Champion | Tier | Origin | Class | Ability |
Aatrox | 4 | Cultist | Vanguard | Infernal ChainsActive: Pulls 2 / 2 / 5 of the farthest enemies toward himself, then slams the ground in front of himself, dealing 400 / 600 / 2500 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to all enemies hit. |
Akali | 3 | Ninja | Assassin | Five Point StrikeActive:Throws kunai at her target, dealing 200 / 275 / 450 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage and preventing her from generating mana for 1. 25 seconds. |
Annie | 2 | Fortune | Mage | Burst ShieldActive:Blasts a cone of fire dealing 250 / 350 / 450 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to enemies in front of her, then shields herself for 500 / 700 / 900 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP health for 8 seconds. |
Aurelion Sol | 4 | Dragonsoul | Mage | Voice of LightningActive:Breathes lightning in a line towards the farthest enemy dealing 300 / 475 / 1300 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage and overcharging all enemies hit for 10 seconds. If an enemy is already overcharged, consumes the effect and deals 50% bonus damage. |
Azir | 5 | Warlord | Keeper Emperor | Emperor's DivideActive:Calls forth a wall of charging soliders from behind him, dealing 225 / 375 / 18888 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage and slowing all enemies hit for 3 seconds. Enemies close to him are knocked back, while enemies further away are knocked up for 1. 5 seconds. |
Brand | 1 | Dragonsoul | Mage | Dragonfire PillarActive:After a brief delay, causes the ground under the enemy with the Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)highest current health to erupt in flames, dealing 200 / 300 / 500 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to enemies within. If an enemy is caught within the epicenter, they are stunned for 1. 5 / 2 / 3 seconds. |
Braum | 2 | Dragonsoul | Vanguard | UnbreakableActive:Puts up his shield at the farthest enemy for 4 seconds, absorbing and stopping all incoming missiles and reducing his damage taken from that direction by 75 / 80 / 90% Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP. |
Cho'Gath | 4 | Fabled | Brawler | RuptureActive:Erupts a large area, dealing 200 / 400 / 2000 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage and knocking up all enemies for 2 / 2. 5 / 8 seconds. Fabled Bonus: Additionally knocks up all enemies on the board. |
Darius | 3 | Fortune | Slayer | Fortune's GuillotineActive:Dunks an enemy dealing 550 / 850 / 1400 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage. While dunking, he is unstoppable. If this kills the target, he immediately casts again dealing 25 / 20 / 15% reduced damage. |
Diana | 1 | Spirit | Assassin | Pale CascadeActive:Shields herself against 200 / 300 / 450 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP damage over 4 seconds and summons 4 / 5 / 6 orbs to orbit around her. These orbs explode for 80 / 85 / 90 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage when they contact an enemy, refreshing her shield when the final one explodes. |
Elise | 1 | Cultist | Keeper | Spider FormActive:Transforms into a spider, gaining Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)25 / 30 / 45% Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP maximum health and causing her basic attacks to restore 40 / 80 / 160 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP health and inject her target with venom, increasing the cost of their next spell by 35 / 35 / 50%. |
Fiora | 1 | Enlightened | Duelist | RiposteActive:Enters a defensive stance for 1. 5 seconds, becoming immune to damage and enemy spell effects. Upon exiting the stance, deals 250 / 400 / 600 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage up to 3-hex range, stop at the first enemy hit, favoring her attack target, and stuns them for 2 / 2. 5 / 4 seconds. |
Garen | 1 | Warlord | Vanguard | JudgmentActive:Spins his sword for 4 seconds, dealing 450 / 675 / 1250 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to nearby enemies and reducing incoming Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage by 80% over the duration. |
Irelia | 3 | Enlightened Divine | Adept | BladestormActive:Launches a storm of blades in front of her, dealing 200 / 300 / 700 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage and disarming all enemies hit for 2. 5 / 3 / 5 seconds. |
Janna | 2 | Enlightened | Mystic | Eye of the StormActive:Shields the 2 / 3 / 4 Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)lowest-health allies for 250 / 275 / 350 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP for 4 seconds. Shielded allies gain 20 / 30 / 60 Champions hit with Bandage Toss (Q) at greater than 75% of max rangebonus attack damage for the duration. |
Jarvan IV | 2 | Warlord | Keeper | Dragon StrikeActive:Throws his standard near the farthest enemy then pulls himself toward them with his lance, dealing 175 / 250 / 750 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to enemies he passes through, knocking them up and stunning them for 1 second. |
Jax | 2 | Divine | Duelist | Counter StrikeActive: Dodges all incoming basic attacks for 2 seconds, then strikes all nearby enemies, dealing 150 / 250 / 450 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage and stunning them for 1. 5 seconds. |
