The Path of Champions[]
Kai'Sa is a playable champion in The Path of Champions. See more at Kai'Sa (The Path of Champions).
Champion Stars
Just a few days prior, Kai'Sa noticed her second skin bristling with new excitement, pulling her with ever-increasing vigor toward the Shuriman coast. Something was wrong, and as Kai'Sa neared Belveth, she soon realized the scale of the horror unfolding before her.
Kai'Sa worked as fast as she could. Another salvo tore through another abomination, sending it crashing to the ground. She had learned how to fight the Void long ago, but these creatures... they were different.
"I'll show you how to fight." - 5Kai'Sa
Features:Lead them beyond the stars.
- 5 new artworks
- New voiceover
- New level-up animation
- New effects for
Icathian Rain and
4 Kai'Sa's Supercharge
“Yes, I see it too, Ina. Looks like the monster’s headed towards the city center. Good thing I know just the Star Guardians to call...”
“We can do this, everyone! Remember, it is our duty to keep Valoran City safe, no matter the cost.”
“Onward, Star Guardians!” - Kai’Sa
“I will become their guiding light.” - Kai’Sa
“Withstand the darkness!” - Kai’Sa
Features:A dragon-blessed rises from the depths.
- 5 new artworks
When Kai'Sa dove headfirst into the Lagoon Dragon's depths, an overwhelming fear pulled at the edges of her mind, threatening to drown her--but she did not yield to its crushing pressure. She closed her eyes against the darkening waters, and accepted the fear as her guiding instinct.
Kai'Sa burst from the waves with the Lagoon Dragon's blessing, and with total clarity of purpose. With this newfound strength, she would fight tirelessly against the oncoming evil--and she knew beyond all doubt that her courage would never give way to fear.
“I'll show you how to fight.” - Kai’Sa
“I'm learning.” - Kai’Sa
“Hit and move!” - Kai’Sa
Icathian Rain loops through all targets while firing. When all targets are hit at least once, it will check again and repeat until no more shots are available.[1]
- If two units have the same health,
Icathian Rain checks for the weakest unit as a tie breaker.
- If a unit and the nexus have the same health, the nexus is considered the weaker unit.
- Internally, Second Skin is called Evolve.
- Kai'Sa is one of two champions whose base stats do not increase when they level up (the other being
Legends of Runeterra skin to have unique voice lines.
is the first - Kai'Sa and Star Guardian Kai'Sa are voiced by JJ Fong.
- ▶️ "Here is where we make our stand."
- ▶️ "I can almost taste it, the
- ▶️ "There's still time, there has to be."
Allied 4Evelynn present
Allied 6 Hive Herald present
- ▶️ Hive Herald: "The daughter. Returned."
- ▶️ Kai'Sa: "What... is this?!"
- ▶️ Hive Herald: "Kai... 'Sa... Good."
- ▶️ Kai'Sa: "How do you know?! What... are you?!"
Enemy 6 Hive Herald present
Allied 2 Belvethi Elder present
Allied 4 Void Blaster present
- ▶️ Void Blaster: "You ain't Belveth blood, but I ain't saying no to help."
- ▶️ Kai'Sa: "I'm gonna do what I can, but you need to run."
Sees a
Allied 4Evelynn
Allied 6 Hive Herald
Enemy 6 Hive Herald
- ▶️ Kai'Sa: "Enough! I'm taking you down!"
- ▶️ Hive Herald: "I am. Not. Precious."
- ▶️ Kai'Sa: "I could stop you. I must be able to."
- ▶️ Hive Herald: "Lies. Kai'Sa. Void."
Allied 2 Belvethi Elder
- ▶️ Kai'Sa: "It's too late! You can't stop them!"
- ▶️ Belvethi Elder: "No, but I can help save my people!"
Allied 4 Void Blaster
- ▶️ Kai'Sa: "'Nother way to fight, I'll give you that."
- ▶️ Void Blaster: "Hey, if you can't beat 'em, shoot 'em with their own crap!"
Allied 3Rek'Sai
- ▶️ "Better learn to run, Rek'Sai."
- ▶️ "The Xer'Sai have done enough here."
- ▶️ "You just get uglier every day."
Allied 2 Void Gate
Level Up[]
- ▶️ "We have something the Void will never understand... Me!"
- ▶️ "Their every move just makes. Me. Stronger!"
- ▶️ "I know what they are, I know how to destroy them."
Sees a
Spell or
Skill Resolve[]
Allied Icathian Rain
Allied 0 Second Skin
- ▶️ "I'm learning."
- ▶️ "Adapting my methods."
- ▶️ "Adding to the arsenal."
- ▶️ "The suit's a quick study."
Allied 4 Supercharge
Allied 1 Void Seeker
Attack Declared[]
Block Declared[]
Turn timer appears[]
Allied turn timer
Enemy turn timer
- ▶️ "Are you the hunter, or the prey?"
Removed from choice[]
- ▶️ "You wouldn't last a day in the Void."
- ▶️ "They'll keep retreating, and we'll keep pushing."
- ▶️ "So long, Void, see you next time."
- ▶️ "A small victory is a victory all the same. Good work."
features new basic lines. Follower interactions are the same as .
- ▶️ "The First Star wouldn't blaze so brightly without the dark."
- ▶️ "The starlight isn't a gift, it's a burden."
- ▶️ "The First Star gave me a new destiny."
Level Up[]
- ▶️ "I am one with the First Star!"
- ▶️ "Only I can burn the darkness away!"
- ▶️ "Star Guardians don't back down!"
Sees a
Spell or
Skill Resolve[]
Allied Icathian Rain
Allied 0 Second Skin
- ▶️ "Starlight transformation!"
- ▶️ "I know how to use it! I know what it can do!"
- ▶️ "I'm not afraid of change!"
Attack Declared[]
Attack Committed (Level 2)[]
Block Declared[]
Change Log[]
Kai'Sa | |
V5.1 |
V4.7 |
V3.11 |
Kai'Sa (Level 2) | |
V5.1 |
V4.7 |
V3.11 |
Kai'Sa's Supercharge | |
V3.13 |
V3.11 |
Second Skin | |
V3.13 | |
V3.11 |
Icathian Rain | |
V3.11 |