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League of Legends Wiki
Lillia The Garden of Dreaming
Lillia (Universe)Lillia (Universe)
Lillia (League of Legends)Lillia (League of Legends)
Lillia (Esports)Lillia (Esports)
Lillia (Teamfight Tactics)Lillia (Teamfight Tactics)
Lillia (Legends of Runeterra)Lillia (Legends of Runeterra)
Lillia (Wild Rift)Lillia (Wild Rift)
Lillia (Development)Lillia (Development)
Lillia (Trivia)Lillia (Trivia)

▶️  "Me? A dream come true."
— Lillia

Intensely shy, the fae fawn Lillia Lillia skittishly wanders Ionia Crest icon Ionia's forests. Hiding just out of sight of mortals—whose mysterious natures have long captivated, but intimidated, her—Lillia hopes to discover why their dreams no longer reach the ancient Dreaming Tree. She now travels Ionia with a magical branch in hand, in an effort to find people's unrealized dreams. Only then can Lillia herself bloom and help others untangle their fears to find the sparkle within. Eep!

LilliaSquare"When the humans bloom, it's so beautiful… I can help them! Maybe. Possibly? Perhaps…"  Lillia
Read Biography


Family History[]

When the Freljord Crest icon Freljordian barbarian Ivern the Cruel Ivern the Cruel traveled to Omikayalan and cut down the God-Willow, several seeds of the ancient tree were dispersed and scattered around Ionia Crest icon Ionia. One of these seeds took root in what would later be known as the Garden of Forgetting and, after being nurtured by the now reformed Green Father Ivern, sprouted into the Dreaming Tree; a [[Spirit Tree] that spread the magic of mortal desires by attracting and containing their dreams within dream-laden flower buds.

Early Life[]


When the Dreaming Tree began to have a dream of it's own, it manifested into a new bud that held this dream. This bud however fell to the ground prematurely, miraculously sprouting into Lillia; an awkward Fae Fawn creature with the flower bud from her birth still attached to her head. Having no company other than her mother tree and the many dreams that drifted to the garden each night, Lillia became a caretaker for the garden and helped her mother by tending to the buds containing the dreams and desires of humans.

During this time, Lillia would learn more about the world outside the garden through these dreams, becoming enchanted by sights of people and places people dream of, experiencing the swirl of emotions in each one and seeing the desires that mortals only think of when they're asleep. Lillia began to feel a deep sense of care for these dreams and the dreamers that made them, longing to one day meet these many dreamers face-to-face. Lillia's dream to explore the world and meet these dreamers eventually manifested into a bud of it's own on a branch of the Dreaming Tree.

The Dreaming Tree's Sickness[]

After the Noxian Invasion of Ionia, fewer dreams began to arrive to the Garden of Forgetting, causing Lillia's mother tree to grew sick and infected with burls and dark ooze. Though Lillia did her best to nurture her mother tree and the remaining dreams contained in its buds, the Dreaming Tree only grew so sick it could no longer protect the garden from outsiders.

First Encounter with Humans[]

One night, around the time of the Spirit Blossom festival, a band of warriors chased a lone figure lone figure into the garden and all the way to the location of the Dreaming Tree itself. During a fight, the branch holding Lillia's own dream bud was cut down by a slash of the lone figure's blade, causing it to fall to the ground and frightening Lillia. Panicked, Lillia used dream dust and forced all the humans to fall asleep.

Having finally met her first humans, Lillia was shocked at how different they were compared to how they seemed from the wonderful dreams she would witness while tending to the garden, seeing them as tangled and confused just like the burls that infected her mother tree. While weeping from the sheer shock of the incident, Lillia noticed the lone figure's dream as it slowly floated toward the cut down branch and into the bud containing Lillia's own dream. Picking up the branch, Lillia soothed the dream within the bud, causing it and herself to grow brighter as the bud on her head unfurled and bloomed with magical sparkling pollen before sneezing and releasing the magic into the forest.

As the humans woke up, Lillia hid behind the tree and watched as they completely forgot how they got to the garden and what they were doing there before leaving. Though relieved to see them go, Lillia still saw the potential for dreams within these humans despite how tangled and violent they were on the surface.