Kalista | 3 | Cultist | Duelist | RendPassive:Spears remain in her target, each one capable of dealing Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)4 / 6 / 9% Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP of target's maximum health Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage when removed. She removes the spears when doing so would kill the target. |
Katarina | 3 | Warlord Fortune | Assassin | Death LotusActive:Channels for 2. 5 seconds, throwing knives at 4 / 5 / 6 nearby enemies, dealing 650 / 1000 / 1500 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage over the duration and applying Grievous Wounds on them for 5 seconds. |
Kayle | 4 | Divine | Executioner | Divine AscensionActive:Ascends until the end of combat, causing her basic attacks to launch waves that deal 110 / 150 / 350 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)bonus magic damage to enemies. |
Kennen | 3 | Ninja | Keeper | Slicing MaelstromActive:Summons a storm around him for 3 seconds, calling down lightning bolts on all enemies in the area every 0. 5 seconds and dealing 350 / 550 / 1200 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage over the duration. Each enemy struck by 3 lightning bolts is stunned for 1. 5 seconds. |
Kindred | 3 | Spirit | Executioner | Dance of DreadActive:Wolf mauls their target, dealing 400 / 600 / 1000 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage and applying Grievous Wounds to their target for 5 seconds, while Lamb leaps away from their target. |
Lee Sin | 5 | Divine | Duelist | God FistActive:Punches his target, dealing 200 / 375 / 1000 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage, knocking them back to the edge of the battlefield, and stunning them for 2 / 3 / 10 seconds. Any enemies the target collides with during the knockback are also dealt half the damage and stunned for 1 / 2 / 10 seconds. If the target cannot be pushed any further, they are knocked out of the battlefield instead, removing them from combat. If the target is still alive, he will dash to them. At 3-Star, his punch hits in an area around the primary target and knocks out any enemies directly hit regardless of their board position. |
Lulu | 2 | Elderwood | Mage | Wild GrowthActive:Makes a Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)low-health ally giant, granting them 400 / 600 / 950 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)bonus health for the rest of combat and knocking up enemies near them for 1 second. Casting the spell multiple times on the same target heals them by the same amount instead. |
Maokai | 1 | Elderwood | Brawler | Bramble SmashActive:Smashes the ground sending forward a shockwave, dealing 225 / 350 / 550 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage and slowing their Champions hit with Martial Cadence (P)attack speed by 50% for 3 seconds. |
Morgana | 4 | Enlightened | Syphoner | Hallowed GroundActive:Hallows the ground beneath a random enemy, dealing 250 / 400 / 1600 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to enemies within over 5 seconds and reducing enemies' Champions hit with Bandage Toss (Q) at greater than 75% of max rangeattack damage by 40 / 40 / 80% while they remain inside. |
Nasus | 1 | Divine | Syphoner | WitherActive:Withers the enemy with the Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)highest percent health, dealing 350 / 550 / 850 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage over 5 seconds, and slowing their Champions hit with Martial Cadence (P)attack speed and Champions killed 5s before or after using Chronobreak (R)movement speed by 50% for the duration. |
Nautilus | 2 | Fabled | Vanguard | Impact CraterActive:Erupts the ground beneath his target, knocking them up and stunning them for 3 / 4 / 5 seconds, and dealing 300 / 450 / 1000 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage. Fabled Bonus: Reduces incoming damage by 50% for 5 seconds. |
Neeko | 3 | Fabled | Mystic | Blooming BurstActive:Throws a seed at a random target that explodes for 250 / 325 / 425 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage three times. Each explosion affects a larger area than the last. Fabled Bonus: The third explosion is empowered to deal 300 / 450 / 600 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage instead. |
Nidalee | 1 | Warlord | Sharpshooter | Javelin TossActive:Throws her javelin at the farthest enemy, dealing 100 / 175 / 350 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage. This damage is increased by 80% per hex traveled. |
Nunu & Willump | 3 | Elderwood | Brawler | ConsumeActive:Willump bites his target, dealing 450 / 700 / 1500 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage. If the target has less Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)current health than he does before the bite, it deals an additional 50% damage and deals Skillshots dodged with Void Surge (Q) true damage instead. |
Olaf | 4 | Dragonsoul | Slayer | RagnarokActive:Gains 150 / 175 / 350% Champions hit with Martial Cadence (P)bonus attack speed, immunity to attack damage debuffs, crowd control immunity, and his attacks cleave in a cone in front of him for Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)50% Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Champions killed from outside standard Attack rangephysical damage for the rest of combat. |
