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League of Legends Wiki

Mercenary Chest[]

Mercenary Chest TFT icon Mercenary Chest 
Attack damage 10 
Attack speed
Attack range Melee role 1 
Starting mana
Maximum mana
Armor 10 
Magic resistance 10 
Crit chance 25% 
Crit damage 130%


  • Hyper Roll: The luck of your Mercenary dice is based on your Tactician's remaining health rather than the length of your loss streak. The lower your health, the better the dice.
  • Double Up: If a mercenary player and their partner lose in the same PvP round, the dice becomes luckier.
  • Double Up: If a mercenary player loses but their partner wins in the same PvP round, the dice will become luckier if this happens again in the next PvP round.


  • While sharing the same name as Mercenary Mercenary from Galaxies, this origin more closely resembles Pirate Pirate from Beta Set.


Mercenary Chest[]

Mercenary Chest TFT icon Mercenary Chest 
Attack damage 10 
Attack speed
Attack range Melee role 1 
Starting mana
Maximum mana
Armor 10 
Magic resistance 10 
Crit chance 25% 
Crit damage 130%


  • Hyper Roll: The luck of your Mercenary dice is based on your Tactician's remaining health rather than the length of your loss streak. The lower your health, the better the dice.


  • While sharing the same name as Mercenary Mercenary from Galaxies, this origin more closely resembles Pirate Pirate from Beta Set.








Patch History[]

  • Average gold for 3 and 5 mercenary losses reduced to 5 from 0.
  • Average gold from a 7 mercenary orb increased to 11 11.4 from 8 8.9.
V12.6 - April 5th Hotfix
  • Bug Fix: Now consistently grants a treasure chest payout after winning combat and reinforcing your partner in Double Up.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where you could get a payout during PvE rounds in all modes.
  • Bug Fix: Losing to a ghost army in normal, ranked, and Hyper Roll queues now adds to your loss streak counter during the next dice roll.
  • New Effect: If a mercenary player and their partner lose in the same PvP round in Double Up, the dice becomes luckier.
  • New Effect: If a mercenary player loses but their partner wins in the same PvP round in Double Up, the dice will become luckier if this happens again in the next PvP round.
V12.4 - Returning
  • Returning to set 6.5 with no changes.
  • Removed: Neeko's Help Neeko's Help can no longer drop from 3 and 4 loss.
  • Average gold from 4 loss reduced to 6 6.4 from 6 6.9.
  • Average gold from 5 loss reduced to 6 6.6 from 6 6.9.
  • Average gold from 6 loss reduced to 7 7.4 from 7 7.6.
  • Average gold from 7 loss reduced to 7 7.9 from 8 8.25.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where 7 Mercenary Soldiers would not pay out.
  • Gold reduced from various dice rolls.
  • Krakens less likely to show up.
  • Fish combo appearances changed to 4 loss from 3 loss.
  • Bug Fix: Orbs have been moved to the right.
V11.22 - Returning
  • Synergy: Gain a treasure chest that opens when you win combat against a player. At the start of each planning phase, roll the dice to add more loot to the chest. The longer you've gone without opening the chest, the luckier the dice.
    • 3 Mercenaries: Roll 2 dice
    • 5 Mercenaries: The dice are even luckier
    • 7 Mercenaries: Upon winning, roll a 3rd dice that grants bonus loot
  • Champions: Gangplank Gangplank, Illaoi Illaoi, Miss Fortune Miss Fortune, Quinn Quinn, Tahm Kench Tahm Kench.
  • Item: Mercenary Emblem Mercenary Emblem.
V10.19 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 4.
V10.12 - Returning
  • Added visualization to indicate purchased upgrades.
V10.6 - Added
  • Synergy: While a Mercenary is in play or on the Bench, players will have the opportunity to access the Gold inherit8 Spell Upgrades pool of their Mercenary, each upgrades only appears once purchased. Each Mercenary type can be upgraded up to 3 times. Selling Mercenary units does not revert to Spell Upgrades later.
  • Champions: Gangplank Gangplank, Miss Fortune Miss Fortune.