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Surrounded around the Shuriman Continent are several clans of Brackern, including clans in the Shuriman desert.


The Dormun are gigantic, slow-moving creatures protected with large chitinous plates covering their body. In the harsh conditions of Shurima they have evolved to survive the perpetual drought by utilizing an unknown sense to locate hidden reservoirs of water. Incidentally, certain nomadic tribes have built themselves a permanent home upon the backs of these beasts where they clean the creature and hunt any airborne pests who venture near.


Desert goats that travel in herds.


Mwatis are goatlike creatures with large plated casques on their heads. Mwati wool and plate are prised for felting and insulation.


Gigantic scarabs that roam in swarms, looking for unfortunate travelers to feed on. They seem to be common prey for Rammus Rammus.


Beside the Xer'Sai, other creatures from the Void, referred to as 'outerbeasts', can be found in the desert.

  • Xer'Sai: Creatures from the Void that plague the southern deserts. They are the size of big dogs on average, but can be smaller or much bigger. Rek'Sai Rek'Sai, as the queen, is by far the largest and most dangerous of her species. Xer'sai burst from their small burrows and ravage anything nearby, to the detriment of desert caravans. Once dead, the Xer'sai decompose at an abnormally rapid rate and become inedible.


Large and aggressive minotaur-like creatures. They are humpbacked quadrupeds with long limbs and thick horns.

Shuriman Camel[]

A breed of camels native to the deserts of Shurima and are used by caravans as well as common folk as primary mode of transportation. Despite being well-suited for lengthy travels in the desert landscape, they are still prey to a many predator such as the Xer'Sai.


Shurima Sandswimmers


Sandswimmers are massive quadrupedal creatures that traverse the Shuriman desert in cyclical patterns. They got their name due to their preferred method of travel. Their narrow bodies and webbed feet are perfectly design for swimming under the sand. They feed on bugs and other small creatures most desert beasts ignore. Scavengers will often memorize the predictable paths these creatures take, and jump onto their backs to ride as far as they wish.


The Skallashi are large quadrupedal herbivores. These hardy beasts of burden are common across Shurima, ideally suited to the harsh desert environment. Their key body feature is their long legs. Notoriously bad-tempered, they are nevertheless treated with great reverence. Their brown hides are often painted with sacred symbols of protection, and their horns hung with totems and charms. While these creatures are mostly used for travel and carrying heavy loads, on some larger skallashi people are able to built miniature rooms for more comfortable travel. To own one is often considered a sign of considerable prosperity.

Morgana Universe Background
Morgana (Universe)Morgana (Universe)
Morgana (League of Legends)Morgana (League of Legends)
Morgana (Esports)Morgana (Esports)
Morgana (Teamfight Tactics)Morgana (Teamfight Tactics)
Morgana (Legends of Runeterra)Morgana (Legends of Runeterra)
Morgana (Wild Rift)Morgana (Wild Rift)
Morgana (Development)Morgana (Development)
Morgana (Trivia)Morgana (Trivia)

Kayle Morgana Divider 01

Conflicted between her celestial and mortal natures, Morgana Morgana bound her wings to embrace humanity, and inflicts her pain and bitterness upon the dishonest and the corrupt. She rejects laws and traditions she believes are unjust, and fights for truth from the shadows of Demacia Crest icon Demacia—even as others seek to repress it—by casting shields and chains of dark fire. More than anything else, Morgana truly believes that even the banished and outcast may one day rise again.

MorganaSquare"Only those you love can break your heart."  Morgana
Read Biography


Early life[]

Morgana and her twin sister Kayle Kayle were born on Targon Crest icon Mount Targon during the height of the Rune Wars to Kilam and Mihira Mihira, the current Aspect of Justice. Due to Mihira ascending while pregnant, the sisters were born with a fraction of her celestial power. As the war raged on, Mihira's celestial power began to overshadow her personality and affections as she dedicated more and more of her time to her duties as an aspect. Fearing what Mihira was becoming, as well as the enemies drawn to her light, Kilam resolved to take their daughters to safety. He fled Targon with his children and they would sail to the land that would be known as Demacia.

