League of Legends Wiki

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League of Legends Wiki


            reference       string
            author          string
            artwork         string
            starring        table
            mentioned       table
            region          table
            loretype        string | Biography, Comic, Game, Faction, Short Story, Video
            duration        number
            description     string
            previous        string
            following       string  | (note: 'next' is a reserved word)
            canon           string  | Legacy, Inspired, Alternate 

reference       string
author          table
artwork         string
starring        table
mentioned       table
region          table
duration        number
description     string
previous        string
following       string  | (note: 'next' is a reserved word)
au              string  | if alternative universe stuff set to "True"
status          string  | if outdated set to "Outdated"

return {
  ["Something Went Wrong"] = {
    ["artwork"] = "Bard promo 2.jpg",
    ["description"] = "Lost? Take a magical journey back to the known universe.",
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"}
  ["Runeterra"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/",
    ["artwork"] = "Runeterra Terrain map.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Aatrox", "Alistar", "Annie", "Aurelion Sol", "Bard", "Brand", "Evelynn", "Fiddlesticks", "Fizz", "Jax", "Kindred", "Nami", "Nocturne", "Ryze", "Shaco", "Tahm Kench", "Zilean"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"}
  ["Bandle City"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/region/bandle-city/",
    ["artwork"] = "Bandle Forest.png",
    ["starring"] = {"Corki", "Lulu", "Rumble", "Teemo", "Tristana", "Veigar", "Yuumi"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["region"] = {"Bandle City"}
  ["Bilgewater"] = {
    ["reference"]= "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/region/bilgewater/",
    ["artwork"] = "Bilgewater A New Beginning.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Fizz", "Gangplank", "Graves", "Illaoi", "Miss Fortune", "Nautilus", "Pyke", "Tahm Kench", "Twisted Fate"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"}
  ["Demacia"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/region/demacia/",
    ["artwork"] = "Demacia Hall Of Valor.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Fiora", "Galio", "Garen", "Jarvan IV", "Kayle", "Lucian", "Lux", "Morgana", "Poppy", "Quinn", "Shyvana", "Sona",  "Sylas", "Vayne", "Xin Zhao"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"}
  ["Freljord"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/region/freljord/",
    ["artwork"] = "Freljord Pilgrim Site Of Rakelstake.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Anivia", "Ashe", "Braum", "Lissandra", "Nunu", "Olaf", "Ornn", "Sejuani", "Trundle", "Tryndamere", "Udyr", "Volibear"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"}
  ["Ionia"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/region/ionia/",
    ["artwork"] = "Ionia The Placidium.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Ahri", "Akali", "Irelia", "Jhin", "Karma", "Kayn", "Kennen", "Lee Sin", "Master Yi", "Rakan", "Sett", "Shen", "Syndra", "Varus", "Wukong", "Xayah", "Yasuo", "Zed"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"}
  ["Ixtal"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/region/ixtal/",
    ["artwork"] = "Ixtal An Unexplored Frontier.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Malphite", "Neeko", "Nidalee", "Qiyana", "Rengar", "Zyra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal"}
  ["Mount Targon"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/region/mount-targon/",
    ["artwork"] = "Mount Targon Divine Carvings.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Aphelios", "Aurelion Sol", "Diana", "Leona", "Pantheon", "Soraka", "Taric", "Zoe"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon"}
  ["Noxus"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/region/noxus/",
    ["artwork"] = "Noxus The Immortal Bastion 01.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Cassiopeia", "Darius", "Draven", "Katarina", "Kled", "LeBlanc", "Mordekaiser", "Riven", "Sion", "Swain", "Talon", "Vladimir"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"}
  ["Piltover"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/region/piltover/",
    ["artwork"] = "Piltover Sidereal Avenue.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Caitlyn", "Camille", "Ezreal", "Heimerdinger", "Jayce", "Orianna", "Vi"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["region"] = {"Piltover"}
  ["Shadow Isles"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/region/shadow-isles/",
    ["artwork"] = "Shadow Isles Ruins.png",
    ["starring"] = {"Elise", "Hecarim", "Kalista", "Karthus", "Maokai", "Thresh", "Yorick"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles"}
  ["Shurima"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/region/shurima/",
    ["artwork"] = "Shurima The Rebirth.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Amumu", "Azir", "Nasus", "Rammus", "Renekton", "Sivir", "Skarner", "Taliyah", "Xerath"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"}
  ["Void"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/region/void/",
    ["artwork"] = "Void An Unknowable Power.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Cho'Gath", "Kassadin", "Kha'Zix", "Kai'Sa", "Kog'Maw", "Malzahar", "Rek'Sai", "Vel'Koz"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["region"] = {"Void"}
  ["Zaun"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/region/zaun/",
    ["artwork"] = "Zaun Life Survives In The Depth.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Blitzcrank", "Dr. Mundo", "Ekko", "Janna", "Jinx", "Singed", "Twitch", "Urgot", "Viktor", "Warwick", "Zac", "Ziggs"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"}
  ["An ancient mystery in Runeterra"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=3422263",
    ["artwork"] = "Aatrox Promo 1.png",
    ["author"] = {"Explorer Ezreal"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ezreal", "Aatrox"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Jayce", "Lux", "Twisted Fate"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["status"] = "Outdated"
  ["The Cage"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/aatrox-color-story/",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"},
    ["artwork"] = "The Cage.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Aatrox"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 3,
  ["The Darkin Blade"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/aatrox/",
    ["artwork"] = "Aatrox OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"},
    ["starring"] = {"Aatrox"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Pantheon", "Zoe"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Mount Targon", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["World Ender"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.https://youtu.be/be.com/watch?v=s8p_brCVNOA",
    ["artwork"] = "Aatrox World Ender.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Aatrox"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Death and dust choke the air as a shadow takes shape. It is more ancient and evil than war. And it is growing."
  ["A Fair Trade"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/ahri-color/",
    ["artwork"] = "Ahri A Fair Trade 01.png",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ahri"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 6,
    ["description"] = "Ahri walks in disguise, but this fortune-teller has her own secret. What are they both hiding?"
  ["Garden of Forgetting (Short Story)"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/ahri-garden-forgetting/",
    ["artwork"] = "Ahri Garden of Forgetting 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ahri"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 8,
    ["description"] = "More than memories are lost in this garden - what will become of Ahri if she surrenders hers?"
  ["Stray Fox"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://na.merch.riotgames.com/en/ahri-statue.html#stray-fox",
    ["artwork"] = "Ahri Stray Fox.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Ahri"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "The Ionian countryside burned. Noxian Legions ripped through the land like a serrated knife, their gleaming armor blood-red in the sinking sun. Blazing temples lit the waning daylight, and distant cries of anguish filled the air.",
    ["status"] = "Outdated"
  ["The Nine-Tailed Fox"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/ahri/",
    ["artwork"] = "Ahri OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ahri"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Awaken"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zF5Ddo9JdpY",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["artwork"] = "Camille Jhin Awaken.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Akali", "Camille", "Draven", "Irelia", "Jhin", "Karma", "Kennen", "Riven", "Sion", "Yasuo"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Ionia", "Noxus", "Piltover", "Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Music Video",
    ["description"] = "A deadly masterpiece unfolds. A lone resistance made whole. A chance to come alive."
  ["Leaving Weh'le"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/story/akali-color-story/",
    ["author"] = {"Michael McCarthy"},
    ["artwork"] = "Akali Leaving Weh'le.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Akali"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "“Ah— Hey! Bo’lii!” I cry out. “Cut me a little deep, don’t you think?”"
  ["The Bow, and the Kunai"] = {
   ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/bow-and-kunai/",
   ["author"] = {"Joey Yu"},
   ["artwork"] = "Ionia The Bow, and the Kunai.jpg",
   ["starring"] = {"Akali", "Kennen", "Shen"},
   ["mentioned"] = {"Zed"},
   ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
   ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
   ["description"] = "The air of southern Shon-Xan was rife with raw magic."
  ["The Rogue Assassin"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/akali/",
    ["artwork"] = "Akali OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael McCarthy"},
    ["starring"] = {"Akali"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Kennen", "Shen", "Zed"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Rogue Assassin (Video)"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://twitter.com/JasonHendrich/status/1034978433711796224",
    ["artwork"] = "Akali 2018 Thunderdome.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Akali"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
  ["The Minotaur"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/alistar/",
    ["artwork"] = "Alistar OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Laurie Goulding", "Rachel Harrison"},
    ["starring"] = {"Alistar"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Greed and Tears"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/amumu-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Shurima The Valley Of The Song.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Amumu"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "The gods were angry, and shook the land. Cracks rent the earth,' said old Khaldun, his crag-featured face lit by firelight. 'It was into one of these fissures that a young man ventured. He found an opening; the entrance to a tomb, hidden for the Jackal knows how long. The man had little ones to feed and a wife to please, and so he ventured in, lured by opportunity.'"
  ["The Sad Mummy"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/amumu/",
    ["artwork"] = "Amumu OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Amumu"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Curse of the Sad Mummy"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/0AvWV6Mk374",
    ["artwork"] = "Amumu The Curse of the Sad Mummy.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Amumu"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Kindred"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Bilgewater", "Shurima", "Ixtal"},
    ["loretype"] = "Music Video",
    ["description"] = "Every child in Valoran has heard the tale before. About the cursed mummy boy who felt his heart no more."
  ["The Cryophoenix"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/anivia/",
    ["artwork"] = "Anivia OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Anivia"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Ashe", "Lissandra"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Annie: Origins"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/aUTU-GnxVuM",
    ["artwork"] = "Annie Origins concept 27.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Annie", "Tibbers"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Discover the spark that set off the Dark Child's fire."
  ["Trouble"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/annie-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Annie Trouble.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Yichao"},
    ["starring"] = {"Annie", "Tibbers"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "There’s one thing you should remember about little Annie: she’s never alone. Isn’t that right, Tibbers?"
  ["The Dark Child"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/annie/",
    ["artwork"] = "Annie OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["starring"] = {"Annie", "Tibbers"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Weapon of the Faithful"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/aphelios",
    ["artwork"] = "Aphelios OriginalSkin.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Aphelios", "Alune"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Weapon of the Faithful (Video)"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/sSgyzHDuDkU",
    ["artwork"] = "Aphelios The Weapon of the Faithful.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Aphelios", "Alune"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "True power comes at a cost. By taking the poison, Aphelios channels the voice of his sister, Alune. In turn, she grants him her abilities: five moonstone weapons for him to master."
  ["You Are the Weapon"] = {
   ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/aphelios-color-story/",
   ["artwork"] = "Aphelios You Are the Weapon.jpg",
   ["author"] = {"David Slagle"},
   ["starring"] = {"Aphelios", "Alune"},
   ["mentioned"] = {"Diana"},
   ["region"] = {"Mount Targon"},
   ["description"] = "He started his training with a single breath. In, and out."
  ["Warmother: Issue 1"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/ashewarmother/issue-1",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer", "Nina Vakueva"},
    ["artwork"] = "Ashe Warmother 1 Cover 1.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Ashe"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["following"] = "Warmother: Issue 2",
    ["description"] = "Thousands of years ago, the War of the Three Sisters nearly tore the frigid wilds of the Freljord apart. Today, the tribes descended from the three sisters - the Winter’s Claw, the Avarosan, and the Frostguard - still fight for power and survival. Ashe, daughter of the Avarosan warmother, trains to someday lead her people. Food is scarce in the Freljord. Warmth, even more so."
  ["Warmother: Issue 2"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/ashewarmother/issue-2",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer", "Nina Vakueva"},
    ["artwork"] = "Ashe Warmother 2 Cover 1.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Ashe"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Anivia", "Lissandra"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["previous"] = "Warmother: Issue 1",
    ["following"] = "Warmother: Issue 3",
    ["description"] = "Faced with impossible odds, Ashe and her tribe must decide what is worth dying for."
  ["Warmother: Issue 3"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/ashewarmother/issue-3",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer", "Nina Vakueva"},
    ["artwork"] = "Ashe Warmother 3 Cover 1.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Ashe", "Sejuani"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Volibear"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["previous"] = "Warmother: Issue 2",
    ["following"] = "Warmother: Issue 4",
    ["description"] = "Weak and starving, Ashe finds herself utterly alone, until an unexpected ally bursts into action."
  ["Warmother: Issue 4"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/ashewarmother/issue-4",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer", "Nina Vakueva"},
    ["artwork"] = "Ashe Warmother 4 Cover 1.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Ashe", "Sejuani"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["previous"] = "Warmother: Issue 3",
    ["description"] = "The series conclusion! Taken in by the Winter’s Claw, Ashe may have found hope for her future..."
  ["The Harder Path"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/ashe-color-story/",
    ["author"] = {"Lillian Herington"},
    ["artwork"] = "Ashe The Harder Path.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Ashe"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "The colossal brazier flared to life, its flames reaching high into the air. In times past, the gathered tribes would use this as the mark of the festival’s beginning."
  ["The Frost Archer"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/ashe/",
    ["artwork"] = "Ashe OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ashe"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Sejuani", "Tryndamere"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["He Has Returned"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/MHtVmSJHWPY",
    ["artwork"] = "Aurelion Sol He Has Returned.png",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Aurelion Sol"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Pantheon"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
  ["The Star Forger"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/aurelionsol/",
    ["artwork"] = "Aurelion Sol OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Aurelion Sol"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Star Forger Returns"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/CAAnY_L4Pp4",
    ["artwork"] = "Aurelion Sol The Star Forger Returns.png",
    ["author"] = {"Phillip Vargas"},
    ["starring"] = {"Aurelion Sol"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Cower. Worship. Marvel. All appropriate responses, really."
  ["Twin Dawns"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/aurelionsol-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Mount Targon Divine Carvings.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Aurelion Sol"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Pantheon"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon", "Shurima", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 10,
    ["description"] = "This world's familiar sun still hides below the horizon. Crude and unpolished earth unfurls below. Mountains contort into barriers that stretch like fingers across empty scrub lands. Palaces, or rather, what pass for palaces, fail to loom over anything but the squattest of hills. The curvature of the planet meets the stars with a serenity and grace few of the dwellers below will ever witness. They are so scattered across the globe and grasp so blindly for any sort of understanding that it's no surprise they've been conquered and don't even comprehend their predicament."
  ["Arisen"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/azir-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Shurima The City Of The Sun.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Azir"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Xerath"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "Azir walked the gold-paved Emperor's Way. The immense statues of Shurima's earliest rulers – his ancestors – watched his progress."
  ["The Emporor of the Sands"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/azir/",
    ["artwork"] = "Azir OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Azir"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Nasus", "Renekton", "Xerath"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Descent into the Tomb"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/JKnM6Hh5gOg",
    ["artwork"] = "Cassiopeia Sivir Descent into the Tomb.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Azir", "Cassiopeia", "Renekton", "Sivir", "Xerath"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Nasus"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Scroll after scroll in Noxian libraries chronicle the power buried within Shurima. Now Cassiopeia thinks she's found the key. Learn how the saga began.",
    ["following"] = "Rise of the Ascended"
  ["Rise of the Ascended"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/CYyuH1Bp2ZI",
    ["artwork"] = "Sivir Rise of the Ascended.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Azir", "Sivir"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Nasus"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Discover the tale of Ancient Shurima, where the fates of Azir and Siver intertwine.",
    ["previous"] = "Descent into the Tomb"
  ["Fall of the Empire"] = {
    ["artwork"] = "Fall of the Empire 1.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Azir", "Xerath", "Nasus", "Renekton"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
  ["Water & Shade To You"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/realms-of-runeterra/",
    ["artwork"] = "Shurima Water & Shade To You 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Azir"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Renekton", "Sivir", "Xerath"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "For the first time Khari could remember, flowers grew on the street leading from the town square to the Cut."
  ["Bard Mountain (Video)"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/CX8iSobsKTY",
    ["artwork"] = "Bard Mountain.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Bard"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "When Runeterra's sacred treasures are misused, the Wandering Caretaker intervenes."
  ["The Wandering Caretaker"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/bard/",
    ["artwork"] = "Bard OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Bard"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Wonder Above"] = {
    ["author"] = {"Ryan Verniere"},
    ["reference"] = "https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/champion-preview/wonder-above",
    ["starring"] = {"Bard"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Lissandra", "Xerath", "Azir", "Mordekaiser"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Ionia", "Freljord", "Shadow Isles", "Shurima", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "The stars tell their own stories. Some speak of past events. Some speak of... other things."
