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League of Legends Wiki

Set 2 was added to the public beta alongside the preseason 2020 content for League of Legends, and marks Teamfight Tactic's first non-beta set. Titled Rise of the Elements, set 2 features a collection of champions, origins and classes themed around the classical elements as opposed to set 1's theme of faction politics. It was made playable on the live servers in V9.22.



Alchemist AlchemistAlchemist TFT gold icon Alchemists ignore collision, immunity to crowd control and never stop moving.
Singed OriginalSquare
Assassin AssassinAssassins gain bonus critical strike damage and bonus critical strike chance.
  • Assassin TFT bronze icon 3 Assassins: +70% crit damage and +10% crit chance
  • Assassin TFT gold icon 6 Assassins: +210% crit damage and +20% crit chance
Diana InfernalSquare
Kha'Zix GuardianoftheSandsSquare
LeBlanc ElderwoodSquare
Nocturne EternumSquare
Qiyana OriginalSquare
Zed ShockbladeSquare
Youmuu's Ghostblade TFT item
Avatar AvatarAn Avatar TFT diamond icon Avatar's Origin Element is counted twice for Trait bonuses.
Lux ElementalistSquare
Berserker BerserkerWhen Berserkers attack, they have a chance to hit all units in cone in front of them and apply on-hit effects.
  • Berserker TFT bronze icon 3 Berserkers: 45% chance
  • Berserker TFT gold icon 6 Berserkers: 100% chance, and all Berserkers gain 25 bonus attack damage
Dr. Mundo ToxicSquare
Jax GodStaffSquare
Olaf GlacialSquare
Renekton OriginalSquare
Sion WarmongerSquare
Volibear OriginalSquare old
Berserker's Axe TFT item
Blademaster BlademasterBlademasters' basic attack have 45% chance to trigger additional attacks against their target. These additional attacks deal damage like basic attacks, trigger on-hit and on-attack effects, and generate mana.
  • Blademaster TFT bronze icon 2 Blademasters: 1 additional attack
  • Blademaster TFT gold icon 4 Blademasters: 2 additional attacks
  • Blademaster TFT diamond icon 6 Blademasters: 4 additional attacks
Aatrox JusticarSquare
Master Yi AssassinSquare
Sivir OriginalSquare old4
Yasuo OriginalSquare
Blade of the Ruined King TFT item
Druid DruidWhile at least Druid TFT gold icon 2 Druids are in play, Druids regenerate 45 health each second.
Ivern OriginalSquare
Maokai OriginalSquare
Neeko OriginalSquare
Mage MageMages have a chance, when casting, to instead Doublecast.
  • Mage TFT bronze icon 3 Mages: 50% chance
  • Mage TFT gold icon 6 Mages: 100% chance. All Mages gain 20 bonus Ability power icon ability power
Brand OriginalSquare
LeBlanc ElderwoodSquare
Syndra AtlanteanSquare
Taliyah OriginalSquare
Veigar OriginalSquare
Vladimir DarkWatersSquare
Mage's Cap TFT item
Mystic MysticAll allies gain bonus magic resistance.
  • Mystic TFT bronze icon 2 Mystics: +40 magic resist
  • Mystic TFT gold icon 4 Mystics: +120 magic resist
Janna OriginalSquare
Karma DawnbringerSquare
Master Yi AssassinSquare
Nami DeepSeaSquare
Soraka CelestineSquare
Predator PredatorWhile at least Predator TFT gold icon 3 Predators are in play, Predators instantly kill enemies they damage who are below 25% health.
Kog'Maw CaterpillarSquare
Rek'Sai EternumSquare
Skarner OriginalSquare old
Warwick TundraHunterSquare
Ranger RangerEvery 3 seconds, Rangers have a chance to gain increased attack speed for 3 seconds.
  • Ranger TFT bronze icon 2 Rangers: 35% at × 2 attack speed
  • Ranger TFT silver icon 4 Rangers: 80% at × 2 attack speed
  • Ranger TFT gold icon 6 Rangers: 100% at × 2.5 attack speed
Ashe AmethystSquare
Ezreal FrostedSquare
Kindred ShadowfireSquare
Twitch OriginalSquare
Varus InfernalSquare
Vayne ArclightSquare
Soulbound SoulboundWhile at least Soulbound TFT gold icon 2 Soulbound units are in play, the first Soulbound unit to die in a round will instead enter the Spirit Realm, becoming untargetable and continuing to fight as long as another Soulbound unit is alive.
