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Surrounded around the Shuriman Continent are several clans of Brackern, including clans in the Shuriman desert.


The Dormun are gigantic, slow-moving creatures protected with large chitinous plates covering their body. In the harsh conditions of Shurima they have evolved to survive the perpetual drought by utilizing an unknown sense to locate hidden reservoirs of water. Incidentally, certain nomadic tribes have built themselves a permanent home upon the backs of these beasts where they clean the creature and hunt any airborne pests who venture near.


Desert goats that travel in herds.


Mwatis are goatlike creatures with large plated casques on their heads. Mwati wool and plate are prised for felting and insulation.


Gigantic scarabs that roam in swarms, looking for unfortunate travelers to feed on. They seem to be common prey for Rammus Rammus.


Beside the Xer'Sai, other creatures from the Void, referred to as 'outerbeasts', can be found in the desert.

  • Xer'Sai: Creatures from the Void that plague the southern deserts. They are the size of big dogs on average, but can be smaller or much bigger. Rek'Sai Rek'Sai, as the queen, is by far the largest and most dangerous of her species. Xer'sai burst from their small burrows and ravage anything nearby, to the detriment of desert caravans. Once dead, the Xer'sai decompose at an abnormally rapid rate and become inedible.


Large and aggressive minotaur-like creatures. They are humpbacked quadrupeds with long limbs and thick horns.

Shuriman Camel[]

A breed of camels native to the deserts of Shurima and are used by caravans as well as common folk as primary mode of transportation. Despite being well-suited for lengthy travels in the desert landscape, they are still prey to a many predator such as the Xer'Sai.


Shurima Sandswimmers


Sandswimmers are massive quadrupedal creatures that traverse the Shuriman desert in cyclical patterns. They got their name due to their preferred method of travel. Their narrow bodies and webbed feet are perfectly design for swimming under the sand. They feed on bugs and other small creatures most desert beasts ignore. Scavengers will often memorize the predictable paths these creatures take, and jump onto their backs to ride as far as they wish.


The Skallashi are large quadrupedal herbivores. These hardy beasts of burden are common across Shurima, ideally suited to the harsh desert environment. Their key body feature is their long legs. Notoriously bad-tempered, they are nevertheless treated with great reverence. Their brown hides are often painted with sacred symbols of protection, and their horns hung with totems and charms. While these creatures are mostly used for travel and carrying heavy loads, on some larger skallashi people are able to built miniature rooms for more comfortable travel. To own one is often considered a sign of considerable prosperity.

Katarina Concept 01
Katarina (Universe)Katarina (Universe)
Katarina (League of Legends)Katarina (League of Legends)
Katarina (Esports)Katarina (Esports)
Katarina (Teamfight Tactics)Katarina (Teamfight Tactics)
Katarina (Legends of Runeterra)Katarina (Legends of Runeterra)
Katarina (Wild Rift)Katarina (Wild Rift)
Katarina (Development)Katarina (Development)
Katarina (Trivia)Katarina (Trivia)

Champion Relaunch: Katarina, the Sinister Blade[]

By NeeksNaman[1]

This patch, we'll be overhauling one of our classic champions: Katarina Katarina, the Sinister Blade. Although Katarina's manaless, cooldown-based abilities put a unique spin on her gameplay, she's historically faced a number of challenges in the very early game and in team fight situations. In this update, we've made a few changes to her kit aimed at addressing these difficulties, while retaining the core elements that make playing this Noxian femme fatale a fun and satisfying experience. We also gave her a complete visual upgrade, including a new model, animations and spell effects on all of her abilities!

Katarina's New Abilities

Voracity old
Champion kills or assists reduce Death Lotus Death Lotus' cooldown and refresh your basic abilities.

Bouncing Blades
Bouncing Blades
Katarina throws a dagger that bounces from enemy to enemy, dealing Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage and marking them. Striking a marked target with an ability or basic attack will consume the mark to deal additional Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage.

Sinister Steel
Sinister Steel old
Katarina whirls her daggers around her, dealing Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to all enemies in the area. If she hits an enemy champion, Katarina gains Movement Speed for a short duration.

Shunpo old
Katarina instantly moves to her target's location and takes reduced damage from enemies for a short duration. If the target is an enemy, she deals damage.

Death Lotus
Death Lotus old
Katarina becomes a flurry of blades, throwing daggers with unrivaled speed at up to three nearby champions. Daggers deal Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage and Grievous Wounds icon reduce incoming healing on targets hit.