Becoming Demacia's Winged Protector[]

The sisters grew to having distinct and clashing personalities. While Kayle was arguing about the settlement's rules, Morgana would empathize with the newly arrived refugees.

One day, Mihira's sword would fell from the sky and clash into two. From that moment, feathered wings bursted from the sister's backs and remained, confirming the celestial magic would still remain inside them. While Kayle embraced her new power, Morgana resented her gifts. One day, the settlement was attacked, and the sisters flew to aid the people of Zeffira. While Kayle was busy dealing with the frontline attack, Morgana learned of a hidden wave of enemies attacking the city and left the frontlines to aid the citizens. After the battle Kayle lost trust in her sister for leaving her on the battlefield. Since that day, they were hailed as the Winged Protectors.

Battle with the Darkin Blade[]

Kayle Morgana the Winged Protectors

Morgana and Kayle Kayle at the gates of ancient Demacia.

Kayle and Morgana put on their armors and helmets, and stood against an army before the city walls. They easily destroyed the first wave. Sensing the danger approaching in the skies, the Winged Protectors took flight without hesitation and engaged in a deadly battle with Aatrox Aatrox, who managed to possess a new host. Aatrox was too powerful to be defeated physically for the sisters. As the last stand, Morgana left her sword behind, and stood against Aatrox, binding him with her chains of dark flame. Taking Morgana's sword, Kayle empowered her wings and sword with celestial flames and burned the mortal body of him, sealing Aatrox within his own blade.

Battle of the Winged Sisters and Departure[]

Warriors flocked to Kayle's banner at Silvermere's Peak, where she founded a judicator order to enforce the law, and hunted down rebels and reavers with equal fervor. Kayle allowed Morgana to rehabilitate wrongdoers who appeared humble enough to admit their guilt. However, some people in the Judicator Order and especially Ronas, one of Kayle's ardent disciples, decided to arrest Morgana and her followers when Kayle was bringing justice upon a distant kingdom ruled by a cruel, unrighteous king. In an attempt to protect her followers, Morgana conjured magical chains of fire and bound him until he fell dead. His death led to an outbreak of riot in the settlement.

Kayle Morgana Path of Justice Promo 01

Morgana and Kayle Kayle fighting in the sky above Demacia.

When Kayle found out what happened, she became enraged and with her power she summoned divine fire to punish the sinners and Ronas' killer. Morgana flew up to meet her, the two dueled in the sky, knocking down columns where they passed and killing people without realizing it. It seemed that one of them was eventually going to win but Morgana faltered because she and Kayle heard their father's screams and stopped fighting. Their father was mortally wounded, Morgana hurled her sword at Kayle through tears, and plunged to the surface like a meteorite to cradle her father.

She took her dying father in her arms, and in a sea of tears, cursed her heavenly inheritance for the destruction around her. A moment later, Kayle landed too, and between sobs Morgana asked her if the purification of mortals by smiting included her father. Kayle kept silent, grabbed Morgana's sword and soared into the heavens without looking back, disappearing. Morgana, hurt, tried to tear off her wings because now they were a reminder of her pain, she tried everything to remove them but could not do it, so she decided to tie them with steel chains to walk in the world of mortals. Morgana was known since then as the Veiled Lady.

Life as the Veiled Lady[]

Over time, Morgana's role as one of the Winged Protectors of Demacia would fade into obscurity, with few knowing that there were in fact two protectors. Instead, Morgana would become known as the Veiled Lady or the Veiled One, a deity that Demacian's would pray to in order ensure their loved ones passed safely into the afterlife. Morgana would walk the realm, embracing mortals and enacting justice when needed.

One day, a cleric and his pupil entered the woods to find the Veiled One, for the Pupil had erred. After listening to them, The Veiled One chained the sinful cleric for hitting the pupil in front of her eyes and forced him to endure all the shame, suffering, and loneliness he had inflicted on his pupils. On another day, she saved two girls from the men with swords, asking question about their village, and threatening them.