Lucian OriginalSquare
Senna OriginalSquare
Summoner SummonerSummoned units gain bonus health and last longer.
  • Summoner TFT bronze icon 3 Summoners: +30% health and duration
  • Summoner TFT gold icon 6 Summoners: +120% health and duration
Annie OriginalSquare
Azir OriginalSquare
Malzahar OverlordSquare
Yorick ArclightSquare
Zed ShockbladeSquare
Zyra WildfireSquare
Warden WardenWardens gain increased total armor.
  • Warden TFT bronze icon 2 Wardens: +150% armor
  • Warden TFT silver icon 4 Wardens: +300% armor
  • Warden TFT gold icon 6 Wardens: +999% armor
Amumu InfernalSquare
Braum OriginalSquare
Leona LunarEclipseSquare
Malphite OriginalSquare
Nasus LunarGuardianSquare
Nautilus OriginalSquare
Ornn ThunderLordSquare
Taric OriginalSquare
Thresh DeepTerrorSquare
Warden's Mail TFT item


Origins are called Elements in this set.

Cloud CloudAll allies gain a chance to Dodge icon dodge enemy basic attack.
  • Cloud TFT silver icon 2 Clouds: +20% dodge chance
  • Cloud TFT gold icon 3 Clouds: +25% dodge chance
  • Cloud TFT diamond icon 4 Clouds: +35% dodge chance
Janna OriginalSquare
Yasuo OriginalSquare
Crystal CrystalCrystals have a maximum amount of damage they can take from a single attack or ability hit.
  • Crystal TFT gold icon 2 Crystals: 110 max damage
  • Crystal TFT diamond icon 4 Crystals: 60 max damage
Ashe AmethystSquare
Skarner OriginalSquare old
Taric OriginalSquare
Desert DesertDeserts reduce the enemy team's armor.
  • Desert TFT bronze icon 2 Deserts: 40% armor reduction
  • Desert TFT gold icon 4 Deserts: 100% armor reduction
Azir OriginalSquare
Kha'Zix GuardianoftheSandsSquare
Renekton OriginalSquare
Sivir OriginalSquare old4
Electric ElectricElectrics deal magic damage to nearby enemies whenever they deal or receive a Critical strike icon critical strike. The damage does not scale with Ability power icon ability power.
  • Electric TFT bronze icon 2 Electrics: 80 damage
  • Electric TFT silver icon 3 Electrics: 250 damage
  • Electric TFT gold icon 4 Electrics: 550 damage
Ornn ThunderLordSquare
Volibear OriginalSquare old
Zed ShockbladeSquare
Glacial GlacialGlacials' basic attacks have a 25% chance on-hit to Stun icon stun their target for 1.5 seconds and deal bonus magic damage.
  • Glacial TFT bronze icon 2 Glacials: 75 damage
  • Glacial TFT gold icon 4 Glacials: 175 damage
  • Glacial TFT diamond icon 6 Glacials: 375 damage
Braum OriginalSquare
Ezreal FrostedSquare
Olaf GlacialSquare
Volibear OriginalSquare old
Warwick TundraHunterSquare
Frozen Mallet TFT item
Inferno InfernoInferno spell damage and Critical strike icon critical strikes burns the area beneath the target, dealing a percentage of that spell's or crit's pre-mitigation damage as magic damage over 4 seconds, with each tick occuring every 0.5 seconds.
  • Inferno TFT bronze icon 3 Infernos: +70% damage within 1 hex
  • Inferno TFT gold icon 6 Infernos: +150% damage within 3 hexes
  • Inferno TFT diamond icon 9 Infernos: +250% damage within 5 hexes
Amumu InfernalSquare
Annie OriginalSquare
Brand OriginalSquare
Diana InfernalSquare
Kindred ShadowfireSquare
Varus InfernalSquare
Zyra WildfireSquare
Inferno's Cinder TFT item
Light LightWhen a Light unit dies, all other Lights gain stackable bonus attack speed and are healed for 20% of the dying unit maximum health.
