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This is a list of important minor characters within the lore of the Runeterran Multiverse from the Freljord Crest icon Freljord without a full article page on the wiki.



Freljord Statue Of Avarosa Characteristics

Born: ± 9000 BN - 8000 BN

Died: 8000 BN

Species: Human (Iceborn)

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Lissandra Lissandra · Ashe Ashe


Avarosa was one of the three sisters who ruled over the Freljord in ancient times, including her sister Lissandra Lissandra. Ashe Ashe is believed to be an incarnation of her in present times.


Bjerg Bjerg[]

01FR007-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Human

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Ingvar Ingvar · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Kindly Tavernkeeper · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator7 Icy Yeti · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator9 Ancient Yeti · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator10 She Who Wanders · Boadir Boadir

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Babbling Bjerg

Bjerg is an old man from the Freljord Crest icon Freljord who has actually seen mythical beasts like Yeti and Balestriders but is however thought to be going senile. He is also Ingvar's Ingvar's uncle.

Boadir Boadir[]

08FR030-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Dragon

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Bjerg Bjerg · Lissandra Lissandra · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Frozen Thralls

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator8 Boadir of Blackened Ice

Boadir is vicious dragon, who burnt LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Thralls to black ice, avalanches beneath her claws, a roar that knocked snow off the mountains. Bjerg described her as a warrior queen.

Bristle Bristle[]

02FR002T3-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Drüvask

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Sejuani Sejuani

The Winter's Wrath · A Death Knot · Silence for the Damned · Dead of Winter · Original Sejuani Original Sejuani · Sabretusk Sejuani Sabretusk Sejuani · Darkrider Sejuani Darkrider Sejuani · Traditional Sejuani Traditional Sejuani · Bear Cavalry Sejuani Bear Cavalry Sejuani · Poro Rider Sejuani Poro Rider Sejuani · Beast Hunter Sejuani Beast Hunter Sejuani · Sejuani Dawnchaser Sejuani Dawnchaser · Firecracker Sejuani Firecracker Sejuani · Hextech Sejuani Hextech Sejuani · PROJECT: Sejuani PROJECT: Sejuani · Solar Eclipse Sejuani Solar Eclipse Sejuani · Victorious Sejuani Victorious Sejuani · LoR Champion Indicator6Sejuani · LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator4 Sejuani's Fury of the North.

Bristle Bristle is the Drüvask steed of Sejuani Sejuani. During a raid on a Noxus Crest icon Noxian warship, Sejuani freed the juvenile drüvask from the ship's butchery stores, and named it after the feel of its hide, Bristle. He is one of the largest drüvasks ever seen, and has remained loyal to Sejuani ever since.


Elk of Bones[]

Elk of Bones
Default minor character image Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Spirit God

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Udyr Udyr · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Bone Scryer

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Bone Scryer

The Elk of Bones is a Spirit God of the Freljord Crest icon Freljord. Worshipped for its ability to sense the future. Few scry the future as well as the shamans serving the Elk of Bones. Fewer still can stomach seeing the looming death of any who come seeking their foresight.


Grena Grena[]

Grena Image Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: 987 BN

Species: Human (Iceborn)

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Ashe Ashe · Sejuani Sejuani · Helnr Helnr · Yrael Yrael · Maalcrom Maalcrom

The Frost Archer · The Winter's Wrath · Warmother: Issue 1 · Warmother: Issue 2 · Warmother: Issue 3 · Warmother: Issue 4

Grena was Ashe's Ashe's mother and a warmother of the Avarosans before Ashe. She was a great warrior and used True Ice weapons: the axe and the spear. She was desperately looking for the Avarosa's throne, forgetting to eat and sleep. Eventually, her tribe was divided and her people died from the cold and hunger. Grena died in combat with her eyes open. She was killed by Draklorn and frost priest of her tribe called Maalcrom Maalcrom.

