- If you are looking for the tutorials in Runeterra IP games, see Tutorial.

Welcome to the League of Legends Wiki Tutorial! This page was originally created and realized by the user Tylobic. Multiple editors have contributed and expanded on it since then, to allow you and anyone else who is starting off with contributing to the LoLWiki to learn its features, workflow, and structure.
This tutorial serves as an introduction to editing and lists generally used features for editing and coding across the LoLWiki. The simplified markup language called wikitext is used for editing content into a page. Wikitext also allows for using some elements of HTML, which is a widely used markup language.
In addition, pieces of text or formatting can be reused with Templates. Templates are an integral part of editing and enable editors to easily add and display specific pieces of information or formatting[1]. Our community has created many custom Templates commonly utilized throughout the LoLWiki. Some common Templates are listed and explained in this page.
If you are logged in to your Fandom account, you have the ability to edit most LoLWiki pages by clicking on the Edit button at the top right of an article.
By default, the first editor that you will see when starting to edit is the Visual editor, which provides an editing space similar to how the page is displayed, and is useful if you are unfamiliar with coding. However, the Visual editor has limited capabilities, provides a very poor coding environment, and can sometimes unpredictably change parts of the page that you did not intend to tamper with.
It is highly recommended to work in the Source editor. Basic document editing functions (through buttons rather than coding) are still present in the Source editor, as in the Visual editor.
- To change your default editor, go to your preferences by clicking here, and set your Preferred Editor to Source editor.
General Text Formatting[]
Bold and Italics[]
To put some text in Bold, you need to add 3 apostrophes on each side of the text.
'''Some bolded text.'''
gives Some bolded text.
To put some text in Italics, you need to add 2 apostrophes on each side of the text.
''Some italics text.''
gives Some italics text.
To put some text in Bold and Italics at the same time, you need to add 5 apostrophes on each side of the text (3 for bold, 2 for italics)
'''''Some bolded italics text.'''''
gives Some bolded italics text.
Indentation and Text Lists[]
Indentation is one way to add structure to text, and arrange a section into a text list. New lines that begin with a special character separate the list's terms, and a new line without one ends the list.
There exist three types of indented text lists, Unordered, Bulleted, and Numbered lists. Indentation is created by adding special indentation characters at the beginning of a line. The more of these characters you insert, the more the text will be indented. Space characters cannot be used in order to indent text, for technical reasons.
Unordered lists (normal text indentation; a "Tab stop ↹") are created by adding a colon :
Bulleted lists are created by adding an asterisk *
Numbered lists are created by adding a number sign #
Here is an example of a Bulleted list, the most common type of list on this wiki.
* First sentence * Second sentence ** Remark about the second sentence * Third sentence ** Remark about the third sentence *** Remark about the remark about the third sentence
- First sentence
- Second sentence
- Remark about the second sentence
- Third sentence
- Remark about the third sentence
- Remark about the remark about the third sentence
- Remark about the third sentence
Definition lists[]
Definition lists are added with the character ;
in the same way that the other three are, but they are not specifically indented lists like the other three. Instead, a definition list adds a term in bold text, and then its description indented one level further, in a new line. The description is optional.
A description list is added like this:
;Term with no description ;Term : description
- Term with no description
- Term
- description
Lastly, mixed and nested lists can also be created by combining the characters shown above at the beginning of a line.
Headings are an effective and common way to organize text on a page. They are simple and quick to use, and allow the reader to quickly navigate through the page. Many common wiki page types (for example a LoL Champion's page) have standardized layouts and order, that are determined by headings.
There exist different sizes of headings, which are represented by levels. Usable levels are 2 through 6 (level 1 is used for the page's title only). Headings are encompassed by pairs of equals signs at each side of the text. The number of pairs represents the level.
==Main Heading==
is a level 2 heading- This will display a big heading.
is a level 3 heading.- This will display a smaller heading.
is a level 4 heading.- This will display a heading as big as text.
is a level 5 heading.======Sub-Sub-Sub-Subheading======
is a level 6 heading.- Levels 5 and 6 are solely used for categorization, but they have the same text size as a level 4 heading.