She currently resides in Sacred Woods outside of Demacia, waiting for the day she is needed again.

Morgana's Searching of Kayle[]

For centuries, Morgana has tried to find her sister, and written down her findings on her journal. A 03MT082-full Solari warrior reported a sighting of a winged creature on the peaks of the mountain, ascending higher. A wind mage said that a bright flame streaked through the air, spinning away faster and faster. A Demacian noble was convinced that the Winged Protector was still alive, so he sent out rider to track her. After decades, the riders found a single white feather beneath Targon. A 03MT004-full Lunari child, in the middle of the night, said that he saw a winged ghost, flying around the mountain. Yet, his mother did not believe him.

Many centuries passed, Morgana heard a voice. A lonely, so distant prayer. She had no idea where it came from, but she was so sure that Kayle was praying to her. However, her prayers remained unanswered.

Meeting the Joy Unbound[]


Morgana welcoming Nilah Nilah in her sanctuary.

Nilah Nilah came to Morgana, bruised and bleeding after the battle with Volibear Volibear. Morgana welcomed Nilah and her crew in her sanctuary, offering them healing for their wounds and much needed breathing place. The crew confided in the Veiled One, and shared their stories and missions. However, their meeting was interrupted all of a sudden.

Outcast and imprisoned mages -who escaped the ship of Mageseekers-, and the followers of the Veiled Lady were under persecution by the Mageseekers. They were trying to reach the sanctuary, yet one of them got caught. LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Klaus, the Mageseeker Inquisitor ordered his fellows to take LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Ruby-Eyed Conjurer and the others back to the ship, and then up Mount Targon after the rest of them.

Morgana did not waste any time to come to their rescue, and bound the oppressors with her shackles to feel the weight of their sins. Morgana saved and led them to her sanctuary. The LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Veiled Protector ensured that sanctuary seekers on the slopes of Mount Targon completed the journey unscathed, whereas the protector was hit by a number of arrows. Morgana might have saved LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Lisa, one of the outcast mages who lost her family, and she’s raising her now.

Great Mage Rebellion and Demacian Revolution[]

When the rebellion of the mages of Demacia broke out, Sylas Sylas, one of the most powerful mages of the The Mageseeker Icon rebellion, decided to go into Sacred Woods to find the Veiled Lady in search of power and knowledge for his cause. She told him that he should fight with her as a test to have the knowledge. After the fight, Morgana refused to give Sylas the information he was looking for, because she saw that in his heart there was only vengeance and hatred.

As Sylas makes his way to the Veiled Lady's refuge, he reflects on how he failed to save Leilani. When he reaches Morgana, Sylas finally understands why he failed her test, his rage and vengeance alone isn't enough to win them this war. Seeing him humbled by his failures, Morgana, satisfied and ready to give Sylas her blessing, shows him the true origin of Demacia.

Sylas realizes Morgana was one of the Winged Protectors, alongside her sister Kayle. When he asks why she doesn't reveal herself, Morgana replies that if she returned, so would her sister, and Demacia isn't ready for her judgment. She then presents him with one of her sister's feathers and uses it grant him her blessing, the ability to show the vision of Demacia's foundation.

Now, the people of Demacia know that there were two Winged Protectors during the foundation of the nation, since Sylas showed the vision to the common folk.

Kayle Morgana Divider 02


Morgana is a slim and curvy young woman with dull pale skin, dark purple short hair with a bang on the left side, bright violet eyes with makeup runnings, pointy ears, dark purple lipstick and four wings on her waist and two wings on her nape that vary in black and purple colors. She was ascended on her thirties, so her aging has stopped since then.

Her attire consists of a long dress that matches the color of her wings, revealing her arms and neckline, leaving her back uncovered, and with various chain ornaments behind her wings and hips.


Contradicting everything they think of her, Morgana is not the "evil twin"; she is just an incarnation of the other side of justice, while her sister Kayle represents blind justice, Morgana represents compassionate justice that consists of listening to reasons first for the sinners' actions before deciding whether or not to punish them. Indicating that Morgana is fair and compassionate towards people.