Grinzo Grinzo[]

07BW039-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Dragon (imaginary)

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Ingvar Ingvar · LoR Champion Indicator5The Poro King · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Pouty Poro

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Dragon Prince Grinzo · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Chemtech Catermobile

Grinzo is Ingvar's Ingvar's toy, whom she often refers to as «Mister Lizard».


Haestryr Haestryr[]

Haestryr TSoHH Idle Sprite Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Spirit God

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Aurora Aurora · Ornn Ornn

The Spirit of Hearth-Home

Hestrelk, also known as "Haestryr", was originally a powerful demigod, but with the waning worship of the Old Gods, many demigods had lost their identities and become distorted shadows of who they once were. He now roams the Freljord as Aurora's Aurora's spirit friend.

Helnr Helnr[]

Helnr Image Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: 987 BN

Species: Human (Iceborn)

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Ashe Ashe · Grena Grena · Yrael Yrael · Maalcrom Maalcrom

Warmother: Issue 1 · Warmother: Issue 2

Helnr was Ashe's Ashe's aunt and Grena's Grena's younger sister. She challenged Grena to rule the tribe, but lost and nearly died. She was the leader of the Hearthbound in the Avarosan tribe.

Hgar Hgar[]

03FR005-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Troll

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Trundle Trundle · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Troll Scavenger · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Augur of the Old Ones · Tarkaz Tarkaz · Uzgar Uzgar

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Troll Ravager

Hgar is a Troll in Trundle's Trundle's tribe. She is armed with two-handed battering ram called Snowsunder, with which she destroys the Avarosan huts during raids.


Ildhaurg Ildhaurg[]

05FR014-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Spirit God

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Udyr Udyr · Ashe Ashe · Tryndamere Tryndamere · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Hyara Allseer · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Bone Scryer · Fallow Fox

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator8 Wrath of the Freljord · Ashe's quotes

Ildhaurg is a Spirit God of the Freljord Crest icon Freljord, worshipped for its protection and willpower to get through pain. It is implied to be the embodiment of the "Iron Boar", but has never been explicitly confirmed to be.

Ingvar Ingvar[]

Ingvar the Younger
07FR015-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Human

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Bjerg Bjerg · LoR Champion Indicator5The Poro King · Grinzo Grinzo · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Pouty Poro

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Ingvar the Younger · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Chemtech Catermobile · LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator5 Aurora Porealis · LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator3 Call the Wild · LoR Spell Non-Slow Indicator2 Poro Stories · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Poro Sled · LoR Spell Slow Indicator7 Poro Party! · LoR Spell Slow Indicator3 Tall Tales · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator9 Warden of the Tribes

Ingvar is Bjerg's Bjerg's niece and self-appointed Poro supervisor and explorer of the Freljord. She has a rich imagination and she has many toys in which she sees living beings, such as Dragon Prince Grinzo Grinzo or LoR Champion Indicator5The Poro King.


Layka Layka[]

Nunu Frozen Hearts 01 Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Human

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Nunu Nunu · Anivia Anivia

The Boy and His Yeti · Frozen Hearts · Stone Cold · Nunu & Willump: Issue 1 · Nunu & Willump: Issue 2 · Nunu & Willump: Issue 3 · Nunu & Willump: Issue 4 · Nunu & Willump: Issue 5 · Song of Nunu

Layka is the mother of Nunu Nunu, who went missing after raiders attacked their caravan. She is from the Notai tribe, known for their peaceful and nomadic lifestyle. With music and dance, the Notai brought one last celebration to everyone they met, as each winter’s chill set in. For Nunu, nothing was better than journeying from village to village, hearing his mother sing of ancient heroes. On Nunu's Nunu's fifth nameday, Layka gave him a special gift: a flute, so he could learn to play her melodies himself. She, like a most of Notai, prays to Anivia Anivia as the spirit of freedom and passion. Nunu is still looking for his mother and has not given up hope of finding her.


