic attacks deal inherit15Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 15% AP)Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)bonus magic damage.
Unique Passive - Bite: Basic attacks deal inherit15Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)(+ 15% AP)Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)bonus magic damage.