Ornn | 5 | Elderwood | Vanguard Blacksmith | StampedeActive:Summons an elemental from behind the farthest enemy to travel towards him, slowing the Champions hit with Martial Cadence (P)attack speed of enemies hit by 50% for 3 seconds and dealing 175 / 275 / 9999 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage. If the elemental runs into Ornn, he headbutts it, redirecting it towards another distant enemy, stunning them for 1. 5 / 2 / 15 seconds and dealing 150 / 250 / 750 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage. |
Pyke | 2 | Cultist | Assassin Slayer | Phantom UndertowActive:Leaves a phantom at his location, then dashes behind the farthest enemy. After 1 second, his phantom returns to him, dealing 100 / 175 / 275 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to all enemies it passes through and stunning them for 2 / 2. 5 / 4 seconds. |
Rakan | 2 | Elderwood | Keeper | Disarming DiversionActive: Dashes to the furthest enemy within attack range, disarming all units he passes through for 2. 5 / 3 / 4 seconds and taunting his target. He then shields himself by 200 / 400 / 800 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP for 4 seconds. |
Samira | 5 | Daredevil | Sharpshooter Slayer | Inferno TriggerActive: Dashes and becomes unstoppable, unleashing 3 / 3 / 10 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP shots per second at 3 / 3 / 9 enemies within 2. 5 hexes for 2 seconds, each shot deals 10 / 20 / 777 Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 30 / 40 / 60% AD) Champions killed from outside standard Attack rangephysical damage. For the duration, also gains 100% dodge chance. |
Sejuani | 4 | Fortune | Vanguard | FirecrackerActive:Throws a giant firecracker at the enemy she is currently attacking, that explodes after a 2-second delay. Enemies within the detonation radius receive 100 / 200 / 1600 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage and are stunned for 2. 5 / 2. 5 / 8 seconds. |
Sett | 5 | The Boss | Brawler | ShowstopperActive:Grabs his target and slams them forward, dealing Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)40 / 60 / 800% Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP of target's maximum health Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to them, and Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)20 / 30 / 400% Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP of the slammed enemy's maximum health Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to all other enemies in a large area. |
Shen | 4 | Ninja | Adept Mystic | Shadow DashActive: Dashes past his target, shielding himself for 500 / 800 / 4000 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP damage, taunting all adjacent enemies for 4 / 4 / 8 seconds, but mana-locking himself for 4 seconds. |
Shyvana | 3 | Dragonsoul | Brawler | Dragon's DescentActive: Dashes up to 2 hexes away from her current target and transforms to her Dragon Form, becoming a ranged attacker for 60 seconds. While in Dragon Form, gains Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)40 / 45 / 50% bonus health, Champions hit with Bandage Toss (Q) at greater than 75% of max range30 / 60 / 120 attack damage and basic attacks apply a burn on enemies hit for 2 seconds, dealing a total of 125 / 250 / 500 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)bonus magic damage. |
Sivir | 3 | Cultist | Sharpshooter | On the HuntActive:Rallies allies with 2 hexes, granting them 40 / 50 / 70% Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Champions hit with Martial Cadence (P)bonus attack speed for 5 seconds. Additionally, grants herself 100 / 200 / 350 Champions hit with Bandage Toss (Q) at greater than 75% of max rangebonus attack damage for the duration. |
Swain | 5 | Dragonsoul | Syphoner | Draconic AscensionActive:Transforms to his Dragon Form for 6 seconds. While in Dragon Form, he gains Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)60 / 65 / 100% maximum health, deals 75 / 150 / 1000 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage each second to enemies with 2. 5 / 2. 5 / 5 hexes and breathes a cone of fire every 2 seconds that deals 175 / 350 / 5000 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage, applies Grievous Wounds for the rest of the duration and burns them, dealing Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)25% maximum health Skillshots dodged with Void Surge (Q) true damage over 10 seconds. |
Tahm Kench | 1 | Fortune | Brawler | Thick SkinPassive:Takes 15 / 25 / 75 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP reduced post-mitigation damage from all sources. |
Talon | 4 | Enlightened | Assassin | TruestrikeActive:Stabs his target, dealing 100 / 200 / 600 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)(+ 240 / 250 / 300% AD) Champions killed from outside standard Attack rangephysical damage. If this kills them, he becomes unstoppable and untargetable while he leaps to the lowest armor enemy. This does not apply spell effects. |
