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This is a list of important minor characters within the lore of the Runeterran Multiverse from Targon Crest icon Targon and the Runeterra Crest icon Celestial Realm without a full article page on the wiki.


Anua Anua[]

03MT048-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Human

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Tyari Tyari · Taric Taric · Raduak Raduak · Haley Haley · Emir Emir

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Gift Giver

Anua was a close cousin to Tyari Tyari who initially was skeptical of Tyari's sudden need to climb the mountain. However, when the time came for the Farewell Ceremony, Anua would come and give her farewells to Tyari, as well as her blessings in the form of a Targonite necklace and a prayer to The Protector for a safe journey up the mountain.


Celeste Celeste[]

03MT086-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Human (Magical)

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Zoe Zoe · Leo Leo · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Giddy Sparkleologist

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Spacey Sketcher

Celeste is a Targonian child, who paints sparkle flys.

Cygnus Cygnus[]

Cygnus the Moonstalker
03MT047-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Human

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Diana Diana · Aphelios Aphelios · Alune Alune · Lyra Lyra · Leona Leona · Rahvun Rahvun · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Lunari Priestess · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Lunari Duskbringer · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Solari Soldier

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Cygnus the Moonstalker

Cygnus leads the moon-worshipping 03MT004-full Lunari defense against persecution from the sun-worshipping 03MT082-full Solari. Principled and deeply compassionate, he's driven to defend his faith and his fellow Lunari. Long ago, Cygnus met a young woman called Lyra Lyra on the mountainside. She'd fled her warlike tribe in search of a new life with the spiritual Lunari. Impressed by her courage, Cygnus taught her to hide herself in moonlight, and to search out truth in darkness. One morning, Lyra did not return home. Days passed, and Cygnus suspected the worst. He gathered the Lunari faithful to find her. They will not lose one of their own—not on his watch.


Emir Emir[]

03MT081-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: Possibly during his climb

Species: Human

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Tyari Tyari · Haley Haley

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Mountain Sojourners

Emir is one of a pair of climbers that accompanied Tyari Tyari during their climb of Targon Crest icon Mount Targon.

Eshiyme Eshiyme[]

05MT010-full Characteristics

Born: 917 AN - 940 AN

Died: N/A

Species: Human (Magical)

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Atreus Atreus · Iula Iula · Tor Tor · Camphor Camphor

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Blinded Mystic

Eshiyme is one of Atreus Atreus comrades.


Hakan Hakan[]

03MT080-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Ottrani

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Soraka Soraka · Rumul Rumul · Lidari Lidari · Vin Vin

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Spring Guardian · LoR Spell Slow Indicator6 Consult the Heavens

Hakan is an Ottrani guardian of the LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Star Spring and the stellacorns, he calls them stars. He considers his mission a joy and a privilege. For Hakan, healing, care and help are the main goals.

Haley Haley[]

03MT081-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: Possibly during her climb

Species: Human (Magical)

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Tyari Tyari · Emir Emir

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Mountain Sojourners

Haley is one of a pair of climbers that accompanied Tyari Tyari during their climb of Targon Crest icon Mount Targon.


Illi Illi[]

03MT029-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Ottrani

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Soraka Soraka · Leona Leona · Diana Diana · Rumul Rumul · Lidari Lidari · Vin Vin · Inviolus Vox Inviolus Vox

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Star Shepherd · Call of the Mountain (Video)

Illi is an Ottrani shepherd of Stellacorn and apprentice of Soraka Soraka. Rumul Rumul is her surrogate grandfather.

Inviolus Vox Inviolus Vox[]

Inviolus Vox
03MT006-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Celestial Dragon

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Aurelion Sol Aurelion Sol · Illi Illi

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Inviolus Vox · Call of the Mountain (Video)

Inviolus Vox also known as the Unshakeable Voice is a celestial dragon and a single celestial mind who speaks simultaneously through countless beings spread across the cosmos. His legendary voice echoes through time and space, summoning his kin to him. Inviolus Vox has descended upon Runeterra, and waits for Aurelion Sol Aurelion Sol command to summon all dragonkind to this lowly place.


Leo Leo[]

03MT079-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Human (Magical)

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Zoe Zoe · Celeste Celeste · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Solari Priestess · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Giddy Sparkleologist

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Starry Scamp

Leo is 03MT082-full Solari child, who never listens to adults and loves to play pranks.

Lidari Lidari[]

03MT030-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Ottrani

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Soraka Soraka · Rumul Rumul · Hakan Hakan · Vin Vin · Illi Illi

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Stargazer

Lidari is an Ottrani keeper of the Stellacorn. She is tasked to return the stars to the sky.