  ["Ensemble"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/blitzcrank-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Blitzcrank Ensemble.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Blitzcrank"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 6,
    ["description"] = "The plump belly of the Rising Howl looms before me, churning with its endless gears and elaborate ironwork. Some say the Howl is named for the wrought iron wolf that cries atop the apex of the hexdraulic descender; others swear the ghost of a black-veiled gentle-servant haunts the cabin, and when the Howl lifts him away from his lost love in Zaun, the sounds of his moans reverberate and shake its metal core. Many Piltovans, convinced as they are in their own sound judgment, are sure the name refers to nothing more than the cold wind whistling between the crevasses below their city."
  ["The Great Steam Golem"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/blitzcrank/",
    ["artwork"] = "Blitzcrank OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Blitzcrank"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Viktor"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["From the Ashes"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/from-the-ashes/",
    ["artwork"] = "Freljord Master And Apprentice.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Aaron Dembski-Bowden"},
    ["starring"] = {"Brand", "Ryze"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 32,
    ["description"] = "I can't do it."
  ["The Burning Vengeance"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/brand/",
    ["artwork"] = "Brand OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence", "Laurie Goulding"},
    ["starring"] = {"Brand"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Ryze"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Feats of Braum"] = {
    ["artwork"] = "Braum The Feats of Braum 02.png",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Braum"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "In the mead halls of the Freljord, Braum's great feats are immortalized by murals painted on the walls. On many a frozen night, the locals gather to recount his tales amidst merriment and drink!"
  ["Tomb of the Troll Boy"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/braum-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Freljord Warded Gateway To The Howling Abyss.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Leslee Sullivant Heintz"},
    ["starring"] = {"Braum"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 3,
    ["description"] = "'Would you like to hear a bedtime story?'"
  ["Trial of the Poro"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/5dvYxkyQFZU",
    ["artwork"] = "Braum Promo 01.png",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Braum"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "With the Freljord's winter closing in and an almighty battle raging around him, one brave PoroSquare Poro bounds on in his eternal search for snacks."
  ["Arcane (TV Series)"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/IA-v_LB3Qpc",
    ["artwork"] = "Arcane Series 01.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Caitlyn", "Jinx", "Vi", "Warwick"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun", "Piltover"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Every legend has a beginning."
  ["Progress Day"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/piltover-progress-day/",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["artwork"] = "Piltover Zindelo's Incognium Runeterra.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Caitlyn"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Vi", "Camille"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 27,
    ["description"] = "Tamara forces herself to rise early - an easy habit to get into when the earth is your bed and fallen leaves the only blanket. Less so when the mattress is stuffed with goose down and the sheets woven from soft cotton. The curtains are pulled back, and warm light pools on the floor of her third floor boarding room. She'd closed the curtains on her first night in Piltover and had slept two hours past dawn, which worried her so much, she has never closed them since."
  ["The Sheriff of Piltover"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/caitlyn/",
    ["artwork"] = "Caitlyn OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Caitlyn"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Vi"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Thrill of the Chase"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/caitlyn-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Piltover Trade And Progress.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Caitlyn"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Vi"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "Even three bells after the Sun Gate had closed, Piltover was still full of life - life that was currently getting in her way. Caitlyn sprinted down Mainspring Crescent, weaving a path between midnight revelers strolling down the fashionable promenade of cafes and bistros. The supper clubs were emptying, as were the nearby theaters inside the Drawsmith Arcade, so this street was going to get a whole lot busier. If they didn't catch up to Devaki soon, they were going to lose him."
    ["Warriors"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/aR-KAldshAE",
    ["artwork"] = "Galio Garen Lux Sylas Warriors.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Caitlyn", "Ezreal", "Galio", "Garen", "Kai'Sa", "Lux", "Sylas", "Urgot", "Vi"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Demacia", "Freljord", "Piltover", "Shurima", "Void", "Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
  ["Severed Ties"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/camille-comic",
    ["author"] = {"Phillip Vargas", "Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["artwork"] = "Camille Severed Ties Cover.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Camille"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover", "Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["following"] = "The Weakest Heart",
    ["description"] = "Camille must stop a secret alliance that threatens the fragile balance of power in Piltover."
  ["Tea With The Gray Lady"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https:///universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/camille-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Piltover Sidereal Avenue.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["starring"] = {"Camille"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover", "Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 3,
    ["description"] = "The first sound I heard was the scrape of sharp metal against rock. My sight was blurred, my vision still swimming in murky darkness, but something in the back of my mind registered it, that knife-edge slide on wet stone. The rasp was the same as my mason when he marks out which rock to cut away from the cliff. It set my teeth on edge. The fog in my brain receded, but it left me with only one panicked thought as I strained at the ropes binding my hands:"
  ["The Steel Shadow"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https:///universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/camille",
    ["artwork"] = "Camille OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["starring"] = {"Camille"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Weakest Heart"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https:///universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/camille-weakest-heart",
    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["artwork"] = "Zaun Boundary Markets.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Camille"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover", "Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["previous"] = "Severed Ties",
    ["duration"] = 26,
    ["description"] = "“You should have killed her.”"
  ["The Serpent's Embrace"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/cassiopeia/",
    ["artwork"] = "Cassiopeia OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ian St. Martin"},
    ["starring"] = {"Cassiopeia"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Katarina", "Sivir", "Swain"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Shedding of Skin"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/cassiopeia-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Cassiopeia The Shedding of Skin.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Cassiopeia"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "Cassiopeia reclined against the crenelated rooftop, and gazed over the winding alleys and crowded streets of Urzeris. A Noxian possession for years, the coastal city still refused to completely embrace its new identity—it felt ancient, and quietly resistant to the future."
  ["The Terror of the Void"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/chogath/",
    ["artwork"] = "Cho'Gath OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Cho'Gath"},
    ["region"] = {"Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Daring Bombardier"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/corki/",
    ["artwork"] = "Corki OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Corki"},
    ["region"] = {"Bandle City"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Fear"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/rGx9_wABzlA",
    ["artwork"] = "Darius Fear.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Darius"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "The wolves of the Freljord are savage predators. But they've never encountered a man like this."
  ["Blood of Noxus"] = {
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/darius/bloodofnoxus/",
    ["artwork"] = "Darius Blood Of Noxus cover 02.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Darius", "Draven"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "In all Runeterra, there is no army more feared than that of the Noxian empire. In all Noxus, there is no soldier more respected than Darius. Of all the commandments that have kept Noxus strong, one rule stands above all others: Loyalty is everything."
  ["The Hand of Noxus"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/darius",
    ["artwork"] = "Darius OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Darius"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Draven", "Swain"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus", "Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Hand of Noxus (Video)"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzDS94Iil-c",
    ["artwork"] = "Darius Concept 06.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Seung Eun Kim"},
    ["starring"] = {"Darius"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus", "Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
  ["The Principles of Strength"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/trifarian-legion/",
    ["artwork"] = "Noxus A State Of Perpetual Conflict.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Darius", "Swain"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Kindred"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 17,
    ["description"] = "My name is Alyssa Roshka Gloriana val-Lokan. For almost two millennia, my ancestors ruled the Delverhold as kings."
  ["The Winterspike Road"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/darius-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Darius OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Laura Michet"},
    ["starring"] = {"Darius"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Sejuani"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus", "Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["decription"] = "Noxians don’t run. We win,” he growled. “We chop them to pieces for what they do to us.",
  ["Night's Work"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/diana-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Mount Targon Divine Carvings.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Diana"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "Night had always been Diana's favorite time, even as a child. It had been that way since she was old enough to scramble over the walls of the Solari temple and watch the moon traverse the vault of stars. She looked up through the dense forest canopy, her violet eyes scanning for the silver moon, but seeing only its diffuse glow through the thick clouds and dark branches."
  ["The Scorn of the Moon"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/diana/",
    ["artwork"] = "Diana OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"David Slagle"},
    ["starring"] = {"Diana"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Leona"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Do No Harm"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/drmundo-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Dr. Mundo Do No Harm.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Burch"},
    ["starring"] = {"Dr. Mundo"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "It has been while, Mundo thought, stroking the massive purple tongue that hung from his mouth like an executed criminal swinging from gallows, since Mundo made a housecall."
  ["The Madman of Zaun"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/drmundo/",
    ["artwork"] = "Dr. Mundo OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Burch"},
    ["starring"] = {"Dr. Mundo"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Glorious Executioner"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/draven/",
    ["artwork"] = "Draven OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Draven"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Darius", "Swain"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Whispering Doodad"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/the-whispering-doodad/",
    ["artwork"] = "Lulu Tristana The Whispering Doodad.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Book", "Draven", "Lulu", "Tristana"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Darius", "Janna", "Poppy", "Yuumi"},
    ["region"] = {"Bandle City", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "“Here, doodad,” she whispers to the grass. “Pretty please, with sprinkles on top! I’ll let you take us somewhere you want to go next.” The doodad—or whatever it’s really called—doesn’t respond, but I sense it rolling away from Lulu. Well, not really rolling, as such, more making itself be where she isn’t."
  ["Chronobreak"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/site/ekko-comic/",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["reference"] = "https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/site/ekko-comic/",
    ["artwork"] = "Ekko Chronobreak cover.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Ekko"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["following"] = "Seconds",
    ["description"] = "A friend in need or a murderous deed. We're defined by the paths we take."
  ["Lullaby"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/ekko-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Ekko Lullaby.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ekko"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 6,
    ["description"] = "It had been a weeklong sort of day."
  ["Seconds"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/FtEpp9lkfxA",
    ["artwork"] = "Ekko Seconds.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ekko"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Jinx"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["previous"] = "Chronobreak",
    ["description"] = "Some things are worth fighting for. Time and time again."
  ["The Boy Who Shattered Time"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/ekko",
    ["artwork"] = "Ekko OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ekko"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Spider God"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/elise/",
    ["artwork"] = "Elise OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Elise"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Narration",
  ["Strand By Silken Strand"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/elise-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Shadow Isles The Sundered Vaults Of Arcana.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Elise"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "The weeks spent on the ocean had made Markus feel dizzy and weak, so he was glad to be back on dry land. The path leading from the basalt shore had a slick, oily quality, making it treacherous underfoot. The crooked trees to either side were wretched, blackened husks that wept yellowed sap from where it looked like some panicked animal had clawed them ragged. Soft light shimmered between the trees, dancing like the corpse candles that flickered over marshland and drew unwary souls to their doom. The branches were hung with what looked like canopies of ragged muslin, and it took Markus a moment to realize they were swathes of cobwebs."
  ["The Spider Queen"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/elise/",
    ["artwork"] = "Elise OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Elise"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"LeBlanc"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Agony's Embrace"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/evelynn/",
    ["artwork"] = "Evelynn OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Evelynn"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Shadows Beckon"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/shadow-isles#/champion/evelynn?_k=icqjxu",
    ["artwork"] = "Evelynn OriginalSkin old3.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Evelynn"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Camille"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["description"] = "Swift and lethal, Evelynn is one of the most deadly - and expensive - assassins in all of Runeterra. Able to merge with shadows at will, she patiently stalks her prey, waiting for the right moment to strike. While Evelynn is clearly not entirely human, and her heritage remains unclear, it is believed that she hails from the Shadow Isles - though her link with that tortured realm remains shrouded in mystery.",
    ["status"] = "Outdated"
  ["The Tallest Daisy"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/evelynn-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Evelynn The Tallest Daisy.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Evelynn"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "Evelynn slinked through the teeming streets, the shadows of her body blending seamlessly with the night. Her eyes glinted within the gloom, though only the keenest observer would have noticed. Drunks, sailors, and harlots chatted in a nearby thoroughfare, blissfully unaware they were being watched by a demon in the dark. The demon, on the other hand, saw them all with perfect clarity, and judged them with the most discerning eye."
  ["The Elixir of Uloa"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/ezreal-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Ezreal The Elixir of Uloa 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ezreal"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal", "Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["following"] = "Ezreal's Field Notes",
    ["previous"] = "An Explorer's Journey",
    ["description"] = "After hours of trekking through the stiflingly humid jungle, the cool air of this underground crypt is sweet bliss. Sure, potential death awaits at every turn, but so does certain glory."
  ["An Explorer's Journey"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/an-explorers-journey/",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["artwork"] = "Ezreal An Explorers Journey 01.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Ezreal"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["following"] = "The Elixir of Uloa",
    ["description"] = "A Handwritten Account of the Discovery of the Vault of Resplendent Holies<br/>By [[Piltover]]'s greatest, fully-accreddited<sup>†</sup> explorer.<br/><span style='    font-size: xx-small;'>†Official Piltover Explorers Guild membership still pending.</span>"
  ["Ezreal's Field Notes"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://map.leagueoflegends.com/en_US",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["artwork"] = "Runeterra Terrain map.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Ezreal"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Ashe", "Kindred", "Mordekaiser", "LeBlanc", "Illaoi", "Jax", "Neeko", "Rek'Sai"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Entries",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["following"] = "The Curator's Gambit",
    ["previous"] = "The Elixir of Uloa",
    ["description"] = "Who needs a map?"
  ["The Curator's Gambit"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/the-curators-gambit/",
    ["artwork"] = "Ezreal The Curator's Gambit.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ezreal"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Mordekaiser", "Sona"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["previous"] = "Ezreal's Field Notes",
    ["description"] = "Look, I should be clear—I didn’t want anything to do with “the dread lord,” or whoever Januk was talking about. I was just trying to sell this stupid little vial to the guy who asked me to get it for him. Should have been easy."
  ["The Prodigal Explorer"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/ezreal/",
    ["artwork"] = "Ezreal OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ezreal"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover", "Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Harbinger of Doom"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/fiddlesticks/",
    ["artwork"] = "Fiddlesticks OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Fiddlesticks"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["To Our End"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/fiddlesticks-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Fiddlesticks Concept 01.png",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Fiddlesticks"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "Niram and his fellow brigands readied their horses beneath the noonday sun. He fastened the buckle of the last satchel on his horse. Each was filled with an assortment of ornately carved daggers, snowfox furs, and cured meat. The stolen wares weighed his horse's saddle down so significantly he decided to walk her back to their camp."
  ["A Matter of Honor"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/fiora-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Demacia Citadel Of Dawn.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Fiora"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "The man Fiora was going to kill was named Umberto. He had the look of a man very sure of himself. She watched him talking to four men, so alike they must surely be his brothers. The five of them were cocksure and preening, as though it was beneath their dignity to even present themselves in the Hall of Blades in answer to her challenge."
  ["The Grand Duelist"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/fiora/",
    ["artwork"] = "Fiora OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Fiora"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Lucky Kraken"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/fizz-color-story/",
    ["starring"] = {"Fizz"},
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Nautilus"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Narration",
    ["artwork"] = "Bilgewater Legends.png",
    ["previous"] = "The Ophidian",
    ["following"] = "The Gambler's Woe"
  ["The Tidal Trickster"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/fizz/",
    ["artwork"] = "Fizz OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Laurie Goulding"},
    ["starring"] = {"Fizz"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["A Hero Wakes"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/galio-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Galio A Hero Wakes.png",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Galio"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 6,
    ["description"] = "A taste of magic is all it takes to wake the Colossus and send him smashing. And he just got one."
  ["The Colossus"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/galio/",
    ["artwork"] = "Galio OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Galio"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Flesh and Stone"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/flesh-and-stone/",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["artwork"] = "Galio Lux Flesh and Stone 01.png",
    ["starring"] = {"Galio", "Lux"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 17,
    ["description"] = "A young girl ashamed of her power. A monolith that can't help his curiosity. An unlikely pair - or the perfect match?"
  ["Blood in the Water"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/gangplank-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Bilgewater Bilgewater Bay 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Gangplank"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 1,
    ["description"] = "The massive Noxian war captain shuddered and dropped his axe as Gangplank rammed his cutlass deep into the man's gut. Blood bubbled from the warrior's tattooed lips as he mouthed an unheard curse."