Wiki (or 'Internal') links[]
To link to another page on the current wiki, you need to encompass it in double square brackets [[ ]]
. You can also change the display text of the link by adding a vertical bar |
after the link and typing the display text.
[[Ability power]]
will create a link to the page Ability power[[Attack Damage|Offensive Stat]]
will create a link to the page Attack Damage but will appear like this: Offensive Stat.
When you want to use the plural of an article title (or add any other suffix) for your link, you can add the extra characters directly after the closing double square brackets.
External links[]
To create a link to a page outside of the wiki, you need to add only one square bracket on each side of the link. Make sure that the address is full: prefixed with "http://www." or "https://www."
To change the display text of the link, add a Space after the link and before the bracket, and type the display text.
- Ex:
[https://www.google.com/ Google]
will create a link to that page, and it will appear like this: Google.
Introduction to Templates[]
Templates are a special page type that contains material meant to be frequently transcluded in multiple other pages. They fulfill various functions/purposes (for example, they may be navigation panes, infoboxes, tooltips, citations, among others). Templates' inclusion in other pages requires specific formatting.
- To include a template in another page, encompass its name in double curly brackets
{{ }}
. Between the curly bracket pairs, you add a number of parameters. The name of the template goes first, and it is required. In order to add a parameter, separate it from the others by using a vertical bar|
Syntax is very important in order to display elements correctly: if a parameter or its position is invalid, the page may show unexpected errors. A template's use, parameters, and syntax can be viewed directly in the template's page itself—their links look like /wiki/Template:(Full Template name)
Template parameters have a specific order, and a varying number of required and/or optional parameters may be needed. These are determined by the template itself.
- Ex:
uses the template named ci (shorthand for "champion icon") and only has one parameter, Diana (which in turn tells the page to include the champion's icon, the champion's name, and the link to the champion's page). This will appear as . - Another example is
, which uses the template named equals and displays the equals sign = .
Here are some commonly used parameters that are used in templates (quotes are used for different possible variables):
Templates may also have default parameters, such as displaying an icon or link. You can customize whether to include or omit them, by adding their parameter but leaving their argument with no input, or typing *none*
in place of the argument.
- Is a default, this will show the link to Karthus skins, the Karthus champion circle, and the name of the skin as it is shown in the original page, as such:
{{csl|Karthus|Pentakill|link=*none*|image=*none*|Pentakill Skin}}
You can even fit templates as parameters.
List of frequently used templates[]
The following templates are used to add icons before commonly used words, such as LoL Champion names.
Several of the templates below have a possessive version. Adding an "s" to the template name which will adjust the displayed text into its possessive form. This is a Quality of Life feature that is commonly used across the wiki, in place of the parameter possessive=true
Name and format | Example | Displayed Text |
ci or Champion icon{{ci|<Champion>|<Custom name>}} Possessive version: {{cis}} Display text can be changed by using the custom name parameter. |
| |
csl or Champion skin link icon{{csl|<Champion>|<Skin name>}} For simple names like "Hextech Amumu", the skin name can be shortened to "Hextech". |
| |
ai or Ability icon{{ai|<Ability>|<Champion>|<Custom name>}} Possessive version: {{ais}} Text can be changed using the custom ability name parameter. |
| |