Lyra Lyra[]

03MT094-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Human

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Diana Diana · Aphelios Aphelios · Alune Alune · Cygnus Cygnus · Leona Leona · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Solari Soldier · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Lunari Priestess · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Lunari Duskbringer · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Solari Shieldbearer

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Lunari Shadestalker · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Star-Crossed Lovers · The Vaulted Road

Lyra was a brave 03MT004-full Lunari scout. She'd fled her warlike tribe in search of a new life with the spiritual Lunari. Impressed by her courage, Cygnus Cygnus taught her to hide herself in moonlight, and to search out truth in darkness. One morning, Lyra did not return home. Days passed, and Cygnus suspected the worst. He gathered the Lunari faithful to find her. Lyra was captured by the 03MT082-full Solari and eventually fell in love with LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Solari Soldier. When they tried to escape from Leona Leona and other soldiers, Lyra was hit by an arrow. As a result on unclear events, Lyra and her lover became constellations in the Celestial Realm.



Default minor character image Characteristics

Born: 917 AN - 940 AN

Died: Unknown

Species: Unknown

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Atreus Atreus · Iula Iula

In Battle, Broken · The Unbreakable Spear

Pylas was a close friend of Atreus and the husband of Iula. He met his untimely demise during his ascent of Mount Targon.


Raduak Raduak[]

03MT076-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Human (Magical)

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Tyari Tyari · Taric Taric · Anua Anua · Haley Haley · Emir Emir

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Mountain Scryer

Raduak was a distant cousin to Tyari Tyari (a cousin of a cousin) who knew them since for 10 years. It was his reading of the stars that helped Tyari realize what their future has in store. Later on they would meet again with Emir Emir and Haley Haley during the climb on top of Mount Targon.

Rahvun Rahvun[]

Rahvun, Daylight's Spear
03MT026-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Human

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Leona Leona · Diana Diana · Aphelios Aphelios · Alune Alune · Cygnus Cygnus · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Solari Priestess · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Solari Shieldbearer · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Solari Soldier

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Rahvun, Daylight's Spear

Rahvun is revered amongst the 03MT082-full Solari for his bravery and for the depth of his faith, embodied in the holy weapon he carries. It is said that his spear was imbued with holy magic through his spiritual communion with the sun. After days below the scorching sun, he felt the weapon at his side begin to burn. Instead of tossing it aside, he gripped it tightly until his flesh burned. Hours, maybe days passed until he opened his eyes he was nearly blinded by the light of the spear, bright as the noonday sun. While other Solari weapons dulled with the sunset, Rahvun's spear gleamed through day and night, unending as his faith

Rumul Rumul[]

03MT033-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Ottrani

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Soraka Soraka · Illi Illi · Lidari Lidari · Vin Vin · Hakan Hakan

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator8 Grandfather Rumul

Rumul is the Ottrani village elder, who embodies Soraka's Soraka's philosophy and wisdom best. Gentle and compassionate, he is very protective of his family and the stellacorns in their care. He often wanders Targon in search of new knowledge, and Soraka has inspired his travels. He always returns from his travels with gifts for his family - Osu, the Illi's Illi's dog, was one such gift, as was Illi's first shepherd's crook. Many Ottrani referes to him as grandfather.


The Golden Sister The Golden Sister[]

The Golden Sister
03MT059-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Celestial

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Leona Leona · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 The Silver Sister · Aurelion Sol Aurelion Sol · Soraka Soraka · Bard Bard

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 The Golden Sister

The Golden Sister is the Celestial of the Sun and the twin sister of LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 The Silver Sister, possibly the deity of the 03MT082-full Solari in which it has its own avatar avatar in Runeterra Crest icon Runeterra.

The Silver Sister The Silver Sister[]

The Silver Sister
03MT059-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Celestial

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Diana Diana · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 The Golden Sister · Alune Alune · Aurelion Sol Aurelion Sol · Soraka Soraka · Bard Bard

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 The Silver Sister

The Silver Sister is the celestial of the Moon and the twin sister of LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 The Golden Sister, possibly the deity of the 03MT004-full Lunari in which it has its own avatar avatar in Runeterra Crest icon Runeterra.

Tor Tor[]

05MT005-full Characteristics

Born: 917 AN - 940 AN

Died: Unknown

Species: Human

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Atreus Atreus · Iula Iula · Eshiyme Eshiyme · Camphor Camphor

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Saga Seeker

Tor was one of Atreus's comrades, fighting alongside him.


Vin Vin[]

03MT060-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Ottrani

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Soraka Soraka · Illi Illi · Lidari Lidari · Rumul Rumul · Hakan Hakan

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Broadbacked Protector · LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator4 Astral Protection

Vin is a strong Ottrani shepherd, who watches over Targonian Mountain Goats.