  ["The Saltwater Scourge"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/gangplank/",
    ["artwork"] = "Gangplank OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Gangplank"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Miss Fortune", "Swain", "Zed"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater", "Noxus", "Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Burning Tides: Act 1"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/bilgewater-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Graves Twisted Fate The Burning Tides 01.png",
    ["author"] = {"Scott Hawkes", "George Krstić", "Anthony Reynolds Lenné", "John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Gangplank", "Graves", "Miss Fortune", "Twisted Fate"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 34,
    ["description"] = "The Rat Town slaughter docks; they smell as bad as their name suggests.",
    ["following"] = "Burning Tides: Act 2"
  ["Burning Tides: Act 2"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/bilgewater-story/2/",
    ["artwork"] = "Gangplank Captain The Burning Tides 01.png",
    ["author"] = {"Scott Hawkes", "George Krstić", "Anthony Reynolds Lenné", "John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Gangplank", "Graves", "Miss Fortune", "Twisted Fate"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["previous"] = "Burning Tides: Act 1",
    ["following"] = "Burning Tides: Act 3"
  ["Burning Tides: Act 3"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/bilgewater-story/3/",
    ["artwork"] = "Miss Fortune Captain The Burning Tides 01.png",
    ["author"] = {"Scott Hawkes", "George Krstić", "Anthony Reynolds Lenné", "John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Gangplank", "Graves", "Miss Fortune", "Twisted Fate"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["previous"] = "Burning Tides: Act 2",
    ["following"] = "Burning Tides: Epilogue"
  ["Burning Tides: Epilogue"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/bilgewater-story/4/",
    ["artwork"] = "Gangplank The Burning Tides 03.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Scott Hawkes", "George Krstić", "Anthony Reynolds Lenné", "John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Gangplank", "Graves", "Miss Fortune", "Twisted Fate"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["previous"] = "Burning Tides: Act 3",
    ["following"] = "Shadow and Fortune"
  ["Enemy of my Enemy"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://www.leifjeffers.com/directing",
    ["artwork"] = "Garen Katarina EnemyofmyEnemy Cinematic concept 13.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Garen", "Katarina"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Demacia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Two sworn enemies discover a newfound respect for each other when they’re forced to put their differences aside and work together against a common enemy."
  ["The Might of Demacia"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/garen/",
    ["artwork"] = "Garen OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Garen"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Jarvan IV", "Lux"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Soldier and the Hag"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/garen-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Garen The Soldier and the Hag.png",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Garen"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Lux"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 7,
    ["description"] = "The Lady of the Stones took a fellow soldier. Now, she'll take on Garen and his broadsword."
  ["For Demacia"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/for-demacia/",
    ["artwork"] = "Garen Lux For Demacia.png",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Garen", "Lux", "Nocturne"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Jarvan IV", "Shyvana","Morgana" },
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 28,
    ["description"] = "In a town plagued by nightmares, can even the best and bravest of Demacia bring back the light?"
  ["Discovering the Link"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://promo.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/gnar/",
    ["artwork"] = "Gnar Discovering the Link.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Gnar"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Reveal",
    ["description"] = "Something stirs in one of Valoran’s ancient caves..."
  ["The Hunter Hunted"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/gnar-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "The Hunter Hunted.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Leslee Sullivant Heintz"},
    ["starring"] = {"Gnar"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Rengar"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 2,
    ["description"] = "The jungle does not forgive blindness. Every broken branch tells a story."
  ["Snow Day"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/snow-day/",
    ["artwork"] = "Gnar Promo Crop.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Luo"},
    ["starring"] = {"Gnar"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Snow falls all morning, blanketing the earth in fresh coats of white. One by one, feathery flakes trickle from the sky, gently at first, and then rapidly in unison. Soon, the howling blizzard muffles all sounds save for a peculiar racket coming from a nearby cave, where a shock of orange and blue bounces up and down, left to right."
  ["The Missing Link"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/gnar/",
    ["artwork"] = "Gnar OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Luo", "David Slagle"},
    ["starring"] = {"Gnar"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Nunu", "Willump"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Rabble Rouser"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/gragas/",
    ["artwork"] = "Gragas OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Gragas"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["One Last Shot"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/graves-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Bilgewater A New Beginning.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Graves"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 2,
    ["description"] = "Holed up in an empty bar, bleeding from a dozen wounds and surrounded by armed men who wanted him dead, Malcom Graves had seen better days. He'd seen worse ones, too, so he wasn't worried yet. Graves leaned over the smashed bar and helped himself to a bottle, sighing as he read the label."
  ["The Outlaw"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/graves",
    ["artwork"] = "Graves OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Graves"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Gangplank", "Twisted Fate"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["No One Lives"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/hecarim-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Shadow Isles The Sundered Vaults Of Arcana.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Hecarim"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Thresh"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 3,
    ["description"] = "Icy waves crashed on the bleak shore, red with the blood of the men Hecarim had already butchered. The mortals he had yet to kill were retreating over the beach in terror. Black rain doused them and stormclouds boiled in from the mourning heart of the island. He heard them shouting to one another. The words were a guttural battle-cant he did not recognize, but the meaning was clear; they actually thought they might live to reach their ship. True, they had some skill. They moved as one, wooden shields interlocked. But they were mortal and Hecarim savored the meat-stink of their fear."
  ["Tales of the Black Mist"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/s2FFGBPXNeU",
    ["artwork"] = "Tales of the Black Mist.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Hecarim"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles", "Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "A ghastly puppet show recounts a tale familiar in Bilgewater, but tonight the fog's come down especially thick…"
  ["The Shadow of War"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/hecarim/",
    ["artwork"] = "Hecarim OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Hecarim"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Kalista", "Thresh"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["From The Journal Of Professor Cecil B. Heimerdinger"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/heimerdinger-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Piltover Sidereal Avenue.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Heimerdinger"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Rumble"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover", "Bandle City"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 3,
    ["description"] = "10.14"
  ["The Revered Inventor"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/heimerdinger",
    ["artwork"] = "Heimerdinger OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Heimerdinger"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover", "Bandle City"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Burden"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/illaoi-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Bilgewater Bilgewater Bay 02.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"},
    ["starring"] = {"Illaoi"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Gangplank", "Graves", "Miss Fortune", "Twisted Fate"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 8,
    ["description"] = "Truth Bearer, this is why we must retreat to Buhru. We cannot save the paylangi' the Hierophant said. The heavy-set woman grinned, obviously pleased by the prospect of leaving Bilgewater."
  ["The Kraken Priestess"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/illaoi",
    ["artwork"] = "Illaoi OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"},
    ["starring"] = {"Illaoi"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Gangplank"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Trial of the Kraken Priestess"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/champions/trial-of-the-kraken-priestess",
    ["artwork"] = "Illaoi Trial Of The Kraken Priestess.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Illaoi"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Reveal",
    ["description"] = "There can be no rest. We are the motion."
  ["Stains on a Name"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/irelia-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Irelia lore 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Irelia"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Karma"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "I believed in you, Blade Dancer!' the man choked, his lips frothing red. 'You showed us the path…'"
  ["The Blade Dancer"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/irelia/",
    ["artwork"] = "Irelia OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Irelia"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Swain"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Blade Dancer: Issue 1"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2018/12/irelia-comic/",
    ["artwork"] = "Irelia TheBladeDancer 1 Cover 1.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Gronoc"},
    ["starring"] = {"Irelia", "Karma"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["following"] = "The Blade Dancer: Issue 2",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["The Blade Dancer: Issue 2"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2019/03/community-comic-collab-irelia-pt-2/",
    ["artwork"] = "Irelia TheBladeDancer 2 Cover 1.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Gronoc"},
    ["starring"] = {"Irelia", "Karma"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Kindred"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["following"] = "The Blade Dancer: Issue 3",
    ["previous"] = "The Blade Dancer: Issue 1",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["The Blade Dancer: Issue 3"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2019/03/community-comic-collab-irelia-pt-3/",
    ["artwork"] = "Irelia TheBladeDancer 3 Cover 1.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Gronoc"},
    ["starring"] = {"Irelia", "Karma"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Swain"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["following"] = "The Blade Dancer: Issue 4",
    ["previous"] = "The Blade Dancer: Issue 2",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["The Blade Dancer: Issue 4"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2019/03/community-comic-collab-irelia-pt-4/",
    ["artwork"] = "Irelia TheBladeDancer 4 Cover 1.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Gronoc"},
    ["starring"] = {"Irelia", "Karma"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Soraka"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus", "Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["previous"] = "The Blade Dancer: Issue 3",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["The Defiant Blade"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/IPCnts6v_Pc",
    ["artwork"] = "Irelia Update Promo 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Irelia"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Riven"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "A decade after the Battle of the Placidium, Ionia honors the young woman who inspired a revolution."
  ["Friend of the Forest"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/TgqqwvMhIME",
    ["artwork"] = "Ivern The Green Father 02.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ivern"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "From the cuddliest of creatures to the fiercest of beasts, all life is precious.'"
  ["Gift of Venom"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/ivern-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Ivern The Green Father 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Daisy", "Ivern"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 9,
    ["description"] = "For most people, a hundred years is a very long time. In a century, one could explore the entire world, meet thousands of people, or complete countless works of art. Now, anyone could easily assume that standing in one spot for over a century would be a colossal waste. But during that time, Ivern Bramblefoot accomplished more than any could dream."
  ["The Green Father"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/ivern/",
    ["artwork"] = "Ivern OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Daisy", "Ivern"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Lissandra"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Deep Breath"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/janna-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Janna Deep Breath.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Burch"},
    ["starring"] = {"Janna"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 6,
    ["description"] = "They think Zaun is where the losers live."
  ["The Storm's Fury"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/janna",
    ["artwork"] = "Janna OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Burch"},
    ["starring"] = {"Janna"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun", "Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Ivory, Ebony, Jasper"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/jarvaniv-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Jarvan IV Ivory, Ebony, Jasper.png",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Jarvan IV"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 3,
    ["description"] = "The approaching swarm is a death sentence for a small village - unless Jarvan carries out his own."
  ["The Exemplar of Demacia"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/jarvaniv/",
    ["artwork"] = "Jarvan IV OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Jarvan IV"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Garen", "Shyvana", "Sion", "Sylas", "Xin Zhao"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Where Icathia Once Stood"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/where-icathia-once-stood/",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["artwork"] = "Void The Fall Of Icathia.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Jax"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Aatrox", "Rhaast", "Kayn", "Nasus", "Renekton", "Varus", "Zilean"},
    ["region"] = {"Void", "Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 22,
    ["description"] = "My name is Axamuk Var-Choi Kohari Icath'or."
  ["The Grandmaster at Arms"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/jax",
    ["artwork"] = "Jax OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ian St. Martin"},
    ["starring"] = {"Jax"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["None Shall Pass"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/jax-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Jax None Shall Pass.png",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Jax"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Fiora"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "Jax sat cross-legged at the center of the bridge with his long-hafted polearm resting on his knees. Demacia had not changed much since he had last traveled this way, but that didn't surprise him. Its people zealously protected their borders, which had turned them into pretty decent fighters. Well, some of them anyway, he thought, wiping a spot of blood from the softly glowing head of the lamppost. He flicked the droplet over the parapet to the river below and reached into his robe to pull out his third hard-boiled egg of the day. Tapping it on the cobbles, he slowly peeled the shell as he heard the warriors at the end of the bridge try to decide which one of them would face him next."
  ["A Quick Fix"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/jayce-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Jayce A Quick Fix.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Burch"},
    ["starring"] = {"Jayce"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Viktor"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover", "Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "Any fool could have predicted that Viktor would strike back at some point. If one weren't a fool, one might predict the exact date and time of an attempted counterattack."
  ["The Defender of Tomorrow"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/jayce",
    ["artwork"] = "Jayce OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Burch"},
    ["starring"] = {"Jayce"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Viktor"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover", "Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Man with the Steel Cane"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/jhin-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Jhin The Man with the Steel Cane 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"},
    ["starring"] = {"Akali", "Jhin", "Shen", "Zed"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
  ["Mind of the Virtuoso"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/B4-BgDEy2AE",
    ["artwork"] = "Jhin Mind of the Virtuoso.png",
    ["starring"] = {"Jhin"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "I will make you beautiful. I will make you perfect."
  ["The Virtuoso"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/jhin",
    ["artwork"] = "Jhin OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"},
    ["starring"] = {"Jhin"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Shen", "Zed"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Get Jinxed"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/0nlJuwO0GDs",
    ["artwork"] = "Jinx Polycount Poster.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Jinx"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Ziggs"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun", "Piltover"},
    ["loretype"] = "Music Video",
    ["description"] = "Jinx's dreams come alive in a hexplosive sequence packed with bombs and bullets and her unique take on fun."
  ["The Loose Cannon"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/jinx",
    ["artwork"] = "Jinx OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Jinx"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Caitlyn", "Vi"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun", "Piltover"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Wedding Crasher"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/jinx-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Jinx The Wedding Crasher.png",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Jinx"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun", "Piltover"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 6,
    ["description"] = "Jinx hated petticoats."
  ["Mayhem Everywhere You Look"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https:///na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/champions-skins/champion-preview/mayhem-everywhere-you-look",
    ["artwork"] = "Jinx Mayhem Everywhere You Look 01.png",
    ["starring"] = {"Jinx", "Vi"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun", "Piltover"},
    ["loretype"] = "Reveal",
    ["description"] = "An inane crime wave sweeps Piltover to the tune of manic laughter. As authorities attempt to curtail the chaos, one enforcer vows to pull the plug on the panic-inducing party."
  ["Paint the Town"] = {
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Burch", "Fabio Moon", "Dave Stewart"},
    ["reference"] = "https:///universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/jinx-ziggs/paint-the-town/",
    ["artwork"] = "Ziggs and Jinx Paint the Town cover 02.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Heimerdinger", "Jinx", "Ziggs"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover", "Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "Oh, they say I'm crazy -- they say that Yordles would be easy to spot in a city such as ours, what with their fuzzy countenances and diminutive stature. But I've heard rumors that they have invented some sort of magical charms that make these abominations appear no different from you or I. But don't be fooled! No matter how adorable they may seem, these mischievous creatures will bring our city of Piltover to ruin! If I were so moved, I'd say they're an even bigger threat than those lunatic terrorists from Zaun! But I'm getting ahead of myself. Our story starts in a small pyrotechnics shop in Piltover, run by two unnervingly fuzzy gentlemen..."
  ["X WUZ HERE"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https:///na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/champions-skins/champion-preview/mayhem-everywhere-you-look",
    ["artwork"] = "Jinx X WUZ HERE 01.png",
    ["starring"] = {"Jinx", "Vi"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun", "Piltover"},
    ["loretype"] = "Reveal",
    ["description"] = "X."
  ["Breach"] = {
    ["author"] = {"Phillip Vargas"},
    ["reference"] = "https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/kaisa-comic",
    ["artwork"] = "Kai'Sa Breach cover.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Kai'Sa"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "Hunter or prey? The lines get blurred when Kai'Sa must hunt down a pack of deadly predators."
  ["The Daughter of the Void"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/kaisa/",
    ["artwork"] = "Kai'Sa OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael McCarthy"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kai'Sa"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Kassadin"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Girl Who Came Back"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/kaisa-color-story",
    ["author"] = {"Michael McCarthy"},
    ["artwork"] = "Void concept 01.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Kai'Sa"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["following"] = "Monstrous",
    ["description"] = "Listen to me,' I tell the little girl who found me here, beside the pit. 'I need you to hear me. There isn't much time.'"
  ["Monstrous"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_us/story/kaisa-monstrous-story",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["artwork"] = "Void An Unknowable Power.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Kai'Sa"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Nasus"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["previous"] = "The Girl Who Came Back",
    ["description"] = "There’s light under the earth, if you know where to look."
  ["Invocation"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/kalista-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Shadow Isles The Sundered Vaults Of Arcana.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kalista"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "The sword-wife stood amid the burnt out ruin of her home. Everything and everyone that mattered to her was gone, and she was filled with fathomless grief... and hate. Hate was now all that compelled her."
  ["The Echoes Left Behind"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/the-echoes-left-behind/",
    ["artwork"] = "Shadow Isles Ruins.png",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kalista", "Thresh"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Hecarim", "Ryze"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Thresh shook his head, laughing. “We have what mortals have coveted since time immemorial—eternity."
  ["The Daring Darling"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/realms-of-runeterra/",
    ["artwork"] = "Shadow Isles The Daring Darling 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Laura Michet"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kalista", "Vladimir"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles", "Noxus", "Bilgewater", "Ionia", "Piltover", "Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Fayette always warned her guests that the journey from the Shadow Isles back to the Daring Darling's dock would take a whole watch."
  ["The Pledge"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnT8jVCyh_E",
    ["artwork"] = "Kalista The Pledge.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kalista"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles", "Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "A pledge and a soul Escape his final breath, His offer accepted And her spirit summoned, A soul for a soul-- His betrayer's life, Rent."
  ["The Spear of Vengeance"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/kalista",
    ["artwork"] = "Kalista OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kalista"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Hecarim"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Remember Me"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/karma-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Karma Remember Me.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Dana Luery Shaw"},
    ["starring"] = {"Karma"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Watai twisted the jade ring on her finger anxiously as she stared up at the monastery carved into the mountainside",
  ["The Enlightened One"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/karma",
    ["artwork"] = "Karma OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Karma"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Burial at Sea"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/karthus-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Shadow Isles Flooded Cities.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Karthus"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "The sea was mirror-smooth and dark. A pirate's moon hung low on the horizon as it had for the last six nights. Not so much as a whisper of wind stirred the air, only that damned dirge carried from who knew where. Vionax had sailed the oceans around Noxus long enough to know that seas like this only ever presaged ill-fortune. She stood on the Darkwill's foredeck, training her spyglass on the far ocean, searching for anything she could use to plot their position."