cai or Champion's ability icon{{cai|<Ability>|<Champion>|<Custom name>}} Possessive version: {{cais}} Display text can be changed by using the custom name parameter. |
ii or Item icon{{ii|<Item>|<Custom name>}} Possessive version: {{iis}} Display text can be changed by using the custom name parameter. |
| |
ri or Rune icon{{ri|<Rune>|<Custom name>}} Possessive version: {{ris}} Display text can be changed by using the custom name parameter. |
| |
si or Summoner spell icon{{si|<Spell>|<Custom name>}} Possessive version: {{sis}} Display text can be changed by using the custom name parameter. |
| |
ui or Unit icon{{ui|<Unit>|<Custom name>}} Possessive version: {{uis}} Display text can be changed by using the custom name parameter. |
| |
bi or Buff icon{{bi|<Buff>|<Custom name>}} Display text can be changed by using the custom name parameter. |
{{bi|Crest of Cinders}}
sti or Stat icon{{sti|<Stat>|<Custom name>}} Case apparent text, capitalization only affects display name. Display text can be changed by using the custom name parameter. |
{{sti|Attack Damage}}
![]() |
stil or Stat icon with link{{stil|<Stat>|<Custom name>}} Display text can be changed by using the custom name parameter. |
{{stil|Movement Speed}}
![]() |
tip or Tip icon{{tip|<Effect>|<Custom name>}} Can render any icon in the "Template:Tip" template. Display text can be changed by using the custom name parameter. |
![]() |
TFTc or TFT champion{{TFTc|<Champion>|<Custom name>|<set=N>}} Display text can be changed by using the custom name parameter. If blank will display the name of the champion. Need to specify the Set to use. |
TFTt or TFT trait{{TFTt|<Trait>|<Custom name>}} Display text can be changed by using the custom name parameter. |
TFTi or TFT item{{TFTi|<Item>|<Custom name>}} Display text can be changed by using the custom name parameter. |
{{TFTi|Infinity Edge}}
WRc or WR champion{{WRc|<Champion>|<Custom name>}} Display text can be changed by using the custom name parameter. |
WRi or WR item{{WRi|<Item>|<Custom name>}} Display text can be changed by using the custom name parameter. |
{{WRi|Awakened Soulstealer}}
WRr or WR rune{{WRr|<Item>|<Custom name>}} Display text can be changed by using the custom name parameter. |
LoR{{LoR|<Card name or Code>|<Custom name>}} Display text can be changed by using the custom name parameter. |
The following templates are commonly used to format how text is displayed on a page. Some of them automatically calculate and display math formulas or sets of numbers.
Name and format | Example | Displayed Text |
ap or Ability progression{{ap|<FirstValue to LastValue>}} {{ap|<FirstValue to LastValue NumberOfValues>}} {{ap|<Value1>|<Value2>|<...>|<Value6>}} The template defaults to displaying 5 values, and it can only display up to 6 values. |
70 / 95 / 120 / 145 / 170 |
pp or Passive progression{{pp|<FirstValue to LastValue>}} The number of values defaults to 18. |
{{pp|40 to 720}} |
40 − 720 (based on level) |
as or Ability scaling{{as|<(X stat)>}} {{as|<(+ X% stat)>}} {{as|<(+ X% stat)>|<stat>}} This is mainly how text related to statistics is colored with the corresponding color. |
200 energy |
fd or Format decimal{{fd|<Number>}}
3.14 | |
sbc or Small bold capitals{{sbc|<Text>}}
New Effect: | |
tt or Text tooltip{{tt|<Text>|<Tooltip>}}
Text | |
ft or Flip text{{ft|<Element 1>|<Element 2>}}
{{ft|20 + 5 per stack|20 - 45 (based on stacks)}}
「 20 + 5 per stack 」「 20 - 45 (based on stacks) 」 |
Math Operators{{plus}} {{minus}} {{plusminus}} {{divided by}} {{times}} {{equals}} {{degree}}
(8 − 1) ± 3 = 10 or 4 |
clr or Clear{{clr}}
This template clears out the zone where you placed the {{clr}} , preventing other elements to pile up.
| |
clrl or Clear Left{{clrl}}
This template clears out the left part of the zone where you placed the {{clrl}} , preventing other elements to pile up.
| |
clrr or Clear Right{{clrr}}
This template clears out the right part of the zone where you placed the {{clrr}} , preventing other elements to pile up.
Table of Contents[]
When 4 or more headings exist on your page, a Table of Contents (TOC) automatically appears in it, right before the first heading.
