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League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki

Champion Select[]


Original Original
Star Nemesis Star Nemesis
A skin's voice-over set may feature: a filtered variation for some or all of the base skin's quotes; additional or replaced quotes. A skin's sound effect set may feature: unique events; replacements of the base skin's SFX for some or all events. Skin variants (e.g. Prestige) inherit all audio from their regular version, but can feature unique quotes or SFX.

Game Start[]

Music upon start of the game
  • ▶️  Morgana StarNemesisCircle A stripped-down version of Star Guardian 2022's orchestral theme plays.


First Move[]

First Move with Ally Kayle Kayle
First Move with Enemy Kayle Kayle


Moving near Kayle Kayle
Morgana Morgana and Kayle Kayle moving near a Yordle

Long Move[]

First Encounter[]

First Encounter with Garen Garen
First Encounter with Jarvan IV Jarvan IV
First Encounter with Kayle Kayle
First Encounter with LeBlanc LeBlanc
First Encounter with Lux Lux
First Encounter with Sona Sona
First Encounter with Sylas Sylas
First Encounter with Zed Zed
First Encounter with a Demacia Crest icon Demacian
First Encounter with a Mechanical Champion
First Encounter with a Yordle


Taunting Kayle Kayle


Morgana picks flower petals, both ends with 'loves me not' petals.



Basic Attacking[]

Hitting Kayle Kayle


Attacking Caitlyn Caitlyn
Attacking Kayle Kayle
Attacking a Devout Champion
Attacking a Sword-Wielding Champion
Attacking Vi Vi

Ability Casting[]

Using Dark Binding Dark Binding[]

Hitting a Champion

Using Tormented Shadow Tormented Shadow[]

Using Black Shield Black Shield[]

Casting on Kayle Kayle

Using Soul Shackles Soul Shackles[]

Kills and Objectives[]

Killing a Champion
Killing Kayle Kayle
Scoring a Pentakill

Recall Recall[]

  • ▶️  Morgana StarNemesisCircle A shortened, corrupted version of Star Guardian 2022's orchestral theme plays.

Other Gameplay[]

Placing a Ward icon Ward

Kayle Kayle Spell Interactions[]

Kayle Kayle basic attacks Morgana Morgana
Kayle Kayle casts Celestial Blessing Celestial Blessing on Morgana Morgana
Kayle Kayle casts Divine Judgement Divine Judgement on Morgana Morgana




First Move[]

  • ▶️   "Every man's story ends in death. But we are not men and we will not die."
  • ▶️   Morgana: "Awaken."
    • Old God: Unintelligible.
      • Morgana: "'Tis I, my sovereign. Queen of the Coven. Despoiler of the new world!"
  • ▶️   Morgana: "Gods of the old world, speak thy will."
    • Old God: Unintelligible.
      • Morgana: "My sovereign. I hear thy voice."
First Move with an Ally Coven
  • ▶️   "Come, my dark sisters. May the old magics guide us to our end."
First Move with an Enemy Eclipse
  • ▶️   "The Eclipse knights of old, come to wage one final war. Let their graves mark our return."


15 seconds cooldown

Long Move[]

15 seconds cooldown, 2000 units
  • ▶️   "The gods whisper of betrayal by those who devoured the sun."
  • ▶️   "This land is steeped in forgotten magics. The Coven will make all remember."
  • ▶️   "I remember the fall. Torn from our thrones by jealous frightened hands."
  • ▶️   "Blind faith is the tool of monsters and fools. Our eyes are open."
  • ▶️   "The old magic will reshape us, bend us, into new and beautiful forms."
  • ▶️   "They seek forgiveness for the sin of deicide, but we demand a dire sentence."
  • ▶️   "Mankind is a weak and wounded creature. It claws at life as all hope fades."
  • ▶️   Morgana: "Our lord comes in the shape of a horned owl."
    • Old God: Unintelligible.
      • Morgana: "I know well its voice."
  • ▶️   Morgana: "Look, elder one. It is the world."
    • Old God: Unintelligible.
      • Morgana: "It hurts. I know."

First Encounter[]