  ["The Deathsinger"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/karthus",
    ["artwork"] = "Karthus OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Karthus"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Kindred"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Void Walker"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/kassadin",
    ["artwork"] = "Kassadin OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kassadin"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Kai'Sa", "Malzahar"},
    ["region"] = {"Void", "Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Whom Does the Desert Know?"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/kassadin-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Void The Touch Of The Void.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Laurie Goulding"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kassadin"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Kai'Sa", "Malzahar"},
    ["region"] = {"Void", "Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Shurima is dying. I do not think she will rise again."
  ["Message on a Blade's Edge"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/story/katarina-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Katarina Message on a Blade's Edge.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Yichao"},
    ["starring"] = {"Katarina"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Swain"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "An assassin’s blades are but one of her weapons. Know your mark. Know the killing ground. Anything can be a tool to secure the kill."
  ["The Sinister Blade"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/katarina",
    ["artwork"] = "Katarina OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Burch"},
    ["starring"] = {"Katarina"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Cassiopeia"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Canticle of the Winged Sisters"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/canticleofthewingedsisters/",
    ["artwork"] = "Morgana OriginalSkin.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kayle", "Morgana"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia", "Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Born beneath the vault of stars,<br>one in Light, one in Shadow.<br>Kayle and Morgana,<br>Sisters by Fate, joined hand in hand"
  ["In the Fires of Justice"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/kayle-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Kayle In the Fires of Justice.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kayle"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia", "Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "But most fearful of all was the burning in her eyes, gleaming and grave with uncompromising wrath."
  ["The Righteous"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/kayle/",
    ["artwork"] = "Kayle OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kayle"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Morgana"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon", "Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Blade of Millenia"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/kayn-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Kayn Darkin Corruption.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael McCarthy"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kayn"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Rhaast", "Zed"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "Kayn stood confidently in the shadow of the noxtoraa, surrounded by dead soldiers, and smiled at the irony. These triumphal arches of dark stone were raised to honor the strength of Noxus—to instill fear and to demand fealty from all who passed beneath them. Now this one was a tombstone, a monument to false strength and arrogance, and a symbol of the fallen warriors' own fear turned against them."
  ["The Path of Shadows"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmdkmPsmEnA",
    ["artwork"] = "Kayn The Path of Shadows 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kayn"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Rhaast"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Will he deliver death with a whisper or make the world scream?"
  ["The Shadow Reaper"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_us/story/champion/kayn/",
    ["artwork"] = "Kayn OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael McCarthy"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kayn"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Rhaast", "Zed"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Heart of the Tempest"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/kennen",
    ["artwork"] = "Kennen OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Kennen"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Akali", "Shen"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Adaptation"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/khazix-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Kha'Zix Rengar Adaptation.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ian St. Martin"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kha'Zix", "Rengar"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "“As it has adapted, now so must I. For I will have my kill.”"
  ["The Voidreaver"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/khazix",
    ["artwork"] = "Kha'Zix OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Kha'Zix"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Rengar"},
    ["region"] = {"Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["All Kindred Eve"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/realms-of-runeterra/",
    ["artwork"] = "Bilgewater All Kindred Eve 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kindred"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater", "Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Little Lamb? Yes, dear Wolf, o' companion mine, My darkest friend in all of time?"
  ["A Good Death"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/kindred-good-death-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Kindred lore 4.png",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kindred"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
  ["Forest for the Trees"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/kindred-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Forest For The Trees.png",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kindred"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 2,
    ["description"] = "The battle spilled over like a feast before them. Such delicious life—so many to end, so many to hunt! Wolf paced in the snow while Lamb danced lithely from sword edge to spear tip, the red-blooded butchery never staining her pale coat."
  ["Listen to their Tale"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4ufa7hik08",
    ["artwork"] = "Kindred Promo 1.png",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kindred"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Lamb, tell me a story."
  ["The Eternal Hunters"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/kindred",
    ["artwork"] = "Kindred OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kindred"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Cantankerous Cavalier"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/kled/",
    ["artwork"] = "Kled OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kled", "Skaarl"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Reunion"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw46WPuXMk0",
    ["artwork"] = "Kled Insights 1.png",
    ["author"] = {"Phillip Vargas"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kled", "Skaarl"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Another day on the northern plains. Prickly shrubs. Harsh winds. Killin' trespassers."
  ["Where The Drakalops Roam"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/kled-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Where the Drakalops Roam.png",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kled", "Skaarl"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 7,
    ["description"] = "The Northern Steppes ain't the place for fancy undies and golden piss pots. It's tough land. Ain't nothing go here but barbarian raiders, poison grass, and harsh winds. To survive, you gotta eat rocks and crap lava. And I'm the toughest, meanest, killingest bastard in these parts. So I figure that makes these plains mine."
  ["The Mouth of the Abyss"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/kogmaw",
    ["artwork"] = "Kog'Maw OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Kog'Maw"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Malzahar"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Thorns of the Black Rose"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/leblanc-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "LeBlanc Thorns of the Black Rose.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Laurie Goulding"},
    ["starring"] = {"LeBlanc"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Mordekaiser", "Swain"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "I smile, playing my part. “It is the simplest of things,” I tell him, “to hide in plain sight.”"
  ["The Deceiver"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/leblanc",
    ["artwork"] = "LeBlanc OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"David Slagle"},
    ["starring"] = {"LeBlanc"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Mordekaiser"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["All That Glitters..."] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/leesin-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Ionia The Placidium.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Lee Sin"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "Ancient roots, sinuous trees and thickly-leafed vines clinging to the rocks all but obscured the path through the lush jungle. Three men sweated as they hacked their way onward, driven by hearts filled with greed and dreams of untold wealth. For six days the jungle had defied them, but now the temple reared from the undergrowth. Its facade was carved into a colossal stone outcropping, with blossoms of red and blue spreading around its base. Serene statuary filled golden alcoves and garlands of golden orchids were entwined around its eaves.",
    ["following"] = "All That Glitters...: Issue 1",
  ["All That Glitters...: Issue 1"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2019/07/community-collaboration-lee-sin-and-all/",
    ["artwork"] = "Lee Sin AllThatGlitters... 1 Cover.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Gronoc"},
    ["starring"] = {"Lee Sin"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["previous"] = "All That Glitters...",
    ["following"] = "All That Glitters...: Issue 2",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["All That Glitters...: Issue 2"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2019/07/community-collaboration-lee-sin-and-all-2/",
    ["artwork"] = "Lee Sin AllThatGlitters... 2 Cover.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Gronoc"},
    ["starring"] = {"Lee Sin"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["previous"] = "All That Glitters...: Issue 1",
    ["following"] = "All That Glitters...: Issue 3",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["All That Glitters...: Issue 3"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2019/07/community-collaboration-lee-sin-and-all-3/",
    ["artwork"] = "Lee Sin AllThatGlitters... 3 Cover.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Gronoc"},
    ["starring"] = {"Lee Sin"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["previous"] = "All That Glitters...: Issue 2",
    ["following"] = "All That Glitters...: Issue 4",
    ["au"] = "True",i
  ["All That Glitters...: Issue 4"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2019/07/community-collaboration-lee-sin-and-all-4/",
    ["artwork"] = "Lee Sin AllThatGlitters... 4 Cover.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Gronoc"},
    ["starring"] = {"Lee Sin"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["previous"] = "All That Glitters...: Issue 3",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["The Blind Monk"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/leesin",
    ["artwork"] = "Lee Sin OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Luo"},
    ["starring"] = {"Lee Sin"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Udyr"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Light Bringer"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/leona-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Mount Targon Solari Prayer Shrine.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Leona"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "The raiders attacked before dawn; fifty wolf-lean men in iron hauberks mantled with strange furs and bearing ash-dulled axes. Their steps were swift as they entered the settlement at the foot of the mountain. These were men who had fought as brothers for years, who lived in the heartbeat between life and death. A warrior in battered scale armor and bearing a heavy-bladed greatsword over his shoulder led them. Beneath his dragon-helm, his face was bearded and raw, burned by a lifetime of war-making under a harsher sun than this."
  ["The Radiant Dawn"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/leona",
    ["artwork"] = "Leona OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = { "Ian St. Martin"},
    ["starring"] = {"Leona"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Diana"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Keeper of Dreams"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://dreams.ru.leagueoflegends.com/rules",
    ["artwork"] = "Lissandra Keeper of Dreams 02.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Lissandra"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["status"] = "Outdated"
  ["The Eye in the Abyss"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/the-eye-in-the-abyss/",
    ["artwork"] = "Freljord The Eye In The Abyss.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Vel'Koz"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Lissandra", "Ornn", "Nunu", "Willump", "Trundle"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 35,
    ["description"] = "Sigvar Half-Quiver knelt on one knee, head bowed, while the wind beyond the gates howled like the ice-wraiths of legend."
  ["The Dream Thief"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/dream-thief/",
    ["artwork"] = "Lissandra The Dream Thief.jpg",
    ["author"] =  {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Lissandra"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Volibear"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] =  "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "The Ice Witch does not sleep in her citadel."
  ["The Ice Witch"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/champion/lissandra/",
    ["artwork"] = "Lissandra OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["starring"] = {"Lissandra"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Ashe", "Sejuani", "Volibear", "Xerath", "Zoe"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord", "Mount Targon", "Shurima", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Seeker's Tale"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4nCPiM85TQ",
    ["artwork"] = "Howling Abyss Landscape.png",
    ["starring"] = {"Lissandra"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Ashe", "Sejuani", "Aurelion Sol", "Xerath"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord", "Mount Targon", "Shurima", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Narration",
    ["status"] = "Outdated"
  ["Shadows and Reflections"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/champions-skins/champion-preview/shadows-and-reflections",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["artwork"] = "Lucian Senna Shadows and Reflections 01.png",
    ["starring"] = {"Lucian"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Senna", "Thresh"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia", "Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Reveal",
    ["description"] = "The Purifier Remembers"
  ["The Purifier"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/lucian",
    ["artwork"] = "Lucian OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Devon Giehl"},
    ["starring"] = {"Lucian"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Senna", "Thresh"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia", "Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Hunter of Shadows"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/lucian-color-story/",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["artwork"] = "Lucian Senna Shadows and Reflections 02.png",
    ["starring"] = {"Lucian", "Senna"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "They came at Lucian in a blur of shadow, lunging at him with insubstantial talons and ancient, rusted blades."
  ["Homebound"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/homebound/",
    ["author"] = {"Phillip Vargas", "Thomas Cunningham"},
    ["artwork"] = "Lucian Homebound.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Lucian", "Senna", "Thresh"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal", "Shadow Isles", "Demacia", "Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Lucian sat on a hilltop beneath the shadow of a large banyan tree and scanned the valley below.",
    ["following"] = "Dark Passage"
  ["Dark Passage"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/BWjbBlvf9cw",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["artwork"] = "Lucian Thresh Dark Passage.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Lucian", "Senna", "Thresh"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles", "Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "This ends now.",
    ["previous"] = "Homebound",
    ["following"] = "The Climb"
  ["The Climb"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/3Eu7NzzHC84",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["artwork"] = "Lucian Thresh The Climb.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Blitzcrank", "Ekko", "Illaoi", "Lucian", "Miss Fortune", "Senna", "Taliyah", "Thresh", "Xerath", "Yasuo"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Bilgewater", "Demacia", "Ionia", "Noxus", "Piltover", "Shadow Isles", "Shurima", "Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Take the first step and begin your climb.",
    ["previous"] = "Dark Passage",
    ["following"] = "Shadow's Embrace"
  ["Shadow's Embrace"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/3Eu7NzzHC84",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["artwork"] = "Senna Shadow's Embrace.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Lucian", "Senna", "Thresh"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles", "Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Those trapped in darkness need light the most.",
    ["previous"] = "The Climb",
    ["following"] = "The Voices of the Dead"
  ["Shadow and Fortune: Chapter One"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https:///na.leagueoflegends.com/en/site/shadow-and-fortune/index.html",
    ["artwork"] = "Bilgewater The Harrowing.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Lucian", "Olaf", "Miss Fortune"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Gangplank", "Illaoi"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater", "Shadow Isles"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Senna"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 51,
    ["description"] = "Blood on the Streets, Glory in Death, Down to the Bearded Lady/nThe Butcher Blades had hung the Jackdaw from a rusted marlinspike through his jawbone and left him for the quayside scavengers. This was the seventeenth murdered ganger the hooded man had seen tonight.",
    ["previous"] = "Burning Tides: Epilogue",
    ["following"] = "Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Two"
  ["Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Two"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https:///na.leagueoflegends.com/en/site/shadow-and-fortune/index.html",
    ["artwork"] = "Bilgewater The Harrowing.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Lucian", "Olaf", "Miss Fortune"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Illaoi", "Hecarim","Morgana", "Thresh"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Senna"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater", "Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 51,
    ["description"] = "Something Stupid, The Red Shroud, The Shadow of War",
    ["previous"] = "Shadow and Fortune: Chapter One",
    ["following"] = "Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Three"
  ["Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Three"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https:///na.leagueoflegends.com/en/site/shadow-and-fortune/index.html",
    ["artwork"] = "Bilgewater The Harrowing.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Lucian", "Olaf", "Miss Fortune", "Thresh", "Hecarim"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Senna"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater", "Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 51,
    ["description"] = "The Purifier, City of the Dead, Sanctuary",
    ["previous"] = "Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Two",
    ["following"] = "Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Four"
  ["Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Four"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https:///na.leagueoflegends.com/en/site/shadow-and-fortune/index.html",
    ["artwork"] = "Bilgewater The Harrowing.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Lucian", "Olaf", "Miss Fortune", "Illaoi", "Thresh", "Hecarim"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Senna"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater", "Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 51,
    ["description"] = "She is not Dead, Strange Bedfellows, In Motion Again",
    ["previous"] = "Shadow and Fortune: Chapter Three"
  ["The Fae Sorceress"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/lulu",
    ["artwork"] = "Lulu OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Lulu"},
    ["region"] = {"Bandle City"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Last Light"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/lux-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Lux Last Light.png",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Lux"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Garen","Morgana"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "In the wake of disaster, Lux risks all for the sake of a wounded soldier."
  ["Lux: Issue 1"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/lux/issue-1/0/",
    ["artwork"] = "Lux Comic 1 Cover 1.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan", "Billy Tan", "Haining", "Gadson", "John Roshell"},
    ["starring"] = {"Garen","Lux", "Sylas", "Tianna"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Jarvan IV"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["following"] = "Lux: Issue 2",
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "In Demacia, order reigns and magic is forbidden. How will the order be upset when Lux’s hidden magic emerges?"
  ["Lux: Issue 2"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/lux/issue-2/0/",
    ["artwork"] = "Lux Comic 2 Cover 1.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan", "Billy Tan", "Haining", "Gadson", "John Roshell"},
    ["starring"] = {"Garen", "Jarvan IV", "Lux", "Sylas"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Morgana"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["following"] = "Lux: Issue 3",
    ["previous"] = "Lux: Issue 1",
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "Struggling to control her growing magic, Lux bluffs her way into the Mageseeker compound."
  ["Lux: Issue 3"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/lux/issue-3/0/",
    ["artwork"] = "Lux Comic 3 Cover 1.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan", "Billy Tan", "Haining", "Gadson", "John Roshell"},
    ["starring"] = {"Garen","Lux", "Sylas", "Tianna"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Jarvan IV"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["following"] = "Lux: Issue 4",
    ["previous"] = "Lux: Issue 2",
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "If saving Sylas means exposing her powers, will Lux dare risk her own future to save a criminal?"
  ["Lux: Issue 4"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/lux/issue-4/0/",
    ["artwork"] = "Lux Comic 4 Cover 1.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan", "Billy Tan", "Haining", "Gadson", "John Roshell"},
    ["starring"] = {"Garen","Jarvan IV", "Lux", "Sylas", "Tianna"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Kayle", "Morgana"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["following"] = "Lux: Issue 5",
    ["previous"] = "Lux: Issue 3",
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "Sylas’ master plan is revealed! But is it too late for a guilt-ridden Lux to turn the tide?"
  ["Lux: Issue 5"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/lux/issue-5/0/",
    ["artwork"] = "Lux Comic 5 Cover 1.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan", "Billy Tan", "Haining", "Gadson", "John Roshell"},
    ["starring"] = {"Garen", "Jarvan IV", "Lux", "Sylas"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Kayle", "Morgana"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["previous"] = "Lux: Issue 4",
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "As all mages are hunted down by Prince Jarvan IV and forces led by Garen, Lux must make her ultimate decision!"