Revna Revna[]

06FR028-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Human (Iceborn)

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Ashe Ashe · Sejuani Sejuani · Lissandra Lissandra · Vrynna Vrynna · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Draklorn Inquisitor

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Revna, the Lorekeeper

Revna is an elder, protector of the people and seasoned storyteller in the Avarosan tribe. She and other lorekeepers keep the tradition of both the hunt and fight alive through story and song. She kept their legends alive through the stories of Avarosa and the old gods of the Freljord, which she told her children. Revna uses a True Ice axe and a steel sword in battle.

Rhond Rhond[]

08FR015-full Characteristics

Born: ± Earlier than 9000 BN

Died: 8000 BN

Species: Spirit God

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Volibear Volibear

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator7 Rhond, the Magma Serpent · The Relentless Storm

Rhond, also known as the Magma Serpent, is a Spirit God of the Freljord Crest icon Freljord, told to have fought in a battle with the Volibear Volibear only to be slain, with his blood forming the Freljord's rivers and ridges and his body becoming the Wyrmback Mountains. He has only a few worshippers in the present day.


Seal Sister Seal Sister[]

Seal Sister
Default minor character image Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Spirit God

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Udyr Udyr · Volibear Volibear · Ornn Ornn · Anivia Anivia

The Lost Tales of Ornn · Udyr's quotes

The Seal Sister is a Spirit God of the Freljord Crest icon Freljord, worshipped for its guidance and protection from the harsh waters of the Freljord. She also seems to have an important role in burial rituals. One mythological tale told by the Freljordians states that she had a hand in the origin of the Freljord's snowy landscape, in a myth about Ornn Ornn forging his Hearth Home where she allowed water to rush through, creating so much steam that eventually formed into snow.


Default minor character image Characteristics

Born: ± 9000 BN - 8000 BN

Died: 8000 BN

Species: Human (Iceborn)

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Lissandra Lissandra · Ashe Ashe


Serylda was one of the three sisters who ruled over the Freljord in ancient times, including her sister Lissandra Lissandra. Sejuani Sejuani is believed to be an incarnation of her in present times.


Tarkaz Tarkaz[]

Tarkaz the Tribeless
01FR021-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Troll

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Trundle Trundle · Tryndamere Tryndamere · Hgar Hgar · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Troll Scavenger · Uzgar Uzgar

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 Tarkaz the Tribeless

Tarkaz is a furious Troll, who doesn't belong to any tribe. He fought the Avarosans and Tryndamere Tryndamere himself. Tryndamere believed, that Tarkaz had fought harder and better than most and took his defeat almost gracefully.


Uzgar Uzgar[]

Uzgar the Ancient
03FR011-full Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Troll

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Trundle Trundle · Hgar Hgar · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator2 Troll Scavenger · LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator6 Augur of the Old Ones · Tarkaz Tarkaz

LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator8 Uzgar the Ancient

Uzgar the Ancient is one of the oldest trolls in Trundle's Trundle's tribe, renowned for his savagery and legendary zest for battle. When butting heads with other trolls became too one-sided, he took on entire Freljordian villages at once--and never left with an empty belly. Uzgar’s territory, won through sheer brutality, grew larger year after year until Trundle called a challenge. Though Uzgar had both the advantage of size and experience, Trundle managed to best him through trickery, causing an avalanche and trapping the larger troll. Uzgar was just clever enough to know he couldn’t outsmart the new King, and called a truce through his growls. Ever since, Uzgar has gone to battle in the name of his king, knowing the biggest and best battles will be led by King Trundle.


Ymaruq Ymaruq[]

Ymaruq Image Characteristics

Born: Unknown

Died: N/A

Species: Human

Universe: Runeterra Map profileicon Runeterra Prime

Related Characters:
Nunu Nunu · Willump Willump

Nunu & Willump: Issue 4 · Nunu & Willump: Issue 5

Ymaruq is the leader of a group of raiders who attacked the Cheese Festival in the Freljordian village. Nunu Nunu and Willump Willump saved the village from her brigands.