Muramana is a legendary item in League of Legends.
Cost Analysis
Gold Value
- 35 attack damage = 1225
- 15 ability haste = 750
- 860 mana = 860
- Total Gold Value = 2835
- 17.2 attack damage (from Awe) = 602
- 10.32 on-hit damage (from Shock) = 223.59999312
Gold Value per 100 Mana from other sources
- 2 attack damage (from Awe) = 70
- 1.2 on-hit damage (from Shock) = 25.9999992
Gold efficiency
- 126.23% gold efficient. base stats are
- Awe is increased by 3.31% for every 100 total mana from sources that are not Muramana including base mana. gold efficiency due to
Similar items
- Shock deals proc damage, and thus will not trigger spell effects.
- Shock is not blocked by spell shield.
- The bonus damage dealt by Shock benefits from life steal.
- Shock will only trigger from ability damage dealt by champion abilities.
- Awe grants a total of 17.2 bonus attack damage by Muramana itself.
- With Muramana's attack damage stat this totals to 52.2.
- Abilities that trigger on-hit effects and spell effects will apply Shock as an ability.
- Abilities that trigger on-hit effects but not spell effects will apply Shock as a basic attack.
- Empowered basic attacks that trigger spell effects will apply both Shock as an attack and an ability.
Map-Specific Differences
- Attack damage changed to 45.
- Shock on-hit damage changed to 2% maximum mana.
- Shock ability damage changed to ( 4.5% / 3.5%) maximum mana.
Old icons
- Muramana can be viewed inside the shop as an unpurchaseable upgrade to , this is also true for and .
- The name Muramana seems to be based on Muramasa, a sword made by a famous Japanese swordsmith.
- Muramana was the first item to have an ability toggle (now known as its second passive, Shock).
- The ability toggle could be a reconstruction of the old passive of .
- Prior to V3.03, would trigger the damage on each attack while active.
- The Crystal Scar during Rotating Game Modes. version was also used on the
- uses the same sound effects as Muramana's shock.
Sound Effects
- Passive Triggered
Patch History
- Awe mana ratio reduced to 2% maximum mana from 2.5%.
- Shock on-hit damage mana ratio reduced to 1.2% maximum mana from 1.5%.
- Shock ability bonus damage mana ratio increased to ( 4% / 3%) maximum mana from ( 3.5% / 2.7%).
- Removed: Shock ability bonus damage no longer scales with 6% AD.
- Now limits the user to 1 Manaflow item.
- No longer limits the user to 1 Mana Charge item.
- Updated icon.
- Bug Fix: Shock now properly applies on-hit even if the attack is a Phantom Hit from Seething Strike.
- Unique Passive - Shock:
- New Effect: Basic attacks against champions deal 1.5% maximum mana bonus physical damage on-hit. Damaging abilities against champions deal ( 3.5% / 2.7%) maximum mana (+ 6% AD) bonus physical damage. Can only be triggered once from the same attack or cast. On-hit attacks that trigger spell effects count as abilities for this purpose.
- Old Effect: Basic attacks on-hit and damaging abilities against champions deal 2.5% of maximum mana bonus physical damage. Can only be triggered on a single target and once every 4 seconds from the same attack or cast.
- Bug Fix: Shock will now trigger once per ability per enemy champion, instead of once per ability against the first enemy champion stuck.
- Undocumented/Bug Fix: The cooldown of this is 6.5 seconds for damage from the same ability, previously this resetting delay was inconsistent.
- Awe bonus AD mana ratio increased to 2.5% maximum mana from 2%.
- Shock mana ratio reduced to 2.5% maximum mana from 4%.
- New Effect: Shock bonus damage now applies on all damaging abilities and basic attacks on-hit, instead of just abilities that deal physical damage and basic attacks on-hit.
- New Effect: Shock bonus damage now only applies from abilities that deal physical damage and basic attacks on-hit, instead of all damaging abilities and basic attacks on-hit.
- Bug Fix: Star particle VFX re-added.
- Mana increased to 860 from 850.
- Undocumented: Now also always triggers on hit, meaning abilities such as and attacks can trigger the effect on more than one hit per cast.
- Updated icon.
- New:
- Standard version of the item now also available on Howling Abyss.
- Automatically transforms from .
- Stats: 35 attack damage, 850 mana, 15 ability haste.
- Unique Passive - Awe: Gain bonus attack damage equal to 2% of maximum mana.
- Unique Passive - Shock: Damaging basic attacks on-hit and abilities against champions deal 4% of maximum mana bonus physical damage.
- Limited to 1 Mana Charge item.
- Old:
- Automatically transforms from .
- Stats: 35 attack damage, 1000 mana.
- Unique Passive - Awe: Grants bonus attack damage equal to 2% maximum mana. Refunds 15% of mana spent from abilities.
- Unique Passive - Shock: Basic attacks and single targeted abilities against champions (on-hit) consume 3% current mana to deal 6% current mana bonus physical damage. This effect only activates while you have greater than 20% maximum mana.
- Limited to 1 Awe item.
- Howling Abyss version: .
- Attack damage increased to 35 from 25.
- New Effect: Tooltip now mentions "Limited to 1 Tear item".
- New Effect: Can now only purchase one Awe item.
- Bug Fix: Now correctly refunds 15% of spent mana.
- Mana regeneration reduced to 0% from 25%.
- New Unique Passive: Refunds 15% of mana spent.
- Toggle effect changed into a second passive.
- New Effect: Passive is disabled while below 20% of maximum mana. Bonus damage only triggers versus champions.
- Crystal Scar version disabled.
- Now upgrades out of .
- Toggle damage changed to physical from magic.
- V1.0.0.152 Added
- Builds from when the Mana Charge passive is at 750 mana.
- +1000 mana.
- +20 attack Damage.
- +7 mana regen per 5 seconds.
- Unique Passive – Awe: Gain Attack Damage equal to 2% of your maximum Mana.
- Toggle: Your single target spells and attacks consume 3% of your current mana to deal twice the amount as magic damage.
List of Items
- Starter items
- Potions and Consumables
- Trinkets
- Distributed items
- Boots
- Basic items
- Epic items
- Legendary items
- Champion exclusive items
- Minion and Turret items
- Arena Prismatic items
- Arena Anvil items
- Arena exclusive items
- Removed items