  ["The Lady of Luminosity"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/lux",
    ["artwork"] = "Lux OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Lux"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Garen"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Binding Light"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvflWd9t95I",
    ["artwork"] = "Lux Binding Light.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Lux"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "A young Demacian mage has a secret she must hide - not just from her family, but the entire kingdom."
  ["Roots of a Poisoned Tree"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/malphite-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Malphite Roots of a Poisoned Tree.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Malphite"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Azir", "Taliyah"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal", "Piltover", "Shurima", "Void", "Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Dust hung in veils as Shoorai followed the mechanical-limbed form of Tunnel-Chief Hewlett deeper into the mine shaft."
  ["Shard of the Monolith"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/malphite/",
    ["artwork"] = "Malphite OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Malphite"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal", "Shurima", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Prophet of the Void"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/malzahar",
    ["artwork"] = "Malzahar OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Luo"},
    ["starring"] = {"Malzahar"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Nightbloom"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/maokai-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Shadow Isles The Sundered Vaults Of Arcana.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Maokai"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "The chill wind whips through cracks in my bark with a hollow whistling sound. I shiver. My limbs have long forgotten the warmth of summer."
  ["The Twisted Treant"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/maokai",
    ["artwork"] = "Maokai OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Maokai"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Homecoming (Short Story)"] = {
    ["altname"] = "Homecoming",
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/story/masteryi-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Master Yi Homecoming.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Luo"},
    ["starring"] = {"Master Yi"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Wukong"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Returning once more to his home, Master Yi faces his past and prepares for what the future will bring."
  ["The Wuju Bladesman"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/masteryi",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Luo"},
    ["artwork"] = "Master Yi OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Master Yi"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Singed", "Wukong"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Down Among the Dead Men"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/missfortune-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Miss Fortune Down Among the Dead Men 03.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Miss Fortune"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Gangplank"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "Bilgewater's White Wharf had earned its name thanks to the layer of bird waste covering it from end to end, which was only to be expected at a resting place for the dead. Folk here didn't bury corpses; they returned them to the sea. A grave of the sunken dead hung suspended in the cold depths, marked by hundreds of bobbing grave-buoys. Some were merely name posts, while others were elaborate tomb markers carved to resemble rearing krakens or buxom sea wenches."
  ["Fortune Smiles"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/missfortune/fortune-smiles/",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Burch"},
    ["artwork"] = "Miss Fortune Fortune Smiles cover 02.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Miss Fortune"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Gangplank"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "Bilgewater. A haven for Runeterra's most notorious monster hunters, mercenaries, and scoundrels. For decades, a ruthless pirate named Gangplank kept the city in check. Under his merciless rule, Bilgewater was an orderly place to make a dishonest living. But now Gangplank is dead. Murdered, by a crimson-haired bounty hunter seeking vengeance for her parents' deaths. Bilgewater has descended into chaos. Only the woman who killed Gangplank can save it. Her name is Sarah. They call her Miss Fortune."
  ["Surrender"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn6b36Z4kl8",
    ["artwork"] = "Miss Fortune Surrender.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Miss Fortune"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Her back's to the wall. Bad luck for them. There's only one way out alive, and they aren't taking it."
  ["The Bounty Hunter"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/missfortune",
    ["artwork"] = "Miss Fortune OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Miss Fortune"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Gangplank"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Iron Revenant"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/mordekaiser",
    ["artwork"] = "Mordekaiser OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Yichao"},
    ["starring"] = {"Mordekaiser"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Shadows of Damnation"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/mordekaiser-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Shadow Isles The Sundered Vaults Of Arcana.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Mordekaiser"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 3,
    ["description"] = "The Black Mist coiled and twisted like a living creature as it rolled forward to encircle the isolated, grey-stoned castle.",
    ["status"] = "Outdated"
  ["The Final Reign"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/mordekaiser-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Mordekaiser The Final Reign.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Yichao"},
    ["starring"] = {"Mordekaiser"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "A raised fist. A surge of necromantic power. Before him, the final spire of the final tower takes form, inky smoke coalescing into black iron.",
  ["Prayer to a Crumbling Shrine"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/morgana-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Morgana Prayer to a Crumbling Shrine.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Morgana"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia", "Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Guilt can teach many things to a heart humbled by intent."
  ["The Fallen"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/morgana/",
    ["artwork"] = "Morgana OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Morgana"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Kayle"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon", "Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["First Steps"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/nami-first-steps/",
    ["artwork"] = "Nami First Steps 01.png",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Nami"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Diana"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "She brings her curiosity and a dire message. They bring torches and a violent fear."
  ["Into the Abyss"] = {
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/nami/intotheabyss/",
    ["artwork"] = "Nami Into the Abyss cover 02.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Nami"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Diana"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Mount Targon", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "Deep in the oceans of Runeterra, the Marai are protected from terrors by the light of a moonstone. Through an ancient ritual, the Marai choose one of their people to dive into the abyss and retrieve an abyssal pearl, which is exchanged with a landwalker for the moonstone. Their chosen Tidecaller has not returned. Nami, a headstrong girl of the Marai, decides to descend into the black before the moonstone's light dims forever…"
  ["The Tidecaller"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/nami",
    ["artwork"] = "Nami OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Nami"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Diana"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Mount Targon", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Ouroboros"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/nasus-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Shurima The Ruins Of Shurima.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ryan Verniere"},
    ["starring"] = {"Nasus"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Azir", "Renekton", "Xerath"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "Nasus walked at night, unwilling to face the sun. The boy followed in his wake."
  ["The Curator of the Sands"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/nasus",
    ["artwork"] = "Nasus OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Nasus"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Azir", "Brand", "Renekton", "Xerath"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Ophidian"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/nautilus-color-story",
    ["starring"] = {"Nautilus"},
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Narration",
    ["artwork"] = "Bilgewater Legends.png",
    ["previous"] = "Tall Tales of the Deep Sea",
    ["following"] = "The Lucky Kraken"
  ["The Titan of the Depths"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/nautilus/",
    ["artwork"] = "Nautilus OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["starring"] = {"Nautilus"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Curious Chameleon"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/story/champion/neeko/",
    ["artwork"] = "Neeko OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Neeko"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Nidalee"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Monster of Kalduga Outpost"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/story/neeko-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Neeko The Monster of Kalduga Outpost 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Neeko"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Neeko was familiar with the shapes of humans, and while they had their quirks—socks for instance… why?—they never struck her as particularly strange. Not until the outpost at Kalduga."
  ["The Bestial Huntress"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/nidalee/",
    ["artwork"] = "Nidalee OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Luo"},
    ["starring"] = {"Nidalee"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Rengar", "Neeko"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Human Blood"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/nidalee-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Nidalee Human Blood 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Meaghan Bowe"},
    ["starring"] = {"Nidalee"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "A loud crack. The stench of grease, smoke, and powder."
  ["The Eternal Nightmare"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/nocturne/",
    ["artwork"] = "Nocturne OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ian St. Martin"},
    ["starring"] = {"Nocturne"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Shadow Door"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/nocturne-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Nocturne Concept 01.png",
    ["author"] = {"Ian St. Martin"},
    ["starring"] = {"Nocturne"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "”Tell me another story.”"
  ["Frozen Hearts"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/frozen-hearts/",
    ["artwork"] = "Nunu Frozen Hearts 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"David Slagle"},
    ["starring"] = {"Nunu"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Anivia"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "“Mom… can I ask you a question?”"
  ["It's Me and You"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKISuOpQniQ",
    ["artwork"] = "Nunu It's Me and You 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Hozure", "TJ Brown"},
    ["starring"] = {"Nunu", "Willump"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Music Video",
  ["Stone Cold"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/nunu-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Nunu Stone Cold.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"David Slagle"},
    ["starring"] = {"Nunu", "Willump"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Anivia", "Braum", "Lissandra", "Trundle"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "I wake up suddenly, like a story that starts in the middle of the action."
  ["The Boy and his Yeti"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/nunu/",
    ["artwork"] = "Nunu OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"David Slagle"},
    ["starring"] = {"Nunu", "Willump"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Anivia", "Lissandra"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Berserker"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/olaf/",
    ["artwork"] = "Olaf OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Olaf"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Sejuani"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Fieram"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/orianna-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Orianna Fieram.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Orianna"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover", "Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 6,
    ["description"] = "Orianna walked through the fairground, empty and still in the evening gloom. Sir Feisterly's Fantastical Fair opened its gates to delighted crowds of Zaunites but twice a year, and Orianna did not want to miss her chance to see its wonders. She had waited until everyone had left for the day, and the rowdy laughter and accordion tunes had fallen silent. Only the low hum of nearby pipelines pumping steam through the chem district disturbed the quiet. Detritus lay strewn along the ground; colorful streamers and bright balloons mingling with crumpled wax paper that once held sweet jam pastries."
  ["The Lady of Clockwork"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/orianna",
    ["artwork"] = "Orianna OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Orianna"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover", "Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Fire Below the Mountain"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/ornn/",
    ["artwork"] = "Ornn OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ornn"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Braum"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Lost Tales of Ornn"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/tales-of-ornn",
    ["artwork"] = "Ornn lore 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ornn"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Anivia", "Lissandra", "Volibear"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 15,
    ["description"] = "I have never seen the forgotten god. My grandmother told me these tales, but she never saw the forgotten god either—nor did her grandmother before her, or hers before her, a thousand times over. His legends endure only around crackling fires and meals of roasted fish. The further back we trace our ancestors, the truer the tales become."
  ["The Path to Hearth-Home"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/region/freljord/?mv=freljord-song",
    ["artwork"] = "Ornn Horn Concept.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Kyle Hicks"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ornn"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Nunu"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Narration",
    ["description"] = "In the echoes of the mountains and the crackling of the embers, a legend once forgotten is remembered with a song older than any tribe."
  ["The Voice from the Hearth"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/ornn-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Ornn lore 04.png",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ornn"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Kindred", "Volibear"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 6,
    ["description"] = "No one knew who lit the fire, but we saw the plume of smoke from far away."
  ["For Those Who Have Fallen"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/pantheon-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Pantheon For Those Who Have Fallen.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"David Slagle"},
    ["starring"] = {"Pantheon"},
    ["mentioned"] = { "Xerath"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "When I land in the ruins of Nerimazeth, it does not feel as if I have leapt, celestial magic burning my path across the sky, but as if I have fallen. I am, after all, only a man."
  ["The Unbreakable Spear"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/pantheon",
    ["artwork"] = "Pantheon OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"David Slagle", "Michael Luo"},
    ["starring"] = {"Pantheon"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Aatrox", "Leona"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Spear of Targon"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/spear-of-targon/",
    ["artwork"] = "Mount Targon Once In A Lifetime.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Pantheon"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Aurelion Sol"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "A lone figure awaited the armed convoy, standing silhouetted against the sun. His heavy cloak and the long plume atop his helm billowed in the hot, dry desert wind. A tall spear was held at his side."
  ["A Hero's Calling"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https:///na.leagueoflegends.com/en/site/poppy-comic/",
    ["artwork"] = "Poppy OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Poppy"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia", "Bandle City"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "A weapon holding the hope of a kingdom has found its champion. She just doesn't know it."
  ["The Keeper of the Hammer"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/poppy",
    ["artwork"] = "Poppy OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Poppy"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia", "Bandle City"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Slayer"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/poppy-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Demacia Citadel Of Dawn.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Poppy"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia", "Bandle City"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "Poppy had nothing against the briar wolf, aside from the fact that it was about to maul her. Its muzzle was stained crimson from a previous kill, and the yordle wouldn't chance being its next. She was hot on the trail of a renowned monster slayer, and she didn't intend to die before she found the man and judged his worth."
  ["Pyke, the Drowned Man"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/eFRwP9lsLEo",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["artwork"] = "Bilgewater Legends.png",
    ["starring"] = {"Pyke"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Narration",
    ["description"] = "Listen as Lars spins a tale of four Bilgewater legends - Nautilus, Fizz, Tahm Kench, and Pyke - and discovers the terrifying fact woven into his fiction.",
    ["previous"] = "The Gambler's Woe",
    ["following"] = "Never Turn Your Back on the Sea"
  ["The Bloodharbor Ripper"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/pyke",
    ["artwork"] = "Pyke OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Pyke"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Bloodharbor Ripper (Video)"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/eFRwP9lsLEo",
    ["artwork"] = "Pyke The Bloodharbor Ripper.png",
    ["starring"] = {"Pyke"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Pyke’s shipmates watched him drown. In his eyes, all of Bilgewater is guilty."
  ["Then, Teeth"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/pyke-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Pyke Then, Teeth.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Pyke"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "Mazier is sprawled on the rotten planks, waves lapping at stone underneath. Her slowing heartbeat pumps blood into the seawater. She stares, unblinking, at the shanty-dwellings above, and the stars beyond."
  ["Tall Tales of the Deep Sea"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/1wj21zLtgAA",
    ["artwork"] = "Bilgewater Legends.png",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Narration",
    ["following"] = "The Ophidian",
    ["description"] = "Listen as Lars spins a tale of four Bilgewater legends - Nautilus, Fizz, Tahm Kench, and Pyke - and discovers the terrifying fact woven into his fiction."
  ["Never Turn Your Back on the Sea"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/O4is-IBs-MI",
    ["artwork"] = "Bilgewater Legends.png",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Narration",
    ["previous"] = "Pyke, the Drowned Man",
    ["description"] = "Listen as Lars spins a tale of four Bilgewater legends - Nautilus, Fizz, Tahm Kench, and Pyke - and discovers the terrifying fact woven into his fiction."
  ["Empress of the Elements"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/qiyana/",
    ["artwork"] = "Qiyana OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Qiyana"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Empress of the Elements (Video)"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVuWMbmHEWw",
    ["artwork"] = "Qiyana Empress of the Elements.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Qiyana"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "The people of Ixaocan celebrate her prowess. The world is next."
  ["Fit to Rule"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/qiyana-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Qiyana Fit to Rule 02.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Qiyana"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal", "Piltover"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "“I’m starting to sweat, Bayal. Please, do not let me sweat.”"
  ["Demacia Needs Heroes"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=3097136",
    ["artwork"] = "Quinn Promo 7.png",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Quinn", "Valor"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Garen", "Jarvan IV", "Talon"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Reveal",
    ["description"] = "She is a new kind of hero, one of new mind and new method. One who can go where armies cannot reach, where swords cannot clash."
  ["Demacia's Wings"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/quinn/",
    ["artwork"] = "Quinn OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Quinn", "Valor"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Sona"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Rules of Survival"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/quinn-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Quinn Rules of Survival.png",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Quinn", "Valor"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "The Demacian wilds are no place for thieving Noxians, but that's who Quinn just found."
  ["Journey Into The Freljord"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=3300709",
    ["artwork"] = "Lissandra Promo 5.png",
    ["starring"] = {"Quinn", "Valor"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Ashe", "Jarvan IV", "Sejuani", "Trundle", "Lissandra"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord", "Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["status"] = "Outdated"
  ["Nothing Rhymes with Tubebow"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/rakan-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Rakan Nothing Rhymes with Tubebow 04.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"},
    ["starring"] = {"Rakan"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Xayah"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 8,
    ["description"] = "Two paths lead to the monastery fortress from the villages below it,' Xayah begins."
  ["The Charmer"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/rakan/",
    ["artwork"] = "Rakan OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"},
    ["starring"] = {"Rakan"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Xayah"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Wild Magic"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4PDzBnBMU4",
    ["artwork"] = "Rakan Xayah Wild Magic.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Phillip Vargas"},
    ["starring"] = {"Rakan", "Xayah", "Zed"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Restoring the wild magic of Ionia won't be easy when a deadly enemy lurks in the shadows."
  ["Caravan North"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/rammus-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Shurima Zoantha Cascade 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Rammus"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "Ojan's knife whittled the edge of the ironwood into a soft curve. As an eight-year-old, he wasn't the most practiced craftsman; his wood block was just starting to resemble something round and spiky."
  ["The Armordillo"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/rammus",
    ["artwork"] = "Rammus OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Rammus"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Sai Kahleek"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/reksai-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Shurima The Rebirth.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"},
    ["starring"] = {"Rek'Sai"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Azir"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 9,
    ["description"] = "Six boys and a camel, and the boys were cheaper to replace. Some were orphans and escaped slaves, but most were off casts — teenagers abandoned by families too poor to keep them. When Shahib offered him the work, Jaheje hadn't eaten in days."
