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League of Legends Wiki
Manaflow Band is a rune in Wild Rift icon Wild Rift.


  • This rune is replaced by Nimbus Cloak Nimbus Cloak on champions without mana.
  • Usually, an increase of maximum stat also leads to an increase of current stat. Manaflow Band is a designed exception: it is made to first deduct the amount, and then increase the maximum mana right after. This effect is considered mana expenditure for effects that trigger upon expending mana.
    • If the deduction in mana leads to a negative amount, Manaflow Band will actually increase current mana, since the floor of the stat is 0. The deduction will effectively be lower than the successive increase of maximum mana which will then increase current mana.

Patch History[]

  • Slot changed from Inspiration Slot to Inspiration Slot 3.
Alpha (China) - Added
  • Type: Slot 3 Inspiration rune.
  • Passive: Hitting an enemy champion with an ability or empowered attack permanently increases your Champions hit by Piltover Peacemakers (Q) at greater than 75% of max rangemaximum mana by 30, up to Champions hit by Piltover Peacemakers (Q) at greater than 75% of max range300 mana.
  • Summoner level: 10.