  • Light TFT bronze icon 3 Lights: +20% attack speed
  • Light TFT gold icon 6 Lights: +30% attack speed
  • Light TFT diamond icon 9 Lights: +50% attack speed
Aatrox JusticarSquare
Jax GodStaffSquare
Lucian OriginalSquare
Nasus LunarGuardianSquare
Soraka CelestineSquare
Vayne ArclightSquare
Yorick ArclightSquare
Talisman of Light TFT item
Lunar LunarWhile at least Lunar TFT gold icon 2 Lunars are in play, every 7 seconds, your team gains 15% critical strike chance, 15% critical strike damage, and 15% Ability power icon ability power.
This effect stacks up to 4 times, for a maximum of 60% critical strike chance, 60% critical strike damage, and 60% Ability power icon ability power.
Karma DawnbringerSquare
Leona LunarEclipseSquare
Mountain MountainWhile at least Mountain TFT gold icon 2 Mountains are in play, at the start of combat, a random ally gains a 1500 health stoneshield.
Malphite OriginalSquare
Taliyah OriginalSquare
Ocean OceanAll allies restore mana every 4 seconds.
  • Ocean TFT bronze icon 2 Oceans: +10 mana
  • Ocean TFT gold icon 4 Oceans: +30 mana
  • Ocean TFT diamond icon 6 Oceans: +60 mana
Nami DeepSeaSquare
Nautilus OriginalSquare
Syndra AtlanteanSquare
Thresh DeepTerrorSquare
Vladimir DarkWatersSquare
Poison PoisonWhile at least Poison TFT gold icon 3 Poisons are in play, Poisons apply Neurotoxin when they deal damage, increasing the mana cost of the target's spell by 33%.
Dr. Mundo ToxicSquare
Kog'Maw CaterpillarSquare
Singed OriginalSquare
Twitch OriginalSquare
Shadow ShadowAt the start of combat, Shadow units deal increased damage for 6 seconds.
  • Shadow TFT bronze icon 3 Shadows: +65% increased damage. Refreshed on takedown.
  • Shadow TFT gold icon 6 Shadows: +150% increased damage. Refreshed on any Shadow takedown.
Kindred ShadowfireSquare
Malzahar OverlordSquare
Master Yi AssassinSquare
Senna OriginalSquare
Sion WarmongerSquare
Veigar OriginalSquare
Steel SteelSteel units gain damage immunity for a few seconds when they are reduced below 50% health.
  • Steel TFT silver icon 2 Steels: 2 seconds
  • Steel TFT gold icon 3 Steels: 3 seconds
  • Steel TFT diamond icon 4 Steels: 4 seconds
Nocturne EternumSquare
Rek'Sai EternumSquare
Variable VariableVariables transform into another Element based on in-game conditions. The condition and available elements are not consistent across Variables.
Lux ElementalistSquare
Qiyana OriginalSquare
Woodland WoodlandAt the start of combat, select Woodland units create a copy of themselves (excluding items).
  • Woodland TFT gold icon 3 Woodlands: One random Woodland
  • Woodland TFT diamond icon 6 Woodlands: All Woodlands
Ivern OriginalSquare
LeBlanc ElderwoodSquare
Maokai OriginalSquare
Neeko OriginalSquare

List of champions

Aatrox AatroxEpic SkinLight LightBlademaster BlademasterThe Darkin Blade The Arclight Blade
Cleaves the area in front of him, dealing 300 / 600 / 1200 Ability power icon AP magic damage to the target and any enemy adjacent to them.
Amumu AmumuUltimate SkinInferno InfernoWarden WardenCurse of the Sad Mummy Curse of the Sad Mummy
Explodes in an infernal tantrum, dealing 100 / 200 / 1337 Ability power icon AP magic damage to all enemies within 3 hexes, and Stun icon stunning them for 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 seconds.
Annie AnnieMythic SkinInferno InfernoSummoner SummonerSummon Tibbers Tibbers!
Summons Tibbers near her target, dealing 100 / 200 / 300 Ability power icon AP magic damage to all adjacent enemies. Tibbers fights for the rest of the round or until killed, dealing 125 / 350 / 1500 Ability power icon AP magic damage with each basic attack. Cannot gain mana while Tibbers is active.