  ["Scourge of the Desert"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/creative-spotlight/reksai-scourge-desert",
    ["artwork"] = "Rek'Sai teaser 1.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Rek'Sai"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Reveal",
  ["The Terror Beneath"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcB-FreSnG8",
    ["artwork"] = "Shurima Sun temple.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Rek'Sai"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Traders whisper stories of a beast below Shurima's sands. They say she stalks the caravans that dare cross her domain. They say she hunts those that run, and kills those that fight. But what if the stories aren't simple stories? What if they're true?"
  ["The Void Burrower"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/reksai",
    ["artwork"] = "Rek'Sai OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Rek'Sai"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Darkness Renews"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/renekton-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Shurima Risen From The Sands 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Renekton"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Azir", "Nasus", "Xerath"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "Am I a god?"
  ["The Butcher of the Sands"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/renekton/",
    ["artwork"] = "Renekton OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Renekton"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Azir", "Brand", "Nasus", "Xerath"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Prey"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/rengar-prey/",
    ["artwork"] = "Rengar Prey 01.png",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Burch"},
    ["starring"] = {"Rengar"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "A predator feasting on fear. A hunter without any. Only one will make it out of this alive."
  ["The Pridestalker"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/rengar/",
    ["artwork"] = "Rengar OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Burch"},
    ["starring"] = {"Rengar"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Kha'Zix"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Exile"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/riven/",
    ["artwork"] = "Riven OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["starring"] = {"Riven"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"LeBlanc", "Singed"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus", "Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Confessions of a Broken Blade: Part 1"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/confessions-of-a-broken-blade-act-1-story/",
    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["artwork"] = "Riven Yasuo Confessions of a Broken Blade 01.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Riven", "Yasuo"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 11,
    ["description"] = "In the wake of war between Noxus and Ionia, Riven is accused of a heinous crime.",
    ["following"] = "Confessions of a Broken Blade: Part 2"
  ["Confessions of a Broken Blade: Part 2"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/confessions-of-a-broken-blade-act-2-story/",
    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["artwork"] = "Riven Yasuo Confessions of a Broken Blade 02.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Riven", "Yasuo"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 14,
    ["description"] = "Riven stands trial for the murder of Yasuo's master. New evidence is revealed, a broken blade.",
    ["previous"] = "Confessions of a Broken Blade: Part 1",
    ["following"] = "Confessions of a Broken Blade: Part 3"
  ["Confessions of a Broken Blade: Part 3"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/confessions-of-a-broken-blade-act-3-story/",
    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["artwork"] = "Riven Yasuo Confessions of a Broken Blade 03.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Riven", "Yasuo"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 9,
    ["description"] = "As the trial concludes, Riven must finally face the horrors of her past.",
    ["previous"] = "Confessions of a Broken Blade: Part 2"
  ["An Old Friend"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/ryze-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Freljord Warded Gateway To The Howling Abyss.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ryze"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "Ryze would have been cold if his body wasn't simmering with nervous energy. With all that weighed on him that day, the harsh Freljordian elements scarcely seemed to have an effect. Neither was he daunted by the distant howl of a hungry ice troll. He had come to do a job. Not one he relished, but one that had to be done, and one he could no longer avoid."
  ["Call of Power"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/oGnZk-_R0KQ",
    ["artwork"] = "Ryze Call of Power concept 04.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Ryze"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Miss Fortune", "Nasus", "Sona", "Trundle"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Demacia", "Noxus", "Bilgewater", "Shurima", "Ionia", "Freljord", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Ryze scours Runeterra for fragments of a forgotten past, each step bringing him closer to incredible power—and terrible ruin."
  ["The Burning Lands"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/ryze/ryze-comic",
    ["author"] = {"Aaron Dembski-Bowden", "Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["artwork"] = "Ryze The Burning Lands cover 02.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Ryze", "Brand"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "Legends speak of an ageless mage with violet skin."
  ["The Rune Mage"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/ryze/",
    ["artwork"] = "Ryze OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ryze"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Winter's Wrath"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/sejuani/",
    ["artwork"] = "Sejuani OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"},
    ["starring"] = {"Sejuani"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Ashe"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Enter the Freljord"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPBUcguEGAI",
    ["artwork"] = "Enter the Freljord.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Sejuani", "Lissandra", "Ashe"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Enter the Freljord"
  ["The Redeemer"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/champion/senna/",
    ["author"] = {"David Slagle"},
    ["artwork"] = "Senna OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Senna"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Lucian", "Thresh"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia", "Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] ="Biography",
  ["The Voices of the Dead"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/Senna-color-story/",
    ["author"] = {"David Slagle"},
    ["artwork"] = "Senna The Voices of the Dead.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Lucian", "Senna"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Thresh"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Shadow Isles"},
    ["previous"] = "Shadow's Embrace",
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "There’s a saying on my island. “''Only through stealing our breath can the wind speak''.” You want me to describe the Black Mist that greeted me when I first arrived in the Ionian village, hood raised, relic cannon on my back?",
  ["Big Head, Bad News"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/sett-color-story/",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["artwork"] = "Sett Big Head, Bad News.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Sett"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "“Who’s watchin’ the till?” I ask.",
  ["The Boss"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/sett",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["artwork"] = "Sett OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Sett"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Eye of Twilight"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/shen",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Luo"},
    ["artwork"] = "Shen OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Shen"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Akali", "Jhin", "Zed"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["True Neutral"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/shen-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Ionia The Placidium.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Shen"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "It was no tempest. It was a spirit' said the fisherman, still rattled by the shipwreck he'd barely survived two nights ago. The man told of his fishing vessel being sunk by a creature, large as a house and quick as the wind."
  ["The Half-Dragon"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/shyvana/",
    ["artwork"] = "Shyvana OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Shyvana"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Jarvan IV"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Winged Beast"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/shyvana-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Shyvana The Winged Beast.png",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Shyvana"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "The duty of a Demacian. The savagery of a dragon. Her enemies don't stand a chance."
  ["Engineering the Nightmare"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/singed-thenightmare-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Singed Warwick Engineering the Nightmare 04.png",
    ["author"] = {"Phillip Vargas"},
    ["starring"] = {"Singed"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Warwick"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "Procured a cutthroat hiding among the populace and feigning civility. Only a disciplined eye could recognize the beast within, yearning for release. How could I refuse? For what is my work if not an attempt to reveal life's hidden truths through science? It required two doses to subdue him. Impressively resilient. A necessary quality to survive the grand catalyst of pain and provoke the transmutation. The metamorphosis will reshape the man into a chimeric predator, and all of Zaun will be its hunting grounds."
  ["The Mad Chemist"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/singed/",
    ["artwork"] = "Singed OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Singed"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["In The Mind of Madness"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/sion-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Noxus The Immortal Bastion 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Randy Begel"},
    ["starring"] = {"Sion"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Swain"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 3,
    ["description"] = "BLOOD."
  ["Reborn"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://promo.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/reborn/",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["artwork"] = "Sion Update Promo 1.png",
    ["starring"] = {"Sion"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Elise", "Jarvan IV", "LeBlanc", "Swain", "Vladimir"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus", "Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Reveal",
  ["The Undead Juggernaut"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/sion",
    ["artwork"] = "Sion OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Sion"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Swain"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Battle Mistress"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/sivir",
    ["artwork"] = "Sivir OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Sivir"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Cassiopeia"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Water"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/sivir-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Shurima Hierophant Of Zuretta.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"},
    ["starring"] = {"Sivir"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Azir"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "Sivir's throat felt like it was coated in a layer of broken glass. The cracked flesh of her lips burned. Her eyes refused to focus. I've given them more than enough time to move on."
  ["Dreamsong"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/skarner-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Shurima The Ruins Of Shurima.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Skarner"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "The softskins broke our slumber of a thousand spins."
  ["The Crystal Vanguard"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/skarner",
    ["artwork"] = "Skarner OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Skarner"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Maven of the Strings"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/sona",
    ["artwork"] = "Sona OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Sona"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Halfway Between the Stars and Earth"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/soraka-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Soraka Halfway Between the Stars and Earth.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Katie Chironis"},
    ["starring"] = {"Soraka"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Diana", "Leona", "Pantheon"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "It was a perfectly good night for a cup of tea. Chilly, certainly, but clear—as crisp a night as frigid Mount Targon ever got, really. Soraka was expecting a visitor. The snow in the stone kettle had already begun to melt over the hearth at the center of her little yurt; as it grew warmer, the room was suffused with the smell of dried tea leaves and sparse mountain herbs."
  ["The Starchild"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/champion/soraka/",
    ["artwork"] = "Soraka OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Yichao"},
    ["starring"] = {"Soraka"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["At the Edge of the World"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/at-the-edge-of-the-world/",
    ["artwork"] = "Noxus The Great River.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ian St. Martin"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Swain"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal", "Noxus", "Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "\"Seven times,\""
  ["The Black Powder Plot"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/story/swain-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Swain The Black Powder Plot.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"David Slagle"},
    ["starring"] = {"Swain"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"LeBlanc"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "He arrived at the camp only moments before the strategy council was to begin, flanked by a small honor guard, each handpicked from the Trifarian Legion. They remained at the entrance as I watched him approach."
  ["The Noxian Grand General"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/champion/swain/",
    ["artwork"] = "Swain OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"David Slagle"},
    ["starring"] = {"Swain"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Irelia", "LeBlanc"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Noxian Grand General (Video)"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-Uqzp1AVDM",
    ["artwork"] = "Swain Update Promo concept 17.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Swain"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Noxus has endured, because Noxus is strong. But the Grand-General Jericho Swain knows there are many kinds of strength—and the greatest leaders of the next age will be those who can wield them all..."
  ["Demacian Heart"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/demacian-heart/",
    ["artwork"] = "Demacia Temple Of The Lightbringers.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Phillip Vargas"},
    ["starring"] = {"Sylas"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["following"] = "The Unshackled (Video)",
    ["description"] = "Nature made him a mage. The seekers made him a killer."
  ["Stand With Sylas"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/gap0Zc0lzXs",
    ["artwork"] = "Sylas The Recruit.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Sylas"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Garen"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["previous"] = "The Recruit",
    ["following"] = "Turmoil",
    ["description"] = "Demacia is built on a lie. All these noble ideals and promises of a brighter future - they were never meant for us. For too long have we mages had to hide in the shadows, and it has cost us everything.<br>It is time we stand up and fight back!"
  ["The Recruit"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/sylas-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Sylas The Recruit.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Sylas"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["previous"] = "The Unshackled (Video)",
    ["following"] = "Stand With Sylas",
    ["description"] = "The sun was at its peak, just high enough to illuminate the exiles’ camp hidden deep in the canyon. From the shade of his lean-to, Sylas of Dregbourne waited patiently for his scout to return. At last, he saw her rounding the stone spire at the mouth of the crevasse, leading a wide-eyed young stranger into the camp."
  ["The Shackles of Belief"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/shackles-of-belief/",
    ["artwork"] = "Sylas The Shackles of Belief.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Sylas"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Lissandra"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord", "Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Thorva, Sister of Frost, hauled on her reins, dragging her hulking drüvask to a halt alongside Scarmother Vrynna of the Winter’s Claw. ",
  ["The Unshackled"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/champion/sylas",
    ["artwork"] = "Sylas OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Sylas"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Lux"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Unshackled (Video)"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://youtu.be/L6tWvy3JvFI",
    ["artwork"] = "Sylas The Unshackled.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Sylas"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Lux"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["following"] = "The Recruit",
    ["previous"] = "Demacian Heart",
    ["description"] = "Power is so easily taken. Watch me break a kingdom with it."
  ["The Dark Sovereign"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/syndra/",
    ["artwork"] = "Syndra OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Syndra"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Dreaming Pool"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/the-dreaming-pool/",
    ["artwork"] = "Syndra The Dreaming Pool.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Syndra"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Soraka"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["duration"] = 27,
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story"
  ["The Gambler's Woe"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/tahmkench-color-story",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Tahm Kench"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Narration",
    ["artwork"] = "Bilgewater Legends.png",
    ["previous"] = "The Lucky Kraken",
    ["following"] = "Pyke, the Drowned Man"
  ["The River King"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/tahmkench",
    ["artwork"] = "Tahm Kench OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"}, "Ariel Lawrence",
    ["starring"] = {"Tahm Kench"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The River King (Video)"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9RM4HwwoKs",
    ["artwork"] = "Tahm Kench The River King.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Tahm Kench"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Desperate times call for desperate measures. I can make you a fine bargain... but you gotta be willing to pay the price."
  ["Echoes in the Stone"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/taliyah-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Shurima Zoantha Cascade 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["starring"] = {"Taliyah"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Azir", "Sivir"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["previous"] = "Homecoming (Video)",
    ["description"] = "Taliyah was outrunning the sandstorm when she first noticed the water. In the beginning, it was faint, just a cool dampness she felt as she lifted the stones from deep beneath the sand. As she drew closer to old Shurima, wet streaks dripped from each new stone as if they were weeping. Taliyah knew the rock had stories to tell as she sped across the desert, but she didn't have time to listen, to hear if they were tears of joy or sadness."
  ["Homecoming (Video)"] = {
    ["altname"] = "Homecoming",
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1nRIX-qvbo",
    ["artwork"] = "Taliyah Style Test.png",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Taliyah"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Azir", "Nasus"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["previous"] = "Bloodline",
    ["following"] = "Echoes in the Stone",
  ["The Stoneweaver"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/taliyah",
    ["artwork"] = "Taliyah OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["starring"] = {"Taliyah"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Azir", "Yasuo"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Bloodline"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/rg-shurima-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Shurima Market Of Illumination.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Taliyah", "Sivir", "Nasus", "Xerath"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Azir", "Renekton", "Yasuo"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 36,
    ["previous"] = "The Bird and the Branch",
    ["following"] = "Homecoming (Video)",
    ["description"] = "Taliyah had almost forgotten how much she'd missed the furnace heat of Shurima – the sweat and crush of hundreds of people pushing, cursing, haggling and speaking with such passion and speed that outsiders often thought they were fighting."
  ["The Bird and the Branch"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/bird-and-branch-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Taliyah Promo.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["starring"] = {"Taliyah", "Yasuo"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Azir"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus", "Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 19,
    ["following"] = "Bloodline",
    ["description"] = "A young stone mage from Shurima encounters an unlikely mentor in the mountains of Ionia."
  ["The Blade's Shadow"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/talon",
    ["artwork"] = "Talon OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Talon"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Downfall"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1O0R0t6zdI",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["artwork"] = "Taric Downfall.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Taric"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon", "Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "To ascend the Mountain, I had to let go...",
    ["following"] = "The Ascent"
  ["The Ascent"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/site/taric-comic/",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["artwork"] = "Taric The Ascent Cover 2.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Taric"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon", "Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "An exiled soldier ascends Mount Targon to find redemption, only to discover a higher calling.",
    ["previous"] = "Downfall"
  ["The Shield of Valoran"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/taric",
    ["artwork"] = "Taric OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"George Krstic"},
    ["starring"] = {"Taric"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Garen"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon", "Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Uninvited Guest"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/taric-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Mount Targon Divine Carvings.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"George Krstic"},
    ["starring"] = {"Taric"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 2,
    ["description"] = "I look out across the once-verdant field, now scarred and ruined by the toil of battle."
  ["The Swift Scout"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/teemo",
    ["artwork"] = "Teemo OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Teemo"},
    ["region"] = {"Bandle City"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Chain Warden"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/thresh/",
    ["artwork"] = "Thresh OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Thresh"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Lucian", "Senna"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Collection"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/thresh-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Shadow Isles The Sundered Vaults Of Arcana.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Thresh"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 3,
    ["description"] = "A horrible scraping of metal chains drifted over the fields. Outside, an unnatural fog rendered the moon and stars all but invisible, and the regular hum of insects fell silent."
  ["A Quiet Night"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/tristana-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "A Quiet Night.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Tristana"},
    ["region"] = {"Bandle City"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "The fire was crackling away nicely, spreading a warm glow throughout the forest clearing. Tristana lay on her back with her head pillowed on her pack, watching a comet streak across the starlit sky. The winking lights glittered prettily through a swaying canopy of birch and oak leaves. The humans liked to name the patterns in the stars – she'd seen some in an old book in Heimerdinger's laboratory – but she decided it would be more fun to give them names of her own invention."
  ["The Yordle Gunner"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/tristana/",
    ["artwork"] = "Tristana OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Tristana"},
    ["region"] = {"Bandle City"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Troll King"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/trundle/",
    ["artwork"] = "Trundle OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Trundle"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Barbarian King"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/tryndamere",
    ["artwork"] = "Tryndamere OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["starring"] = {"Tryndamere"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Aatrox", "Ashe"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Double Down"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/twistedfate-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Bilgewater Ancient Architecture.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Twisted Fate"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Miss Fortune"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 3,
    ["description"] = "All eyes in Fortune's Glory were on Twisted Fate. He felt the gambling hall's many patrons regarding him with a mixture of envy, vicarious excitement, and spiteful longing for him to lose everything on the turn of the last card."