Leaving the Garden of Forgetting[]

While caring for her mother tree, Lillia saw more dreams of mortals that depicted several Spirits of Ionian mythology. Through her encounter with the human warriors, Lillia realized that the only way she can truly save the Dreaming Tree is by bringing the dreams to the garden herself. Finally gaining the courage, Lillia took up her branch and left the garden to enter the unfamiliar and frightening world outside as she looked over an Ionian village celebrating the Spirit Blossom festival.[1]

Recent Events[]

While shy and hiding just out of sight, Lillia now helps mortals realize their own dreams, bringing forward glimpses of the potential she sees in them. In doing so, Lillia realizes she's finally fulfilled her own dream to explore the world and meet these dreamers, occasionally causing the bud on her head to bloom with joy.

On one occasion, Lilia encounters a lonely girl in the forest. The girl's dream seems elusive until Lillia realizes it's not what the girl wants, but what she needs—a connection to her absent sister. Through a heartfelt exchange, Lillia helps the girl release her dream, teaching her the power of dreams to provide comfort and solace.

The Dewdrop Harvest[]

At some point, a large amount of dewdrops containing glimpses into dreams from all over Runeterra Crest icon Runeterra began to gather around the Dreaming Tree in preparation for a massive harvest. Lillia travelled back to the Garden of Forgetting to help nurture the dewdrops during the harvest, encountering the garden's other caretakers such as a Vastayan gardener of the Ophelis tribe named LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Aisha. Along with that, the harvest attracted many LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator1 Spritelings watched over by the LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 Sprite Mother, who kept these fickle spirits in line as they entered others' dreams and guided the dreamers.

Lillia LoR Promo 01

Lillia watching the Dreaming Tree as magical dewdrops begin to gather around it, ready for the harvest.

During this harvest, Lillia saw into other dreams carried to the garden by the dewdrops. Looking into one dream, she saw the Yordle Vex Vex attending a joyful birthday party planned by her 'friend' LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator3 Allay, which Vex considered more of a nightmare.

Lux's Illuminated Dream[]


Lillia fighting off the corruption that took hold Lux's Lux's dream.

Lillia peered more closely into a different dream belonging to Luxanna Crownguard Luxanna Crownguard, who dreamt of a utopian version of Demacia Crest icon Demacia where her magical gifts were celebrated rather than feared. During this wondrous dream however, Lillia witnessed it corrupt with darkness as Lux encountered a LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator5 mageseeker and walked into a LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator4 petricite hall filled with darkness and grasping hands. In an effort to save Lux and her dream of a better Demacia, Lillia fought off the corruption, which manifested in the form of mysterious crows.

Lux's dream was seemingly saved by a sprite who took the form of a young mage named LoR Non-Champion Non-Spell Indicator8 Alina.


Lillia is a pretty slender Fae Fawn, with brownish fur, long hair with a distinct palette of lilac and blue, large ears,big blue eyes and four deer legs. She doesn't wear clothes, just a plain top made of leaves with a green palette. The most distinctive ornament on her attire is the flower bud on her head. She also has the magical branch in hand. Despite looking similar to a Vastaya, Lillia Lillia is not one.


Lillia is a very shy and kind individual, but is also extremely protective and determined in her cause to help her Mother tree. She is very passionate and devoted to her mission to save the Mother tree's life. Lillia is very curious, with a broad imagination and an everlasting sense of wonder. She is both clumsy and competent.