At first she rejected her celestial powers and that caused them to become corrupted, but she sees them as a perfect weapon to punish in a fair and compassionate way, so as not to forget her humanity and her emotions. Since she could not cut her wings, she tied them. Having her wings tied together symbolizes that she still has humanity inside her and although Kayle is her rival, deep down she still loves her and wishes that one day they can be together again as sisters and not as enemies.


  • Unique Celestial Physiology: Coming in contact with celestial magic while still on the womb, Morgana has a unique physiology very similar to those who are aspect hosts, although she is not considered one herself. She has less access to celestial magic than those hosting aspects, but has a more unified identity.
    • Celestial Fire Magic Celestial Fire Magic: Like her sister, Morgana's specific aspect powers give her access to celestial fire manipulation even though she suppress her celestial nature, and as a result her magic became darker and more twisted. She can cast bursts of dark fire and conjure dark fire chains that cause immense pain to those she ensnares.
    • Immortality: Due to her celestial alteration, Morgana is immortal and cannot die of old age or by conventional means.
    • Flight Flight: Morgana's ascension made her sprout wings out of her back. Even though she bound them with iron chains, they still allow her to fly and release themselves when Morgana surrenders to her celestial powers.
    • Energy Projection: Morgana can project powerful beams and bursts of magical energy from her hands.
    • Terra-Pyrokinesis Terra-Pyrokinesis: Morgana can scorch earth or ground, and burn the ones within the area.
    • Binding Binding: Morgana has the power to bind and stop someone from moving with her magic.
    • Force-Field Generation Force-Field Generation: Morgana can create fields formed from energy that are capable of blocking attacks, including physical and magical attacks.
    • Omnipresence: Morgana has the ability to be omnipresent since she always appears to, listens to or hear everyone who invokes and prays to her. She can also hear the ones who pray to her sister.
    • Empowerment: Morgana, like all Aspects, has the ability to give parts of her power to those she deems worthy.
  • Master Sorceress: Aside from her heritage celestial powers, Morgana's millennial existence made her very cult on the arcane.
    • Life-Force Absorption Life-Force Absorption: Morgana can heal herself by siphoning life-force of those she burns with her dark fire.
    • Illusions: Morgana can generate and cast realistic illusion. She has demonstrated the power to hide her shelter in the Sacred Woods.
    • Catoptromancy: Morgana can see far away people, objects, places, and events through the reflections on the magical pool in her shelter.
    • Retrocognition: Morgana has the ability to see and show events from the past, she also has the ability to give them to others.
  • Expert Swordsman: Although she no longer uses her sword, Morgana was quite an accomplished swordswoman.


Kayle Kayle[]

Both Morgana and Kayle are twin siblings, Kayle being the older of the two. Their relationship soured after the event that lead to the death of their father. Morgana chooses not to return to Demacia because she knows her sister would return as well.[1]

Mihira Mihira[]

Mihira is Morgana's mother. It is implied that Morgana does not love her mother, blaming her for causing her father pain and distress after becoming an Aspect. However deep down she still loves her and misses her but refuses to acknowledge it partly because of her pride.

Aatrox Aatrox[]

Aatrox and Morgana fought approximately a millenia ago. At the end of the battle, Aatrox was sealed within his blade.

Nilah Nilah[]

Nilah and Morgana met in the not-so-distant past. Whereas Morgana felt Nilah's pain, she found strange her everlasting jubilance.

Sylas Sylas[]

Sylas knows certain truths about the sisters and calls out their power during the events of Lux comics. Morgana aided Sylas in defeating the Mageseekers by revealing her true identity and giving him her blessing.

