The Path of Champions[]
Morgana is a playable champion in The Path of Champions. See more at Morgana (The Path of Champions).
Champion Stars
"2You come to me bruised and bleeding, and yet I've never seen a countenance so jubilant. You are a strange woman indeed--but you are safe here. Please rest, and when you're feeling better, I'd be keen to hear your story."
"You will regret this transgression! Be assured of this if nothing else: you will feel the suffering you have inflicted on others as a vise around your very soul. You will admit your sins, or be suffocated by them."
"Suffer, as you've made them suffer!" - 5Morgana
"I am your torment, reflected a thousandfold!" - 5Morgana
Features:The resurrection of the Old Gods shall come to pass--no matter the cost.
- 4 new artworks
- New level-up animation
Many believe that without Morgana's guiding hand, there would be no coven. Without her power, the old gods would still lie slain and rotting beneath the earth. Whatever the truth may be, the witch queen commands respect wherever she walks.
"Lord of Death," the witch queen greeted Mordekaiser in a deep bow. Her body began to transmute, dark feather fluttering about, red chains wreathing around her. "Allow me to show you the strength of the Coven I have built."
"Bow to the Horned King!" - Coven Morgana
"The Owl perceives all!" - Coven Morgana
2Nilah is featured in her Level 1 artwork.
4 Mageseeker Inquisitor is featured in her Level 2 artwork.
- ▶️ "I shall show them what it is to fall."
- ▶️ "I have found such beauty in mortality."
- ▶️ "You cannot break a shattered soul!"
Allied 8 Mihira, Aspect Ascendant present
- ▶️ Mihira: "My absence has made you strong, Morgana."
- ▶️ Morgana: "I am strong despite you, not because of you."
Allied 2Nilah present
- ▶️ Nilah: "Is it not stifling to bind your own wings so?"
- ▶️ Morgana: "Binding them allowed me to find true freedom."
Enemy 4 Mageseeker Inquisitor present
- ▶️ Klaus: "I find mages are like weeds—best uprooted."
- ▶️ Morgana: "Your predilection for cruelty will haunt you one day!"
Sees a
Allied 5Kayle
- ▶️ Kayle: "Only the guilty need fear me."
- ▶️ Morgana: "Always passing judgement, never looking inward."
- ▶️ Kayle: "Mine is a solemn duty."
- ▶️ Morgana: "Then why is that sword so light in your hands?"
Enemy 5Kayle
- ▶️ Kayle: "It is for the divine to dispense justice."
- ▶️ Morgana: "The divine should liberate, not subjugate!"
- ▶️ Kayle: "Spare the innocent, punish the wicked!
- ▶️ Morgana: "Your self-righteousness ends now, sister!"
Allied 8 Mihira, Aspect Ascendant
- ▶️ Morgana: "I will fight with you, but I will never call you 'mother.'"
- ▶️ Mihira: "And I would never ask you to, daughter."
Allied 5Lux
- ▶️ Lux: "The sun is shining, we should too!"
- ▶️ Morgana: "There is no darker mask than a bright smile."
- ▶️ Lux: "Everywhere I go, the light follows."
- ▶️ Morgana: "So too does your own shadow, Luxanna."
Allied 2Nilah
- ▶️ Morgana: "Where does your power end, and Nilah begin?"
- ▶️ Nilah: "In what I choose, and in what I do."
Allied 1Zoe
- ▶️ Zoe: "Trickster never loses because Zoe makes the rules-es."
- ▶️ Zoe: "I bear a message from—Oh hey what's that?"
- ▶️ Morgana: "The divine have found a new way to torment me."
Allied 3 Lisa and Dolly
- ▶️ Lisa: "Miss Mor, Miss Mor, look what I can do!"
- ▶️ Morgana: "It is a delight to watch you grow, Lisa."
- ▶️ Lisa: "I need to believe that one day things will be okay."
- ▶️ Morgana: "Nothing lasts forever, child. Not even pain."
Enemy 4 Mageseeker Inquisitor
- ▶️ Morgana: "No half-mask can hide the torment you're truly in, Klaus!"
- ▶️ Klaus: "You're just a mere conjuring. Go away!"
Ability Effect[]
Level Up[]
- ▶️ "You leave me no other choice!"
- ▶️ "I am your darkness, I am your truth!"
- ▶️ "You will know suffering!"
Sees a
Spell or
Skill Resolve[]
Allied 3 Dark Binding
Allied 2 Black Shield
Attack Declared[]
Block Declared[]
Sees a
Allied 5Kayle
Enemy 5Kayle
Allied 8 Mihira, Aspect Ascendant
Turn timer appears[]
Allied turn timer
- ▶️ "I do not fear them. I have been through far worse than this."
Enemy turn timer
- ▶️ "They are blind to their own weakness. Pity."
- ▶️ "We will share in our struggle."
Removed from choice[]
- ▶️ "You will know regret."
Change Log[]
Morgana | |
V5.1 |
V4.12 |
Morgana (Level 2) | |
V4.12 |
Morgana's Dark Binding | |
V4.12 |
Soul Shackles | |
V4.12 |