  • Fae Fawn Physiology: Lilia is a Fae Fawn, a wholly unique entity born from the dream of her mother the Dreaming Tree. Though born from a plant, she is more spiritual in nature and takes a cervine form resembling a humanoid woman with four deer legs and a magical flower bud attached to her head. Being more tied to the Spirit Realm, Lillia has increased longevity and access to some spiritual magics.
    • Enhanced Speed: Enhanced Speed: Due to her cervine physiology, Lillia has enhanced agility and speed compared to normal humans, capable of running much faster thanks to deer legs.
    • Dream Magic: Dream Magic: Lilia, Having been born from the Dreaming Tree, can sense and interact with dreams. With this ability she can peer into the dreams of others, guide these dreams to the dreaming tree by containing them in her censer, and in some cases even manipulate them to an extent. With this magic she can also utilize 'dream dust dream dust' produced from the flower bud on her head, which she can use to induce sleep on others and even affect their memories prior to falling asleep.
      • Empathy: By communing with the dreams of others, Lillia can discern the emotions hidden deep within these dreams, such as their deep fears and desires only expressed when they are asleep. Due to her close connection with these dreams, Lillia has an intense sense of empathy and can in a sense feel these emotions by peering into these dreams. Along with that, she can change the emotions of others by manipulating their dreams to an extent.
    • Nature Magic: Nature Magic: Lillia has shown some capability to manipulate nature itself by affecting the growth of plants, such as how she took the branch holding her dream bud and was able to turn it into a powerful censer staff weapon. Typically, Lillia utilizes this ability by sprouting swirlseeds out of the bud on her censer.
  • Censer Mastery: Censer Mastery: Lillia wields the branch holding her dream bud, which she has turned into a powerful censer to utilize in combat. Though she isn't a very skilled fighter and often avoids combat mostly, she's capable of fending off enemies from a moderate distance thanks to her weapon of choice, swinging at enemies swinging at enemies with her censer.


Ivern Ivern[]

Lillia's mother, the legendary Dreaming Tree, was directly spawned by the ancient God-Willow tree in Omikayalan. When Ivern, as a once human barbarian, cut down the God-Willow, he fused with it and became the legendary Green Father as he vowed to tend to and care for all nature and helped nurture many of the God-Willow's spawned seeds including Lillia's mother tree.

Due to the fact that Ivern is essentially fused with the God-Willow and he took the effort to care for the Dreaming Tree, he's considered an ancestor or 'grandfather' figure to Lillia. Their relationship seems very warming, as Lillia states that Ivern sometimes considers her his "favorite sprout."

Yasuo Yasuo[]

Though Lillia never directly interacted with Yasuo, it is implied that he could be the figure that fled into the Garden of Forgetting during her first ever encounter with humans.

Yone Yone[]

At some point, Yone met Lillia developed a fond friendship with her, possibly when the two arrived at Weh'le during the Spirit Blossom festival. Yone, considering Lillia as one of the kinder spirits compared to the many Azakana he faces, has vowed to protect her from any dangers, particularly demons.[2]

Nocturne Nocturne[]

It's unclear whether or not they have directly met, but Yone states that Nocturne is targeting Lillia and has vowed to stop him from ever crossing paths with her. It's very likely they are at least aware of one another though due to Nocturne's innate connection to nightmares.

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Starring Champion

Lillia Beyond the Garden

Ionia Crest icon


Beyond the Garden

With the arrival of the Spirit Blossom Festival, a magical fawn musters the courage to venture out and uncover the mystery behind her ailing forest.

Lillia The Garden of Dreaming

Ionia Crest icon

Short Story

The Garden of Dreaming

By David Slagle

The child slowly makes her way into the forest. And sometimes beneath the forest as the canopy of leaves weaves a green blanket against the clouds. Oh! And sometimes over the forest when there are roots! Don't trip, little girl, don't trip. And now… she's going through it.

Alternate Universes

Spirit Blossom 2020 Promo 11

Ionia Crest icon


Spirit Bonds

By Jared Rosen, Michael Yichao, Rayla Heide, Elan Stimmel, Cat Manning, David Slagle, John O'Bryan, Michael Luo, Phillip Vargas

They say the Spirit Blossom Festival represents a thinning of the veil between our world and the Spirit Realm.

Yone Teaser 02

Ionia Crest icon


The Path, An Ionian Myth

Every myth carries a seed of truth. A slain swordsman must decide if he will make peace with his past—or be consumed by it.


  • Lillia was born from the Dreaming Tree's desires to have an attendant or protector of sorts, so it's very possible that the tree dreamed of the God-Willow's previous protectors, being the ancient Vastayashai'rei.
    • This may explain her Vastaya-like appearance despite being a unique being separate from the Vastaya, as her appearance is based on the dreams of the Dreaming Tree.
  • Lillia speaks with a Scottish accent, as she was heavily inspired by the fairies of the British Isles.

Change log[]

Character blurb
7 July 2020 (During V10.14) Added.


See also[]