You can control the Table of Contents' position on the page. Insert __TOC__
to add the Table of Contents at the current text position (that is two underscores, _
followed by TOC
, followed by two more underscores _
). If you add it manually, its default alignment is at the left side of the page. This can be changed to the right side, by inserting {{tocright}}
anywhere on page.
In other cases, if a Table of Contents is unnecessary, you have the option to remove it. First, delete all instances of TOC code (mentioned above) through the Source Editor—if any exist—and then insert __NOTOC__
(meaning no Table of Contents) to the page instead. After saving, this action will simply remove the Table of Contents from the page.
Tabbers are a method of displaying information that can be divided into multiple selectable tabs. The user is only able to view one tab at a time, rendering tabbers very useful for creating compact pages. Pages can of course include multiple tabbers, but the majority of LoLWiki pages do not utilize more than one, if any.
Single-level tabbers are added by typing the following:
<tabber> </tabber>
A tabber's contents must go between the two "tabber" tags, and they consist of each tabs' title and each tabs' content. To declare a tab's title, insert text on its own in a separate line, and then end it with an equals sign =
, like so:
After the title, insert a new line, and then you can add that specific tab's content with no limitations.
To divide the tabber's tabs, type a vertical bar, |
followed by a dash -
and followed by another vertical bar |
like so: |-|
at the end of each tab's content. You can then add another tab by typing another title as shown above, and repeat the process for any many tabs necessary.
- Example of a tabber with 3 tabs and text-only
Theme1= Content of tab named "Theme1"
|-|Theme2= Tab content of "Theme2" |-|Theme3= This is the "Theme3" tab's content
Content of tab named "Theme1"
Tab content of "Theme2"
This is the "Theme3" tab's content
- Example of a tabber with 3 tabs and concrete elements
Champions= ** * * * |-|Items=
** * * |-|Spells= * * * * * *
Multi-level Tabbers[]
Multi-level tabbers require some experience with markup language syntax, so if you are unfamiliar with it, you do not need to create them.
You can also arrange tabbers inside tabbers, in order to present sub-categories. However, more levels mean more navigation complexity for the end user, and implementation complexity for the editor, so please use with caution and wherever absolutely necessary.
To insert multi-level tabbers, type the following, within a single-level tabber's contents:
{{#tag:tabber| }}
A level is then added to the tabber, and levels can be added indefinitely between the opening and closing double curly brackets.
The title of an inner tabber is inserted after {{#tag:tabber|
in the same way as shown above (Title=
). In order to separate inner tabbers, insert {{!}}-{{!}}
between the opening and closing double curly brackets.
Example of a multi-level tabber:
<tabber> Menu A= {{#tag:tabber| Appetizers= * Homemade duck liver paté with cranberries * Likava bread with pork fat and onions {{!}}-{{!}}Salads= * Chicken salad * Grilled prawns salad {{!}}-{{!}}Meals without meat= * Fried cheese * Fried Camembert with cranberries {{!}}-{{!}}Hot desserts= * Poppy seed dumblings with butter and powdered sugar * Homemade strudel with whipped cream and chocolate sauce }} |-|Menu B= {{#tag:tabber| Soups= * Tripe soup * Soup of the day {{!}}-{{!}}Specialties= * Potato "pirohy" with bryndza * Beef stew with root vegetables and mashed potatoes {{!}}-{{!}}Main courses= * Chicken steak * Grilled salmon fillet * Fried pork {{!}}-{{!}}Meals for children= * Chicken schnitzel, french fries * Chicken rissoto * Poppy seed dumplings with chocolate sauce }} |-|Menu C= {{#tag:tabber| Lunch Menu= * Cheese Pizza * Hamburger * Veggie Burger * Chicken Burrito {{!}}-{{!}}Drinks= *Smoothies *Vitamin Water *Water {{!}}-{{!}}Sides= *Salad Bar *Fruit Bar }} </tabber>
- Homemade duck liver paté with cranberries
- Likava bread with pork fat and onions
- Tripe soup
- Soup of the day
- Cheese Pizza
- Hamburger
- Veggie Burger
- Chicken Burrito
Confirming an edit[]

While editing a page, you have access to a panel at the bottom that complements your editor.