Teemo | 2 | Spirit | Sharpshooter | Sporecloud DartActive:Fires a dart at his current target that explodes into a cloud of spores on contact, poisoning nearby enemies. Poisoned enemies take 250 / 400 / 900 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage over 2. 5 / 3 / 4. 5 seconds and are blinded for the duration. |
Tristana | 1 | Dragonsoul | Sharpshooter | Rapid FireActive:Gains 60 / 65 / 70% Champions hit with Martial Cadence (P)bonus attack speed and 40 / 60 / 80 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage on-hit for 3 seconds. |
Tryndamere | 4 | Warlord | Duelist Slayer | Spinning SlashActive:Spins towards the most enemies in a line dealing Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)140% AD Champions killed from outside standard Attack rangephysical damage to enemies hit and empowering his next 3 basic attacks to deal 75 / 100 / 200% Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP bonus damage. |
Twisted Fate | 1 | Cultist | Mage | Wild CardsActive:Throws three cards in a cone that deal 250 / 350 / 475 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to each enemy they pass through. |
Veigar | 3 | Elderwood | Mage | Dark BlossomActive:Blasts the enemy with the Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)lowest total-health, dealing 500 / 650 / 1000 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage. If this kills the target, he permanently gains 1 / 1 / 2 ability power. |
Vi | 2 | Warlord | Brawler | Denting BlowActive:Blasts through her target, dealing 250 / 425 / 850 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to all enemies in a cone and reducing their Healing from Spirit of Dread (W)armor by 40 / 50 / 70% for 8 seconds. |
Vladimir | 2 | Cultist | Syphoner | TransfusionActive:Deals 400 / 600 / 1000 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to his target. All nearby allies are healed for 50% of the damage dealt. |
Wukong | 1 | Divine | Vanguard | Crushing BlowActive:Slams his target with his staff, basic attacking for Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)240 / 250 / 260% Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Champions killed from outside standard Attack rangephysical damage and stunning them for 1. 5 / 2 / 3 seconds. This does not apply spell effects. |
Xayah | 4 | Elderwood | Executioner Keeper | FeatherstormActive:Becomes untargetable and invulnerable as she leaps into the air, throwing out a fan of 9 feather daggers that pass through enemies and deal Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)250 / 275 / 350% AD Champions killed from outside standard Attack rangephysical damage to enemies within the cone. She then recalls her feathers, striking enemies for 100 / 200 / 600 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage per feather. |
Yasuo | 1 | Exile | Duelist | Striking SteelActive:Strikes forward two hexes, basic attacking for Damage to champions with Center of the Universe (P)190 / 200 / 210% Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Champions killed from outside standard Attack rangephysical damage and applying on-hit effects. If he can't hit two targets from where he's standing, he'll first dash to a place where he can. This does not apply spell effects. |
Yone | 5 | Exile | Adept | Seal FateActive:Becomes untargetable and strikes along a path in front of him, dealing 800 / 1200 / 20000 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage split between all enemies hit. Enemies hit are marked for death for 8 seconds, reducing their resistances by 60 / 60 / 70%. Yone's spell is then replaced with Unforgotten until there are no remaining enemies marked for death. Unforgotten (10 mana): Dashes to the Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)lowest health enemy that is marked for death, dealing 350 / 750 / 9999 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage, increased up to 100% based on target's Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)missing health. |
Yuumi | 3 | Spirit | Mystic | ZoomiesActive: Dashes to the Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)lowest-health ally, healing them for Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)30 / 45 / 90% Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP of their missing health and granting them 30 / 40 / 60% Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Champions hit with Martial Cadence (P)bonus attack speed for 5 seconds. She then repeats this on the farthest ally. |
Zed | 2 | Ninja | Slayer | Contempt for the WeakPassive:When combat starts, teleports to the enemy backline. Every third basic attack deals 25 / 50 / 75 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)bonus magic damage and steals Champions stunned with Pyromania (P)30% of the target's current AD. |
Zilean | 5 | Cultist | Mystic | Rewind FateActive:Places a protective Time Rune on the 2 / 3 / 10 allies with the Champions killed with Comeuppance (R)lowest current health (excluding himself). When they would die, they instead resurrect after 3 / 2 / 0. 5 seconds, returning to combat with 350 / 500 / 3000 Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP health and shedding all negative effects. After resurrecting, they gain 50 / 75 / 500% Multiple champions hit with Between Worlds (R)AP Champions hit with Martial Cadence (P)bonus attack speed for the rest of combat. |