Tibbers has 1600 / 2200 / 3000 health and 30 armor.
Ashe AsheMythic SkinCrystal CrystalRanger RangerRanger's Focus Ranger's Focus
For the next 5 seconds, gains 50 / 75 / 100% bonus attack speed, and her basic attacks fire a flurry of five arrows dealing 30 / 35 / 75% AD physical damage per arrow, for a total of 150 / 175 / 375% AD physical damage.
Azir AzirEpic SkinDesert DesertSummoner SummonerArise! Arise!
Summons a Sand Soldier near a random enemy that lasts 6 seconds. Sand Soldiers attack nearby enemies whenever Azir attacks, dealing 150 / 275 / 450 Ability power icon AP magic damage in a line.
Brand BrandMythic SkinInferno InfernoMage MagePyroclasm Pyroclasm
Launches a bouncing fireball at the farthest enemy. The fireball bounces to a random enemy within 3 hexes of the last enemy hit up to 5 / 6 / 20 times, dealing 225 / 300 / 600 Ability power icon AP magic damage with each bounce.
Braum BraumStandard SkinGlacial GlacialWarden WardenUnbreakable Unbreakable
Puts up his shield at the farthest enemy for 4 seconds, absorbing and stopping all incoming missiles and reducing his damage taken from that direction by 80 / 85 / 90%.
Diana Diana1Inferno InfernoAssassin AssassinPale Cascade Flame Cascade
Creates 3 / 4 / 6 orbs which rotate around her and explode for 80 / 100 / 120 Ability power icon AP magic damage when they collide with an enemy. She also shields herself for 150 / 250 / 350 Ability power icon AP health for 4 seconds.
Dr Dr. MundoEpic SkinPoison PoisonBerserker BerserkerSadism Adrenaline Rush
Creates a toxic cloud around him for 8 seconds. The cloud deals 50 / 100 / 200 Ability power icon AP (+ 1.25% of his maximum health) magic damage every second to nearby enemies and heals for 100 / 125 / 150% of the damage dealt.
Ezreal EzrealEpic SkinGlacial GlacialRanger RangerMystic Shot Ice Shot
After a 0.25-second delay, fires a shard of ice at the lowest-health unit, dealing 250 / 450 / 900 Ability power icon AP magic damage and applying on-hit effects.
Ivern Ivern1Woodland WoodlandDruid DruidTriggerseed Triggerseed
Shields the lowest-health ally for 200 / 300 / 400 Ability power icon AP health for 5 seconds.
Janna JannaMythic SkinCloud CloudMystic MysticMonsoon Monsoon
Summons a Monsoon with 3-hex radius around her, healing allies therein for 25 / 35 / 200% Ability power icon AP of their maximum health over 3 seconds, with each tick of healing occurring every 0.5 seconds. Nearby enemies are Airborne icon knocked back and Stun icon stunned for 1.5 seconds.
Jax JaxStandard SkinLight LightBerserker BerserkerGrandmaster's Might Counter Strike
Dodge icon Dodges all incoming attacks for 2 seconds, then strikes all nearby enemies, dealing 150 / 300 / 550 Ability power icon AP magic damage and Stun icon stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
Karma KarmaEpic SkinLunar LunarMystic MysticDefiance Inspire
At the start of combat, tethers to her closest ally. Shields the tethered ally (or a random one if the tether is dead) for 5 seconds, absorbing the next 250 / 400 / 800 Ability power icon AP damage. While the shield holds, the ally receives 35 / 50 / 100% Ability power icon AP bonus attack speed.
Kha'Zix Kha'ZixMythic SkinDesert DesertAssassin AssassinEvolved Adaptive Cloaking Arid Assault
Camouflage 1 Stealths and attacks the lowest-health enemy with 500 increased movement speed, dealing 100 / 200 / 500 Ability power icon AP bonus physical damage, Critical strike icon critically striking, and gaining 5 / 10 / 15 mana.
Kindred KindredEpic SkinShadow Shadow
Inferno Inferno
Ranger RangerMounting Dread Dance of Dread
Lamb leaps away from her target by 2-hex, while Wolf mauls Kindred's target, dealing 150 / 325 / 650 Ability power icon AP magic damage and applying Grievous Wounds icon Grievous Wounds for 5 seconds.