  ["The Card Master"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/twistedfate/",
    ["artwork"] = "Twisted Fate OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Twisted Fate"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Gangplank", "Graves"},
    ["region"] = {"Bilgewater"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Do Not Engage"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/twitch-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Zaun Lights And Shadows.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Iain Hendry"},
    ["starring"] = {"Twitch"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 2,
    ["description"] = "H.I.V.E. Incident Report"
  ["The Plague Rat"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/twitch",
    ["artwork"] = "Twitch OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Twitch"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Silence for the Damned"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/silence-for-the-damned",
    ["artwork"] = "Freljord Silence for the Damned.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"},
    ["starring"] = {"Sejuani", "Udyr", "Volibear"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Ashe", "Ornn"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Udyr had no desire for that unhappy reunion either. Sejuani’s face transformed, softening before she gave a cunning smile. “”No,” she grinned. “That’s exactly why I need you with me, old friend.”"
  ["The Spirit Walker"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/udyr",
    ["artwork"] = "Udyr OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Luo"},
    ["starring"] = {"Udyr"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Lee Sin", "Lissandra"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord", "Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Son of Ur"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/urgot-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Urgot Update Splash concept 02.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"David Slagle"},
    ["starring"] = {"Urgot"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "We were running through the streets of Zaun. The pipes and stained glass were blurred, smeared colors against the Gray, and the fog that hung in every chem-soaked alley. Zori was to my left, all matted hair and rusty knives—her smile was the only sign that she was beautiful beneath the grime. Blenk was behind her, with a spray-philter full of glowing paint and a head dripping with ideas. Scuzz brought up the rear, every bit the kind of lug you'd expect to be called Scuzz. But he was our Scuzz, every scuzzy bit of him."
  ["The Dreadnought"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/champion/urgot/",
    ["artwork"] = "Urgot OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"David Slagle"},
    ["starring"] = {"Urgot"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["As We Fall"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/varus/video/varus-music-video/",
    ["artwork"] = "Varus As We Fall.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Varus", "Valmar", "Kai"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["previous"] = "Heartlight",
    ["following"] = "Retribution",
    ["description"] = "Witness the incarnation of vengeance."
  ["Dark Kin"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/varus-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Varus Darkin A Legacy Of Pain.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Varus"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Valmar", "Kai"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Varus followed a river running through the desert. Its water was gritty, but drinkable. The new body he had wrought to bear his bow was beautiful, fast and strong, but it came with the weaknesses of flesh. It hungered. It thirsted."
  ["Heartlight"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/varus/issue-1/",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["artwork"] = "Varus Heartlight cover 02.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Varus", "Valmar", "Kai"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "Ionia. A land of magic. A land of balance. A land of light. But not always a land of peace. Just as there are creatures within Ionia who seek to upset its order, so too are there those who fight to preserve it; Arrows of Protection, hunters of monsters. Valmar and Kai are two such hunters. But not all monsters can be defeated with bow and steel. And not all darkness can be so easily banished by the light.",
    ["following"] = "As We Fall"
  ["Retribution"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/varus/issue-2/0/",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["artwork"] = "Varus Retribution cover.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Varus", "Valmar", "Kai"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "Slayer Valmar, desperate to save the life of his beloved Kai, surrendered to an ancient spirit, one of the Darkin. The creature, true to its word, saved Kai's life... by taking it as its own. Valmar, Kai, and the Darkin fused into a single entity. A creature of rage, vengeance, and death. Varus lives.",
    ["previous"] = "As We Fall"
  ["The Arrow of Retribution"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/varus/",
    ["artwork"] = "Varus OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Varus"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Valmar", "Kai"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Shurima", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Monsters (Short Story)"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/vayne-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Vayne Monsters.png",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Vayne"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "For Vayne, revenge is a dish best served brutal, bloody, and with skull-piercing bolts."
  ["The Night Hunter"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/vayne/",
    ["artwork"] = "Vayne OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Vayne"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Evelynn"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia", "Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Tiny Master of Evil"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/veigar/",
    ["artwork"] = "Veigar OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Luo"},
    ["starring"] = {"Veigar"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Mordekaiser", "LeBlanc"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus", "Bandle City"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The True and Ghastly Tale of the Beast of Boleham Tower"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/veigar-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Veigar The True and Ghastly Tale of the Beast of Boleham Tower.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Amanda Jeffrey"},
    ["starring"] = {"Veigar"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Demacia", "Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "Thunderclouds rolled off the Argent Mountains, promising pyrotechnics, but delivering none."
  ["A Different Hunger"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/velkoz-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Vel'Koz A Different Hunger.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ian St. Martin"},
    ["starring"] = {"Vel'Koz"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Noxus", "Void"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "With a kiss to my wife and resting my spear against my shoulder, I joined my fellows as we left the village. The morning was new, dawn stretching through the thick forests of Tokogol as the six of us made our way to the watch point by a worn dirt path. We were travelling light, as our vigil would only last until the next moon before another band of spearmen took our place. Tokogol shared borders with Noxus, and its increasing belligerence of late had stirred the house lords to ensure that all of their spears were honed."
  ["First Contact"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyb2KC-q7ls",
    ["artwork"] = "Vel'Koz First Contact 06.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Vel'Koz"},
    ["region"] = {"Void", "Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Only by Organic Deconstruction deconstruction is truth revealed."
  ["Instrument of Destruction"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/velkoz-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Vel'Koz Instrument of Destruction.png",
    ["author"] = {"Leslee Sullivant Heintz"},
    ["starring"] = {"Vel'Koz"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Zilean"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 2,
    ["description"] = "A tentacled horror of the Void, Vel'Koz explores Runeterra with singular purpose: to absorb all knowledge. With his unceasing gaze, Vel'Koz fires disintegrating beams that obliterate and analyze all in his path, feeding him vast quantities of information. None know why he requires such material, though some speculate he seeks to understand Runeterra in order to hasten its ruin.",
    ["status"] = "Outdated"
  ["The Eye of the Void"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/velkoz",
    ["artwork"] = "Vel'Koz OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ian St. Martin"},
    ["starring"] = {"Vel'Koz"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Lissandra"},
    ["region"] = {"Void", "Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Interrogation 101"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/vi-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Vi Interrogation 101.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Vi"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Caitlyn"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "Vi stifled a yawn as she moved through the gilded chamber at the heart of Piltover's Hall of Law. Dawn was less than an hour old, and the place was quiet. A few drunks were sleeping it off in the shaming cells, and she'd heard there were a couple of chem-augmented thugs in the deeper, more secure lock-ups. She'd ask around later, see if she could provide any insight as to what they were doing up in Piltover."
  ["Child of Zaun"] = {
   ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/child-of-zaun/",
   ["artwork"] = "Vi Child of Zaun.jpg",
   ["author"] = {"Ian St. Martin"},
   ["starring"] = {"Caitlyn", "Urgot", "Vi"},
   ["region"] = {"Piltover", "Zaun"},
   ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
   ["description"] = "What’s the difference between law and order?"
  ["Piltover Enforcer"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/vi",
    ["artwork"] = "Vi OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Vi"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Caitlyn", "Jinx"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["House on Emberflit Alley"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/viktor-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Zaun The Zaun Gray.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Viktor"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 6,
    ["description"] = "Viktor's third arm emitted a thin ray of light that welded metal into his left arm with steady precision. The smell of burning flesh no longer bothered him, nor did the sight of his left wrist splayed open, veins and sinewy muscle fused with mechanical augments. He did not wince. Instead, he felt a sense of achievement gazing at the seamless blend of synthetic and organic materials."
  ["The Machine Herald"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/viktor",
    ["artwork"] = "Viktor OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Viktor"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Blitzcrank", "Jayce"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun", "Piltover"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Art is Life"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/art-is-life/",
    ["artwork"] = "Vladimir Art is Life.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Vladimir"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Galio","Kindred","LeBlanc", "Mordekaiser"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus", "Shurima", "Demacia", "Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Nights in Noxus were never silent."
  ["The Crimson Reaper"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/vladimir/",
    ["artwork"] = "Vladimir OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"'Blood Magicks'"},
    ["starring"] = {"Vladimir"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Elise", "LeBlanc", "Swain"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["If They Run"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/warwick-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Zaun The Zaun Gray.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"David Slagle"},
    ["starring"] = {"Warwick"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "I find her near the Black Lanes, where merchants and thieves do business. Anything is for sale. Everything is stolen. I could kill them all."
  ["The Uncaged Wrath of Zaun"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/warwick",
    ["artwork"] = "Warwick OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"David Slagle"},
    ["starring"] = {"Warwick"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Singed"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Wrath of Zaun"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsnDbealN9E",
    ["artwork"] = "Warwick Update Promo.png",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Warwick"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "In Zaun's Gray-filled streets, the criminal underworld is hunted by an engineered beast."
  ["Fast and Dumb"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/monkeyking-color/",
    ["artwork"] = "Wukong Fast and Dumb 01.png",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Burch"},
    ["starring"] = {"Wukong"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Master Yi"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "When a life hangs in the balance, there are two options: slow and smart, or fast and dumb."
  ["The Monkey King"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/monkeyking/",
    ["artwork"] = "Wukong OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Burch"},
    ["starring"] = {"Wukong"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Master Yi", "Singed"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Puboe Prison Break"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/xayah-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Xayah Puboe Prison Break 04.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Xayah"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Rakan"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 7,
    ["description"] = "Rakan is the worst."
  ["The Rebel"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/xayah/",
    ["artwork"] = "Xayah OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Xayah"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Rakan"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Magus Ascendent"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/xerath/",
    ["artwork"] = "Xerath OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Xerath"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Azir", "Brand", "Nasus", "Renekton"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Unbound"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/xerath-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Shurima The City Of The Sun.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Xerath"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Azir"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 3,
    ["description"] = "This was the moment."
  ["Aftermath"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/pantheon-fallen-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Xin Zhao Jarvan IV Aftermath.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Jarvan IV", "Tianna", "Xin Zhao"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "The first rays of dawn brushed the rooftops of the Great City, turning pale stone to gold. The air was still, and the only sounds filtering up to the high garden terraces on the east side of the citadel were the gentle chorus of morning birds and the hushed murmur of the waking city below."
  ["The Seneschal of Demacia"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/champion/xinzhao/",
    ["artwork"] = "Xin Zhao OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Luo"},
    ["starring"] = {"Xin Zhao"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Jarvan IV", "Sylas"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["What Once Sailed Free"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/whatoncesailedfree/",
    ["artwork"] = "Xin Zhao What Once Sailed Free.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Luo"},
    ["starring"] = {"Tianna", "Xin Zhao"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Jarvan IV"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia", "Noxus", "Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "My father once said Noxus wasted its talent in those arenas. Now I see the truth in his words."
  ["A Sword without a Sheath"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/a-sword-without-a-sheath-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Yasuo A Sword without a Sheath 01.png",
    ["author"] = {"Robert Lo", "Joe Lansford"},
    ["starring"] = {"Yasuo"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 1,
    ["description"] = "What is a sword without the man behind it? Teaching a swordsman to kill is simple. The true challenge lies in teaching him not to kill."
  ["Orchid's Bloom"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/realms-of-runeterra/",
    ["artwork"] = "Ionia Orchid's Bloom 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Yichao"},
    ["starring"] = {"Yasuo"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Riven", "Taliyah"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Noxus", "Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Jing breathed deep."
  ["The Road to Ruin"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/the-road-to-ruin-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Yasuo The Road to Ruin 01.png",
    ["author"] = {"Robert Lo", "Joe Lansford"},
    ["starring"] = {"Yasuo"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 1,
    ["description"] = "When I was a child, my brother asked me: \"Does the wind flee, or does it follow?\""
  ["Unforgiven"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/yasuo/",
    ["artwork"] = "Yasuo OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["starring"] = {"Yasuo"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Azir", "Taliyah"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Last Rites"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/yorick-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Shadow Isles The Crater.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Yorick"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 4,
    ["description"] = "\"Help… me,\" begged the shipwrecked man."
  ["The Shepherd of Souls"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/yorick",
    ["artwork"] = "Yorick OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"John O'Bryan"},
    ["starring"] = {"Yorick"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Book of Thresholds"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0nz9hde9q0",
    ["artwork"] = "Yuumi Book of Thresholds.png",
    ["starring"] = {"Yuumi", "Book"},
    ["region"] = {"Bandle City", "Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["following"] = "The Magical Cat (Video)",
    ["description"] = "Where to next, Book?"
  ["The Biggest Catch"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/yuumi-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Yuumi The Biggest Catch.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Yuumi", "Book"},
    ["region"] = {"Bandle City"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "I’m about to jump into Book’s portal when I hear a scream that sounds like tinkling bells and the brightest rainbows. A scream that makes my fur stand on end. A yordle scream."
  ["The Magical Cat"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/yuumi/",
    ["artwork"] = "Yuumi OriginalSkin.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rayla Heide"},
    ["starring"] = {"Yuumi"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Book", "Braum", "Rek'Sai"},
    ["region"] = {"Bandle City"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["The Magical Cat (Video)"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/yuumi/",
    ["artwork"] = "Yuumi The Magical Cat.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Yuumi", "Book"},
    ["region"] = {"Bandle City", "Void", "Ixtal"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["previous"] = "Book of Thresholds",
    ["description"] = "When her Master goes missing, the Magical Cat hops on the case, making new friends and bopping enemies along the way."
  ["Protection"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/zac-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Zac Promo 7.png",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Zac"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 6,
    ["description"] = "The golden hour between fifth and sixth bell. That's my favorite time of day. It's when most people in the Factorywood finish their work shifts. They're bone tired, but they're done for the day. Work is behind them. A hot meal and home are ahead. The people here are nice, and I always feel good squeezing my gelatinous body through the cliff-cracks seaming the rocks around the Factorywood. I feel love emanating from a man going home to his newborn son. I relish the anticipation of a married couple looking forward to a romantic dinner in the Boundary Markets."
  ["The Secret Weapon"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/zac",
    ["artwork"] = "Zac OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Zac"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Zaun Amorphous Combatant"] = {
    ["artwork"] = "Zac Promo 1.png",
    ["starring"] = {"Zac"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun"},
    ["loretype"] = "Reveal",
    ["description"] = "Z.A.C."
  ["Death Mark (Video)"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nzeQ-vHF34",
    ["artwork"] = "Zed Death Mark.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Zed"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "This assassin doesn't just strike from the shadows - he is the shadow. And they don't stand a chance."
  ["The Master of Shadows"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/zed",
    ["author"] = {"Michael Luo", "Ariel Lawrence"},
    ["artwork"] = "Zed OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Zed"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Jhin", "Kayn", "Shen"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Zed: Issue 1"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/zed/issue-1",
    ["artwork"] = "Zed Comic 1 Cover 2.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer", "Edgar Salazar", "Lorenzo Ruggiero", "Chris O'Halloran"},
    ["starring"] = {"Akali", "Jhin", "Kayn", "Rhaast", "Shen", "Zed"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["following"] = "Zed: Issue 2",
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "Zed is lured back to a village where he and Shen once encountered a great evil, a brutal killer from their past resurfaces: the magically gifted psychopath Khada Jhin!"
  ["Zed: Issue 2"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/zed/issue-2",
    ["artwork"] = "Zed Comic 2 Cover 2.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer", "Edgar Salazar", "Lorenzo Ruggiero", "Chris O'Halloran"},
    ["starring"] = {"Akali", "Jhin", "Kayn", "Rhaast", "Shen", "Zed"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["previous"] = "Zed: Issue 1",
    ["following"] = "Zed: Issue 3",
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "Zed is under attack from all sides! He and his band of assassins are ambushed by the twisted Khada Jhin! In order to survive, Zed will be forced to confront his past sins and seek the aid of his most bitter enemy--the Eye of Twilight, Shen!"
  ["Zed: Issue 3"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/zed/issue-3",
    ["artwork"] = "Zed Comic 3 Cover 2.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer", "Edgar Salazar", "Lorenzo Ruggiero", "Chris O'Halloran"},
    ["starring"] = {"Akali", "Jhin", "Kayn", "Rhaast", "Shen", "Zed"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["previous"] = "Zed: Issue 2",
    ["following"] = "Zed: Issue 4",
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "In order to survive, Zed will be forced to confront his past sins and seek the aid of his most bitter enemy--the Eye of Twilight, Shen!"