Katarina Screenshots

The first problem that Katarina players often faced was weak performance very early on, primarily related to the steep damage curve of her core damage ability, Bouncing Blades Bouncing Blades. While Bouncing Blades Bouncing Blades scales dramatically as it levels up, early on it ricochets only a few times, dealing relatively low damage. This forces Katarina players to play conservatively early in the laning phase, encouraging passive play until Bouncing Blades Bouncing Blades can be used to harass effectively.

To address this disparity, we normalized the damage inflicted by Bouncing Blades Bouncing Blades and made it bounce the same number of times at every level of the skill. In addition, each ricochet will now select the nearest available target instead of bouncing randomly. This change should both facilitate interesting counter-play for opponents and open up new harassment opportunities for advanced Katarina players who are able to predict where their daggers are going to bounce.

In addition to her early game difficulties, Katarina's reliance on the massive damage potential of Death Lotus Death Lotus has always made her a challenging champion to balance. A fully channeled ultimate ultimate could quickly reduce a team to ashes, but a well-timed interrupt from a canny defender could quickly transform Katarina from a maelstrom of death into an easy kill. For this reason, we decided to move the healing debuff from Killer Instincts Killer Instincts onto Death Lotus Death Lotus and decrease the channel time slightly. This reigned in the overall damage numbers slightly, replacing some of this raw punishment with a bit of utility gave us the opportunity to make remainder of Katarina's kit more dangerous.

To accomplish this, we swapped Killer Instincts Killer Instincts for a spammable, area-of-effect attack that grants Katarina a brief speed boost when it lands. This new ability, dubbed Sinister Steel Sinister Steel, gives Katarina superior mobility and allows her to continue laying down damage on multiple targets during a team fight if Death Lotus Death Lotus is interrupted by a stun or knockback. For a little added kick, Bouncing Blades Bouncing Blades will now apply a debuff that is consumed to deal bonus damage when Katarina strikes the target with an attack or ability. These changes should give Katarina the extra damage she needs to play aggressively right out the gates and the flexibility necessary to keep her damage potential high once the team fights start.

2017 Season Update[]


Katarina Champion Spotlight

Kat's truly the embodiment of the phrase 'feast or famine'; crushing entire fights in a second of button mashing, or throwing limp daggers in a poor attempt to contribute from behind. This has led to a pretty tight leash for Kat's balance - while you can succeed on her, we've had to fine tune every part of her laning to ensure she can't reliably hit her penta-killing critical mass every game. 

This update seeks to remove Kat's harsh restrictions while also delivering on her lightning-speed high-skill fantasy. Armed with her new Dagger Dagger mechanic, Kat's got the flexibility to orchestrate flashy fights (or smooth getaways) in a way that both she and her opponents can engage with. This lets us ease up on a lot of the base-stat restrictions needed to artificially keep her down, given that Katarina's opponents always have a clue as to when and how she might move in for the kill.

As a result of the changes, it's important to talk about one key line below: Katarina can no longer target wards with Shunpo Shunpo. It's not a decision that was taken lightly, but a large part of Kat's update is centered around telegraphing her potential mobility to assailants. Ward-hopping breaks this at a fundamental level - giving her far too many easy outs in tense situations. Kat's all about finding the right mix of premeditation and reaction in her playmaking, so you'll have to think on your feet and use all of your tools to survive.

Katarina's Katarina's still the same whirlwind whirlwind of blades blades, but now we're adding more lightning-speed Shunpo Shunpo-shenanigans to help you get the reset reset.[2]

Whenever an enemy champion dies after being recently damaged by Katarina, her cooldowns are significantly reduced.

Bouncing Blade
Bouncing Blade

Throws a dagger, dealing Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to the target and two nearby enemies before falling onto the ground.

If Katarina picks up a dagger, she flourishes flourishes, dealing Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage in an area around her.

Tosses a dagger in the air, gaining movement speed for a short duration. After a brief delay, Katarina can pick up the dagger.

Instantly blinks to target enemy, ally, or dagger. Upon arrival, Katarina deals Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)magic damage to the nearest enemy. If Katarina targets a dagger, Shunpo's cooldown is massively reduced.

Death Lotus
Death Lotus
Become a flurry of blades, rapidly throwing knives at the three nearest enemy champions and dealing Damage mitigated with Shifting Sands (E)massive magic damage over the duration. All enemies struck receive Grievous Wounds icon Grievous Wounds, reducing their healing.


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