Kog'Maw Kog'Maw1Poison PoisonPredator PredatorLiving Artillery Living Artillery
After a 0.35-second delay, launches an acidic blob at a random enemy, dealing 150 / 300 / 500 Ability power icon AP magic damage.
LeBlanc LeBlancStandard SkinWoodland WoodlandAssassin Assassin
Mage Mage
Ethereal Chains Ethereal Chain
Launches an ethereal chain at a random enemy, dealing 225 / 475 / 800 Ability power icon AP magic damage and, after a 0.5 seconds delay, Stun icon stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
Leona Leona1Lunar LunarWarden WardenEclipse Lunar Barrier
Giantize herself and reduces all incoming damage by 40 / 80 / 120 Ability power icon AP for 4 seconds.
Lucian LucianMythic SkinLight LightSoulbound SoulboundThe Culling The Culling
Fires 12 (+ 400% total attack speed) bullets in a direction for 4 seconds, each dealing 50% AD physical damage, applying on-hit effects, and dealing 40 / 50 / 100 Ability power icon AP magic damage.
Lucian will dash during The Culling to keep hitting enemies.
Lux LuxChina Skin Tier 9Variable VariableAvatar AvatarFinal Spark Final Spark
Fires an elemental blast dealing 550 / 900 / 99999 Ability power icon AP magic damage to all enemies in a line. If at least one enemy is killed, restores 50 mana.
Malphite MalphiteMythic SkinMountain MountainWarden WardenUnstoppable Force Unstoppable Force
Charges to a random enemy, dealing 150 / 300 / 1000 Ability power icon AP magic damage to nearby enemies within 2-hex radius, Airborne icon knocking them into the air for 1 second, and Stun icon stunning them for 2 / 2.5 / 5 seconds.
Malzahar MalzaharStandard SkinShadow ShadowSummoner SummonerVoid Swarm Shadow Swarm
Summons 2 / 3 / 4 Shadow Spawns, who hit for 40 / 70 / 100 Ability power icon AP magic damage each attack. Each Shadow Spawn has 250 / 300 / 400 health and can gain the Shadow Shadow bonus (if active).
Maokai Maokai1Woodland WoodlandDruid DruidSap Magic Sap Magic
After being damaged by an enemy spell, the next basic attack heals him for 100 / 150 / 200 Ability power icon AP health.
Master Yi Master YiUltimate SkinShadow ShadowMystic Mystic
Blademaster Blademaster
Meditate Meditate
Meditates, becoming untargetable for 1 second and healing 30% Ability power icon AP of maximum health over the duration. Afterwards, for 6 seconds, gains 100% bonus attack speed and basic attacks deal 40 / 80 / 500 Ability power icon AP bonus magic damage on-hit, but cannot gain mana for the duration. Meditate ends if he is full health.
Nami NamiUltimate SkinOcean OceanMystic MysticTidal Wave Tidal Wave
Summons a massive tidal wave which deals 100 / 200 / 300 Ability power icon AP magic damage to all enemies hit, Airborne icon knocking up and Stun icon stunning them for 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 seconds. Allies hit are empowered for the next 8 seconds, making their basic attacks deal an additional 25 / 50 / 300 bonus magic damage on-hit.
Nasus Nasus1Light LightWarden WardenFury of the Sands Fury of the Dawn
Giantize and Surrounds himself in light for 7 seconds, gaining 250 / 400 / 550 maximum health and dealing 50 / 70 / 90 Ability power icon AP magic damage every second to adjacent enemies.
Nautilus NautilusEpic SkinOcean OceanWarden WardenDepth Charge Depth Charge
Sends out a depth charge that seeks out the farthest enemy, Airborne icon knocking them up and Stun icon stunning them for 3 / 4 / 6 seconds, while also dealing 100 / 200 / 400 Ability power icon AP magic damage to all enemies it passes through.
Neeko NeekoStandard SkinWoodland WoodlandDruid DruidBlooming Burst Blooming Burst
Throws a seed at a random target that explodes for 100 / 200 / 350 Ability power icon AP magic damage three times with 1 / 1 / 3-hex radius (based on the number of detonations).