  ["Zed: Issue 4"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/zed/issue-4",
    ["artwork"] = "Zed Comic 4 Cover 2.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer", "Edgar Salazar", "Lorenzo Ruggiero", "Chris O'Halloran"},
    ["starring"] = {"Akali", "Jhin", "Kayn", "Shen", "Zed"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["previous"] = "Zed: Issue 3",
    ["following"] = "Zed: Issue 5",
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "Khada Jhin’s master plan comes together in a most explosive and deadly manner! But even if Zed and Shen survive, they might just kill one another! Only one will be left standing by the end of this issue!"
  ["Zed: Issue 5"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/zed/issue-5",
    ["artwork"] = "Zed Comic 5 Cover 2.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer", "Edgar Salazar", "Lorenzo Ruggiero", "Chris O'Halloran"},
    ["starring"] = {"Akali", "Jhin", "Kayn", "Shen", "Zed"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Piltover"},
    ["previous"] = "Zed: Issue 4",
    ["following"] = "Zed: Issue 6",
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "In Ionia, a land steeped in tradition and still reeling from war, the once honorable warrior named Zed leads a band of assassins. After Zed murdered their master, his childhood friend Shen has taken a different path, inheriting his father’s former mantle as the Eye of Twilight and maintaining magical balance in Ionia. But when Zed is lured back to a village where he and Shen once encountered a great evil, a brutal killer from their past resurfaces: the magically gifted psychopath Khada Jhin! Will the two sworn enemies work together to defeat Jhin--or will they destroy each other first?!"
  ["Zed: Issue 6"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/comic/zed/issue-16",
    ["artwork"] = "Zed Comic 1 Cover 1.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer", "Edgar Salazar", "Lorenzo Ruggiero", "Chris O'Halloran"},
    ["starring"] = {"Akali", "Jhin", "Kayn", "Shen", "Zed"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["previous"] = "Zed: Issue 5",
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "In Ionia, a land steeped in tradition and still reeling from war, the once honorable warrior named Zed leads a band of assassins. After Zed murdered their master, his childhood friend Shen has taken a different path, inheriting his father’s former mantle as the Eye of Twilight and maintaining magical balance in Ionia. But when Zed is lured back to a village where he and Shen once encountered a great evil, a brutal killer from their past resurfaces: the magically gifted psychopath Khada Jhin! Will the two sworn enemies work together to defeat Jhin--or will they destroy each other first?!"
  ["The Chronokeeper"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/zilean/",
    ["artwork"] = "Zilean OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ian St. Martin"},
    ["starring"] = {"Zilean"},
    ["region"] = {"Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Aspect of Twilight"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/zoe",
    ["artwork"] = "Zoe OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"},
    ["starring"] = {"Zoe"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Aurelion Sol"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["Meet Zoe"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/zoe-color-story",
    ["artwork"] = "Zoe Meet Zoe.png",
    ["author"] = {"Odin Shafer"},
    ["starring"] = {"Zoe"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Aurelion Sol", "Pantheon"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 5,
    ["description"] = "The moment she thought of the cake store, Zoe dove into the air, surrendering herself to gravity. While falling, she reached out with her consciousness to form a gateway. Instantly, a portal opened beneath her and connected to the other place. She fell into the gate. Her mass collided and imploded as she traveled."
  ["Twilight of the Gods"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/twilight-of-the-gods/",
    ["artwork"] = "Darkin To Slay Legends.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["starring"] = {"Zoe"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Azir", "Nasus", "Rhaast", "Aatrox", "Varus"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Mount Targon"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 25,
    ["description"] = "They came to a dead city in the mountain's shadow under cover of night."
  ["Rise of the Thorns"] = {
    ["reference"] = "http://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champion/zyra",
    ["artwork"] = "Zyra OriginalCentered.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Marc Collins", "Laurie Goulding"},
    ["starring"] = {"Zyra"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal"},
    ["loretype"] = "Biography",
  ["With the Flowers"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/zyra-color-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Zyra With the Flowers.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Matthew Dunn"},
    ["starring"] = {"Zyra"},
    ["region"] = {"Ixtal"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "“Step into the garden that ever grows…” Zyra whispered through the stems and petals. “Death blossoms, and you don’t want to miss the colors, do you?”"
  ["A Good Day"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/realms-of-runeterra/",
    ["artwork"] = "Freljord A Good Day 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Sejuani"},
    ["region"] = {"Freljord", "Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Vrynna gritted her teeth to stop them from chattering and forced herself on, trudging through the thick snow."
  ["As Stone"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/realms-of-runeterra/",
    ["artwork"] = "Noxus As Stone 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Daniel Couts"},
    ["region"] = {"Noxus", "Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Noxus arrived at Kimir's gates before the remains of its ragged army had time enough to bury their dead."
  ["City of Iron and Glass"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/zaun-cityironglass/",
    ["artwork"] = "Zaun Lights And Shadows.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Janna"},
    ["region"] = {"Zaun", "Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 23,
    ["description"] = "\"Hurry up, Wyn!\" shouted Janke. \"The Rising Howl's on its way!\""
  ["Eduard Santangelo's Vastaya Field Journal"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/vastaya-field-journal/",
    ["artwork"] = "Vastaya Lore 2.png",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Burch"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Ahri"},
    ["region"] = {"Ionia", "Piltover", "Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 8,
    ["description"] = "Chimeras with human blood? Spiritual magic from an ancient race? In my humble inquiries I have stumbled upon far greater questions... this shall make for quite the chronicle. A best-seller, in fact.<br>\"Eduard Santangelo, gentleman of Piltover, explorer of Ionia, who discovered the wondrous vastaya in the wilds of Ionia.\" I can already hear them clamoring for the first edition."
  ["First light after the Harrowing"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/special-event/first-light-after-harrowing",
    ["artwork"] = "Shadow Isles First light after the Harrowing.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Pabro"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Gangplank", "Hecarim", "Miss Fortune", "Mordekaiser", "Nautilus"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles", "Bilgewater", "Noxus", "Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Entries",
    ["description"] = "Though the Black Mist fades and the souls it claimed will soon forget their past, the threat of the fell tide will not be forgotten. Worse than all previous years, those who lived are left to wonder where it will return, and whether anyone will survive when it does.",
    ["status"] = "Outdated"
  ["The Jubilee Job"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/realms-of-runeterra/",
    ["artwork"] = "Piltover The Jubilee Job 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Ian St. Martin"},
    ["region"] = {"Piltover", "Zaun", "Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "It was on the eve of Jubilee, when all the undercity was awash in preperation, that Nikola's luck finally ran out."
  ["The Legend of the Darkin"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/the-legend-of-the-darkin/",
    ["artwork"] = "Darkin The Great Darkin War.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Aatrox", "Azir", "Xerath", "Rhaast", "Varus", "Zoe", "Kayn"},
    ["region"] = {"Shurima", "Mount Targon", "Void", "Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "The darkin are thrice-cursed - once by the ancient enemy they faced, again by the fall of their glorious empire, and finally by the betrayal that has damned them for all eternity."
  ["The Mountain"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/mount-targon-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Mount Targon Divine Carvings.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Aurelion Sol", "Diana", "Leona", "Pantheon", "Taric", "Zoe"},
    ["region"] = {"Mount Targon", "Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["duration"] = 3,
    ["description"] = "Mount Targon is the mightiest peak in Runeterra, a towering mountain of sun-baked rock amid a range of summits unmatched in scale anywhere else in the world. Located far from civilization, Mount Targon is utterly remote and all but impossible to reach save by the most determined seeker."
  ["The Princeling's Lament"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/shadow-isles-story/",
    ["artwork"] = "Shadow Isles The Sundered Vaults Of Arcana.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Graham McNeill"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Hecarim", "Kalista", "Karthus", "Kindred", "Maokai", "Thresh", "Yorick"},
    ["region"] = {"Shadow Isles", "Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Narration",
    ["duration"] = 3,
    ["description"] = "Scrape the bench of sunless moss."
  ["The Weight of Expectations"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/realms-of-runeterra/",
    ["artwork"] = "Demacia The Weight of Expectations 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Amanda Jeffrey"},
    ["starring"] = {"Cithria"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Garen"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia", "Runeterra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["description"] = "Cithria hacked at the ground with the mattock, her shoulders burning with the exertion."
  ["Turmoil"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/turmoil/",
    ["artwork"] = "Demacia Turmoil.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Anthony Reynolds Lenné"},
    ["starring"] = {"Cithria"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Sylas"},
    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
    ["previous"] = "Stand With Sylas",
    ["description"] = "Why send us all the way out here?”"
  ["Academy"] = {
    ["artwork"] = "Ahri AcademySkin.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Ahri", "Darius", "Ekko", "Vladimir", "Ryze", "Fiora"},
    ["author"] = {"Jared Rosen"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["Academy Adventures: Series 1"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/page/academy-adventures-series-1",
    ["artwork"] = "Academy Adventures cover.png",
    ["author"] = {"Gutter Rat"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ahri", "Darius", "Ekko", "Vladimir"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Akali", "Amumu", "Anivia", "Azir", "Bard", "Blitzcrank", "Braum", "Cho'Gath", "Elise", "Ezreal", "Fiddlesticks", "Fiora", "Gnar", "Heimerdinger", "Ivern", "Jhin", "Jinx", "Karthus", "Kog'Maw", "Lulu", "Lux", "Malzahar", "Miss Fortune", "Nidalee", "Olaf", "Poppy", "Rek'Sai", "Renekton", "Rumble", "Ryze", "Shaco", "Shen", "Sion", "Sona", "Soraka", "Taric", "Talon", "Teemo", "Tristana", "Trundle", "Twitch", "Urgot", "Varus", "Veigar", "Vel'Koz", "Vi", "Yorick", "Zed", "Ziggs", "Zyra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["following"] = "Academy Adventures: Series 2",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["Academy Adventures: Series 2"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/page/academy-adventures-series-2",
    ["artwork"] = "Academy Adventures cover.png",
    ["author"] = {"Gutter Rat"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ahri", "Darius", "Ekko", "Vladimir"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Amumu", "Anivia", "Annie", "Ashe", "Aurelion Sol", "Braum", "Caitlyn", "Cho'Gath", "Dr. Mundo", "Draven", "Elise", "Ezreal", "Fiddlesticks", "Fizz", "Galio", "Gnar", "Heimerdinger", "Janna", "Jhin", "Jinx", "Kog'Maw", "Lulu", "Lux", "Malphite", "Malzahar", "Miss Fortune", "Nami", "Nasus", "Olaf", "Poppy", "Rakan", "Rammus", "Rek'Sai", "Riven", "Rumble", "Ryze", "Shaco", "Singed", "Sona", "Soraka", "Syndra", "Taliyah", "Talon", "Taric", "Teemo", "Thresh", "Tibbers", "Tristana", "Twitch", "Urgot", "Varus", "Veigar", "Volibear", "Warwick", "Wukong", "Xayah", "Yasuo", "Yorick", "Zac", "Zed", "Ziggs", "Zyra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["following"] = "Academy Adventures: Series 3",
    ["previous"] = "Academy Adventures: Series 1",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["Academy Adventures: Series 3"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/page/academy-adventures-3",
    ["artwork"] = "Academy Adventures cover 02.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Gutter Rat"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ahri", "Blitzcrank", "Darius", "Ekko", "Vladimir"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Akali", "Amumu", "Bard", "Draven", "Elise", "Evelynn", "Ezreal", "Fiddlesticks", "Fizz", "Fiora", "Galio", "Gnar", "Jayce", "Jhin", "Kayn", "Kog'Maw", "LeBlanc", "Lulu", "Lux", "Malzahar", "Nasus", "Nunu", "Poppy", "Rakan", "Rammus", "Rek'Sai", "Renekton", "Rhaast", "Rumble", "Ryze", "Shaco", "Singed", "Sivir", "Sona", "Taliyah", "Talon", "Teemo", "Tristana", "Trundle", "Twitch", "Varus", "Veigar", "Warwick", "Xayah", "Zed", "Ziggs", "Zoe", "Zyra"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["previous"] = "Academy Adventures: Series 2",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["Albion"] = {
    ["artwork"] = "Kayle Morgana Update Viridian Blackthorn Promo.jpg",
    ["starring"] = {"Ashe", "Ezreal", "Kayle", "Morgana"},
    ["author"] = {"Jared Rosen"},
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  ["Soccer Cup"] = {
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    ["author"] = {"Jared Rosen"},
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    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
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  ["Star Guardian"] = {
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    ["starring"] = {"Lux", "Jinx", "Janna", "Poppy", "Lulu", "Ahri", "Syndra", "Miss Fortune", "Soraka", "Ezreal", "Neeko", "Rakan", "Xayah", "Zoe"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
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    ["starring"] = {"Lux", "Jinx", "Janna", "Poppy", "Lulu"},
    ["loretype"] = "Short Story",
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    ["description"] = "Star Guardians can only defeat the darkness that spreads across the universe if they stand together. They will fight as one or fall as many.",
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  ["A New Horizon"] = {
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    ["artwork"] = "Star Guardian A New Horizon.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
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  ["The Slumber Party Summoning"] = {
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    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
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    ["description"] = "Okay, I’ll admit slamming the door in their faces was a bit of an overreaction.",
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    ["author"] = {"Ariel Lawrence"},
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    ["description"] = "I have too many questions I want to ask her.",
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  ["Light and Shadow"] = {
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    ["artwork"] = "Star Guardian Light and Shadow.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Ahri", "Neeko", "Rakan", "Xayah", "Zoe"},
    ["mentioned"] = {"Miss Fortune"},
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    ["following"] = "The Twilight Star",
    ["description"] = "A cosmic darkness threatens to overcome three former teammates who were thought to have perished.",
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  ["Steel Legion"] = {
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    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
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    ["au"] = "True",
  ["Steel Valkyries"] = {
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    ["author"] = {"Jared Rosen"},
    ["starring"] = {"Kai'Sa", "Kayle", "Miss Fortune", "Morgana", "Darius", "Gangplank"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["Dreadnova"] = {
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  ["Payback is a Goddess"] = {
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    ["starring"] = {"Miss Fortune"},
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    ["description"] = "Ten years ago, a great civil war stretched across the galaxy. A brilliant scientist created blueprints for a superweapon that could end the war: The exosuit. That man was the founder of Fortune Industries. When his comrades discovered the exosuit plans, they wasted no time murdering him. He was survived by his only daughter, who they shot and left for dead. Over the years, she acquired four exosuits, became the notorious bounty hunter known as the Gun Goddess, and swore vengeance on these traitors. Now she’s ready to collect the debt she’s owed.",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["Storybook"] = {
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    ["author"] = {"Jared Rosen"},
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    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["Sugar Rush"] = {
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    ["author"] = {"Jared Rosen"},
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    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["Super Galaxy"] = {
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    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["Traditional"] = {
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    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
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  ["Thunder Lord"] = {
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    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
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  ["Toy Box"] = {
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    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
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    ["region"] = {"Demacia", "Noxus"},
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  ["Woad Tribe"]= {
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    ["region"] = {"Freljord"},
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  ["Wonders of the World"]= {
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    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["starring"] = {"Anivia"},
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    ["description"] = "Battling in a World of Gray... Or Partying All Day? Sound, Color and Ecstasy on the Wings of Revelry!",
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    ["author"] = {"Jared Rosen"},
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    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
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  ["Worldbreaker"]= {
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    ["loretype"] = "Faction",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["Playtime with Gnar: Series 1"] = {
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    ["artwork"] = "Gnar Playtime with Gnar Cover 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Rachel J Corey"},
    ["starring"] = {"Gnar"},
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  ["Playtime with Gnar: Series 2"] = {
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    ["artwork"] = "Udyr SpiritGuard Comic Cover 01.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
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    ["region"] = {"Ionia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Comic",
    ["description"] = "For though the world may stand against me. I am never truly alone!",
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    ["region"] = {"Demacia"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "A kingdom hangs on the edge of ruin as an army of titanic elemental beasts wage war on humanity. The last line of defense is held by a lone warrior queen, Elementalist Lux. To save her people, she must look within and reveal her true nature...no matter what form it takes.",
    ["au"] = "True",
  ["League of Legends Origins"] = {
    ["reference"] = "https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/special-event/where-watch-league-legends-origins-doc",
    ["artwork"] = "League of Legends Origins Cover 3.jpg",
    ["author"] = {"Numerous creators"},
    ["loretype"] = "Video",
    ["description"] = "Fans, experts and creators of the League of Legends detail the game’s rise from free demo to global esports titan.",
   ["League Animation Workshop"] = {
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    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Demacia", "Noxus", "Freljord", "Ionia"},
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    ["region"] = {"Runeterra", "Demacia", "Freljord", "Ionia", "Piltover", "Zaun"},
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  ["No Biography"] = {
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