The Void grows, and the Void adapts—in none of its myriad spawn are these truths more apparent than
. Evolution drives the core of this mutating horror, born to survive and to slay the strong. Where it struggles to do so, it grows new, more effective ways to counter and kill its prey. Initially a mindless beast, Kha'Zix's intelligence has developed as much as its form. Now, the creature plans out its hunts, and even utilizes the visceral terror it engenders in its victims.
"Kill. Consume. Adapt." — Kha'Zix | |
Early Life[]
Kha'Zix was born like almost all Voidborn as a product of the Watchers manipulating organic matter to create servants to infiltrate the Runeterra and provide intel for them. Kha'Zix is a particular Voidborn, a vicious creature seeking to become the ultimate predator in service to the Watchers. At birth, Kha'Zix began as fragile and ravenous, feeding on smaller, weaker creatures that wouldn't allow him to adapt and evolve fast enough. Desiring more, Kha'Zix hunted down more dangerous creatures, risking his life to satisfy his need to consume and evolve. Kha'Zix feasted on every kill, consuming their biological essence and eventually becoming a near-perfect predator roaming the jungles and devouring all types of creatures.
Modern History[]
Encountering the Kiilash[]
Roaming the jungles and savannahs near Shurima, Kha'Zix would encounter some members of a vastayan tribe known as the Kiilash; a culture of fearsome hunters living within the jungles. At some point Ponjaf, the tribe's chieftain at the time, would witness the terrifying Kha'Zix but unable to kill him. Kha'Zix would become renown by the Kiilash as a frightening Void-abomination as some of the most fearless would be unable to hunt him down, including Ponjaf.[1]
Hunted by Rengar[]
At some point Ponjaf's disowned son jungle raptors being devoured by Kha'Zix. While feasting on the essence of the raptors, Kha'Zix grows a pair of limbs out of his back, which slowly unfurl into dripping wings. While stealthily watching the creature from the trees, Rengar finally lunges for an attack but acts too swiftly, as Kha'Zix is capable of parrying his hunting knife and slashing at his left eye with his claws. Rengar, now missing an eye, sees Kha'Zix hold it up with his claws and devour it tauntingly at Rengar. Angered by this, Rengar triumphantly roars and claws at Kha'Zix with his barehands as the two share a violent, bloody clash with one another. [2]
was sent to bring back Kha'Zix's head as a trophy, being the only way Rengar could truly regain honor and return to his people he got exiled from. Searching through the jungles that Kha'Zix is infamous for roaming around, Rengar successfully locates his trail and finds a pack ofThough Kha'Zix managed to survive the encounter, Rengar's succesful strikes caused Kha'Zix to feel his blood drip for the first time ever in his life. Because of this defining encounter against the Kiilash hunter, Kha'Zix now sees Rengar as his next target to consume and eventually evolve into a more perfect predator.
Kha'Zix, the VoidReaver, is a terrifying embodiment of evolution and adaptation. He is a bipedal creature that stalks on clawed feet, his hunched posture conveys the image of a constant threat of violence. His body is encased in a chitinous exoskeleton, the colors of which reflect the unnatural hues of the Void - a chilling mix of purples, blacks, and occasionally disturbing swings of green. Glowing red eyes pierce the darkness of his head, which can take on insectoid or vaguely reptilian features. Sharp blades protrude from his forearms, their shape changing and evolving throughout the creature's hunts. These blades can be smooth and deadly or transformed into serrated instruments of destruction.
When Kha'Zix was created, he was a vicious but unintelligent voidborn that only knew how to kill and eat. However, his mutating abilities allowed Kha'Zix to develop a growing sentience, complete with an intelligent mind, fearless attitude, and a sadistic sense of humor. Kha'Zix has a lot of pride, seeking out "worthy prey" in hopes that he can grow stronger than them and eventually kill them, which was the origin for his rivalry with Rengar, as their previous battle was a stalemate and Kha'Zix now considers him an equal. While hunting the Pridestalker may not be such a wise decision on the surface, Kha'Zix remains determined in his goal, whether it be from arrogance or just as a result of his programming as a Voidborn to seek out and kill the strongest creatures
- Voidborn Physiology: Kha'Ziz is a Voidborn, a creature constructed by the Watchers from within the Void by manipulating organic matter. Voidborn creatures are all programmed with the inherent desire to consume and destroy all of reality but are extremely varied in form and function. Kha'Zix has been created specifically with the ability to quickly evolve and adapt based on what he consumes in order to become the ultimate predator.
- Adaptive Evolution: By consuming other beings, Kha'Zix can quickly adapt and evolve by mutating his own body. He has used this ability several times already, evolving with many different biological weapons and tools he can utilize to hunt down any prey. Kha'Zix is constantly evolving however, being capable of amplifying his current mutations even further when he consumes enough material and adapts.
- Kha'Zix possesses incredibly powerful and sharp claws that cut through many things. He has used these claws to easily parry hunting knife and slice his eye off.
- raptors in the jungles near Shurima. Kha'Zix has wings that he can use to fly at great speeds and leap at great distances. He recently evolved these after consuming a nest of
- Kha'Zix has spikes on his shoulders that he is capable of shooting out of his body as dangerous projectiles, serving as a form of bio-artillery and capable of exploding on contact. Kha'Zix is able to quickly regenerate these spikes after expunging them, allowing him to reuse them multiple times.
- Thanks to his Voidborn nature, Kha'Zix is able to blend in with his environment and camouflage himself. With this, he can easily sneak up and ambush any prey while being undetected.
- Regeneration: By devouring the organic material of other creatures, Kha'Zix can repair and regenerate his own body once damaged by utilizing the consumed biological material.
- Adaptive Evolution: By consuming other beings, Kha'Zix can quickly adapt and evolve by mutating his own body. He has used this ability several times already, evolving with many different biological weapons and tools he can utilize to hunt down any prey. Kha'Zix is constantly evolving however, being capable of amplifying his current mutations even further when he consumes enough material and adapts.
At some point,
as sent to bring back Kha'Zix's head as a trophy, being the only way Rengar could truly regain honor and return to his people he got exiled from. They fought from sunset to sunrise. Finally, near death, they reluctantly separated. Kha'Zix now hungers most to conquer and consume Rengar, the one beast he considers his equal.Read More
Starring Champion
Mentioned Champion
Alternate Universes
- Kha'Zix's name, according to the Kiilash, means "You Face Yourself" in ancient Shuriman, possibly referencing his ability to consume his prey and evolve based on their strengths.[2]
Change log[]
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