Read More


Morgana OriginalCentered

Targon Crest icon


The Fallen

By Rayla Heide

Starring Champion

Morgana OriginalSkin

Demacia Crest icon

Short Story

Canticle of the Winged Sisters

By Graham McNeill

Born beneath the vault of stars,
one in Light, one in Shadow.
Kayle and Morgana,
Sisters by Fate, joined hand in hand

Morgana Prayer to a Crumbling Shrine

Demacia Crest icon

Short Story

Prayer to a Crumbling Shrine

By Rayla Heide

Guilt can teach many things to a heart humbled by intent.

Tryndamere Still Here

Runeterra Crest icon

Music Video

Still Here

By Numerous creators

Past, present, and possible futures—we remember them all.

The Mageseeker Promo 01

Demacia Crest icon


The Mageseeker

By Digital Sun

In the kingdom of Demacia, the Mageseekers hold the power to oppress magic-using citizens in the name of public order–by inducting and indoctrinating them, locking them away, or driving them into hiding. Play as Sylas, a spell-stealing mage who has just broken free of his unjust captivity at the Mageseekers’ hands. Wielding the chains that once bound you, you must liberate your homeland from tyranny, one Mageseeker at a time.

Mentioned Champion

Garen Lux For Demacia

Demacia Crest icon

Short Story • 28 Minute Read

For Demacia

By Graham McNeill

In a town plagued by nightmares, can even the best and bravest of Demacia bring back the light?

Demacia Fragile Legacies

Demacia Crest icon

Short Story

Fragile Legacies

By Dana Luery Shaw

I was young and unafraid, heart aflame with the sort of righteousness that cast out all shadows of doubt, on the day I first met Barrett Buvelle.

Lux Last Light

Demacia Crest icon

Short Story • 4 Minute Read

Last Light

By Graham McNeill

In the wake of disaster, Lux risks all for the sake of a wounded soldier.

Lux Comic 2 Cover 1

Demacia Crest icon


Lux: Issue 2

By John O'Bryan, Billy Tan, Haining, Gadson, John Roshell

Struggling to control her growing magic, Lux bluffs her way into the Mageseeker compound.

Lux Comic 4 Cover 1

Demacia Crest icon


Lux: Issue 4

By John O'Bryan, Billy Tan, Haining, Gadson, John Roshell

Sylas' master plan is revealed! But is it too late for a guilt-ridden Lux to turn the tide?

Bilgewater The Harrowing

Bilgewater Crest icon

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Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Two

By Graham McNeill

Something Stupid, The Red Shroud, The Shadow of War

Kayle OriginalCentered

Targon Crest icon


The Righteous

By Rayla Heide

Alternate Universes

Star Guardian 2022 Promo 01

Runeterra Crest icon


Another Sky

By Jared Rosen, Taylor Dinwiddie, Ty Sheedlo

As a new generation of Star Guardians prepares to fight back the forces of chaos, rising star Akali finds herself wracked with doubt. Does she have what it takes to be a Star Guardian? Or will the darkness she senses inside spell doom for her and her friends?

Lunar Revel 2016 promo

Runeterra Crest icon

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Lunar Guardian

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There was an age when darkness smothered all hope. A traveler arrived, late into that twilight hour, bearing with him the first light of dawn.

MSI 2018 Promo 01

Runeterra Crest icon


Make History

In this battle of regions, one will conquer all others to make history.

Akali StarGuardian Shadow of a Doubt

Runeterra Crest icon


Shadow of a Doubt

Star Guardians have a brilliant light, but some stagger in the darkness. Can Akali escape her own nightmares?

2018 Lunar Revel concept 03

Runeterra Crest icon


Unite Against The Dark

Hear the story of Lunar Empress Lux, Lunar Guardian Nasus, and Lunar Guardian Warwick as we celebrate the Year of the Dog in League of Legends.