Nocturne NocturneEpic SkinSteel SteelAssassin AssassinSteel Blades Steel Blades
Every third basic attack damages all adjacent enemies and applies on-hit effects. It also heals for 50 / 60 / 70% of the damage dealt.
Olaf OlafMythic SkinGlacial GlacialBerserker BerserkerRagnarok Ragnarok
Giantize himself and gains 125 / 150 / 450% bonus attack speed, 0% − 50% (based on missing health) lifesteal, and immunity to crowd control for the rest of the round.
Ornn Ornn1Electric ElectricWarden WardenBellows Breath Lightning Breath
Breathes lightning in a cone, dealing 125 / 250 / 450 Ability power icon AP magic damage to enemies therein, and increasing their chance to be Critical strike icon critical struck by 25% for the next 10 seconds.
Qiyana QiyanaEpic SkinVariable VariableAssassin AssassinEdge of Ixtal Elemental Blade
Dash to the optimum position if available and throws a 2-hex wind blast through them, Stun icon stunning enemies for 2.5 / 3.5 / 4.5 seconds and dealing 300 / 500 / 900 Ability power icon AP magic damage.
Rek'Sai Rek'SaiStandard SkinSteel SteelPredator PredatorFurious Bite Furious Bite
Bites an enemy, dealing 250 / 550 / 1000 Ability power icon AP true damage.
Renekton Renekton1Desert DesertBerserker BerserkerCull the Meek Cull the Meek
Swings his blade, dealing 150 / 275 / 475 Ability power icon AP magic damage to nearby enemies and healing himself for 150 / 225 / 300 Ability power icon AP health per enemy hit.
Senna SennaStandard SkinShadow ShadowSoulbound SoulboundPiercing Darkness Piercing Darkness
Fires a beam through her furthest ally (or a nearest enemy if there is no ally), dealing 50 / 100 / 150 Ability power icon AP magic damage to enemies hit by the beam, and granting allies 20 / 45 / 70 bonus magic damage on-hit for 5 seconds.
Singed SingedUltimate SkinPoison PoisonAlchemist AlchemistPoison Trail Poison Trail
Leaves a toxic cloud for 3.25 seconds wherever he moves, poisoning enemies who stand in it for 225 / 300 / 2000 Ability power icon AP magic damage over 6 seconds, with each tick of damage occurring every 0.5 seconds.
Sion SionEpic SkinShadow ShadowBerserker BerserkerDecimating Smash Decimating Smash
Winds up for 0.75 seconds, then smashes his axe down a 2-hex line in front of him, Airborne icon knocking up and dealing 200 / 350 / 700 Ability power icon AP magic damage to all enemies hit.
Sivir SivirEpic SkinDesert DesertBlademaster BlademasterRicochet Ricochet
For the next 5 seconds, basic attacks bounce up to 5 / 7 / 9 times to nearby enemies within 2-hex range of their, dealing 100 / 125 / 150% AD physical damage and applying on-hit effects.
Skarner SkarnerStandard SkinCrystal CrystalPredator PredatorCrystalline Exoskeleton Crystalline Exoskeleton
Shields himself for 150 / 450 / 750 Ability power icon AP health for 8 seconds. While the shield persists, gains 50 / 75 / 100% bonus attack speed.
Soraka SorakaEpic SkinLight LightMystic MysticEquinox Equinox
Calms the 1-hex radius area around a random enemy for 3 / 5 / 7 seconds, dealing 150 / 300 / 450 Ability power icon AP magic damage to all enemies standing in it and Silence icon mana-locking them.
Syndra SyndraStandard SkinOcean OceanMage MageDark Sphere Hydro Sphere
Conjures a sphere of water with a 2-hex radius which explodes near a random enemy, dealing 225 / 375 / 650 Ability power icon AP magic damage to all enemies hit.
Taliyah Taliyah1Mountain MountainMage MageSeismic Shove Seismic Shove
Causes the ground to erupt under the enemy with the most mana, dealing 150 / 350 / 550 Ability power icon AP magic damage to them, and Stun icon stunning them for 2 seconds. This also Airborne icon knocks melee enemies away from her, or Airborne icon pulls ranged enemies toward her, with 2-hex distance.
Taric TaricUltimate SkinCrystal CrystalWarden WardenCosmic Radiance Cosmic Radiance
After a 1.5 second delay, pulses cosmic energy onto allied champions within 2 / 3 / 4 hexes, making them invulnerable for 2.5 / 2.5 / 8 seconds.