First Encounter with Annie Annie
First Encounter with Diana Diana
  • ▶️   "Thy love will perish, Diana. And thou shalt remain. Alone. Forever."
First Encounter with Kayle Kayle
First Encounter with Coven Camille Coven Camille
  • ▶️   "Camille. Wouldst thou cut thy queen? Wouldst thou turn against thy coven?"
First Encounter with Spectral Fiddlesticks Spectral Fiddlesticks
  • ▶️   "To protect a book with such viciousness. The story of a queen and her cursed city."
First Encounter with Coven LeBlanc Coven LeBlanc
  • ▶️   "Art thou LeBlanc? Returned from a nameless shallow grave."
First Encounter with Solar Eclipse Leona Solar Eclipse Leona or Lunar Eclipse Leona Lunar Eclipse Leona
  • ▶️   "Brave ser knight. Torn between duty and love. Blind to the truth of thine order."
First Encounter with Coven Lissandra Coven Lissandra
  • ▶️   "What visions dost thou chase, Lissandra? What truth hast been revealed to thee?"
First Encounter with Old God Nocturne Old God Nocturne
  • ▶️   "Thou art confused, lord Nocturne. I will reveal thy purpose."
First Encounter with Emerald Taric Emerald Taric
  • ▶️   "Chapel knight. Thou art doomed to outlive thine order. Cursed to watch them die."
First Encounter with Coven Zyra Coven Zyra
First Encounter with an Elderwood
  • ▶️   "The Elderwood is the gate of our tomb. 'Tis time to break it open."


  • ▶️   "The hour of resurrection draws near. Stand not in our way."
  • ▶️   "Kneel afore us or thy flesh will feed the gods!"
Taunt Response


Joke Response



Basic Attacking[]

25% chance


15 seconds cooldown
Attacking Kayle Kayle
Attacking Coven LeBlanc Coven LeBlanc
Attacking Solar Eclipse Leona Solar Eclipse Leona or Lunar Eclipse Leona Lunar Eclipse Leona
Attacking Coven Zyra Coven Zyra

Ability Casting[]

Using Dark Binding Dark Binding[]

50% chance
Hitting a Champion
100% chance

Using Black Shield Black Shield[]

40% chance

Using Soul Shackles Soul Shackles[]

Kills and Objectives[]

Killing a Champion
Killing Diana Diana
Killing Kayle Kayle
  • ▶️   "To slay the sun, to eat her flesh. Kayle... how couldst thee?"
Killing Coven Camille Coven Camille
Killing Coven LeBlanc Coven LeBlanc
Killing Solar Eclipse Leona Solar Eclipse Leona or Lunar Eclipse Leona Lunar Eclipse Leona
  • ▶️   "Thou shalt rise again, ser knight. Cursed by thine empty sun."
Killing Coven Lissandra Coven Lissandra
Killing Coven Zyra Coven Zyra
Scoring a Pentakill

Other Gameplay[]

Placing a Ward icon Ward
30% chance

Recall Recall[]

75% chance, 10 seconds cooldown
  • ▶️   Morgana: "O great horned owl."
    • Old God: Unintelligible.
      • Morgana: "Thy day has come!"
  • ▶️   Morgana: "My radiant lord."
    • Old God: Unintelligible.
      • Morgana: "Grant me thy power!"
  • ▶️   Morgana: "My sovereign."
    • Old God: Unintelligible.
      • Morgana: "Show me the path!"


75% chance
  • ▶️   "Death is not the end for a true believer."
  • ▶️   Old God: Unintelligible.
    • Morgana: "Blessings to you, my sovereign."
  • ▶️   Old God: Unintelligible.
    • Morgana: "Of course. The faithful shall ever be spared."

Co-op vs. AI Responses[]

Match Start
  • "I will bring you all pain!"
Against Player Kayle Kayle
  • "Let's settle this, Kayle!"
Player Team Victory
  • "GG!"
Player Team Defeat
  • "I will never give up..."


Morgana, the Fallen Morgana, the Fallen
Ghost Bride Morgana Ghost Bride Morgana
  • In the Spanish (LATAM) localization, the skin features unique voicelines, referencing La Llorona.
  • The quotes are as follows:
    • "¡No te atrevas a abandonarme!" ("Don't you dare abandom me!")
    • "¡Siente mi dolor!" ("Feel my pain!")
    • "Tu alma... ¡es mía!" ("Your soul... is mine!")
    • "Aaaay... ¡mis hijos!" ("My children!")
    • "¡Comparte mi tormento!" ("Share my torment!")
    • "¡Llora conmigo!" ("Cry with me!")
    • "Regresaré... por ti." ("I will come back... for you.")
    • "Este vestido me salió tan car y ahora no lo puedo devolver..." ("This dress was so expensive and now I can't return it...")
    • "Mis pequeñitos... ¿dónde están?" ("My little ones... where are they?")
    • "Los espero en la oscuridad..." ("I wait for them in the darkness...")
    • "¡Los haremos llorar sangre!" ("We will make them cry blood!")
    • "Se ahogarán... ¡en mi río de lágrimas!" ("They will drown... in my river of tears!")
    • "La piedad... es solo un mito." ("Pity... is just a myth.")
    • "Acompáñenme a ver esta triste historia." ("Join me to watch this sad story.")
    • "¡Sufre!" ("Suffer!")
    • "¡Sufre como yo... en eterno dolor!" ("Suffer as I do... in eternal pain!")
Coven Morgana Coven Morgana