  • In-universe, Morgana's name is the modernized, more-revised version of her mother, Mihira.
    • From Sanskrit मिहिर Mihira "sun", from Proto-Indo-Iranic *mitrás "covenant".
    • Out-of-universe, Morgana might have been named after Morgan le Fay from the King Arthur mythos.
      • The name derives from Proto-Celtic,[2] though its meaning is debatable:
        • Most straightforwardly *Mori-genā "sea-born".
        • Or Morā-riganis "phantom queen".
  • Her parents were from one of the tribes on Targon Crest icon Mount Targon, an earlier version of the Rakkor.[3]
  • She was born over 1000 years ago at the height of the Rune War.
  • Morgana and Kayle's Kayle's current lore represents the interaction between two approaches to justice: restorative and retributive, respectively; both sisters are not viewed as mutual enemies who fight each other but are comprised by a Yin and Yang force that fights back evil.
  • Kayle Kayle and Morgana are fraternal twins.[5]
  • Morgana and Kayle Kayle are technically not hosts of the Aspect of Justice. They retained and share the power of the aspect due to their mother, who was the former ascended host of the aspect, being pregnant with them during her ascension, which also makes them half mortal.[6]
    • Morgana and Kayle Kayle currently have less celestial power than the other Aspects due to being the children of an Aspect but have free will and a more unified identity.[7]
    • Morgana and Kayle Kayle became ascended when their wings materialized shortly after their mother's swords fell from the heavens.[8]
    • Morgana's wings break free from their bonds when she uses Soul Shackles Soul Shackles and she surrenders herself to her celestial powers.[9]
    • Morgana rejects her celestial heritage and in turn her magic has become twisted and corrupt.[10]
      • If she stops rejecting her celestial power, it may develop in the same way as Kayle's Kayle's.
        • Based on Kayle's Kayle's in-game appearance, Morgana Morgana is between her potential Arisen and Aflame forms.
      • Morgana's magic is a combination of earth magic, spirit magic and the opposite of heavenly light, or dark light.[11][12]
    • Morgana's Black Shield Black Shield and Kayle's Kayle's Divine Judgment Divine Judgment come from the same source but are interpreted in different ways due to their opposing viewpoints.[13]
  • Morgana's worst flaw - her inability to let go of past mistakes. Morgana's best quality - the empathy she feels for all sinners, regardless of their crime.[14]
  • Morgana currently resides in the outlying wilds of Demacia and rectifies wrongs she sees fit on an interpersonal level as the Veiled One.[15]
  • Morgana's view on justice is more nuanced than Kayle's as she cares more about the intent of why someone would commit a crime. She believes criminals deserve to feel the pain and suffering they have inflicted in order to truly reform, redeem themselves and feel empathy for others.[16]
  • The way Demacia Crest icon Demacia views the Veiled Lady has changed over the years, some see her has a figure of punishment and others see her as a figure of judgement as well as a guide in death.[17]
    • Most Demacians have forgotten that that there were two Winged Protectors and assume Kayle is the sole Protector.
    • Most Demacians don't necessarily know the Winged Protectors were female, and suspecting the Veiled Lady may be one would be considered heresy.[18]
    • The Winged Protectors are seen as myth or a legend in Demacia, similar to saints with forgotten names.[19]
    • An example of this skewing of the facts is a book that Lux Lux borrows from the Crownguard's library for Sylas Sylas to read, titled Tales of the Veiled Lady. She described it as "about a spooky old witch who haunts Demacia."[20]
  • Morgana's left hand appears to be more dominant as she starts basic attack with her left hand, throws Dark Binding Dark Binding with her left and uses her left hand to cast Tormented Shadow Tormented Shadow. This is opposed to Kayle Kayle who appears to be more right-hand oriented. This likely references the fact that historically right-handedness is associated with beneficence, goodness, light and righteousness, while left-handedness is associated with malevolence, wickedness, darkness and sinfulness.

Change log[]

Character blurb
19 Feb 2019 (During V9.4) Updated to current version.
Enemy Missing pingMISSINGEnemy Missing ping Original version.
Driven by vindictive obsession, Morgana is a potent mistress of suffering and the black arts. Once a being of grace and light, she was ripped from her kind during an ancient conflict that broke her soul, turning her into the cruel tormentor she is today. Comforted by a prophecy that claims she will strike the final blow and gain her revenge, Morgana lies in wait, her lust for power growing endlessly.


See also[]