Thresh ThreshStandard SkinOcean OceanWarden WardenDark Passage Deep Sea Lantern
After a 0.25-second delay, throws his lantern to the lowest-health ally, shielding them and nearby allies for 250 / 400 / 600 Ability power icon AP health for 5 seconds.
Twitch TwitchMythic SkinPoison PoisonRanger RangerSpray and Pray Spray and Pray
For the next 8 seconds, gains 30 / 60 / 200% AD bonus physical damage on-hit and infinite range. During this time his basic attacks travel their full range and hit every enemy they pass through. This also applies on-hit effects.
Varus VarusStandard SkinInferno InfernoRanger RangerPiercing Arrow Piercing Arrow
After channeling for 1.5 seconds, fires a piercing arrow up to 8 hexes away, dealing 225 / 450 / 800 Ability power icon AP magic damage to all enemies in its path.
Vayne Vayne1Light LightRanger RangerSilver Bolts Silver Bolts
Basic attacks apply a Silver Bolts stack. Attacking a new enemy removes all her stacks from the previous target.
The third stack consumes them all to deal 10 / 13 / 16% Ability power icon AP of target's maximum health bonus true damage.
Veigar VeigarEpic SkinShadow ShadowMage MagePrimordial Burst Primordial Burst
Blasts an enemy, dealing 325 / 650 / 975 Ability power icon AP magic damage.
If Veigar is a higher star level than his target, instantly kill it.
Vladimir Vladimir1Ocean OceanMage MageTransfusion Drain
Deals 200 / 325 / 500 Ability power icon AP magic damage to the target and heals himself for the same amount.
Volibear VolibearStandard SkinGlacial Glacial
Electric Electric
Berserker BerserkerFrenzy Frenzied Bite
Bites his target in 2-hex range, priority for his attack target, dealing 200 / 450 / 850 Ability power icon AP magic damage. If the target is below 35% health it is killed instantly. If the target dies during the execute, fully restores mana.
Warwick Warwick1Glacial GlacialPredator PredatorInfinite Duress Infinite Duress
Pounces on the enemy with the lowest health, Stun icon stunning them for 1.5 seconds and striking them 3 times, dealing a total of 200 / 500 / 800 Ability power icon AP magic damage. Each strike triggers on-hit effects and heals for all the damage dealt.
Yasuo YasuoStandard SkinCloud CloudBlademaster BlademasterLast Breath Last Breath
Blinks to the enemy with the most items and Airborne icon knocks them up, holding them Airborne icon airborne for 1 second and hitting them 4 / 5 / 6 times, dealing basic attack damage and applying on-hit effects with each hit.
Yorick YorickMythic SkinLight LightSummoner SummonerEulogy of the Isles Shepherd of Souls
Blesses his 2 / 3 / 12 lowest-health allies (except Minions of Light). When they die they are resurrected as a Minion of Light. Each Minion of Light has 500 / 700 / 2000 health, 100 / 175 / 250 Ability power icon AP attack damage, 0.7 attack speed, 20 armor, and can gain the Light Light bonus (if active).
Zed ZedUltimate SkinElectric ElectricAssassin Assassin
Summoner Summoner
Living Shadow Living Lightning
Creates a clone of himself behind his current target. This clone inherits its creator's items, stats, and current health, and can cast Living Lightning. Its mana cost is 50 / 25 higher. At 3-Star, the mana cost is reduced by 125.
Zyra Zyra1Inferno InfernoSummoner SummonerZyra Deadly Spines Rampant Growth
Summons 2 / 3 / 5 non-targetable Flame Spitters at a random location at the edge of the arena. Flame Spitters attack the nearest enemy for 4 seconds, dealing 55 / 65 / 75 Ability power icon AP magic damage per attack a total of 4 times.

TFT Champion Cheat Sheet Set 2

Teamfight Tactics Champion Cheat Sheet Patch 10.1

Set 2 Trivia

  • Most champions have one Class and one Element, with a few exceptions:
  • Unlike other champions, Qiyana Qiyana and Lux Lux have their element trait vary.
  • The majority of champions within Set 2 can be seen wearing a skin.