Edit summary: a text area that you can fill to describe your edits (500 characters max). It is a good habit to always leave an edit summary so that other users can understand what you changed or why you changed it, as well as for the purposes of creating an accessible and comprehensible archive of the wiki's edits. The edit summary is irrelevant for User pages.
Show changes: a window that compares the latest version of the page's source code, with your current edits.
Show preview: a window that shows the page as it would look with your current edits. Please note that on some pages (such as template pages) the preview usually does not work, because the data needs to be confirmed before it can be viewed.
The tick box reading This is a minor edit can be checked to indicate if your edit is "minor" or not. In practice, a minor edit means that
- A) your edit modified the page superficially (e.g. correcting a typo or adding proper punctuation) or insignificantly (e.g. adding a Space or line break)
- B) does not change the meaning or method of the information presented (e.g. changing "big" to "very big")
- C) may not realistically and reasonably be the subject of questioning.
Ticking this box does not change anything, but it is important because there must be a distinction between minor and major edits for archival purposes and for other editors (especially for higher-level ones) to examine and monitor edits on a large-scale. It only exists as an indication for other people on the wiki, and is denoted by "m" (for 'minor') when looking at the log of edits.
The final buttons are "Cancel", to discard your edits, and "Save", to confirm your edits. A window to "discard edits" or "keep editing" also pops up if you try to close your editor after making changes (not your browser's tab).
General Browser Tips & Keyboard Shortcuts[]
If you ever need to find specific information on a page, you can press Ctrl + F
to open the "Find" tool and type the text that you are looking for. The Find tool can automatically scroll you to the first occurrence of the word, and then, to navigate to the other occurrence of the word you will have to press Enter
for each occurrence of the word (or use the tool's arrows, if they exist).
Text editing[]
Double-clicking will select a word. Triple-clicking will select an entire paragraph.
You can control your cursor while editing by using the keyboard. You may find the keyboard more precise than using the mouse.
The four arrow keys are the main cursor control when editing text on your screen.
- Press the left or right arrow keys
← →
to move your cursor one character to the left or right. - Press the up or down arrow keys
↑ ↓
to move your cursor above or below its current position.
The Ctrl
key is used for moving your cursor's current position based on the text. Hold it, and then:
- Press the left or right arrow keys
← →
to move your cursor one word to the left or right. - Press the up or down arrow keys
↑ ↓
to move your cursor to the previous or next line.
The Shift
key is used for text selection on your screen. Hold it, and then:
- Press the left or right arrow keys
← →
to select the character left or right from your cursor's position. - Press the up or down arrow keys
↑ ↓
to select all text up to the character above or below your cursor's position.
The Ctrl
and Shift
combination is used for selecting multiple words or lines at the same time based on the text. Hold both keys, and then:
- Press the left or right arrow keys
← →
to select the word left or right from your cursor's position. - Press the up or down arrow keys
↑ ↓
to select the entire line above or below your cursor's position.
Editor Keyboard Shortcuts[]
Ctrl + B
BoldCtrl + I
ItalicsCtrl + U
UnderlineCtrl + K
LinkCtrl + [2-6]
Heading levels 2-6 (1 is used for the page title, do not use it)
Common Browser Shortcuts[]
While not editing text, you will be able to execute these shortcuts:
Ctrl + T
opens a new tabCtrl + Shift + T
restores the most recently closed tab (non-private mode)Ctrl + W
closes the current tabCtrl + N
opens a new windowCtrl + Shift + W
closes the current windowCtrl + Tab
allows you to navigate through tabs in the current window, left-to-right.Ctrl + Shift + Tab
allows you to navigate through tabs in the current window, right-to-left.Ctrl + [1-9]
allows you to navigate to tabs number 1 to 9
- Zoom
Ctrl + Scroll-up
orCtrl + +
for zoom inCtrl + Scroll-down
orCtrl + -
for zoom outCtrl + 0
will restore the zoom to 100%